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Link Posted: 9/4/2008 4:52:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2008 4:53:09 AM EDT

In before the JBT Defenders.

Hey you are a putz! , much like this ex trooper that tarnished the profession I hold near and dear.
    fixed it
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:53:51 AM EDT
if your married and divorced 4 times something is wrong with you, i mean after the third divorce you should no marriage is just not for u.

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 11:39:37 AM EDT
Trooper's union files an ethics complaint against Palin.

[email protected]
Published: September 5th, 2008 02:00 AM
Last Modified: September 5th, 2008 08:02 AM

The union representing state Trooper Mike Wooten has filed an ethics complaint against Gov. Sarah Palin and members of her administration charging a possible unlawful breach of Wooten's confidential personnel and workers'
It's the latest twist in what has become the subject of global media scrutiny -- whether Palin, the newly minted Republican vice presidential candidate, abused her powers as governor to try to drive her former brother-in-law out of the trooper ranks.

Palin and her family have accused Wooten, who was involved in a messy divorce with the governor's sister, of a variety of misdeeds such as threatening her family and drinking while driving his patrol car. Palin insists she didn't use the trooper's continued employment as an excuse to fire a member of her cabinet, Walt Monegan, who supervised the troopers as commissioner of public safety.

Interest in what has become known as "troopergate" is attracting huge attention because of Palin's rocketing political fortunes.

John Cyr, executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association, said Thursday a British media organization has offered Wooten $30,000 for an interview.

"Mike Wooten is not accepting those offers," Cyr said.

But Wooten did an interview Thursday for CNN television anchor Anderson Cooper for a story to air soon, and that's the only interview Wooten plans to do, Cyr said.

The union this week lodged an ethics complaint with the attorney general's office asking for an investigation into whether Palin or her aides tapped Wooten's confidential personnel and workers' compensation files and disclosed information in an effort to jeopardize Wooten's job.

The complaint focuses on Palin aide Frank Bailey, who in February called a trooper commander on a recorded phone line and said the governor and her husband, Todd, were wondering why Wooten was "still representing the department."

On the recording, Bailey makes reference to Wooten "lying on his application," and also possibly making a false workers' compensation claim.

The trooper commander, Lt. Rodney Dial, replied to Bailey: "Frank, where did you get that information from?" Dial added that such information "a lot of times is extremely confidential."

Bailey replied: "Well, I'm a little bit reluctant to say ... ."

Palin has said Bailey's phone call was wrong and that he wasn't directed to make it. She has suspended Bailey with pay.

Thomas Van Flein, an Anchorage attorney representing the governor, said Thursday he couldn't discuss or even acknowledge a new ethics complaint.

However, he provided two documents that were produced to support the governor's own request earlier this week for a state Personnel Board investigation into the Wooten affair.

The documents are depositions that Van Flein's law firm conducted with Bailey and with another state official, Mike Monagle, who supervises workers' comp cases. Both denied they improperly accessed Wooten's files at the behest of the governor's office.

"I have never seen a workers' comp file, I have never seen a personnel file, I have never seen an employment hiring file on Trooper Wooten," Bailey said, according to the deposition.

As to the source of what he told Dial about Wooten, Bailey said: "I was basing it on candid conversations I had had with Todd regarding Trooper Wooten."

The Alaska Legislature has hired an investigator to look into troopergate and Palin's dismissal of Monegan. Although Palin said repeatedly she intended to cooperate with that investigation, she's shown resistance in recent days and a standoff seems to be building between two branches of government -- the governor's office and the Legislature.

"The governor's done nothing wrong in any of this," Van Flein said.

But Cyr said Wooten has been maligned as a trooper and he's suffering for it.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 11:41:29 AM EDT
Coghill says French should quit 'Troopergate' oversight

By WESLEY LOY | [email protected]
Published: September 5th, 2008 11:18 AM
Last Modified: September 5th, 2008 11:18 AM

Rep. John Coghill, R-North Pole, today released a letter criticizing statements French purportedly made in media interviews.

