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Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:02:01 AM EDT
Something like this happened to me a couple of weeks ago. My kids and I were a a small noodle place and my kid go to the bathroom.  He comes out and tells me that there is a wallet hanging on a hook on the door. They ask me what we should do. Told them we had to do the right thing.

So I go into the bathroom and find the wallet and take a look at it.  Inside was a bunch of cash and credit cards.  So I take it and give it to the owner of the rest  in case that person came back looking for it.  A couple of minutes a person that was sitting behind us gets up and go to the bathroom. She came out and started taking to he owner and I see the owner pull out the wallet and give it back to her.  

When she walked past us I said to her " so that was your wallet" huh?  I do not ask or expect a reward.  A few minutes later the server came over and told us the lady paid our bill.

After wards I asked if we did the right thing and they I'd we did.  I teach my kids by example and they learned a great lesson that day
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:05:18 AM EDT

not surprising.  I'm sure a fair chunk of the population would do the same.

My daughter was about 8 at the time and they were going into some amusement park. Right there on the floor was a $20.00 bill. She picked it up and said to my wife "Look what I found!" My bride said "Give it to the ticket attendant, someone must have dropped it and will come looking for it" ... the lady in the ticket booth said "No honey, you found it, you keep it!"

Maybe that $20.00 was from some kid who was saving to get something or a kid who's mom gave him that for lunch money? My bride gave it to the L&F with a description of where she found it.

just out of curiosity, how many of you guys would have done the same? I mean, a wallet is one thing, but what about just plain money?

I once found a $20 in a parking lot on a sun morning. I looked around but the lot was empty. I checked the bldg, it was locked up. I kept the $20.

it wasn't til later that I thought what I had done was kind of silly. I mean, what're you going to do if you see someone? "hi, I just found this in the parking lot, is it yours?"
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:05:45 AM EDT
My cyanide-laced "dropped" wallet plan being executed masterfully.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:08:03 AM EDT
Something like this happened to me a couple of weeks ago. My kids and I were a a small noodle place and my kid go to the bathroom.  He comes out and tells me that there is a wallet hanging on a hook on the door. They ask me what we should do. Told them we had to do the right thing.

So I go into the bathroom and find the wallet and take a look at it.  Inside was a bunch of cash and credit cards.  So I take it and give it to the owner of the rest  in case that person came back looking for it.  A couple of minutes a person that was sitting behind us gets up and go to the bathroom. She came out and started taking to he owner and I see the owner pull out the wallet and give it back to her.  

When she walked past us I said to her " so that was your wallet" huh?  I do not ask or expect a reward.  A few minutes later the server came over and told us the lady paid our bill.

After wards I asked if we did the right thing and they I'd we did.  I teach my kids by example and they learned a great lesson that day

very cool! both your poi and the reaction. just kinda reinforces the lesson!
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:08:41 AM EDT
The 'White Knight' syndrome.

Pure nonsense.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:09:11 AM EDT
I found a wallet once, and I found a phone number and called the owner, he came to my parent's house and picked up, and said thank you.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:16:20 AM EDT
My daughter found 550.00$ dollars in money orders on the ground in a local grocery store about three months ago. She found them brought them too, asked what they were, I told her. She then asked what we should do. So we went and got the store manager and turned them in. The lesson taught to my daughter that day was invaluable to me.

Someone needs to post the Proffessor Farnsworth.jpeg
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:16:39 AM EDT
i found a wallet in the bathroom of Petco, Drivers license, credit cards , money etc. When i told the twenty something year old clerk he pats his back pocket and realized it was his.  I handed it to him and he turned around without saying anything and went back to work. ( and yes it was his wallet, it had his drivers license)
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:17:20 AM EDT
I see a couple people to avoid in the EE.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:19:36 AM EDT
I found a woman's purse in the middle of the intersection when I was a teenager.  Seems she left it on top of her car when getting gas and forgot about it, and it rolled off when she made a turn.

Opened the purse and found her drivers license, then drove the several miles straight to her house.  Pulled into her driveway just a few minutes after she did.  She was pretty happy to get it back, intact.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:20:32 AM EDT
The 'White Knight' syndrome.

Pure nonsense.

Morality is nonsense? Good to know.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:21:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:22:23 AM EDT
I once found a wallet with $2300 in it in the middle of the road. The ID in it was for a local university student. I figured it he was either dealing drugs or making book. I called the police to turn it over to them. When the officer arrived and I told him what I had found and what I wanted to do he said "Let me get this this staight. You are turning this over to me?" I said yes. He took the wallet, sort of laughed, shook his head, got in his car and drove off.

I never heard what happened after that.

interesting...found one with over 3k...at the airport...found the guy! At least yours talked. He fanned the cash, looked at me, looked at the cash again and took off.

