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Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:36:52 PM EDT
china wants to move 200 million farmers into cities to have no work and have to import more food.

chinas on a collision course to disaster with or without us.

Which typically doesn't bode well for international relations as a rising power seeks to point problems outward as a distraction.

The coming decade will be interesting.

1 billion Chinese are their own problem.
especially when you can't feed them.

Long pork fried rice?
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:37:50 PM EDT

1 billion Chinese are their own problem.
especially when you can't feed them.

That's like saying if we cut off welfare to the FSA, its the FSA's problem.[/quote]

It is the FSA's problem.  I don't need those people for anything and would be better off without them.  The FSA on the other hand.................I give them 3 weeks.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:46:42 PM EDT
Lol. You think the ROK and Japan will just sit there and let China dominate?

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:49:27 PM EDT
You guys ever been to a bar where the women are outnumbered by men 3 to 1?

1)  Usually there is fighting

2)  They never stay in business long

Even if I'm wrong, fuck the communist.  We've beat their ass before, and we'll do it again if they wanna fight.

We openly fought these ones to a humiliating draw actually.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:52:56 PM EDT
The thing that could let us all know that they are getting desperate would be when they start doing frantic stuff, like forcibly taking islands from their neighbors, moving hundreds of thousands of workers without pay to the Sudan to pump oil from the ground and run it to Chinese-built sea ports on the Red Sea, or demanding US strategic assets as collateral for our Savings Bonds.

What would really show their boldness would be if they figured out how to steal hundreds of billions in cash from the US-Mexico drug money-laundering market, and send us into a credit crisis, which would then inevitably burst our housing bubble, followed by installing a puppet President who would not only appease them, but then go on a show-of-force tour for them after his 2nd term to their Asian neighbors that they intend to rape in order to alleviate their internal pressure.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:55:38 PM EDT
Thankfully we have a conventional military that is shitty at making turd worlders love us but very good t destroying soviet styles forces.  China has nothing to gain with an open war with the US, the US has nothing to gain with a war with china.

There are plenty of sub dollar a day wage slaves in the world who can make plastic dog shit for wal-mart.  A quick look at Janes identifies what the Chinese military is made of.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:56:33 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.


Military spending isn't what is breaking us.

Waging 2 wars without raising taxes might be apart of the problem.

Giving out entitlements to people who do not work might be apart of the problem.

Starting a giant government run insurance program might be part of the problem.

Forcing banks to give out bad loans so people can live "the american dream" might be apart of the problem.

Military spending..lol

It's the one of the few things that keep China from sailing/flying on over.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:56:53 PM EDT
China has a ways to go, in catching up to the US military
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 3:57:32 PM EDT
Lol. You think the ROK and Japan will just sit there and let China dominate?


I would expect that Japan, RoK, Vietnam, the Philipines, and others, to be having some side discussions.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:02:51 PM EDT
You guys ever been to a bar where the women are outnumbered by men 3 to 1?

1)  Usually there is fighting

2)  They never stay in business long

Even if I'm wrong, fuck the communist.  We've beat their ass before, and we'll do it again if they wanna fight.

We openly fought these ones to a humiliating draw actually.

The hollow army in Korea killed them at between 100 and 1000:1 at Chosin.  Books are written about the failure of the Army in that engagement from a strategic POV (marine core planning prevented a massacre).

I think any conflict with any nation not directly necessary is a waste, and this op-ed is hype.  However the sheer destructive capability of the US military in a conventional open war is staggering.  How many dams does china have, what happens if they all blow at 0130 local time, nationwide?  We can make that happen and they will not see it before hand.

There is no comparison in US and CHICOM conventional submarine force, the list goes on and on.  no one would benefit from this.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:04:07 PM EDT
One paragraph in an op-ed by Seth Cropsey in Friday's Wall Street Journal summed up the essential reason that China and the U.S. are on a collision course--willful American refusal to maintain our military edge:

   The growing disparity between Chinese and U.S. military investment will eventually alter the balance of power in the Western Pacific. This shift will likely lead either to military conflict or to tacit American acknowledgment of Chinese dominance. A war would be disastrous, but Chinese dominance would not bode well either: The U.S. ability to shape the international order would end with Chinese supremacy in the most populous and economically vigorous part of the world.


I am reserving judgment on any such perceived conflict or imbalance of power until I see how Red China fares with their turn in the barrel with the islamofascists.  They are bordered to the south with Indonesia (99% muslim).   They are bordered on the west with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other assorted ikistans (99% muslims).

