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Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:50:17 AM EDT

If he wins the nomination and is running against Hillary.  I will vote for him.

If the best we can come up with to run against an out and out socialist like Clinton in 2008 is a slightly more sane socialist, we are well and truly f*cked.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:51:20 AM EDT

omg u people are stupid, vote for the lesser of two evils if it comes to hilary or rudy, please, dont pull a house/senate bs theroy again like the last election. yeah if rudy gets in we lose, but hilary we lose it all. im gonna vote fred, unless rudy gets the nom.

So which one is the lesser evil?
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:52:36 AM EDT




...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Quoted since his words need to be on every page of this thread.

Freedom is irrelevant;  we can only vote for someone who is "electable."  Rudy is that man.


If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom... go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels nor arms. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:53:10 AM EDT
You numb skulls are completely myopic...

I am not a Rudy Fan, but if he is the candidate I'm definately voting for him.  There is such a thing as 'degree' of imperfection.  We all accept imperfection with everything in our lives.  The wise simply select the better choice in such a decision.   If you cannot see the gulf between Hillary and Rudi, please return to your tinfoil bunker, and crimp the lid shut.  

It's comical how some of you think one is a liberal if one doesn't wear eau du Hoppes.  Guns are important to me, but so are Taxes, Fiscal Policy, Monitary Policy, Foreign Policy, Entitlement Spending, Employment Law, Environmental Policy, PC Bullshit,.............................
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:53:41 AM EDT
Rudy's our man!

... I think?

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:54:06 AM EDT




...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Quoted since his words need to be on every page of this thread.

Freedom is irrelevant;  we can only vote for someone who is "electable."  Rudy is that man.

You are absolutely correct if the choice comes down to Rudy or Hilary... Freedom will be irrelevant.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:58:17 AM EDT

I am not a Rudy Fan, but if he is the candidate I'm definately voting for him.  There is such a thing as 'degree' of imperfection.  We all accept imperfection with everything in our lives.

Yes, I will sometimes accept imperfection.

With Guliani I'm not being asked to accept imperfection. I'm being asked to vote for a liberal so that another liberal doesn't get into office. I'm being told to accept a punch in the face rather than accept a kick in the balls.

I'm saying that I don't have to put up with either option, thank you.

You should be mighty careful whom you call a "numb skull" and other similarly derogatory names.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with people pointing out that it is fruitless to elect Republicans who will govern like liberals because they are slightly less offensive than liberals as a strategy of societal preservation.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 6:59:10 AM EDT

i need someone to articulate to me why i SHOULD vote for rudy, otherwise i don't really plan on doing it just because he is a republican.

so far, the only answer i've gotten, is "...because of the supreme court justices he will nominate."

hmm, so a socially liberal, pro-abortion, pro-authoritarian government, anti-gun republican is going to nominate SCOTUS justices different from those hillary would nominate, why? because we *want* him to...?

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:00:57 AM EDT

You should be mighty careful whom you call a "numb skull" and other similarly derogatory names.  

Yes, such a response is completely unwarranted when we are called 'fools'.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:02:16 AM EDT
Anyone that DOES vote for Rudy is a fool.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:03:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:04:02 AM EDT
I will take Rudy over Hitlery any day.  If the religious right is smart, they will concentrate on the congressional and senate races and bring back a republican majority in both houses.  Such a majority would then hold Rudy's feet to the fire and keep him honest too.  

That would be my advice to them.  Otherwise they are throwing their votes away and fullfilling their worst nightmares by allowing Hitlery to be elected with a mandate and solid majorities in both houses.  Hellow multi trillion dollar tax hikes, more gun bans, ammunition storage limitations, more nanny state intrusions into our daily lives.

I do not see a third party rightist or liberatarian at this time.    But then people have a right to be stubborn and stupid.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:09:30 AM EDT


Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:10:37 AM EDT

can we get condi to run?

she'd own the black vote.

she'd own the female vote.

she'd own the republican vote.

she'd own most of the democrat vote because they'd be scared of being racist/sexists for not voting for her.

and republicans would keep office just because of the fact that they would be the first party to have a president that was black, AND female.

more importantly though, IIRC she is a real-deal conservative.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:11:23 AM EDT
Ya'll can have your lessers of all the evils. i will vote, as I have before, on principle, like I want my kids to know, and all who might take the time to know me.

For me, that means the Constitution party, and no others.

That a republican can even stand to have a 'civil' conversation with what the democratic party represents sickens me, and I see it as pandering. I don't pander to folks who represent the opposite of what I believe, I steadfastly challenge them.
They want nothing less than my surrender of my principles. They don't want a compromise, a happy medium, they want things to be THEIR way, ALL the time. No room for me and mine. Your embracing a guy just for his name and party enables that name and party to give your ideals away. Sure it might be slower, but screw that.

