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Posted: 4/3/2001 7:59:36 AM EDT
With this lastest incident on top of the long string of human right abuses, spying, and copy/patent rights infringements.  I propose a boycott of all goods from China.  Thank you.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:01:17 AM EDT
take a look at some older posts why boycotting china will do no good.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:05:30 AM EDT
boycott china -go naked
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:09:39 AM EDT
Sorry Scott couldnt resist...check out Wally world or Kameapart or Targott its actually difficult to find what you need without a PRC made in china label on it and that aint the half of it...where are the parts of what you buy made...not to mention the amount of money they have in US bond market and stock market....and companies here doing business hiring US workers...we are so intertwined with China we couldnt not extracate ourselves from their influence ..how many chi com agents are in sensitive govt positions and us defense contractors  and in university research centers (thats where the real secrets are by the way).....it aint just toothbrushes and footgear anymore
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:22:53 AM EDT
Maybe so but we need to try.  This crap has got to stop.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:25:19 AM EDT
I agree with you ...a boycott is in order...fact former intel analyst just urged it
a 10% import cut asap ...keep our tourists out...encourage our business people to look elsewhere for out sourced parts etc
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:29:25 AM EDT
first big business will never boycott as long as there's cheap labor & material.

second big business is multi-national so there really ain't a country loyality to anyone
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:30:21 AM EDT
Might as well. We already know the recipe for General Tso's chicken.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:33:37 AM EDT
NYShooter, big business loves China for the cheap labor and the fact that they can do what they want.  But if they can't sell what they make there thay to will get the message and pass it along to the chicoms.  Money talks.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:34:10 AM EDT
We are a nation of consumers. And if you think I'm giving up comsuming Egg Foo Yung, Beef Lo Mein, Pork Fried Rice and Tsingtsao beer.....You clazy!

When (I can't remember his first name) Belenko defected to Japan with a Mig 25 in 1975 the US was very happy to return it, in crates, after it had been thoroughly disassembled, photograped and gone over by military and civilian techs. We kept it, even though it was "stolen" from the USSR. And this was during the height of the Cold War!

Why is this a surprise that the Chinese have elected to board the EP-3E. No amount political posturing is going to get it back until the Chinese are good and ready to give it back. It sucks but it's no surprise. Bush has trumpeted his "Get tough" with China policy, now it's time to put up or shut up. Maybe he'll publically back out of this policy like he backed out of his promised enviromental policies.

A golden opportunity has landed in the Chinese's laps. They'd be fools not to exploit it. Honestly, we'd do the same. We'd keep their plane and make great offers to the specialists on the plane(i.e. the technicians and cryptologists)if they wanted to defect! When the chance arose to get our hands on Soviet equipment the crews were always isolated and diplomatic contact was never allowed immediately.

It's only fair
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:38:45 AM EDT
NYShooter, big business loves China for the cheap labor and the fact that they can do what they want.  But if they can't sell what they make there thay to will get the message and pass it along to the chicoms.  Money talks.

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you are so right but SORRY today's U.S. consumers realy don't give a shit about politics & boycotts. they want what they want & for as cheap as possible.  why do you think unions went to shit in this country
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:00:01 AM EDT
NYShooter, there is some truth in what you are saying, but I feel a stand has to be made.  And if even one more person joins this boycott then that is something.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one foot step- Chinese proverb.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:09:35 AM EDT
NYShooter, there is some truth in what you are saying, but I feel a stand has to be made.  And if even one more person joins this boycott then that is something.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one foot step- Chinese proverb.

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but not everyone is of strong mind & character as you young grasshoper!
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:11:37 AM EDT
Then they darn well should be.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:13:35 AM EDT
What is the recipe for General Tso's chicken?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:27:19 AM EDT
NYShooter, there is some truth in what you are saying, but I feel a stand has to be made.  And if even one more person joins this boycott then that is something.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one foot step- Chinese proverb.

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Doesn't that proverb violate your own boycott? [:D]

I agree with you in principle, but because the way business works today, with parts coming form all over the place, there is really no way to boycott any country.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:33:38 AM EDT
We can boycott any product that says made in China.  That will start to send that message.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:43:05 AM EDT
I have been boycotting China for several years now! With the other labor markets opening up...Vietnam, Phillipines, etc. you can find stuff made elsewhere. It has been difficult but I feel it is worth it.
Consumers want it cheap? Explain the $80+ for a pair of "cheap" Chinese made Nike's that only last a couple of months! I have been wearing Nike's for 20+ years and Exclusively for 15+ years and I have stopped buying them because they were all made in PRC.
Good luck with the boycott.
Lynn   [uzi]
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:44:40 AM EDT
Thanks, I wish us all luck.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:46:56 AM EDT
If you boycott Chinese made goods, it will put Walmart out of business.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:06:02 AM EDT
That is their problem not mine.  Lie down with dogs get up with flees.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:09:03 AM EDT
That is their problem not mine.  Lie down with dogs get up with flees.

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but am alergic to cats
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 10:23:11 AM EDT
I've personally been boycotting products which as either made entirely or mostly in China.

It may be impossible to avoid everything but I avoid what I can.

I've never liked them having "most favored trade" status as they don't share the same beliefs about personal freedoms as I do.

The Chineese government would have to make major changes before I support them with my dollars.

I do think it is important that everyone rembers that its the government not the people of China who are corrupt and morally bankrupt.

They would happily bury millions of their subjects to further their agenda.

Don't get me wrong, no government is perfect but there are some where the people have no say so.

my two cents.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:35:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 11:35:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:35:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 12:36:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:12:28 PM EDT
I haven't bought their crummy merchandise for a couple of years now.  I don't think it has exactly brought the PRC to its knees, but I am doing what I can.  It costs more money to buy non-Chinese, but you often get a product that doesn't fall apart in six weeks like most of their stuff does.

I just can't believe the extent of stuff they export to the U.S.  Whatever happened to the people who *used* to make the stuff that now comes from the PRC?
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 2:22:27 PM EDT
They've been on my boycott list for 5 years. I guess I was ahead of my time.
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 4:11:30 PM EDT
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