We saw a little dust up between  Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese in the Xinghang province few years back.  These troubles will surely return.  The Chinese have languished while the US and Russians got the crap beat out of them by the Muslims.  Lets see how the Chinese do with them before judging how US vs China is going to play.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:04:08 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.


Military spending isn't what is breaking us.

Waging 2 wars without raising taxes might be apart of the problem.

Giving out entitlements to people who do not work might be apart of the problem.

Starting a giant government run insurance program might be part of the problem.

Forcing banks to give out bad loans so people can live "the american dream" might be apart of the problem.

Military spending..lol

It's the one of the few things that keep China from sailing/flying on over.

and bingo.  one war with no net gain to the US in any way.  

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:09:36 PM EDT
You watch, China will be more free than America within 100 years, and I'm thinking sooner than that.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:10:40 PM EDT
One paragraph in an op-ed by Seth Cropsey in Friday's Wall Street Journal summed up the essential reason that China and the U.S. are on a collision course--willful American refusal to maintain our military edge:

   The growing disparity between Chinese and U.S. military investment will eventually alter the balance of power in the Western Pacific. This shift will likely lead either to military conflict or to tacit American acknowledgment of Chinese dominance. A war would be disastrous, but Chinese dominance would not bode well either: The U.S. ability to shape the international order would end with Chinese supremacy in the most populous and economically vigorous part of the world.


I am reserving judgment on any such perceived conflict or imbalance of power until I see how Red China fares with their turn in the barrel with the islamofascists.  They are bordered to the south with Indonesia (99% muslim).   They are bordered on the west with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other assorted ikistans (99% muslims).

We saw a little dust up between  Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese in the Xinghang province few years back.  These troubles will surely return.  The Chinese have languished while the US and Russians got the crap beat out of them by the Muslims.  Lets see how the Chinese do with them before judging how US vs China is going to play.

Failure to learn from COIN in Vietnam (or lack there of at the staff level) and repeat errors for several years in Iraq is not defeat, its regrettable but not defeat.  Killing them in vast numbers with conventional (or nuclear) means is not a victory.
The Einsatzgruppen tactics used in WW2 were not effective unless no resistance was present, they did not win.  This may be acceptable for China, but mass killing  of civilians because of their religious affiliation will not be done by the US military.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:11:17 PM EDT
You watch, China will be more free than America within 100 years, and I'm thinking sooner than that.

Having traveled there and done business there I can tell you it sure is fuck isn't free now.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:12:47 PM EDT
china wants to move 200 million farmers into cities to have no work and have to import more food.

chinas on a collision course to disaster with or without us.

Which typically doesn't bode well for international relations as a rising power seeks to point problems outward as a distraction.

The coming decade will be interesting.

1 billion Chinese are their own problem.
especially when you can't feed them.

That's the critical problem for them. Their population is so large and their people are still extremely poor. A foreign adventure would make a nice distraction. Especially if the PRC can tie it to hunger, jobs, money, etc...

China could turn into the world's largest exporter of human capital to work in Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia just to try to turn a profit on their planned economy. But that doesn't solve the internal problems they have: extreme poverty (even by Chinese standards), continuous rebellious provinces, a new guard in the PLA who has known no war, and the perception they're a growing power and expected to do what such powers do.

Where can they adventure to though?  Korea?  Siberia? Vietnam? The -stans?  Not sure where else they can go with an actual army.

Africa, South China Seas, all of Central Asia (the -stans)... And they don't need to do it with a full blown arsenal and announce it to the world. Its understood in most circles that China is a player in exploitation of natural resources in Africa. They also own more contracts in Iraq and will soon own more in Afghanistan (which is why India is competing hard for Afghanistan work.

Even the Middle East the NYT on how China will continue to occupy our minds:

China's think-tankers concede that the People's Liberation Army is not yet capable of playing a security role in the Middle East. Consider that the navy's first deployment outside of Asia — a three-ship anti-piracy escort mission in the Gulf of Aden — occurred less than five years ago, and it was reportedly a stretch for the force.
Admittedly their Navy is where they spend a lot of their money and national pride. Make no bones about it, when a Chinese ship sails, CCTV makes it known back home... just as we did with the Great White Fleet.

And Central America even. This Bloomberg article is a good illustration of how wealthy Chinese industrialists are spending their money.

Foreign Policy

Let's not forget the island dispute between China and Japan that constantly sees images like this:

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:13:33 PM EDT
You guys ever been to a bar where the women are outnumbered by men 3 to 1?

1)  Usually there is fighting

2)  They never stay in business long

Even if I'm wrong, fuck the communist.  We've beat their ass before, and we'll do it again if they wanna fight.

We openly fought these ones to a humiliating draw actually.

