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Posted: 9/29/2007 9:57:17 AM EDT
I just started playing it and so far I think its pretty cool.

We should start an ARFCOM group


ETA: if you want to add me as a contact in the game my game handle is Codename46

ETA I started a group called ARFCOM
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 10:12:48 AM EDT
Im in the Malvern mall

Link Posted: 9/29/2007 2:01:11 PM EDT
It appears as though my name is taken...so is my real name...I hope I don't get eaten by myself later on in the game

my ingame name is Gona Rhea

will add you
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 2:07:16 PM EDT
I'm heading out for the night but I'll join up tomorrow and get with you all then.

Link Posted: 9/29/2007 2:24:18 PM EDT
I'm mdk1911 and I'm a cop (Oh the irony!). Now what?

I'm in the Rhodenbank block in Hindmarsh row PD.
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 2:53:38 PM EDT
my profile (you need this to add me):

Link Posted: 9/29/2007 3:07:05 PM EDT
so now what do we do I added you and joined ARFCOM
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 3:13:10 PM EDT

so now what do we do I added you and joined ARFCOM

I dunno I think we're all scattered throughout the city and its suburbs. It'll take us a couple of days to move to a point in which we can meet up.

I'm in Hollomstown, which is directly on the southern border. I suggest we stick to an edge/corner suburb, if you're ok with that.
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 4:47:43 PM EDT

Quick question, I only play shooters so I'm not familiar with role playing games. Is there any fighting in this game, or is it just walking around talking like WOW? Anything with zombies sounds cool.

Link Posted: 9/29/2007 5:14:19 PM EDT
I fell asleep and think its not gonna be good once I log back in
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 6:21:09 PM EDT
Pault will be our first zombie!

I think we need a central local because I'm on the extreme north end. and moving cross country will prove difficult for awhile. we need to get a variety of players. We need some civilian consumers some medics and some medical technitions if we want to progress quickly in the game.
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 8:06:33 PM EDT
read this

mall siege
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 10:40:30 PM EDT
Sooo tagged . I cheated and made 2 charecters. A cop and a MIlitary

Brgrim1  http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?mode=edit&id=1017160

and Brgrim2  http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?mode=edit&id=1017163
Link Posted: 9/29/2007 11:17:48 PM EDT
I'm Sgt. Doantazemebro.

Can you guess that I'm a cop?
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 4:37:31 AM EDT
I dont understand the game. I just wander around till Im out of APs. Then I lay there waiting to get killed. So far Im still alive. I just dont get it.
I try to kill zombies, I just seem to waste APs, or trade them for Xps I guess, but the zombie doesnt die. Same for attacking other survivors. I have a pistol and ammo, drank a beer I found and have been bashing barricades with a pipe I found. I havent gotten beyond any barricades though.
Can someone tell me what the hell I should be doing ? Can we group together and share skills and defend a position ( from what I dont know since I have never been attacked or anything ). Is all the good stuff in buildings so heavily barricaded that I cant gain access ?
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 5:27:58 AM EDT
I'm in as marc  but wore myself out just exploring. Let me know where to meet up so I can eventually catch up with you all.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 6:21:18 AM EDT
I'm in a Krazny13
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 7:26:19 AM EDT
There are maps on wiki and they show current war zones. there are groups of survivors who hold key positions and groups of zombies who try to kill survivors and keep the key positions in ruins. These are malls, nanotech buildings and police stations. The malls are the most heavily attacked positions because you can find better stuff there.

If you wander around stay out all night and haven';t been killed your probably in a green zone. I'm in a orange zone and can't go outside without being seen by a zombie. If you attack a zombie they know who attacked them and can follow you ever after if they want to. It take about 17 shots with a pistol and basic training to kill a zombie. That must be police basic train as best i can figure.

So for now don't die because very few people are still in the game reviving others. Once your a level 1 zombie life really sucks.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 10:45:06 AM EDT
I got killed by a zombie, and I cant do anything cause I used up my 160 hit limit or something.
So, I guess Im dead or am I undead ?
I think I can be revived cant I ?
I ll be using my work computer in the morning , I get to work an hour early every day to check my personal mail. So I ll hopefully find a way to come back to life or something.
I would love to find other arfcommers but I dont know how.
In game Im paultny
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 11:20:34 AM EDT

A map for all those interested. We need to find a place to meet , preferably a mall. Need stuff, and It seems from what I have read you get stuff searching at malls. Someone more expreianced wanna tell me if i am right about this.

Also if you copy and paste the links some of us provided and scroll to the bottom of the page, there is an add this person to you contacts button. Click it and  they are added, Although I am not sure what that does.

Finally the way you find the web link YOU should post to have people add you is to click the " settings" button at the bottom of the page and copy the url there.

Thats waht I figured out. for what it is worth. I also hit the 160 moved a day ( pronbrbly cause i am chaeting with 2 cheracters.

Anyone else got any ideas to help the noobs?
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 11:37:11 AM EDT
I am in a strongly baricaded hospital but there's a zombie inside with me and I ran out of action points. I'm probably goign to be out of the game soon as well as pault
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 11:46:32 AM EDT
Is there a key to your map explaining colors and borders?
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 11:49:09 AM EDT
aww shit i already died
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 12:21:31 PM EDT
I came back and i had two awake points my hospital had 10 bodies 1 zombie and me left in it. I used one awake point to shoot the zombie and the other to flee to the street. and the clock ticks slowly

Well the zombie followed me and clawed me for 48 damage and then shortcake came killed the zombie and healed me before moving on. I'm limping back to the police station i was hiding in.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 2:22:40 PM EDT
ingame name sudoz0rs, at houldenbank. Anyone near me? How about the first post gets updated with names and locations for all players?

eta:now in dentonside. holeing up here untill we decide a meeting place. what about getting something going in gibsonton or the green areas near there?
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 3:15:13 PM EDT
I got attacked again and my police station is now heavily barricaded so I can't get in. I was attacked bu survived and managed to heal myself and limp into a nearby library where I'm holed up but have no ap's to even know if there is anyone there with me.