This election is going to be about the haves and the havenots. No matter who gets elected, the government will always want to be the haves, doling out what they see fit to the havenots. Fuck that. I have, and if you don't, then do what I had to to get it. Dont take from me. That applies in all regards, from my money to my sense of accomplishment and yes even my sense of security when I make sweet love to my guns.

Rudy = Hillary = Bill = GW... samey same, just different gear ratios.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:14:32 AM EDT





The man is no freind of America.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:16:32 AM EDT
Ya'll can have your lessers of all the evils. i will vote, as I have before, on principle, like I want my kids to know, and all who might take the time to know me.

For me, that means the Constitution party, and no others.

That a republican can even stand to have a 'civil' conversation with what the democratic party represents sickens me, and I see it as pandering. I don't pander to folks who represent the opposite of what I believe, I steadfastly challenge them.
They want nothing less than my surrender of my principles. They don't want a compromise, a happy medium, they want things to be THEIR way, ALL the time. No room for me and mine. Your embracing a guy just for his name and party enables that name and party to give your ideals away. Sure it might be slower, but screw that.

This election is going to be about the haves and the havenots. No matter who gets elected, the government will always want to be the haves, doling out what they see fit to the havenots. Fuck that. I have, and if you don't, then do what I had to to get it. Dont take from me. That applies in all regards, from my money to my sense of accomplishment and yes even my sense of security when I make sweet love to my guns.

Rudy = Hillary = Bill = GW... samey same, just different gear ratios.

An welcome socialism marxism.  Hillary thanks you for your endorsment.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:16:48 AM EDT
Stay home?  Vote for Rudy??


I'm going to get it over with and vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton!
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:18:54 AM EDT
People like you are the reason that we are in this 2 party mess as it is. You just vote R down the sheet, and do not think of other choices or options. Thank you for messing up our government.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:20:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:20:24 AM EDT

Ya'll can have your lessers of all the evils. i will vote, as I have before, on principle, like I want my kids to know, and all who might take the time to know me.

For me, that means the Constitution party, and no others.

That a republican can even stand to have a 'civil' conversation with what the democratic party represents sickens me, and I see it as pandering. I don't pander to folks who represent the opposite of what I believe, I steadfastly challenge them.
They want nothing less than my surrender of my principles. They don't want a compromise, a happy medium, they want things to be THEIR way, ALL the time. No room for me and mine. Your embracing a guy just for his name and party enables that name and party to give your ideals away. Sure it might be slower, but screw that.

This election is going to be about the haves and the havenots. No matter who gets elected, the government will always want to be the haves, doling out what they see fit to the havenots. Fuck that. I have, and if you don't, then do what I had to to get it. Dont take from me. That applies in all regards, from my money to my sense of accomplishment and yes even my sense of security when I make sweet love to my guns.

Rudy = Hillary = Bill = GW... samey same, just different gear ratios.

A perfect formula for a loss...  Need I remind you that enough 'idealists' like yourself (but on the other side), gave enough votes to Nader to end Gore in 2000...

Then there was the Perot thing, I still kick myself for voting for him and handing Clinton an undivided voting block...  
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:21:54 AM EDT


We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

Newsflash - you're too late for that.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:25:23 AM EDT



Yeah, big difference between him and Hillary.

Rudy says the NRA goes too far...... I say the NRA barely begins to go far enough.

Should be required viewing in case anyone had/has any doubt.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:25:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 7:25:26 AM EDT




We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

At least with Rudy, we wouldn't withdraw from Iraq.

Some of you folks are narrow minded, yes Rudy is a piece of shit and I hope he eats shit on the sidewalk but voting for Rudy is NOT even close to voting for Hillary.

From a domestic and personal liberty standpoint, they're virtually identical.

Who cares if Iraq is free if the United States aren't?

Ever heard of checks and balances?

Rudy won't do shit if congress and the scotus is Republican controlled.

Bullshit, Rudy would then be de facto leader of the Republican party, and would have extra political power to ram thru shit he likes...especially if he has a reason, like another school shooting or something to that effect.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:01:55 AM EDT
I will not vote for Rudy Giuliani.

I may write in Fred Thompson or Duncan Hunter.  I may vote third party.  I may skip the Presidential election altogether.  I will show up and vote, but not the way the (used to be)Republican Party wants me to.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:05:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:07:42 AM EDT





...everyone who wants to live in a free society...

In Rudyville Freedom = Slavery

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”  - Rudolph W. Giuliani March 1994

Hooray for the benevolent dictator...

Quoted since his words need to be on every page of this thread.

Freedom is irrelevant;  we can only vote for someone who is "electable."  Rudy is that man.

You are absolutely correct if the choice comes down to Rudy or Hilary... Freedom will be irrelevant.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:09:14 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

I think someone needs a hug.  