The hollow army in Korea killed them at between 100 and 1000:1 at Chosin.  Books are written about the failure of the Army in that engagement from a strategic POV (marine core planning prevented a massacre).

I think any conflict with any nation not directly necessary is a waste, and this op-ed is hype.  However the sheer destructive capability of the US military in a conventional open war is staggering.  How many dams does china have, what happens if they all blow at 0130 local time, nationwide?  We can make that happen and they will not see it before hand.

There is no comparison in US and CHICOM conventional submarine force, the list goes on and on.  no one would benefit from this.

China's shit logistics and tactics mattered more than body count. Korea, Viet Nam and now a shit load of other conflicts should have taught us destructive capability means little without the will to use it.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:14:31 PM EDT
Why must there always be a boogie man on the international stage?  The Military Industrial  Complex needs to justify its extienece.

And just what are you saying about our military? I hope the next marine you see gives you a painful reminder of who keeps us free
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:15:18 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.

Abolish the IRS and charge a flat tax.
Abolish the department of education and give control back to the states.
Drug test for all welfare recipients and cut all money to those who test positive to drugs.
Quite extending the unemployment benefits, so slackers have to go out and look for a job.
Deport all illegal mexicans and seal the border so they don't return.
Loosen up environmental restrictions preventing us from being competitive in manufacturing.
Allow oil companies to drill for oil on American soil
Abolish all public employee labor unions
Allow children under 18 to work without a work permit.

1) It's spelled Quit.

2) If they drill for more oil here, guess what? We get no benefit since it's a globally traded commodity. Now if we were to pass a protectionist law saying that oil drilled here stays here..... that's another story.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:20:44 PM EDT
I'd say we could nuke em

But our president is too big of a pussy to even think of it

60 years too late for that brother. Should have hit them with 30 nukes when they got involved in the Korean war.

Word on the street is they may have some nukes of their own these days................

If we still have more, we are on the winning end
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:21:25 PM EDT
One paragraph in an op-ed by Seth Cropsey in Friday's Wall Street Journal summed up the essential reason that China and the U.S. are on a collision course--willful American refusal to maintain our military edge:

   The growing disparity between Chinese and U.S. military investment will eventually alter the balance of power in the Western Pacific. This shift will likely lead either to military conflict or to tacit American acknowledgment of Chinese dominance. A war would be disastrous, but Chinese dominance would not bode well either: The U.S. ability to shape the international order would end with Chinese supremacy in the most populous and economically vigorous part of the world.


Look at China's military budget, then compare what we spend to every country on earth. Our military budget is huge, even with deep cuts our spending will still be disproportionate to China.

Don't think I'm going to loose sleep over a Breitbart report.


Link Posted: 6/23/2013 4:34:40 PM EDT
China has a pretty limited history on aggression. For them the military is more symbolic than practical.

Not to say we may not bump heads in the near future but a Cold War atmospher not in the next 100 years.

It would take an exogenic unforeseen event like zombies or asteroids

The world is getting smaller and what we will see is more cooperation among statist governments to suppress tribal tendencies as opposed to nation state confrantations.

The war on terror is a perfect example so is cyber warfare. The pie of the world is pretty set.  It would take enormous preps for nations to expand and for what?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This...see the Great Wall...The people are defensive in manner.  Joe Stillwell never got them to be effective offensively against the Japanese in WW2.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:19:45 PM EDT
One paragraph in an op-ed by Seth Cropsey in Friday's Wall Street Journal summed up the essential reason that China and the U.S. are on a collision course--willful American refusal to maintain our military edge:

   The growing disparity between Chinese and U.S. military investment will eventually alter the balance of power in the Western Pacific. This shift will likely lead either to military conflict or to tacit American acknowledgment of Chinese dominance. A war would be disastrous, but Chinese dominance would not bode well either: The U.S. ability to shape the international order would end with Chinese supremacy in the most populous and economically vigorous part of the world.


Look at China's military budget, then compare what we spend to every country on earth. Our military budget is huge, even with deep cuts our spending will still be disproportionate to China.

Don't think I'm going to loose sleep over a Breitbart report.


You equate spending to ability, however, they are not the same. Is one of our 200 million dollar planes better than 10 of their 15 million dollar planes ?  I'm not an expert on who is more powerful. However, one does not need to be to see the fallacy of conflating military spending to military ability.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:41:13 PM EDT
Quoted:Is one of our 200 million dollar planes better than 10 of their 15 million dollar planes ?  I'm not an expert on who is more powerful. However, one does not need to be to see the fallacy of conflating military spending to military ability.

