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Posted: 2/20/2001 10:28:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:31:18 AM EDT
How about tracking them, and posting their real names on whatever they posted?
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:34:26 AM EDT
Maintain a "Troll List" that only Moderators can post to, but that the rest of us get "read only" access to.

that, and make me a "member" or a "senior member" or what the heck ever so I don't look like a Johnny-come-lately troll   [:D] heck, i was just a little short of 1K posts on the "old" board
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:38:20 AM EDT
I would like to see trolls outed and put their ISP, Name on their posts so that we may respond.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:41:21 AM EDT
IP's traced, data published on this board..

Or burn em at the stake...[:)]

Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:43:59 AM EDT
I say kick em out. What purpose do they serve here? They are obviously people who wont listen to reason, so there is not point even arguing with them. The dont car eabout our Second Amendment, so why should we care about their First.

Put a muzzle on the sons-a-bitches!

Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:49:59 AM EDT
Who has been id'd as Trolls?

I think that I have seen one or two, but I am not sure...
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:51:34 AM EDT
Let them give us something to sharpen our debate skills against.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:54:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:56:10 AM EDT
I am opposed to any form of censorship of free speech. However this is NOT a political forum but one for AR15 enthusiasts. Just as we have no business advocating firearm ownership on a message board for those studying Native American culture, "others" really have no business here. In addition the Second Amendment, like the first, is NOT subject to debate or interpretation. This will not exclude anyone for the wrong reasons. ProGun Democrats are here and have always been welcomed by ALL members.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:56:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:58:22 AM EDT
I say kick em out. What purpose do they serve here? They are obviously people who wont listen to reason, so there is not point even arguing with them. The dont car eabout our Second Amendment, so why should we care about their First.

Put a muzzle on the sons-a-bitches!
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I was tempted to say the same thing, but I had the "DemocraticUnderground.com" site pull that crap on me. I joined their forum, posted ONE thread about what my firearms meant to me (generically, a US historical perspective) and they pulled my access, and deactivatd my password.

Essentially, they said that since I don't regirgitate their crap, they were going to censor and silence me, so that there membership would NOT have to defend their illogical views.

Are we so incapable of defending our POV that we must silence the competition??? Can't we defend what we beleive??? Folks, we hold the trump card - truth. THEY are automatically on the defesive, defending theh indefensible.

Let 'em come, I say. Mark them well, but let them have their say. Let them make fools of themselves. Encourage free and open debate. Maybe you'll convince them- maybe you won't. But you WILL have gained practice at defending the Second Amendment, you WILL have learned their tactics, you WILL have gained insight into knocking down their arguments.

You NEVER win the battle by running to safety.
Engage the enemy.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 10:59:03 AM EDT
I think that they become known so quickly as they start causing problems that they are self correcting. I would like them listed in a moderator only list ... could be amusing.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:16:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:19:05 AM EDT
"Waste the Mother Fvcker$"  [frag] [heavy]  [rocket]
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:20:45 AM EDT
Skin them alive and eat them raw?
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:24:01 AM EDT
How do you reasonably identify a "troll"?

I agree that they are unwelcome here, but then again a witch-hunt could get kinda ugly.

There should be some protocol for dealing with them, but lets not get too hasty until we can arrive at a solution that will deal with them, and ONLY them.

We do have members that occasionally "stir the pot" with off the cuff comments, but I don't think that makes them trolls.

I say we can handle them through member control and observation, but if it gets bad, I think admin should get involved.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:25:49 AM EDT
send them to a corner by themselves, with a pointy hat on.
Or dont respond.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:25:54 AM EDT
Skin them alive and eat them raw?
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Nope...They most probably have worms, or some other nasty diseases.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:27:01 AM EDT
Draw and Quarter the bastards [chainsawkill]

or post their information for a good ol' spam attack [:d]
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:32:37 AM EDT
We should find out what board they frequent and...

"Waste the Mother Fvcker$"  [frag] [heavy]  [rocket]
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garandman, you have to earn senior member.[:D]
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:32:47 AM EDT
I say DNFTFT or tie them up & leave them on the ground.........................................

[size=6][red]FOR ME TO POOP ON[/red][/size=6]

Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:49:01 AM EDT
The general forum is an open to all any subject board. Trolls will post to stir the pot and attempt to solicit replys that make us sound like we're as rabid as they wish we were.  Responding in a rabid manner does two things: feeds thier posting desire and lets all the other people (lurkers maybe) feel that maybe we are bloodthirsty killers just looking for a reason to use a firearm. There are times to be politically active and times to be politically correct.  Being insulting (even to the antis) is neither.