Found a purse on a shopping cart, while returning my cart to the cage. Had to look in the purse to see if I could Id someone in the parking lot. Long story short, after looking at the dl picture I picked a caddy coming out of a handicap spot. I think the lady must have met Jesus in person, I scared her (I knocked on her car window) so bad they almost met again. We talked for a while...and I told I had to go. She told me to wait and proceeded to pull a wad of cash out of her purse. Past 100s, 50s...until she got to the 1s. She hands me $1 and thanked me ( I declined...and would have done the same no matter the amount). Based on her age I think a buck was a lot of money at some point in her life...

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:24:27 AM EDT
Let me guess............

If Obama had a half-sister on his mother's side...
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:24:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:24:53 AM EDT
Damn Yankees.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:30:38 AM EDT
Honesty: The Great "Lost Wallet" Test
Reader's Digest set out to discover just what people would do.
First in big cities and small towns around the United States, and then
in Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America,
editors of the magazine dropped temptation in the path of unsuspecting
people. We "lost" more than 1100 wallets to see just how many would be
returned. Each contained up to $50 in local currency, but also a name
and phone number so that the finder would have no trouble returning
the billfold-presuming the finder wanted to return it.

Denmark 100%
U.S. 67%
England 67%
China (Hong Kong): 30%
Mexico 21%

Why did they only do this on five continents? And what the hell is wrong with those daffy Danes?

I once lost a wallet and a kid's father brought the kid to return it to me. I gave him the $40 or so cash that was still in it as a reward. I'm sure his father's guidance lasted him longer and has been more valuable to him than the money.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:30:53 AM EDT
Damn Yankees.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:33:16 AM EDT



not surprising.  I'm sure a fair chunk of the population would do the same.

I can honestly say I wouldn't. Maybe it's because I'm late 30's now, I would have just picked it up and walked to the Customer Service desk with it. Damn I'm getting old, I even feel like I have to walk my shopping cart all the way to the collecting spot so I can go home with a clear conscience.

Though if I was younger I would have went to the strip club and made it rain.


Sadly, I would do whatever possible to NOT turn it in to a customer service desk.  People are dishonest, even when working behind a counter.  I'd search it for ID and if found, contact the owner.  If there was no ID, I guess I'd turn it in to Customer Service, but I wouldn't feel good about it, especially if there was a substantial amount of cash in it.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 8:54:38 AM EDT
Wallet is one thing . . . a small amount of cash laying around is another.

How do you prove who that $10 or $20 belonged to?

I've only found anything more than change once in my life (found a $10 under the quarter machines at a golden corral) and I gave it along with the tip I would normally give to our waitress.  I was with a group of about 100 people and I wouldn't have wished that on anyone.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:06:17 AM EDT
Something like this happened to me a couple of weeks ago. My kids and I were a a small noodle place and my kid go to the bathroom.  He comes out and tells me that there is a wallet hanging on a hook on the door. They ask me what we should do. Told them we had to do the right thing.

So I go into the bathroom and find the wallet and take a look at it.  Inside was a bunch of cash and credit cards.  So I take it and give it to the owner of the rest  in case that person came back looking for it.  A couple of minutes a person that was sitting behind us gets up and go to the bathroom. She came out and started taking to he owner and I see the owner pull out the wallet and give it back to her.  

When she walked past us I said to her " so that was your wallet" huh?  I do not ask or expect a reward.  A few minutes later the server came over and told us the lady paid our bill.

After wards I asked if we did the right thing and they I'd we did.  I teach my kids by example and they learned a great lesson that day

I went to check out at a CVS and see a couple credit cards, an insurance card and a driver's license sitting on the counter. I mention it to the clerk and he said it must be that lady's who just left. I run out to the parking lot and bring them to her. As I'm leaving, she stuffed a $20 bill into my hand. I stuffed it into a side pocket in my wallet.

Fast forward a few months; I'm out at a south Florida night club with a friend the night before he had to return to Germany from the USA. He somehow managed to leave his wallet on a table with all of his IDs in it -- he wouldn't have been able to leave without it. I go to customer service and they track it down. A hispanic bus boy had found it and brought it back. I gave him the $20 bill that the lady gave me.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:12:01 AM EDT
My father taught me and this is what I've always done

Find c ash, keep it unles you can easily determine who,it belongs to ( guy just walked out in front of,you etc)
Wallet or purse, turn it in or try and find owner.

It's the right thing to do.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:21:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:25:01 AM EDT
not surprising.  I'm sure a fair chunk of the population would do the same.

