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Posted: 10/11/2007 6:15:02 AM EDT
You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:17:04 AM EDT
WTF are you talking about Giuliani is a liberal, the only difference between the two is that Hillary openly admits it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:18:13 AM EDT
It's like a choice between Hitler and Stalin. Don't act like one is such a great pick over the other.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:18:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:18:55 AM EDT
<Troll post by reregistered troll removed.  --tbk1>
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:19:13 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

missed your meds again?

Fuck Rudy
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:19:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:20:34 AM EDT

It's like a choice between Hitler and Stalin. Don't act like one is such a great pick over the other.

I believe you just said it best.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:21:04 AM EDT

Rudy is a RINO
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:21:45 AM EDT
Not voting for Rudy and not staying home either. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:22:40 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

This kind of mindset is why we are going to lose America in '08
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:22:50 AM EDT

I absolutely believe the ones promoting that nonsense are not really gun owners.  I believe they are here from DUh (or similar) and are just agent provocateurs working to undermine the Conservative vote by peeling off whatever stupid ones among us which can be influenced.  

Perhaps that's just what I WANT to believe, as I don't want to think gun owners are stupid enough to do what you describe--while feigning some kind of "principled plan."  

No they just think they're cool and original by not voting, or voting 3rd party.

I don't think a single member here, will say Rudy is a good Republican nominee.

It's just some of us, aren't dumb enough to sit there and let Hitlery take the win.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:23:30 AM EDT
Guliani would be able to be sneaky about his leftist agenda.  Hillary would be so over the top that it would be obvious and more chance of people fighting her agenda.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:23:43 AM EDT
Rudy McRomney are libtards.

I will be voting in this election but it will not be for RINO's or democrats.

I will vote for FDT or Hunter in the primary, and if neither are on the ballot in Nov I will be voting for the Constitution party candidate again. At least I think I will, it will depend on who they are running.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:25:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:28:27 AM EDT
For every one of you that casts a vote for Rudy, I'll cast multiple votes for Hillary.

Don't doubt me, either. This is Florida. We can do that shit here.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:29:25 AM EDT
I'll take ANYBODY over Hitlery. I (we) need to vote for whomever wins the Republican nomination...like them or not! Voting for a third party candidate will insure
Hitlerys' win and the end of this nation as we know it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:29:32 AM EDT
If the choices are Rudy/Hildabeast

They might as well run on the same ticket

Its like choosing death by fire or woodchipper both end up with a painful death one is a little quicker..

If there were some R's and not RINOS left in congress they might actully fight Hildabeast. If Rudy gets it everything will be rubberstamped

So in a sick twisted way Hildabeast might be better than Rudy on domestic things

Pray for gridlock
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:29:32 AM EDT

I absolutely believe the ones promoting that nonsense are not really gun owners.  I believe they are here from DUh (or similar) and are just agent provocateurs working to undermine the Conservative vote by peeling off whatever stupid ones among us which can be influenced.  

Perhaps that's just what I WANT to believe, as I don't want to think gun owners are stupid enough to do what you describe--while feigning some kind of "principled plan."  

I think what you're hearing is the sound of many who are disgusted at the thought of Rudy getting the nomination.  Once the nomination is settled and we can focus on the election, I think you'll see the vast majority lining up to vote the Republican ticket...especially when they find themselves face-to-face with the stark possibility of another President Clinton.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:30:58 AM EDT
Democrat = Liberal
Republican = Liberal "Lite"

The only thing remotely conservative that Bush has done after I voted for the Conservative candiate (twice) that runs the presidency like a liberal is put two fairly conservative Juistices on Supreme Court.  

Oh yeah didn't he want to put Harriet Meyers on the court first?  Didn't Bush indicate he would REAUTHORIZE the 1994 AWB if the REAUTHORIZATION Bill came to his desk?

So Rudy is the "Conservative" for the Republican party?  

I'll be voting. I always do.  Gives one "bitching rights." Perhaps third party or writing my own name in slot if the Republicrats continue with their liberal ways.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:31:09 AM EDT

We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:33:20 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

So, tell me...What's it like to not have any principles? Unlike you, I will not actively support someone whom I believe is deeply flawed and will hurt this country.

I won't vote for Rudy because:

A- He's a friggin' Liberal cut from the same cloth as Hillary only he has a (R) by his name.


B- His success will only insure that the Republicans will run more POS RINO Liberalistic candidates like him.

I will be voting for Fred Thompson in the primary. If he's the eventual Republican nominee, then great...if not, all bets are off.

I might hold my nose and vote for Romney, but there will be a snowball fight in Hell before I vote for Rudy G.

If Rudy is the Republican nominee, I'll either vote Libertarian or not vote at all.

If Hillary wins it will be because the Sheeple were stupid enough to vote for her and not because I didn't vote for Rudy Giuliani.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:34:44 AM EDT
I absolutely can not endorse Rudy, Romney or McCain...  Our party needs to start endorsing real Republican/ Conservatives, not closet liberals.  I'd rather lose the election than let Republican policy makers think that the likes of these three is what conservative Americans want.  Lose the battle and win the war.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:37:08 AM EDT

...I will be voting for Fred Thompson in the primary...If Hillary wins it will be because the Sheeple were stupid enough to vote for her and not because I didn't vote for Rudy Giuliani.

See? We "Paulbots" aren't alone.  Even Fredheads have standards.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:37:17 AM EDT

I absolutely can not endorse Rudy, Romney or McCain...  Our party needs to start endorsing real Republican/ Conservatives, not closet liberals.  I'd rather lose the election than let Republican policy makers think that the likes of these three is what conservative Americans want.  Lose the battle and win the war.

