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Link Posted: 1/19/2006 12:54:25 PM EDT
If you had ever seen video or pictures of lions in their habitat, you'd probably see trees and brush and grass and things.  For some reason you're assuming (incorrectly) that the part of Africa that lions live in is all beautiful grasses blowing in the wind.  Guess what, it's not, so I'm pretty sure you missed the point this time.



I believe it is a canned hunt.

The assertion that there are "tons of fences" in Africa, to prevent lion attacks, is laughable. Africa is incredibly poor. "lion fences", even with low labor costs would be wildly expensive. Lion attacks are incredibly rare. Unlike hippo attacks, croc attacks, snake bites, etc. Besides of which Africa is awash in $50 AK-47's. Why would you need a fence when your village is festooned with real military assualt rifles?

Next, when the lion starts moving away, the "hunting party" just calmly changes position. Unlikely that would happen unless they knew the lion had no place to go.

If it was a lion that was going to be "culled" I doubt there would be all the "lining up the shot" stuff, or the expensive rifles. It would be 1 shot from a working rifle, as soon as a shot could be lined up.

Look at the "woodsy" terrain, lions are "plains" animals. Seems like the lion was imported just based on the terrain.

How many people actually survive a charge be a wild male lion, who is used to killing game animals? Why didn't the lion claw with it's fore legs?............................... Could it be he is declawed?

That was no more of a "hunt" than SOCOM II is a like a tour of duty in Iraq.

Actually there are LOTs of fences in Africa. And most protect livestock. Those attacks are not RARE.

A cull hunt can be by PH or by paying hunter. Often times a PH will get a call saying that farmer x has a lion that needs culling. The PH then offers to client at a discounted rate. At taht point the hunter is paying for the PH to guide him in the hunt.

BTW, there are trees in Africa!

No shit............. Did you read and UNDERSTAND before you commented?

Why don't you see sharks on the plains?
Or lions at sea?

Because animals live in certain types of terrain.

Polar bears don't get spotted in Mexico...................

you catching on?

If I go to a petting zoo and shot 3 deer, it isn't hunting.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 12:55:38 PM EDT
Care to read the game laws?

care to post last census numbers on the cottontail rabbit


say lions?

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 12:57:00 PM EDT


How many people actually survive a charge be a wild male lion, who is used to killing game animals?

Don't Lionesses do 99.9% of the hunting for the Pride?

His charge looked like he was expecting to FIGHT!

Lionesses do the hunting for the pride. They feed themselves, and any cubs. The male lion gets first crack at any food the pride kills.

The male lion doesn't stay with the pride, and can be gone from it several days at a time. During that time he will hunt for himself. Think of it, if you were living with 12 women wouldn't you need a fair amount of time out of the house?

A lot of the "what male lions do" is from old observations. Lions spend a a good porion of their awake time sneaking about at night. Before NVG's do you think reearchers would follow one male lion into the dark..........................

-- And let's not forget, the "pride" basically keeps the male lion around for "protection". Male lions are built to fight other male lions. They need to be good at it in order to be able to obtain a pride. Female lions will latch onto prey, and bit the neck, either destroying the windpipe or blocking it off until the prey dies. Claws are used to steady the prey while that happens.

Male lions are bigger, much bigger than female lions, and have far more power in their ahoulders and necks. Thier claws are also used more to "cut". With their stronger necks male lions don't just bite and hold on, they bite and shake prey, breaking necks.

Males lions are also less set up for running than female lions. They can go faster ffor short distances, but can't run very far.

I've seen a few documentaries on them, including attacks/hunting, male lions don't mess around. There's a slo-mo video from a PBS documentary running around, that shows a male lion on the run catch up to a hyena queen. While she is zig-zagging for her life, the male lion whacks her in a rear leg, spins her around, and catches her neck in his mouth. He bites down breaking the hyena's neck and instanly lets go. Leaving her paralyzed and walks off...................

Yeah but the guy with a gun "side-stepped".................. yeah a lion would never react to that.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 12:59:19 PM EDT

I agree with it fully, despite this "agenda" BTK loves slapping on people whose opinion differs. It would be fun though if he could continue on the holier-than-thou tirade though, and have an iota of fuel to do so....sorry BTK.