Coghill said French remarked that a forthcoming legislative investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her former public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, is "likely to be damaging to the administration" and has twice suggested the governor faces potential impeachment.

"These statements cause me to think that the report is already written even though the investigation is only just begun and the most important witnesses have not even been interviewed," Coghill's letter says. "The investigation appears to be lacking in fairness, neutrality and due process."

Coghill wrote the letter to Sen. Kim Elton, D-Juneau, who chairs the bipartisan legislative panel that hired independent investigator Steve Branchflower and designated French as "project director" for the investigation. Coghill is a member of the panel, known as the Legislative Council.

Branchflower is examining whether Palin dismissed Monegan for failure to fire a state trooper involved in a messy divorce with Palin's sister.

A call to French for comment was not immediately returned.

Coghill said French, in an interview carried on ABCNews.com, said the report would be an "October surprise" for the Palin administration.

"Sen. French's public statements regarding 'October surprises,' his indication that the report's conclusion has already been written, and his comments implying that he has undisclosed information that would make the governor unfit to be the nominee for vice president of the United States all are direct contrast with the goals of professionalism, lack of bias, and an apolitical investigation," Coghill's letter says.

Coghill said he no longer has confidence in French managing Branchflower and the legislative investigation.

Coghill is a ranking member of the state House, serving as chairman of the powerful Rules Committee.

French chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 11:46:24 AM EDT
If anyone is so inclined an email to Sen. John Coghill in support of his stance against Hollis French is a good idea.  Sen. Coghill's webpage is www.akrepublicans.org/coghill/index.php

Hollis French is a Democrat who is trying to use this situation to further his career.  When he was running for office he claimed on his resume to be a US Marine......when it was later figured out that he was in USMC ROTC and nothing more.

He should NOT be overseeing this investigation.

Hollis French

Link Posted: 9/5/2008 11:57:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 5:18:26 PM EDT
Hollis French was just interviewed on 650 KENI and admitted he said many things that he should have not said to the national media.  HOWEVER, he refuses to resign as oversight chair of this investigation.  He stated if the legislature wants to replace him then that's up to them.

John Coghill was also interviewed and he hit this HARD.  He said all anyone wants is the unbiased truth & he is correct.
Link Posted: 9/5/2008 10:59:22 PM EDT
CNN just interviewed the BIL.  He admitted most (not the threat part).  Reporter even talked about his multiple marriges.  Dude came off as a real POS.  Even the reporter and Andrerson Cooper were like WTF?  Why did he want an interview??
I was surprised CNN aired it. Gave strength to the cause of Palin.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:26:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:44:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 2:00:38 PM EDT
Along with the Wooten interview, am emailing the list of accusations (and findings) of ALL the Palin rumors to everyone I know. Call it "Palin Rumor Control"

Feel free to copy & distribute:

Seems the crazies are busy sending out emails with all sorts of wild stories about Sarah Palin. Such is the nature of politics today (sadly) - sling mud and ignore substance.

For what it's worth, here is the current list of rumors, and whether they have substance or not, it's updated regularly as new accusations emerge and are debunked:

http://explorations.chasrmartin.com/ <<< This has links to verifications listed below.

Palin Rumors
Cripes, this has gotten ridiculous. Folks, look, let’s just run through a list here. (Updated.)