BTW, what message do you send to the Republican party if you vote for Rudy?  You send the message that "I'll vote for anyone you put up."  I'm not sure what I'd do but Rudy is only marginally worse that Hiltlary (if at all).  Both are liberal socialists gun grabbers.  I think Rudy might actually do more harm if elected because it would make gungrabbing socialism a "Republican" position and there'd be no dissent.  If I sat out the election, I think it would send a message to the Republican party that they better not put up a socialist as a candidate ever again.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:09:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:11:49 AM EDT
What a stupid original post.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:15:07 AM EDT


They are NOT smart--listen to Dobson and some of the others.  Radicals on both sides are complete idiots.  The Leftist idiots will vote for Nader or some other equally unelectable moron, and the Right wing idiots will vote for a write-in or the Constitution Party, or some other equally silly choice.  The idea it's "all about winning" and "you aren't in the game if you don't win" doesn't sink in for too many.  Threads of this type REALLY illustrate the point.  The same fools don't join the NRA also, as the mindset runs deep.  

Yes, let's not do what is potentially the right thing... LET'S BE ON THE WINNING TEAM!!!

And the NRA can have my money when hell freezes over  Or they fight to over turn the '86 machine gun ban.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:29:13 AM EDT

Spot on


I am not a Rudy Fan, but if he is the candidate I'm definately voting for him.  There is such a thing as 'degree' of imperfection.  We all accept imperfection with everything in our lives.

Yes, I will sometimes accept imperfection.

With Guliani I'm not being asked to accept imperfection. I'm being asked to vote for a liberal so that another liberal doesn't get into office. I'm being told to accept a punch in the face rather than accept a kick in the balls.

I'm saying that I don't have to put up with either option, thank you.

You should be mighty careful whom you call a "numb skull" and other similarly derogatory names.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with people pointing out that it is fruitless to elect Republicans who will govern like liberals because they are slightly less offensive than liberals as a strategy of societal preservation.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:29:17 AM EDT

WTF are you talking about Giuliani is a liberal, the only difference between the two is that Hillary openly admits it.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:37:54 AM EDT

 The idea it's "all about winning" and "you aren't in the game if you don't win" doesn't sink in for too many.  Threads of this type REALLY illustrate the point.  The same fools don't join the NRA also, as the mindset runs deep.  

So if you win one for the other side it's still a win right...

On a side note I am a regularly contributing member of GOA, the SAF, and the NRA as well as many pro hunting .orgs...
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:41:10 AM EDT
This thread highlights the dangers of Roooody getting the nomination.  This is not a fore gone conclusion.  It has not happened yet, and if it does it will be a total disaster for the US.

How about everyone get off their tush and get behind a canidate with your checkbook and time.  Thompson and Huckabee are really the only hope for the conservative movement at this point.  Volunteer to do something for them...  send them a few bucks.

Remember voter turnout has been so poor in recent elections, so if the normal non-voters can be rallied to some degree to back a conservative canidate we will stand a much greater chance.

FIRST - THEY MUST BE REGISTERED!!!  The democrats understand thisand actively get people registered, why don't we?  Get on your non-voting friends and make them understand!!

Unless you want unfettered government control to include amnesty for illegals (which both hitlerly and Roody support) more gun control, etc, we had better get off our tails.  Put down the beer and the remote control and get involved!  Otherwise this thread will be the reality we will face within a few monthes time!!
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:41:17 AM EDT
House Republicans are going to be the only protection freedom has for the next 4-8 years. Giuliani will bully them into supporting nightmare "compromise" legislation. Hillary would inspire them to heroic resistance.

The world for gun owners and actual conservatives will be WORSE in the long run if Giuliani wins.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:41:39 AM EDT


If he wins the nomination and is running against Hillary.  I will vote for him.

If the best we can come up with to run against an out and out socialist like Clinton in 2008 is a slightly more sane socialist, we are well and truly f*cked.

I agree.  I will do everything I can to make sure Rudy doesn't win the nomination.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:42:52 AM EDT


I will take Rudy over Hitlery any day.  If the religious right is smart, they will concentrate on the congressional and senate races and bring back a republican majority in both houses.  Such a majority would then hold Rudy's feet to the fire and keep him honest too.  

That would be my advice to them.  Otherwise they are throwing their votes away and fullfilling their worst nightmares by allowing Hitlery to be elected with a mandate and solid majorities in both houses.  Hellow multi trillion dollar tax hikes, more gun bans, ammunition storage limitations, more nanny state intrusions into our daily lives.

I do not see a third party rightist or liberatarian at this time.    But then people have a right to be stubborn and stupid.