I've found that the best way to get under the skin of someone you dislike is to say a nice hello in the morning.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 11:56:11 AM EDT
I've found that the best way to get under the skin of someone you dislike is to say a nice hello in the morning.
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Ahh, yes -  kill 'zem vith kindness.  [:D]

Or Biblically, "a soft answer turneth away wrath."

FOxtrot makes a good point - they come here to "bag" us - that is, to get us to sound like part of the lunatic fringe. To use another Biblical phrase, we must be "above reproach" when addressing these Commie marxist crossdressers (ooops - that slipped  [:D] ) -

Be kind, be polite, be informed, be dispassionate, and let them hang themselves with their own stupidity, and drown in their OWN vomit.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:01:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:07:20 PM EDT
id still rather skin them...but don;t eat them.  Im told Trolls have worms.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:17:00 PM EDT
Post the troll usernames so we will know which topic/threads to avoid. I hate wasting time on what can seem like a good topic subject title to only find out the trolls/kids are at it again.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:23:34 PM EDT
MMFis a Troll for sure;)
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:27:27 PM EDT
I haven't seen any torlls on this board yet, but I don't read every single post either.

As for any that come along, make them less than anonymous.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:41:53 PM EDT
Hangings too good for them, they ought to be ripped into tiny little pieces... I'll do it myself.

Posting an IP isn't going to do squat for someone who uses dial up access. Their IP address is assigned only for the length of the session. Unless they violate the ISP's user policy they're not going to give up their customer's name.

Not feeding the trolls is the best way for to handle them. After all they're simply trying to stir the pot and get a reaction, giving it to them simply brings them back for more. If they don't have an audience they'll go back to AK47.com.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:46:50 PM EDT
Maybe the kindness part only applies to our forum.  How about someone posting a list of some of the 'anti' forums.  I promise that I will just look.  I will not become a troll. I will not become a troll. I will not become a troll.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 12:58:54 PM EDT
1. Warn them the first offense. [V]
2. Lock the post on the second offense. Trace and post their info. [}:(]
3. Rail thier @ss. [rail]

[-!-!-] the Trolls.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 1:01:30 PM EDT
BURN 'EM! That is the only way to kill a troll. If you let them live, they multiply.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 1:03:09 PM EDT
Hangings too good for them, they ought to be ripped into tiny little pieces... I'll do it myself.
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Steeerrnnn... He's nothin' but a low down, dirty dealing, back stabbing, larcenist, perverted, worm. Hangin's to good for him. Burnin's to good for him. He should be torn in to little bittsie pieces and buried alive!
- Hanover Fist
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 1:11:48 PM EDT
i agree with steyraug and grandman. by all means let them into the public discussion forum. excersise first amendment rights. we are right to defend our second amendment. it is also their second amendment too even though they dont care about it. there is always hope that something could be said to turn them away from collectivist thought. what if they were your brother or sister, mother or father?
our cause cannot be helped by hatred and fear. these are the tool of the enemy! if what we are doing is right, then we do not need these tools. division among the people is a statist tactic. racial hatred, class warefare, disinformation are example of the tools of tyrants. do not use these tool's or you will become one of "them"
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 1:43:21 PM EDT
I've never understood why anyone is compelled to respond to them.

If you just ignore them and do not respond to their posts they will go somewhere else. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Link Posted: 2/20/2001 2:02:16 PM EDT
Kick em off,

but be careful.

Often, when someone comes on with strong opinoins, they are labled a "troll" (This has happened to me every time I have became a new member on a board) just because they are new, and outspoken.

I believe that a TOTALLY clear definition should be posted by a site administrator of exactly what this site considers to be a troll.

When a user is found to be "trolling", the Admin. or Mod. should post a notice to AR15.com users that this member is to be ignored. Should they re-incarnate under a different name, the mod can check to see if IP's match with the trolls previous name. Again, the newly named troll will be "outed" by the moderators, and placed on a strict ignore by the moderators.


you could open a "McUZI's Troll Forum" where trolling is permitted.

Link Posted: 2/20/2001 3:20:10 PM EDT
Ignorance follows ignorance perhaps.

If you follow through with the troll and reply with whatever kneejerk reaction you have fed the troller.

Ingnore the idiot when you see the obvious crap.

Any game becomes tiresome to the instigator when he returns to his game after a bit and finds nobody is playing along.

He will attempt to play against himself for a time to confuse the reading public.

I would say that the profile section of this board be a mandatory email address that is VERIFIABLE as a static email addy as well as a moderator visible ISP address for EVERY post.