1. Yes, she is Governor of Alaska. No, she’s not the Lieutenant Governor. No, she’s not currently Mayor of Wasilla. Yes, she was Mayor of Wasilla, some years ago.
2. Yes, there are people in Alaska who think she’s too liberal.
3. Yes, she did push for and approve the Wasilla Sports Center. Yes, it did cost a lot of money. (People keep saying $20 million, that article says $14.5 million, but then they also added a $1.2 million dollar food service/kitchen piece. This year, since Palin was out of office as Mayor.) Yes, the city went into debt to do it (how did you buy your house, bunkie?) and raised the city sales tax from 2 percent to 2.5 percent to pay for it. Yes, the city is paying it off early.
4. Yes, she did want authority to have wolves culled from the air, because they were taking too many moose and caribou. Which people hunt for food in the back country in Alaska. No, she isn’t shooting them herself. I mean, not that she couldn’t, but I’m sure she doesn’t have time. (Thanks to bluemerlin in the comments.)
5. No, the Downs baby (Trig) isn’t Bristol’s kid, and no, the kid wasn’t born with Downs because (a) Palin flew on an airplane (b) went home to have the baby after an amniotic leak (c) because he was the result of incest between Todd Palin and Bristol.
6. No, Track (the kid who is leaving for Iraq) didn’t join the NG because he was a drug addict. He may have joined the NG because he was tired of people saying his Mom was getting him into the good hockey leagues. (Yes, that one was original reporting. I’ve got sources in Wasilla.)
7. No, she’s never been in any porn as far as anyone can find (and God knows I get enough google hits on those very topics.)
8. No, no one seems to be able to even find swimsuit pictures of her from her beauty queen days; God knows I looked. The bikini pictures that are around are photoshopped, just like the Vogue cover I have up.
9. No she wasn’t a member of the (wild-eyed libertarian) Alaska independence Party, although her husband once was
10. No, neither the (Canadian) National Post, nor Marc Armbinder at the Atlantic have troubled themselves to issue a correction. Yes, the New York Times did finally correct their story of September 1 — on September 5. This was after Elizabeth Bumiller was quoted by Howard Kurtz as saying she was “completely confident about the story.” Yes, that was after the New York Times’s source retracted the story. Yes, this should embarrass the Times, Bumiller, and Howard Kurtz. No, there have been no signs of embarrassment.
11. No, she was never a Pat Buchanan supporter; even when Buchanan claims she was, she was on the board of Steve Forbes’ campaign in Alaska.
12. No, she’s not anti-semitic. In fact, she has an Israeli flag in her office. (Contrary to popular belief, the usual Evangelical thinks Israel has a right to exist, granted by God.)
13. No, she’s doesn’t believe that the Iraq War was directed by God. Yes, she did pray that proceeding with the war was God’s will. (Ever hear the phrase “Not my will, but Thine, be done”?)
14. No, Buchanan doesn’t support her now; in fact he’s supporting Obama. (Buchanan did think her speech was amazing, but then so do 80 percent of the people who saw it.) Or maybe not. Buchanan sure doesn’t like McCain though.
15. yes, she was pregnant when she got married
16. No, so far there’s no confirmation she had an affair while she was married, and they’ve denied it pretty strongly. No, she wouldn’t be the first Christian woman who got a little on the side, if it were true.
17. No, she wasn’t named as a co-respondent in a divorce; there’s no evidence she had an affair with her husbands’ business partner. The partner tried to have his divorce records sealed because he was being harrassed by journalists who used them to get his phone number.
18. Yes, barring immaculate conception virgin birth (whatever), Bristol appears to have had sex with her fiancee. No, Bristol didn’t receive only “abstinence-only” sex ed.
19. Yes, I have it on reliable report that Sarah Levi’s mom has been heard screaming “Way to go Levi!” at her future son-in-law son. No, it doesn’t appear to have been when Bristol broke the news to her family.
20. Note: I originally understood this story to be about Sarah, not Levi’s mom, in the context of hockey games. As such, it’s shouldn’t be in a Sarah Palin Rumors story, but I like the story too much to delete it.
21. yes, her 17 year old daughter is pregnant; no, the baby’s father is not an eighth grader; no, having sex at 16 is not statutory rape in Alaska
22. yes, she did fire the public safety guy — but he said in the Anchorage paper that, for the record, she never, and no one else in her administration ever, tried to make him fire her ex-brother-in-law
23. and yes, the state trooper (her sister’s ex-husband) she was worried about did: tase her 10 year old nephew; drive his state patrol car while drinking or drunk; did threaten to “bring her down”; and did threaten to murder her father and sister if they dared to get an attorney to help with the divorce.
24. yes, the state trooper was suspended when he was put under a court protective order
25. no, the trooper wasn’t fired
26. yes, she did fire the Wasilla Chief of Police as Mayor; yes, it was because he was lying to the City Council.
27. Yes, she did try to cut her own salary as Mayor by $4000 a year; yes, she had voted against the $4000 a year raise while on the City Council.