Did you even gulf war I? Air supremacy is one place where all of that whiz bang shit we buy really does work without question.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:45:30 PM EDT
Quoted:Is one of our 200 million dollar planes better than 10 of their 15 million dollar planes ?  I'm not an expert on who is more powerful. However, one does not need to be to see the fallacy of conflating military spending to military ability.

Did you even gulf war I? Air supremacy is one place where all of that whiz bang shit we buy really does work without question.

Yeah, it was a bad example, but air power does not hold ground.  1m troops do.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:47:21 PM EDT
We can take each other down without firing a shot.  China can dump it's over $1 trillion of US Dollars onto the market.

We can preempt them by renouncing our debt.  

The question then is who recovers faster?
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:49:21 PM EDT
Quoted:Is one of our 200 million dollar planes better than 10 of their 15 million dollar planes ?  I'm not an expert on who is more powerful. However, one does not need to be to see the fallacy of conflating military spending to military ability.

Did you even gulf war I? Air supremacy is one place where all of that whiz bang shit we buy really does work without question.

Yeah, it was a bad example, but air power does not hold ground.  1m troops do.

no ground in asia we want to hold.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:50:40 PM EDT
The Chinese merely have to wait until the USA destroys itself. I don't suspect they have a long wait from their perspective.

Meanwhile, the Chinese are acquiring interests in mining, oil sands in Canada, and strategic minerals around the world. All without putting one military boot on the ground. In the grand game of strategy, the Chinese are doing it the right way.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:53:18 PM EDT
1972..birth of detente and the EPA!
Some wearing the tin-foil hat would see a relationship between then and where we are now.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 5:58:40 PM EDT
Shh! Dancing with the Stars is on TV!

Shut up and give me the remote--I want to watch 'murcan Idol!

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:01:08 PM EDT
The Chinese merely have to wait until the USA destroys itself. I don't suspect they have a long wait from their perspective.

Meanwhile, the Chinese are acquiring interests in mining, oil sands in Canada, and strategic minerals around the world. All without putting one military boot on the ground. In the grand game of strategy, the Chinese are doing it the right way.

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

Generally, in war the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:04:31 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.

No, abolish the IRS and charge a flat tax.
Abolish the department of education and give control back to the states.
Drug test for all welfare recipients and cut all money to those who test positive to drugs.
Quite extending the unemployment benefits, so slackers have to go out and look for a job.
Deport all illegal mexicans and seal the border so they don't return.
Loosen up environmental restrictions preventing us from being competitive in manufacturing.
Allow oil companies to drill for oil on American soil
Abolish all public employee labor unions
Allow children under 18 to work without a work permit.

china isn't lending to us anymore.
no one is.
we are borrowing from ourselves.

Yep, look at what happened to Germany in the 20's.

They did the same thing. And look what happened.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:18:03 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.

Abolish the IRS and charge a flat tax.
Abolish the department of education and give control back to the states.
Drug test for all welfare recipients and cut all money to those who test positive to drugs.
Quite extending the unemployment benefits, so slackers have to go out and look for a job.
Deport all illegal mexicans and seal the border so they don't return.
Loosen up environmental restrictions preventing us from being competitive in manufacturing.
Allow oil companies to drill for oil on American soil
Abolish all public employee labor unions
Allow children under 18 to work without a work permit.

1) It's spelled Quit.

2) If they drill for more oil here, guess what? We get no benefit since it's a globally traded commodity. Now if we were to pass a protectionist law saying that oil drilled here stays here..... that's another story.

2) is bullshit.  You put more oil on the market, and I mean flood the market.  The price comes down, period.  Who do you think has high priced lobbist in D.C.?  Saudi's that who.
Why would that be, maybe they don't want to see our country start producing more oil here?

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:21:31 PM EDT

Why the unholy fuck should we support getting all militant on China? What's in it for us?

South Korea, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, etc, should look into not being dicks to each other if they are worried about China. But spend American money, which doesn't even really exist anyways, on the latest boogeyman? Retarded.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:21:40 PM EDT
But, but,,,,they are our friends....I have heard many many times.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 6:46:14 PM EDT



One paragraph in an op-ed by Seth Cropsey in Friday's Wall Street Journal summed up the essential reason that China and the U.S. are on a collision course--willful American refusal to maintain our military edge:

   The growing disparity between Chinese and U.S. military investment will eventually alter the balance of power in the Western Pacific. This shift will likely lead either to military conflict or to tacit American acknowledgment of Chinese dominance. A war would be disastrous, but Chinese dominance would not bode well either: The U.S. ability to shape the international order would end with Chinese supremacy in the most populous and economically vigorous part of the world.