I too had a better position on the old board and now am slowly regaining to member status I once enjoyed.


Link Posted: 2/20/2001 3:30:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 3:31:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 3:47:15 PM EDT
Has anybody suggested that trolls have their member status changed to reflect their pathetic existance?

Instead of "junior member" or "member" why not just change it to "troll" or "worthless idiot"

Combined with removing the ability for anybody to respond to anything they post and making it so that only moderators can poke and make fun of them, I think that would be pretty "kickass".

And then if they start resorting to flooding just kick them from the board permanently after taking steps against their ISP.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 4:11:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 4:37:29 PM EDT
I've heard they taste like chicken. :D
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 5:29:11 PM EDT
How do you reasonably identify a "troll"?

I agree that they are unwelcome here, but then again a witch-hunt could get kinda ugly.

There should be some protocol for dealing with them, but lets not get too hasty until we can arrive at a solution that will deal with them, and ONLY them.

We do have members that occasionally "stir the pot" with off the cuff comments, but I don't think that makes them trolls.

I say we can handle them through member control and observation, but if it gets bad, I think admin should get involved.
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In addition, if a troll is TRULY identified, they should get the word "TROLL" in the place where it says "Junior Member, Member, Senior Mmeber". That way, they're easier to spot.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 5:59:36 PM EDT

Ed Sr. and Kuiper.  If Ed Jr. and Goatboy would like I have some great software that my company uses to trace money transactions, to make sure nobody has intercepted the email through tapping.  I have been using it lately on my web site. I used it recently to help KUIPER trace his problem child to the mans OFFICE he works at.  This IS NOT your free stuff you get off the web in tracking IP or ISP addresses, they only give you the ISP company. We spent $1,700. on this, and boy does it work. I can trace the person to their nearest cable modem linkup, their dial up location or even the HARDER TV setups, it also records the times they are on and can let you know when they are using their connection to the internet.  Majority of your true trolls are smarter then most think, I call them PRO-TROLLS, they post in the morning and read the reacts when the get home from their "professional office jobs" hint hint.  They also use software programs that scrabble their ISP connections.  The program I have can still finger them.  Your other kind of trolls are the ones who have either got a gripe or just wanting to get a rise out of somebody or other.

Your PRO-trolls have a few tricks I have found out, they WILL NOT USE THE SAME IP or DNS route from the first time they post, while the other trolls, makes alot of mistakes and can be caught immediately.  I have a list of TROLLS from our web site with all their ISP's, IP's, Proxy conrout and DNS routes.

So if you have a really PROBLEM CHILD let me know and I will ask you for the info I need on him or her.  Believe it or not the PRO-TROlls are mostly WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I believe anti-gun.  I traced two of them to their headqtrs, called them up and one that answered was one of the women who had been online, I asked her some questions, in which she answered.  Then I lowered the boom on her and she confessed and said she wouldn't do it any more to OUR site.  I explained that IF I ever had another complaint on her IP I would have no choice but to submit a formal complaint to her ISP and to the FEDs. She was shocked and kept asking how I found her and IF I was A FED.. hehe

Well botom line you guys have my help when needed.

DavidT / DTHOR
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 6:17:57 PM EDT
I would suggest letting them post their opinion as they are entitled to it. If we don't feed them they will leave. I would be concerned that they will flame these forums all over the net -anti boards especially if we ban then for expressing their views. Now if the thread deteriorates into something unacceptable or is a personal attack on someone then ban them and post their name,IP address,etc,etc and quote the thread that got them banned
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I like this idea.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 6:52:26 PM EDT
who would define TROLL ? (or who decides which book to burn?) censorship is not acceptable! do not lower yourself to thier level. ignore them, act better than them. i like the 2nd ammd because it insures the 1st. we do not like the restrictions put on us via anti gun laws, do not put restrictions on speech here.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 7:17:04 PM EDT
who would define TROLL ? (or who decides which book to burn?) censorship is not acceptable! do not lower yourself to thier level. ignore them, act better than them. i like the 2nd ammd because it insures the 1st. we do not like the restrictions put on us via anti gun laws, do not put restrictions on speech here.
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Good point.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 7:20:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 7:31:45 PM EDT
bury 'em to the neck and let the ants get 'em.

In all seriousness, the moderators could just cancel any posts that exhibit troll like behavior, after all it's a private board and the owner is free to police his own house. Give the poster two chances and then delete their username & pw and be done with 'em.
My 2c.
Link Posted: 2/20/2001 7:46:58 PM EDT
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