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Posted: 11/20/2008 4:43:27 AM EDT
Hope it not duped!

Nov 11, 2008 - 4:21:41 PM
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Every 18 minutes, someone in America dies from gun violence. MSNBC cameras take viewers to the streets to investigate the reality of gun crime and the dangerous work of those trying to stop it. "Al Roker Reporting: Armed in America" will premiere on Sunday, November 23 at 10 PM ET. It is the first in a series of investigative documentaries reported by "Today" anchor, Al Roker, which will air on MSNBC in the coming months.

In "Armed in America" Al Roker goes behind the scenes, teaming up with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, to find out how this federal agency is working to eliminate gun crimes in the United States. Roker discovers how firearms wind up in the wrong hands, how ATF forensic specialists match bullets to guns, and the influential role firearms plays in drug trafficking and gang violence.

David Perozzi, producer and David Kelley, executive producer, Al Roker Entertainment. Michael Rubin is vice president, long-form programming, MSNBC. Scott Hooker is senior executive producer, documentary production and development, MSNBC. Vicki Sufian is senior producer, "Al Roker Reporting: Armed in America."


Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:44:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:44:21 AM EDT
Will they show how guns actually protect innocent people from crimes?
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:45:13 AM EDT
Guaranteed 100% one sided hack job.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:46:22 AM EDT
Fucking EXACT same shit as the late 80's early 90's in prep for the AWB.


And 1 person dies every 13 minutes in car ACCIDENTS.

Fuck them
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:47:50 AM EDT
He should stick to being a weatherman and making shitty food with guest chefs.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:50:25 AM EDT
Every 18 minutes, someone in America dies from gun violence

Gee, and Hillary said that a child died every second or so. Who is right?

Every 18 minutes... that's 80 per day... 29 200 per year! That means that in a little over 28 years, ALL Americans would be dead!

Someone check my math.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:50:28 AM EDT
Hope it not duped!

Nov 11, 2008 - 4:21:41 PM
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Every 18 minutes, someone in America dies from gun violence SOMEONE INTENT ON MURDER. MSNBC cameras take viewers to the streets to investigate the reality of gun crime MURDEROUS THUGS and the dangerous work of those trying to stop it. "Al Roker Reporting: Armed in America" will premiere on Sunday, November 23 at 10 PM ET. It is the first in a series of investigative documentaries reported by "Today" anchor, Al Roker, which will air on MSNBC in the coming months.

In "Armed in America" Al Roker goes behind the scenes, teaming up with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, to find out how this federal agency is working to eliminate gun crimes GUNS in the United States. Roker discovers how firearms wind up in the wrong hands (IT IS CALLED THEFT AND COMMISION OF A CRIME), how ATF forensic specialists match bullets to guns, and the influential role firearms plays in drug trafficking and gang violence. (YOU KNOW THAT GUNS ARE NOW CAUSING DRUG TRAFFICKING AND GANGS)
David Perozzi, producer and David Kelley, executive producer, Al Roker Entertainment. Michael Rubin is vice president, long-form programming, MSNBC. Scott Hooker is senior executive producer, documentary production and development, MSNBC. Vicki Sufian is senior producer, "Al Roker Reporting: Armed in America."


HOW ABOUT GETTING RID OF CRIMINALS!!!  Guns don't CAUSE crime or criminals.  
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:52:30 AM EDT
Will they show how guns actually protect innocent people from crimes?

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:53:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:54:50 AM EDT
Get ready for the spin-off to this smash hit series, Disarmed In America.  
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:55:09 AM EDT
If they even go to a state that has CCW I'll be floored.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:56:04 AM EDT
Deje Vu to '93-94 with all the news media trying to whip up support for the AWB ban.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:56:12 AM EDT
Thanks for the heads up.

I need to DVR it so I can write a point by point rebuttal... because it's guaranteed to be complete and utter BS, especially coming form this network.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:56:16 AM EDT
it'll be fair and balanced, no doubt about it

remember, the news is a business like any other and they make more money by riling people up and freaking them out. My advice is don't watch it and don't buy the products of the companies that advertise during the broadcast.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:56:56 AM EDT
Bowling For Columbine pt 2.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:56:59 AM EDT
And so it begins...........
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:57:58 AM EDT
I expect we will see a slew of this biased crap over the next few months to 'ready' us for the upcomming bans and restrictions.

Propaganda for our new overlords
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:58:20 AM EDT
I hate the MSM, seriously I really do.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 4:58:57 AM EDT
Al's loose, triple chin kills more people than guns do. When he shakes his head violently, people around him die.  Oh.....dios mio. The carnage.  
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:00:05 AM EDT
Will they show how guns actually protect innocent people from crimes?

Yep, they sure will. You can bet on it being totally accurate and fair to both sides of the issue.

Oh, wait...it's MSNBC.

Never mind.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:04:14 AM EDT
"The wrong hands" will be "our " hands.

Count on another anti gun hatchet job.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:04:27 AM EDT
Alea iacta est
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:05:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:09:35 AM EDT
Fucking EXACT same shit as the late 80's early 90's in prep for the AWB.

exactly what I was thinking, we need to call them out on this!
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:12:35 AM EDT
Fucking asswipes in the media.

Those motherfuckers should remember their boy bill klinton rewrote ROE to include media outlets, broadcasting facilities, and employees as legitimate combatant targets in Bosnia-Serbia-Croatia.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:13:16 AM EDT
Deje Vu to '93-94 with all the news media trying to whip up support for the AWB ban.


Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:15:52 AM EDT
Focus on the tools of the criminals, not the criminals themselves. Maybe they can do a show about the cars they drive or the shoes they wear. It's definitely propaganda, the title itself implies the weapons are bad, if it was about crime or drugs it would even mention the guns. All signs point to a ban, Obamas WH selections, TV shows, and this sick feeling I have in my gut.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:16:25 AM EDT
I'm sure this will be good
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:17:26 AM EDT
This will obviously be a propaganda piece.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:19:45 AM EDT
If they even go to a state that has CCW I'll be floored.