28. No, she didn’t cut funding for unwed mothers; yes, she did increase it by “only” 354 percent instead of 454 percent, as part of a multi-year capital expenditures program. No, the Washington Post doesn’t appear to have corrected their story. Even after this was pointed out in the comments on the story.
29. No, she didn’t cut special needs student funding; yes, she did raise it by “only” 175 percent.
30. yes, she did try, clearly unsuccessfully, to get Bristol married off to her fiancee before the story came out
31. yes, she did ask the librarian if some books could be withdrawn because of being offensive; no, they couldn’t; yes she did threaten to fire the librarian a month later; no, that wasn’t over the books thing but instead over administrative issues; no, the librarian wasn’t fired either; yes, the librarian was a big supporter of one of her political opponents; yes, the librarian was also the girlfriend of the Chief of police mentioned above; no, this is not the first time in the history of civilization that someone has been threatened with being fired over a political dispute
32. No the list of books she wanted to ban that’s being passed around isn’t real; among other things, it includes a number of books published after her time in office there.
33. No, that hasn’t actually deterred people from claiming it really is true even if the list isn’t correct. For example:
34. “This list might not in fact reflect the books Sarah Palin wanted banned. As more than one person in Comments has pointed out, some of them were not published when Palin was in office. It is my hope that the mainstream media will not let this story drop and that at some point an actual list will surface. The very thought of having someone who once advocated book-banning possibly occupying one of the highest offices of our land fills me with profound dread. It should fill you with dread too.”
35. No, I don’t understand why a fake list is supposed to fill me with dread, either.
36. no, it wasn’t a shotgun wedding; Bristol and Levi been engaged for a good while according to his mother. It was either an accident or just an unconventional order.
37. yes, she’s an was an Assembly of God Holy Roller. No, she doesn’t attend an AoG church now. Yes, she did leave the AoG because they were getting too weird for her.
38. No, she’s not anti-Mormon. No, not all AoG churches are anti-Mormon. (AoG is even more hard-core about allowing each pastor and congregation to make their own decisions than the Baptists are.) (Thanks to AnonAmom in the comments.)
39. No, she’s not from another planet. No, I haven’t actually heard that one yet, but you wait.
40. yes, she apparently believes in some variant of Intelligent Design
41. no, she didn’t try to force the schools to teach it; she said if someone brought it up, it was an appropriate subject for debate.
42. No, she doesn’t believe in “abstinence only” education. Yes, she thinks abstinence is an effective way of preventing pregnancy. Duh. Yes, she believes kids should learn about condom use in schools.
43. yes, she kills animals and eats them, and wears their skins
44. yes, she was a beauty contest contestant
45. yes, she was once a sportscaster
46. yes, she has a college degree in Journalism, but I won’t hold that against her, as she seems to have found honest work as well
47. yes, she sometimes wears her hair up; no that’s not a “beehive”
48. yes, her husband is Not A White Person (he’s a Yup’ik; an Eskimo but not an Inuit as my Inuit cousins have taken some pains to explain)
49. yes, she has on occasion tried to get money from the federal government.
50. yes, she did finally turn down the money for the bridge. Yes, that meant changing her mind about it.
51. yes, she was vetted extensively, not just in three days — I’ve got links to press reports about people coming to Wassila on 29 May, and we had her on our Veepstakes at PJM from the first day we ran it.
52. yes, she want to a bunch of colleges before getting a degree. No, that’s not illegal. Yes, she seems to have made something of herself anyway.
53. no, they didn’t talk to a lot of the R’s power structure during the vetting; that probably has to do with the fact that she beat them in elections and sent a bunch of them to jail.
54. Yes, Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech was written by a speechwriter. Duh. No, none of Obama’s, McCain’s, nor Biden’s speeches were impromptu off the cuff things either.
55. Yes, she did put the Governors plane on eBay. No, that’s not how it was finally sold. Yes, McCain did say it wrong. Bad McCain.
56. No, Sarah Palin doesn’t have such control of Alaskans that people are afraid to say bad things about her. (What, are you nuts? Look at this list.) No, I don’t think it’s likely that she called Obama “Sambo”. (Good God, man, I’m ten years older than her and I barely remember “Little Black Sambo.”) Yes, I’m sure there are people who don’t like her — I’ve talked with some myself.
57. No, she’s not a “global warming denier”, and when the crush dies down remind me to explain why the very phrasing “global warming denier” is anti-scientific, anti-intellectual, and a clear sign of a desire to impose your beliefs by coercion. But in the mean time, while I do believe that she has expressed some skepticism that warming is wholly human-caused, the existence of the Alaska Climate Change Sub-Cabinet and the Alaska Climate Change Strategy work demonstrate that she’s considering the problem and has brought together people more expert than she to advise her.