They are NOT smart--listen to Dobson and some of the others.  Radicals on both sides are complete idiots.  The Leftist idiots will vote for Nader or some other equally unelectable moron, and the Right wing idiots will vote for a write-in or the Constitution Party, or some other equally silly choice.  The idea it's "all about winning" and "you aren't in the game if you don't win" doesn't sink in for too many.  Threads of this type REALLY illustrate the point.  The same fools don't join the NRA also, as the mindset runs deep.  

The Ron Paul supporters will be blamed for costing us the election, but in reality, it's people like you.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 8:46:01 AM EDT

You'd rather stay home on election day and see Hillary get elected instead of Rudy?

In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

In reality, it would be an absolute total disaster.   A TOTAL DISASTER.

Not just for gun owners but for everyone who wants to live in a free society.

If the libtards have not completely destroyed our society, it's not because they haven't tried.  Remember that.

How long after The Beast becomes president before she signs the next Brady Bill?

(Get ready to turn in your poodle shooters!)

I'll bet a lot of you guys would take your football and go home in the middle of the game when you were a kid.  With a real pouty look on your face.

PS -

Also, good job on not joining the NRA.  That'll get the job done.  The good ol' do-nothing take-football-go-home strategy.  Sounds like a plan.

The NEXT BRADY BILL is already being voted on and DUBYA said he would sign it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:06:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:11:55 AM EDT

I absolutely believe the ones promoting that nonsense are not really gun owners.  I believe they are here from DUh (or similar) and are just agent provocateurs working to undermine the Conservative vote by peeling off whatever stupid ones among us which can be influenced.  

Perhaps that's just what I WANT to believe, as I don't want to think gun owners are stupid enough to do what you describe--while feigning some kind of "principled plan."  

I have voted a straight Republican ticket for my entire life.

But there is no way in hell I will vote for this man.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:13:17 AM EDT


In theory, it would teach the Repulicans a lesson.

It's not about teaching the republicans a lesson. If they haven't already learned by now, that's not my problem.

It's about voting my conscience, and I don't think I can consciously cast a vote for someone who has such a poor understanding of the U.S. Constitution. To vote for him just because he is the LOC (least objectionable candidate) will send a message that I approve of him - that's what will be read into it by the republican establishment and they will therefore feed me more of the same in the future, just as they are doing now.
It might be different if Rudy and I were not so opposite, and indeed I can hold my nose and vote for some of the other republicans - Yes, I understand I will not agree with anyone on everything, but I'm not going to vote for "liberal lite" just because he is a little less left than Hillary.  This cycle has to stop somewhere.

Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:13:32 AM EDT
I saw an article predicting that "values voters" will stay home if they can't deny Rudy the nomination.  There goes the election.

Yes, lets bitch and moan and stay home because our guy didn't win the primaries.  Lets let the biggest socialist since FDR ascend to her throne because of fucking Abortion and Gay Marriage.

Fucked up priorities, all around.  I can't stand "values voters".
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:14:30 AM EDT


I absolutely believe the ones promoting that nonsense are not really gun owners.  I believe they are here from DUh (or similar) and are just agent provocateurs working to undermine the Conservative vote by peeling off whatever stupid ones among us which can be influenced.  

Perhaps that's just what I WANT to believe, as I don't want to think gun owners are stupid enough to do what you describe--while feigning some kind of "principled plan."  

I have voted a straight Republican ticket for my entire life.

But there is no way in hell I will vote for this man.


So you'll elect an even bigger gun grabber and a fucking socialist?
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:53:38 AM EDT


And most importantly Rudy would appoint VASTLY different judges

That's an article of faith. There's nothing in Guliani's record that makes me think he won't appoint absolute idiots.

Rudy wouldn't be operating in a vaccum.  Very conservative Republicans tend to have to compromise to the left and liberal Republicans tend to have to compromise to the right within the Republican party.  This applies to judge nominations also.  

In any event his picks would be way better than Hillary, in the democrapic party they have to compromise MUCH less in the above way.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:54:01 AM EDT

You do realize that the judges have to be confirmed by the Senate, right?

A senate with a majority of democrats and great stalwarts of conservatism like Arlen Specter, John Warner and Lincoln Chafee?

If your basis for supporting Guliani is that congress will stop him from doing anything stupid, you're seriously underestimating the level of stupid already in Congress.

Remember Harriet Miers?  That will happen to any judge that Rudy appoints unless they pass conservative muster.

Nobody on the left or the right wanted Harriet Miers on the court because everybody thought she was a Bush-bot.
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:54:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:55:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2007 9:55:37 AM EDT




We need to help keep the legislative branch, Republican controlled.

Sadly, it is. The only difference between them is one is male the other is female.

Really?  Can you show me Rudy's socialized medicine plan?

Taxes would be much lower under Rudy also.

Again let me say I do NOT want him as President.  But he would be better and is different than Hillary.  And what he brings along with him, i.e. coattail, cabinets positions, judges are VASTLY different than Hillary.
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