I am reserving judgment on any such perceived conflict or imbalance of power until I see how Red China fares with their turn in the barrel with the islamofascists.  They are bordered to the south with Indonesia (99% muslim).   They are bordered on the west with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other assorted ikistans (99% muslims).

We saw a little dust up between  Uighur Muslims and Han Chinese in the Xinghang province few years back.  These troubles will surely return.  The Chinese have languished while the US and Russians got the crap beat out of them by the Muslims.  Lets see how the Chinese do with them before judging how US vs China is going to play.

I think that if their neighbors go all alla snakbar on them, the chicoms will have a field day. They do not value the lives of their troops like we do. The cannon fodder mentality will bring about a slaughter on both sides, the difference being that the chicoms have training and discipline in their troops. I think that the chicoms will uproot the muzzies and mop the floor with them.

I have also heard that the chicoms have a long-term survival problem, in that they are running out of breed-able women. The current population control has been so down on females for so long that there are not enough to sustain the population into the future. Apparently, 1 in 3 chinese males has no prospect of even getting laid, let alone having a wife/family. Thats a lot of testosterone waiting to explode.

Look, a new market for chinese-made fleshlights.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 7:01:22 PM EDT
china wants to move 200 million farmers into cities to have no work and have to import more food.

chinas on a collision course to disaster with or without us.

This man speaks the truth.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 7:42:55 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.

Abolish the IRS and charge a flat tax.
Abolish the department of education and give control back to the states.
Drug test for all welfare recipients and cut all money to those who test positive to drugs.
Quite extending the unemployment benefits, so slackers have to go out and look for a job.
Deport all illegal mexicans and seal the border so they don't return.
Loosen up environmental restrictions preventing us from being competitive in manufacturing.
Allow oil companies to drill for oil on American soil
Abolish all public employee labor unions
Allow children under 18 to work without a work permit.

You forgot one...
Obuma stop printing money...
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 7:56:02 PM EDT

china wants to move 200 million farmers into cities to have no work and have to import more food.

chinas on a collision course to disaster with or without us.

Which typically doesn't bode well for international relations as a rising power seeks to point problems outward as a distraction.

The coming decade will be interesting.

1 billion Chinese are their own problem.
especially when you can't feed them.

Would inciting regional wars to get more lebensraum for feeding them, as well as reducing surplus population be past the Chinese government?  

Long supply lines will fuck you hard in a war.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:14:32 PM EDT
Many of us with tanks under our icons and salt in our hair have been saying the same thing here and elsewhere for twenty+ years.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:17:01 PM EDT
Yes, push the war mongering. We should definitely start spending on the military like we did in the 2000s. That's definitely working for us right now.

Abolish the IRS and charge a flat tax.
Abolish the department of education and give control back to the states.
Drug test for all welfare recipients and cut all money to those who test positive to drugs.
Quit extending the unemployment benefits, so slackers have to go out and look for a job.
Deport all illegal Mexicans/others and seal the border so they don't return.
Loosen up environmental restrictions preventing us from being competitive in manufacturing.
Allow oil companies to drill for oil on American soil
Abolish all public employee labor unions
Allow children under 18 to work without a work permit.

Changed a little bit..
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:22:05 PM EDT
Yawn, when China is able to project force and has something resembling the USN, then they are a contender.  Until then they are a regional power at best.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:24:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:25:14 PM EDT
You guys ever been to a bar where the women are outnumbered by men 3 to 1?

1)  Usually there is fighting

2)  They never stay in business long

Even if I'm wrong, fuck the communist.  We've beat their ass before, and we'll do it again if they wanna fight.

We openly fought these ones to a humiliating draw actually.

Kinda, MacArthur would have been able to march all the way to Russia had the politicians not fucked with him.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:31:39 PM EDT
china wants to move 200 million farmers into cities to have no work and have to import more food.

chinas on a collision course to disaster with or without us.

I agree, however, bad things happen fast when a billion heavily armed power hungry people run out of rice.

not to us.

this is a problem for south east asia, Russia and India.

until they get a real navy with a few decades of experience, color me unafraid.

if a country with nukes wants to get freaky, we aint gonna stop them.

but, south east asia is the only ones without nukes.

you gonna pull those ICBMs or just whistle Dixie?
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:33:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:35:41 PM EDT

Look at China's military budget, then compare what we spend to every country on earth.

Okay, I looked.

In context, what we spend on personnel costs (the majority of our budget)  dwarfs china, despite a much larger manpower count.
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:36:39 PM EDT
Don't worry our dear leader will save us.

Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:37:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/23/2013 8:37:55 PM EDT
Shh! Dancing with the Stars is on TV!

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