NOT me.  No way I'd have given that money to my kids -- I would have kept it to myself.  Do you have any idea how tight my wife keeps our budget?  I get read the riot act for going out to lunch!  That wallet has "PMAGS" written all over it.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:41:12 AM EDT
A buddy and I found a wallet once.  It had a couple hundred bucks in it.  So we track down the owner and return it to him.  His first words out of his mouth when my buddy handed it to him?  "If there's any money missing I'm going to kick your ass."  Yeah, he was ready to go full retard on us after we took the good time and trouble to return his wallet.  We both kindly told the guy to go fuck himself with a weed whacker and left.  The guy went to the business where we found it later and tried to get the owner to tell him who we were so he could "ask us a couple of questions".  The owner said he didn't know anything about it and was being a jerk.  You just can't be nice to some folks.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:48:49 AM EDT
Returning lost wallets encourages people to lose them.  If you lost your wallet and didn't get it back you'd make damn sure you didn't lose it again.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:51:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:54:27 AM EDT


Finders keepers, losers weepers.

uh, no.
Notice too... from a non paying member. I have no issue with people on this site who are not paying members. But when they are non paying and show the reason being freeloaders, I am not surprised


Please don't disparage posters for their membership status.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 9:59:55 AM EDT


Let me guess............
It wouldnt be a news story if your guess was correct. It would be swept under the rug.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:01:27 AM EDT

Let me guess............

Big disappointment here for the Pointy Hat crowd  

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:03:37 AM EDT
The 'White Knight' syndrome.

Pure nonsense.

you are joking right?...Right?
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:11:01 AM EDT
Anybody think the husband of the wallet dropper looks like the guy that's been in those YouTube videos recently?
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:15:33 AM EDT

not surprising.  I'm sure a fair chunk of the population would do the same.

My daughter was about 8 at the time and they were going into some amusement park. Right there on the floor was a $20.00 bill. She picked it up and said to my wife "Look what I found!" My bride said "Give it to the ticket attendant, someone must have dropped it and will come looking for it" ... the lady in the ticket booth said "No honey, you found it, you keep it!"

Maybe that $20.00 was from some kid who was saving to get something or a kid who's mom gave him that for lunch money? My bride gave it to the L&F with a description of where she found it.

IMO there's a big difference between finding a paper bill on the ground (which could belong to ANYONE and could be claimed by ANYONE), and picking-up someone's wallet.

I've found entire contents of a lawyer's purse and returned it all (CCs, cash, etc).

And I've found a $20 bill laying on the ground and NOT returned it (because I had NO idea of whom to return it to).

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:17:02 AM EDT
A buddy and I found a wallet once.  It had a couple hundred bucks in it.  So we track down the owner and return it to him.  His first words out of his mouth when my buddy handed it to him?  "If there's any money missing I'm going to kick your ass."  Yeah, he was ready to go full retard on us after we took the good time and trouble to return his wallet.  We both kindly told the guy to go fuck himself with a weed whacker and left.  The guy went to the business where we found it later and tried to get the owner to tell him who we were so he could "ask us a couple of questions".  The owner said he didn't know anything about it and was being a jerk.  You just can't be nice to some folks.

Pure faggotry there!

I'm thinking you both should've kicked HIS ass.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:19:49 AM EDT
My father taught me and this is what I've always done

Find c ash, keep it unles you can easily determine who,it belongs to ( guy just walked out in front of,you etc)
Wallet or purse, turn it in or try and find owner.

It's the right thing to do.

Zactly! Common sense really...

Seriously... if I found an unmarked bag with $18K lying on the side of the road, the LAST thing I'd do it take it and give it to the "authorities". IF I heard a news story where some poor old lady had lost her savings or something, then I find her and give it back to her. But if I give the bag full of money to someone else to find the rightful owner... their will NO doubt be more than one who shows up to claim the money.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:20:37 AM EDT
I went to check out at a CVS and see a couple credit cards, an insurance card and a driver's license sitting on the counter. I mention it to the clerk and he said it must be that lady's who just left. I run out to the parking lot and bring them to her. As I'm leaving, she stuffed a $20 bill into my hand. I stuffed it into a side pocket in my wallet.

Fast forward a few months; I'm out at a south Florida night club with a friend the night before he had to return to Germany from the USA. He somehow managed to leave his wallet on a table with all of his IDs in it -- he wouldn't have been able to leave without it. I go to customer service and they track it down. A hispanic bus boy had found it and brought it back. I gave him the $20 bill that the lady gave me.

Love it! Paying it forward right there...

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:23:29 AM EDT
Returning lost wallets encourages people to lose them.  If you lost your wallet and didn't get it back you'd make damn sure you didn't lose it again.

I'm going to go with no. Keep being classy though...

I know many people who walk around with way too much cash in their purse or wallet and I've always told them it was very stupid. Not from a theft standpoint but what if they lost their purse/wallet and they needed that cash to pay bills? Some get it, most don't.

