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Posted: 3/27/2017 3:05:41 AM EDT
I used to know it exactly, and who said it.
One of our founding fathers as I recall.
Something along the lines of "A gentleman is not properly dressed without his pistols".
Wanted to use it in one of my comments to the legislature, disappointed I could not find it via a web search.
Pro-RKBA related comments web scrubbing in effect?
It's a pretty famous quote so should have been easy to find.
I have a cache of quotes archived but for some reason my search function would not work with it tonight.

Surely someone here knows this quote?
Link Posted: 3/27/2017 6:16:38 AM EDT
Even if the Founding Fathers coined that phrase, I wouldn't include it in my writings to this putrid, liberal, and Marxist legislature.

They won't listen to what you have to say and they will take your words out of context and use them against you.

Link Posted: 4/19/2017 5:07:12 PM EDT
Might try asking in GD.

Sure you are going to get a lot of nonsense and even more references to transvestites but you will probably get an answer.

All the questions I have asked there I have only ever had one go unanswered and not for lack of trying.

It was the name of a terribly obscure movie for the record.
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