For the love of God quit calling him BTK (Bind, torture and Kill) That guy in in prison.
It is TBK1 (The BeeKeeper1)
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 1:00:47 PM EDT

Care to read the game laws?

care to post last census numbers on the cottontail rabbit


say lions?

canned hunts are legal too...doesn't mean you have to agree with them.  More ammo for the anti's if you ask me.

if it's legal it must be ok, right?

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 1:07:33 PM EDT


I wish the lion had mauled all of their asses.

<-- animal lover.

don't kill an animal unless you need the meat.

Well maybe he was going to use the animal.

Did you see his loafers? Former gophers.

I do believe his vest was gorilla chest.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 1:07:38 PM EDT
Havn't read the whole thread yet ... If that was a "Trophy hunt" I wish 3 or 4 more lions would have showed up . Pisses me off

ETA A "canned hunt?" doesnt sound possible . canned and hunt dont really go together
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 1:20:59 PM EDT


I agree with it fully, despite this "agenda" BTK loves slapping on people whose opinion differs. It would be fun though if he could continue on the holier-than-thou tirade though, and have an iota of fuel to do so....sorry BTK.

For the love of God quit calling him BTK (Bind, torture and Kill) That guy in in prison.
It is TBK1 (The BeeKeeper1)

LOL....my bad.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 1:23:02 PM EDT

If you had ever seen video or pictures of lions in their habitat, you'd probably see trees and brush and grass and things.  For some reason you're assuming (incorrectly) that the part of Africa that lions live in is all beautiful grasses blowing in the wind.  Guess what, it's not, so I'm pretty sure you missed the point this time.

Read careful. Lions are plains animals. That doesn't mean that lions can't be near a tree, or even a small stand of trees. But it does mean they don't hang out in FORESTS, thats a large collection of trees and other bushes, grasses, etc. The are the video was shot, the background, look like a forest to me.  

Again doesn't seem like a lion's natural habitat.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 3:02:23 PM EDT

Big cats have probably killed more of us than we will ever be able kill of them.

Prehistoric man was probably a main food course. I have no problem with people killing them as long as they are not hunted to extinction.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 6:24:17 PM EDT


Link Posted: 1/19/2006 6:49:23 PM EDT
Private hunts are the income. The govt does not run a guide service.

PH pays fees to maintain lic.
PH also pays fees for access to certain govt restricted areas and private land
Hunter pays fees to govt and to PH as well as extra transport
Hunters also pays permit fees for his firearms.
Hunters give all meat from game to the trackers, skinners and other local helpers after a a kill.
They there is the taxidermy fees that can run into the thousands per animal.
Those Taxidermists are charged a fee from the govt.

The govt is getting paid, beilieve it.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 6:55:20 PM EDT
My reply in the other thread....

Since we dont know the real story....
IF it was a canned hunt, those people deserve to be pistol whipped at the very least. IF it was a cull or even a real hunt, and based on ONLY the footage we have seen there were many mistakes made and the whole thing should have and could have been avoided. There is so much we dont know about it, but what I got out of the vid is this: Regardless of if it was canned or not, the people in the video made potentionally lethal choices and I venture to say that in the future they may not be so lucky. There were fences shown in the video but that proves nothing exept people build fences. It does not prove that the lion was confined nor rasied for this hunt. The PH appeared to be rookie he was in charge and should have made sure the followup was done right away, before that lion could run off. THAT IS THE REASON HE IS THERE! THe time freme between shots is unclear. THe first shot hit him and he went down, but the time bewtween that and the charge could have been hours. This is important because if that lion ran off to die, held up in the long grass and was then jumped again hours later, that would more likely cause a charge as now the lion would have become more irritable. As far as the trophy hunting issue, the trophy hunting that goes on in Africa does more for preservation then any damage that can be done. Every animal in africa that you as a US citizen hunts, is a trophy. YOu are not allowed to bring meat home, only the trophies; ie; mounts, skins etc. That money pays for the rangers that patrol the parks for poachers. It provides jobs for many people that would have nothing otherwise. It goes to presrves and game parks. I could go one, but you get the picture. As for the animal its self, listen very carefully, VERY LITTLE OF THAT ANIMAL IS WASTED! In most case the hunter does very little of, if any of hte skinning or cleaning. The PH and his staff take care of that and for good reason. They know what they are doing and ensure that nothing is damged or wasted. Meat from that animal goes to the locals less what you eat while you are there. I am really amazed at the amount of anti hunters in the crowd here. I would expect a little but the rush of people so quick to say that "hunting is bad.." and such surprises me. What also amazes me is how many people here have said in some for or another they would shoot to kill a man(for what ever reason), yet the mention of killing an animal(for what ever the reason) just fires up the crowd. CH

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:01:02 PM EDT

My reply in the other thread....

