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Posted: 6/26/2001 5:13:54 PM EDT
Are there certain products to stay away from using on parkerized or matte finished guns? I know there are but what are they?
- bricklayer
Link Posted: 6/26/2001 6:25:43 PM EDT
I am not a moderator, but this question would be best posted in the Maintenance section.

FWIW, I was told CLP was great for the parkerized steel, it also makes it darker. It takes off the paint that invaribly rubs onto my rifles at the range in the painted rifle racks at our range.

Link Posted: 6/26/2001 6:37:34 PM EDT
And, whatever you use, always put it on and buff it off with a black rag to prevent all the little fuzzies that seem to stay on the surface when you use a white rag.  [flag]
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