The Alaska Trooper story is particularly interesting. The guy was her brother in law, did tase his son in law, and at 35 has been married and divorced FOUR TIMES. CNN finally interviewed him, judge for yourself: http://www.mediafire.com/?ctnz2ldefhn

Feel free to forward the list - there are other sites (Snopes, etc) which also debunk bogus rumors, this one happens to be the most complete so far. Hopefully people will check sources before believing tall tales.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 5:53:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 10:59:46 PM EDT
i know mike wooten,

so i am here looking at "stuff" on the computer with CNN on in the background, then i hear a "voice" and i thought to myself, that sounds familiar....why ? so i turn around and look at the screen and i see a familiar looking face, and the name "mike wooten

mike wooten "woot" was my "dorm manager" in my dorms in kunsan air force base Korea...1996-1997

the dorms i was in was called the "crackhouse" cause it was the worse dorms in Korea, maybe the worse ones in the airforce... period. you have no idea how bad i laugh when people bitch about substandard barracks for the military... i lived in one in the 90s and nobody was bitching for me

so any way... a dorm manager is basically the highest ranking guy in the dorm and he gets his own room, and he made the roster on dorm whore...dorm whore is basically a weekly duty where we go around the dorm cleaning shit, weeding, cutting grass, what not...its not a big deal, cause you don't go to work, and you hang out in the dorm for that week. you were on duty from 8-5, but you get the shit knocked out in the first 3 hours in the morning, and you get to hang around the dorm slacking.

this dorm was basically a shitload of first year troopers, full of e-2,e3s young dumb and full of cum....(all military folks should of been called this) and like three e-4s i was one of the e-4s

when i got to Korea i was an e-3, and like in 2 weeks i was putting on e-4 so i got put in the "crack house" cause i wasn't a high enough rank for the e-4 dorms

so i get to the dorm, meet "woot" he gave assigned me a room, and we bullshited... told me since i was an e-4, that i was expected to keep the inmates in-line.

those dorms were basically a party dorm..... had a few fights, shit got smeared on the walls, set off a couple of MRE heater bombs, answering the dorm phone with "city morgue, you kill them, we chill them" , underage drinking, the dorm got screamed at by our major for being undisciplined in the dorms, about 4 months later he got orders, so his last weekend, he came by the dorms and drank with a few of us.... and a shit load of underage airmen.

"woot" was like 6 foot 3, big fucking dude....and if i remember correctly he was at elmendorf AFB, before getting shipped off to Korea. we talked about hunting, sluts, beer, music, idiots in the dorm... he was pretty laid back tho, the only time he got mad was when some idiot did something stupid, but the idiots deserved to get their shit jumped into...

for me this is funny, my sis says i am 2 degrees away from a potential VP
Link Posted: 9/7/2008 6:46:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2008 12:02:39 PM EDT
Don't troll this thread. ~ JW777
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