But I've always returned things if I could -- it's what's right. The person who lost said item has way more use and need for it than I do, so why keep it? One day I was really busy minded and left my cell phone at the register at Target. I get out to my truck when some burly dude knocked on my passenger window -- freaked me out. He held up my phone and when I cracked the window he asked if it was mine. I was embarrassed. I gave him one of my business cards and told him to come by for a couple beers on me. My cell phone is my life line, without it I can't do much.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:26:36 AM EDT
BTW... I occasionally indulge the wife's enjoyment of gambling after our Saturday evening dinners at restaraunts. We stop in a small, local casino and she'll put $5-10 in a video poker or slot-style machine and have a beer.

We stopped at this one casino that we stop at from time to time and we were the only ones there. She's gambling away and notices a printed $90 wining ticket sitting in the pay-out slot. She was wringing her hands about what to do and I told her "cash that damn thing in!". It's not like letting the casino keep the payout would have been some kind of noble thing to do. Just paid her back some of the money she's lost to them over the years.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:27:41 AM EDT
so I can't tell a story well but here goes.

when I was in the navy, we were pulled into pattya thailand.

I was walking on my way out of the ship and started seeing money on the ground. a lot of it.
started picking it up as I was walking and basically came up with around 900 bucks.

The guy following me was all whoo, we can split it and have a night out. imagine what you could do with 900 bucks in thailand.

but I went back and fount the cheif master at arms and had the other guy witness I turned it all in to him incase someone came looking for it.

I figured that was someone's whole months pay and it was twice what I made at the time.

good karma as it were. turned out to be the disbursing cheifs money. he figured it was long gone. helped me out of a jam afterwards made it all good.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:33:00 AM EDT



Let me guess............

Big disappointment here for the Pointy Hat crowd  

Pointy hats went out of style decades ago old timer, these days it is all about the cue ball.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:33:17 AM EDT
My father taught me and this is what I've always done

Find c ash, keep it unles you can easily determine who,it belongs to ( guy just walked out in front of,you etc)
Wallet or purse, turn it in or try and find owner.

It's the right thing to do.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:47:39 AM EDT
I sent this to Mike Paluska who wrote the story...  he then sent my email directly to the family that lost the wallet.

"Any way to donate to the family that lost the wallet?  I hate to see someone put in a tough financial spot like that by someone who wasn't raised right (and isn't raising their own children right)."

This was the response...
(address and phone changed...)

Thank you for your desire to bless us with a donation! I pray the Lord will bless you doubly as you bless us.

Our address is:

XXX Banks Rd
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Thank you again and may God richly bless you for your kindness!!

Fearfully and Wonderfully His,
Joseph, Lillie & Josiah Smith


My question to ARFCOM is, does this seem legit?  I have never in all my life met someone that religous...  I almost feel like it's a scam...

My hope was the guy would say "We have set up a fund, here is how you donate."  Not Sure, i'll send your email along...

Anyway, i'll send them a check, but i'm I getting taken?  Either way if i send them $50, it's only like shooting 2 mags at this point...
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:50:40 AM EDT

Let me guess............

You were wrong


There's White Trash in this world too.

honey booboo
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:50:49 AM EDT
Another Obama voter leading the way in redistributing money earned by others.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 10:59:44 AM EDT
This was just a thread to out the DU invasion, right?

It appears to have worked.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 11:02:33 AM EDT
I dropped a wad of cash at the local NAPA auto store in Tunkhannock PA. Took me a couple of days to retrace my steps in my head. I called there they had it waiting for me, and they didn't know me from the next guy . Great people.  They get a lot more of my business now.
All I can say about this lady is what goes around comes around. Hope she does some time.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 11:02:48 AM EDT

not surprising.  I'm sure a fair chunk of the population would do the same.

I can honestly say I wouldn't. Maybe it's because I'm late 30's now, I would have just picked it up and walked to the Customer Service desk with it. Damn I'm getting old, I even feel like I have to walk my shopping cart all the way to the collecting spot so I can go home with a clear conscience.

Though if I was younger I would have went to the strip club and made it rain.

I would have tried to contact the owner directly.  There's no way cash will survive a stay in the lost and found.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 11:07:42 AM EDT
tell that the guy who lost it hasn't seen a few up close

I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if the seminary "Cured" his impure thoughts.

Link Posted: 1/8/2013 11:07:43 AM EDT
Found 3 wallets working as a garbage man back in the day  tracked all 3 people down they were all ecstatic to get them back. Even though they were all empty and had been stolen they all offered a reward and I declined everyone. I felt bad enough they had their money stole to begin with no point making them more in the hole.

It's amazing, some of the shit you find when you're a garbage man.
Link Posted: 1/8/2013 11:07:56 AM EDT
Never found a wallet. Found an expensive (at the time) cell phone once. Called one of the numbers on it and said I had a phone that I found in the parking lot at work that belonged to somebody they knew with this number. They got in touch with them and they picked it up the next day.
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