I'm in th Rhodenbank subdivision
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 3:19:43 PM EDT
do you have free runner? you can get into any building if you can find a unbaricaded one adjacent to it.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 3:29:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 3:55:55 PM EDT
I have all of 17 exp sop far so I haven't been able to gain any skills.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 4:26:06 PM EDT
Alright... I signed up.
Link Posted: 9/30/2007 4:28:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 4:53:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 5:29:17 AM EDT
Located at Tompson Mall in Lockettside.

Avalon01 - Civillian


Edit: I found a pistol, a shotgun shell, and a pistol clip.

Link Posted: 10/1/2007 6:46:31 AM EDT
I'm moving south to meet up with crazy horse.

Note to new people start with free runner or you've got an up hill fight. everything is vhb'ed where i'm looking.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 6:57:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 7:36:57 AM EDT
Well its pretty obvious this isn't going to go well if we're not organized.

Does anyone have a forum or a site we can use for this game?
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 9:13:02 AM EDT
Why not edit your first post wiht names and locations?

Link Posted: 10/1/2007 9:47:40 AM EDT
Here's my profile.

I'm at the Halberry Blvd. Police Station in Pitneybank. The neighborhood is listed as only moderately dangerous and the police station is near a mall.

The wiki is your friend.

From what I've read, you don't want to sleep in malls, police stations, or fire stations because that's where the zombie players tend to look for victims. However, I've been camping in this station for a couple of nights now and it seems secure at the moment. You have some of your best chances of searching for weapons/ammo in police stations.

Once I get some APs built back up, I'm going to check the mall. I'm getting close to having enough XPs to get the running skill, which should make life easier.

Unfortunately, the urbandead server appears to be down at the moment, so I'll be trying again this evening.

ETA this map is extremely useful.

ETA again -- I've moved to the Boutcher Alley Police Station in Pitneybank. I'm planning to head north into the suburb of Spracklingbank, which is supposed to be safer, so that I can try to pick off isolated Zs and get some XPs.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 10:29:44 AM EDT
Hey skull I'm heading your way. I should be there tomorrow, late evening probably.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 10:47:11 AM EDT
I'm in Dulston, far northeastern part of the map.  

Anyone else nearby or am I SOL. . .
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 11:02:58 AM EDT
Come to Fort Creedy. Hundreds of players there and camo clothing.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 1:36:26 PM EDT
Yes let us all head for fort creedy.

I know it's a long way but there seems to be more of us near it then away from it.
If anyone want to try to catch up to me I'm willing to wait for you. We're better off traveling in small groups of 2 or 3 till we get unified in one local.

Dk out.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 2:34:43 PM EDT
Arfcom Army home page

It needs a lot of work but it's at least up.

I could use content suggestions too!
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 2:38:06 PM EDT
I think we should run the wiki where we have a general section then each member has one post that they update with their location and goal, so you can find the position of everyone easily.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 3:06:47 PM EDT
When we get to 100-200 people (It happened on RTS) that will be impossible to follow. Right now we need to focus on building a good how to guide and then membership and then small guerrilla teams

Help me add content to the how to section then I'll do a membership push in GD. Then we'll have working teams as we figure out where new members show up. We need at least 4-5 teams so people can reach a team in one days travel when they first start.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 3:21:13 PM EDT
But there are so many guides out there. We should find an suburb and protect it. Set up an HQ, then patrol around the suburb killing zombies. Have safe houses all over the place. Keep that suburb "ours" And I don't see why we need to go to a fort. I think it'd be better if we stayed away from large populations.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 3:33:51 PM EDT

Hey skull I'm heading your way. I should be there tomorrow, late evening probably.

Okay, I'm staying put at Boutcher Alley Police Station. After you get here, I want to head north for a bit into a green zone so we can pick off individual/small groups of Zs.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 3:36:56 PM EDT
I agree with you, but i think we need more people for that and we'd be better off with 4-5 suburbs evenly distributed across the map so that new joiners will have a place to turn to. As far as the fort there is relative safety in numbers right now because none of us are ready to kill even one zombie even if all the arfcom people band together. When we have 4-5 level 10 guys with good abilities yeah sure, but for now we're all just fresh meat.

I've gotten three people to join and they all have been eaten inside of a half hour.
We need a simple ten sentence guide that keeps their attention so that they live through the first day.

Well i found a nearby zombie to attack
used 10 ap's and 12 shots to gain 13 exp.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 4:28:58 PM EDT
have all new players play the military scout at first. very easy class because it starts with free-runner. Most suburbs have a base, and with free-runner it's easy to get in quickly.
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 4:30:11 PM EDT

I'm in Rhodenbank (sp?) Hospital.  

It sure is crowded in here...
Link Posted: 10/1/2007 4:48:32 PM EDT
I almost died there. Yuo should head south to where i'm at. Downs Boulevard Fire Station. Safer by far for a newbie
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