Since we dont know the real story....
IF it was a canned hunt, those people deserve to be pistol whipped at the very least. IF it was a cull or even a real hunt, and based on ONLY the footage we have seen there were many mistakes made and the whole thing should have and could have been avoided. There is so much we dont know about it, but what I got out of the vid is this: Regardless of if it was canned or not, the people in the video made potentionally lethal choices and I venture to say that in the future they may not be so lucky. There were fences shown in the video but that proves nothing exept people build fences. It does not prove that the lion was confined nor rasied for this hunt. The PH appeared to be rookie he was in charge and should have made sure the followup was done right away, before that lion could run off. THAT IS THE REASON HE IS THERE! THe time freme between shots is unclear. THe first shot hit him and he went down, but the time bewtween that and the charge could have been hours. This is important because if that lion ran off to die, held up in the long grass and was then jumped again hours later, that would more likely cause a charge as now the lion would have become more irritable. As far as the trophy hunting issue, the trophy hunting that goes on in Africa does more for preservation then any damage that can be done. Every animal in africa that you as a US citizen hunts, is a trophy. YOu are not allowed to bring meat home, only the trophies; ie; mounts, skins etc. That money pays for the rangers that patrol the parks for poachers. It provides jobs for many people that would have nothing otherwise. It goes to presrves and game parks. I could go one, but you get the picture. As for the animal its self, listen very carefully, VERY LITTLE OF THAT ANIMAL IS WASTED! In most case the hunter does very little of, if any of hte skinning or cleaning. The PH and his staff take care of that and for good reason. They know what they are doing and ensure that nothing is damged or wasted. Meat from that animal goes to the locals less what you eat while you are there. I am really amazed at the amount of anti hunters in the crowd here. I would expect a little but the rush of people so quick to say that "hunting is bad.." and such surprises me. What also amazes me is how many people here have said in some for or another they would shoot to kill a man(for what ever reason), yet the mention of killing an animal(for what ever the reason) just fires up the crowd. CH

Hey CH post the link to that other thread if you have it.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:10:56 PM EDT


Hey CH post the link to that other thread if you have it.


Its the same one from the archives that TBK posted....

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:20:34 PM EDT


was that the canned hunt? the guy stood his ground.....

I'd have shit my pants.


If you listen you'll hear him scream like a little bitch when the Lion jumps at him.
(not that I wouldn't but it was funny anyway)

jrzy, that's hilarious - but I think it's the woman screaming...or the man doing a pretty good impression of a woman!
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:27:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:31:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:37:36 PM EDT




Hey CH post the link to that other thread if you have it.


Its the same one from the archives that TBK posted....


It's almost eerie that it was over a year ago and has almost the same content--and by many of the same participants.  At least we're consistent--for better or worse in some cases.  

Kinda what I was thinking.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:41:19 PM EDT


I wish the lion had mauled all of their asses.

<-- animal lover.

don't kill an animal unless you need the meat.

<--------- Trophy hunter

Cape_hunter, seems like you're always going out of your way to get people wiled up and pissed.

Whatever. You wanting to kill animals you have no need for is not between me and you, it's between you and God.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:41:45 PM EDT





Hey CH post the link to that other thread if you have it.


Its the same one from the archives that TBK posted....


It's almost eerie that it was over a year ago and has almost the same content--and by many of the same participants.  At least we're consistent--for better or worse in some cases.  

Kinda what I was thinking.

Even eerier that it won't work for me.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:48:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 7:59:31 PM EDT



I wish the lion had mauled all of their asses.

<-- animal lover.

don't kill an animal unless you need the meat.

<--------- Trophy hunter

Cape_hunter, seems like you're always going out of your way to get people wiled up and pissed.

Whatever. You wanting to kill animals you have no need for is not between me and you, it's between you and God.