If they even leave Manhatten of the DC Beltway it will be a miracle.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:20:09 AM EDT
Al Roker is known for serious journalism . . .
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:20:20 AM EDT
Fucking piecies of shit.

ETA: FoxNews REALLY NEEDS TO do a pro-gun piece the very next day.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:20:59 AM EDT

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:21:08 AM EDT
Guaranteed 100% one sided hack job.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:22:57 AM EDT
Lets see if I can give the cliff notes before it is aired.

1)Pistol griped long guns make it easy to spray and pray

2)Bullets fired by guns with pistol grips can penetrate tank armor

3)Hollow points are dumb-dumb bullets and have no sporting purposes but to kill people

4)Gun owners don't do a good job of locking guns up

5)Guns need to be registered and every bullet should be accounted for

6)We should be limited to the amount of guns and ammo we have

7)Police are worried that they are over gunned
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:23:15 AM EDT
The asshole has no self control, and had to get his stomach stapled in order to lose weight...

Gee, you think he's going to report rationally on this?
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:23:38 AM EDT
Every 18 minutes, someone in America dies from gun violence

Gee, and Hillary said that a child died every second or so. Who is right?

Every 18 minutes... that's 80 per day... 29 200 per year! That means that in a little over 28 years, ALL Americans would be dead!

Someone check my math.

Nope, more like 1,000 years.

There's roughly 290,000,000 people in the U.S. last I checked.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:25:38 AM EDT
Every 18 minutes, someone in America dies from gun violence

Gee, and Hillary said that a child died every second or so. Who is right?

Every 18 minutes... that's 80 per day... 29 200 per year! That means that in a little over 28 years, ALL Americans would be dead!

Someone check my math.

Nope, more like 1,000 years.

There's roughly 290,000,000 people in the U.S. last I checked.

Some food for though:

Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. About 115 people die every day in vehicle crashes in the United States –– one death every 13 minutes.

In 2003 there were 6,328,000 car accidents in the US. There were 2.9 million injuries and 42,643 people were killed in auto accidents.

In 2002, there were an estimated 6,316,000 car accidents in the USA. There were about 2.9 million injuries and 42,815 people were killed in auto accidents in 2002.

There were an estimated 6,356,000 car accidents in the US in 2000. There were about 3.2 million injuries and 41,821 people were killed in auto accidents in 2000 based on data collected by the Federal Highway Administration.

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:25:45 AM EDT
Lets see if I can give the cliff notes before it is aired.

1)Pistol griped long guns make it easy to spray and pray

2)Bullets fired by guns with pistol grips can penetrate tank armor

3)Hollow points are dumb-dumb bullets and have no sporting purposes but to kill people

4)Gun owners don't do a good job of locking guns up

5)Guns need to be registered and every bullet should be accounted for

6)We should be limited to the amount of guns and ammo we have

7)Police are worried that they are over gunned

I wouldn't be suprised if at least 7 of those ended up in the piece...  [>:/]
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:27:01 AM EDT
Ten bucks says they recycle pretty much all the old and tired VPC/Brady rhetoric, including, but not limited to, "spray firing from the hip," a "hail of bullets," and "designed to efficiently kill people."
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:28:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:31:39 AM EDT
I, for one, am pleased MSNBC is doing this.

I'm sure it will be a fair, balanced, well reasoned, thought provoking piece of investigative journalism.  And the choice of Al Roker, best known as a weatherman, is outstanding.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:31:58 AM EDT
The ATF is working to keep us safe from gun violence?

Actually they are (minus the guys at the technical branch). I know it goes against popular opinion here, but ATF agents spend most of their time making cases on criminals that are using firearms during the commision of crimes. Robbery suspects, gang members, B/E suspects where guns are stolen, etc

Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:32:46 AM EDT
So who is going to watch it.

I'm not sure if I want to elevate my blood pressure that high.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:35:20 AM EDT
Will have to see if I can watch the whole thing, before I get so mad I want to throw something.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:36:45 AM EDT
What happened to the NRA info-mercials with Chuck spewing out statistics?  gotta give me a sec (wipes tear)  - NRA hasn't been after mainstream lately, guess they put all their eggs into lobbying right now.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:37:15 AM EDT
And we're off.  The ship battery is firing to soften the beach for landing.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:38:14 AM EDT
Thanks for the heads up;guaranteed to be an "entertainment" piece given the host(i.e. emotional no fact propaganda).NBC news will then show the highlights as "news".PS 10-1 says Roker carries(remember Carl anti-gun Rowan?)
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:39:22 AM EDT
The ATF is working to keep us safe from gun violence?

Actually they are (minus the guys at the technical branch). I know it goes against popular opinion here, but ATF agents spend most of their time making cases on criminals that are using firearms during the commision of crimes. Robbery suspects, gang members, B/E suspects were guns are stolen, etc

QFT, portions of that organization may be counter-American, but much of the work they do is of practical benefit to all of us.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:43:10 AM EDT
it'll be fair and balanced, no doubt about it

remember, the news is a business like any other and they make more money by riling people up and freaking them out. My advice is don't watch it and don't buy the products of the companies that advertise during the broadcast.

How are we going to know who advertised if we don't watch it?

Honestly we should all watch it.  This is probably going to be a slickly produced roadmap to the talking points that will be coming out to support more restrictions of our rights and we should all be prepared to correct the sheeple who "saw on this show where Al Roker said normal handgun rounds can penetrate the armor of an M1A1 abrams" and then refute the standard rhetoric that will come from this.
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