Well, think of it this way. You might not have another chance to vote in a Republican after Hillary.

I really hate to sound like I support Rudy in anyway. My vote is going to Thompson for the primaries.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:37:36 AM EDT

...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:37:47 AM EDT
So sad to see our nations future trun into nothing more than a sports event with people cheering for their team

I honestly think that some would vote for Stalin if he ran as a Republican
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:38:11 AM EDT

For every one of you that casts a vote for Rudy, I'll cast multiple votes for Hillary.

Don't doubt me, either. This is Florida. We can do that shit here.

I saved a bag full of those paper chads so I can use them to fill in holes in ballots and cancel other people's votes.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:38:14 AM EDT


We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

From a domestic and personal liberty standpoint, they're virtually identical.

Who cares if Iraq is free if the United States aren't?
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:39:16 AM EDT
uh quite frankly I'd rather pull out of iraq and keep my constitutional rights than stay in iraq and lose everything so give me Ron paul and let's be done with it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:39:17 AM EDT

<Troll post by reregistered troll removed.  --tbk1>

Says the joined-2007 newbie who has no idea....
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:41:00 AM EDT



We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

From a domestic and personal liberty standpoint, they're virtually identical.

Who cares if Iraq is free if the United States aren't?

Ever heard of checks and balances?

Rudy won't do shit if congress and the scotus is Republican controlled.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:41:33 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?
(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

Just a month or two sooner than it will take Rudy if he gets elected.  Perhaps not even that long.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:41:37 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

No, I just find it difficult to understand why I should vote for one gun grabbing liberal over another gun grabbing liberal.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:41:39 AM EDT

...I honestly think that some would vote for Stalin if he ran as a Republican

Heck, many would vote for Hillary, if she were a Republican and Guliani a Democrat.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:43:10 AM EDT


We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

If you don't think so, you are the fool, not us.  They are one and the same.   I won't vote for either.    

Besides, Rudy can't beat Hitlery in a National election anyway, so your point is moot anyway.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:43:11 AM EDT

<Troll post by reregistered troll removed.  --tbk1>

How would you know. Mr July 2007?
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:43:31 AM EDT
Rudy and Hillary are two turds from the same animal.

ETA:  what we really need to do is make sure we vote in a Republican president and Republican legislature so we can accomplish our conservative agenda!!!  Oh, wait.....
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:43:37 AM EDT


...I honestly think that some would vote for Stalin if he ran as a Republican

Heck, many would vote for Hillary, if she were a Republican and Guliani a Democrat.

Wait you mean I have them mixed up... I wonder how that could have happened.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:43:39 AM EDT


You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

No, I just find it difficult to understand why I should vote for one gun grabbing liberal over another gun grabbing liberal.

Because the executive branch can't do shit if the legislative branch and judicial branch is Republican controlled.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:45:01 AM EDT

Ever heard of checks and balances?

Rudy won't do shit if congress and the scotus is Republican controlled.

Congress is in Democrat hands.

Our compassionately "conservative" President didn't manage to hold off a lot of stupidity while congress was in Republican hands. He appointed a couple of decent SCOTUS candidates, but lots of the "moderate" (liberal) Rs got weak kneed over those mildly conservative appointments....

And I'm supposed to expect that a liberal like Guliani will do better?
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:45:11 AM EDT
It's too early to be worrying about this anyway.  Let's see whether Fred can overcome Rudy and get the nomination.  Then this all become moot.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:45:32 AM EDT



We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

If you don't think so, you are the fool, not us.  They are one and the same.   I won't vote for either.    

Besides, Rudy can't beat Hitlery in a National election anyway, so your point is mute anyway.

I don't think any of you are fools, and I think as Americans you should vote for whoever you want regardless of my opinion.

I'm just trying to reason somehow, that letting Hillary take the win will harm us FAR worse than anything else.

And bullshit, even most Democrat voters won't vote Hillary.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:45:40 AM EDT


...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Quoted since his words need to be on every page of this thread.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:46:36 AM EDT

It's like a choice between Hitler and Stalin. Don't act like one is such a great pick over the other.

Stalin.  No problem.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:48:04 AM EDT
If he wins the nomination and is running against Hillary.  I will vote for him.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:49:03 AM EDT

Because the executive branch can't do shit if the legislative branch and judicial branch is Republican controlled.

This is also puzzling....

We can't elect a real conservative to the White House, but somehow we can turn Congress into a bunch of conservatives that will stop Guliani from causing too much trouble....this despite the fact that the Republican congress was constantly controlled by weak kneed liberal idiots who held the majority position hostage to get what they wanted.

And yet somehow if another RINO is in the White House they will keep him in check...including when it comes time to appoint a few more SC justices?

I think not.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:49:31 AM EDT



...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Quoted since his words need to be on every page of this thread.

Freedom is irrelevant;  we can only vote for someone who is "electable."  Rudy is that man.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:49:35 AM EDT


We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

Listen I am telling you all now, no matter WHO I mean no matter WHO gets into office, we will still stay in Iraq. Things will not change that much. The dems control congress, and we are still in Iraq. In fact Pelosi has been bashing anti-war protester in the media lately
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:49:59 AM EDT
all i can say is this: For YEARS I have not voted for a leader.

My vote has been nothing more than damage control for the Bill of Rights.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:50:04 AM EDT
omg u people are stupid, vote for the lesser of two evils if it comes to hilary or rudy, please, dont pull a house/senate bs theroy again like the last election. yeah if rudy gets in we lose, but hilary we lose it all. im gonna vote fred, unless rudy gets the nom.
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