Try reading the thread before you come in here and start shit ok.

Link Posted: 1/19/2006 8:01:52 PM EDT
I can hunt rabbits cause they are evil....
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 8:08:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 8:09:24 PM EDT
Cool, I'm going to Africa in April 2007. Botswana for 14 days and South Africa for 5 days. I'll post lots of pics when I get back.  
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 8:15:53 PM EDT

Cool, I'm going to Africa in April 2007. Botswana for 14 days and South Africa for 5 days. I'll post lots of pics when I get back.  

My trip got pushed one year due to some family issues!!!!

Good hunting!
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 8:35:27 PM EDT


Cool, I'm going to Africa in April 2007. Botswana for 14 days and South Africa for 5 days. I'll post lots of pics when I get back.  

My trip got pushed one year due to some family issues!!!!

Good hunting!

I'm going with a friend, he's been a few times this will be my first.He has 2 lions already and wants a big leopard and Rhino, and I think there is a duiker he hasnt got yet. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do probably just plains game.

He pushed this trip out a year too, most of the prices really went up for next year.Iwent to the SCI show on wenesday lots of African stuff there to drool over.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 9:21:01 PM EDT



Cool, I'm going to Africa in April 2007. Botswana for 14 days and South Africa for 5 days. I'll post lots of pics when I get back.  

My trip got pushed one year due to some family issues!!!!

Good hunting!

I'm going with a friend, he's been a few times this will be my first.He has 2 lions already and wants a big leopard and Rhino, and I think there is a duiker he hasnt got yet. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do probably just plains game.

He pushed this trip out a year too, most of the prices really went up for next year.Iwent to the SCI show on wenesday lots of African stuff there to drool over.

Very cool!
A kudu and sable are ay up on the list but a big buff is what makes me tick. Standing toe to toe with 1500 lbs of of pissed off horned animal. Now that is living!!!!
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 9:29:35 PM EDT
Wonder how he would feel being hunted the same way. If thats a hunt, its dam lame!!
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 9:34:09 PM EDT
I'm pretty much jealous of anyone getting to Africa for a hunt these days.

I've got the rifles. I've got the ammo.  I've got most anything else I need except the pile of money to get me there, back and some trophy fees.

Well, gotta go buy me another lotto ticket.
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 10:08:24 PM EDT

That's a canned hunt. That video was shot in Texas if I remember correctly. The lion was "released" inside a fenced enclosure to provide the dickless-wonders a chance to face the king of beasts and kill it with no need for any real hunting prowess at all.

Absolutely disgusting that some people have so little respect for an animal like that. I wish the lion ripped every one of them to shreds.

As for the vid, no clue where it can be found.

Well, could have been worse, could have been a Cape Buff!
Link Posted: 1/19/2006 10:13:02 PM EDT

I wish the lion had mauled all of their asses.

<-- animal lover.

don't kill an animal unless you need the meat.

Actually,  Lion meat is delicious!
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 8:45:26 AM EDT


I wish the lion had mauled all of their asses.

<-- animal lover.

don't kill an animal unless you need the meat.

Actually,  Lion meat is delicious!

The other white meat!
It is and people still cant believe it when you tell them.
Link Posted: 1/20/2006 8:57:44 AM EDT

It is and people still cant believe it when you tell them.

Of course they can't believe it.  Why?  Well, because most are too busy making ASSUMPTIONS about why you would hunt a pretty lion, etc.

Link Posted: 1/20/2006 2:51:30 PM EDT




Cool, I'm going to Africa in April 2007. Botswana for 14 days and South Africa for 5 days. I'll post lots of pics when I get back.  

My trip got pushed one year due to some family issues!!!!

Good hunting!

I'm going with a friend, he's been a few times this will be my first.He has 2 lions already and wants a big leopard and Rhino, and I think there is a duiker he hasnt got yet. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do probably just plains game.

He pushed this trip out a year too, most of the prices really went up for next year.Iwent to the SCI show on wenesday lots of African stuff there to drool over.

Very cool!
A kudu and sable are ay up on the list but a big buff is what makes me tick. Standing toe to toe with 1500 lbs of of pissed off horned animal. Now that is living!!!!

They make a nice lifesize mount too.I dont know where the hell I would put one in my house though.
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