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Link Posted: 7/15/2013 11:54:07 AM EDT
If  it happened to me, I might thank him for letting him get away from my soon to be ex-wife without alimony.

This, busted flat out and kick her to the door for infidelity w/o alimony....

The "friend" was a bastard to sleep with the wife of his friend, but in a twisted ARFCOM way, it was really a blessing.

It SHOULD work that way, but it doesn't.  Courts are entirely on the side of the woman. Doesn't matter who she screwed.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 11:54:26 AM EDT
A friend I use to work  with  came home and found his wife and some dude getting it on. He gave the guy a hundred bucks and told him to go buy a real piece of ass it pissed his wife off so bad that she left right after the dude she was banging did.  My friend said it was the best hundred bucks he ever spent

Like a BOSS!
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 11:55:04 AM EDT
What's the right answer to a situation like this?

Do what an acquaintance of mine did, in similar circumstances: Document the infidelity, casually tell the wife not to bother to come back to the marital home, and shake his best friend's hand, thanking him for the opening of eyes that revealed what a cheap slut his wife was.

I heard about this shit happening on a Friday night. Monday morning, divorce papers were served at her parent's place where she was staying, along with copies of the supporting photos of them having sex in the "best friend's" living room. Mom and dad weren't too thrilled to find out that they'd unwittingly aided and abetted their daughter's infidelity by watching the two kids for her while she had her little tryst. Since she'd also lied about there being some spousal abuse, as an excuse for why her and the kids needed to stay at the parent's house, they threw her ass out and cut her off. Couple of  years after all this happened, the grandparents were seeing more of the kids than the mother was allowed.

I don't think I've ever seen the Kharma Police move so quickly in my life. The woman in question went from entitled princess to basically having nothing but the clothes on her back in a matter of days. Her friggin' parents testified as to her unfitness for custody at the divorce trial, that's how bad it was. Her sisters took the husband's side in everything, as well.

Although... Looking back on it, I do have to wonder if it wasn't something this acquaintance of mine set up with his "best friend", in order to get rid of the wife. There was entirely too little animosity between those two afterwards, considering. They'd still go out as fishing and hunting buddies, for example... I wonder why that never occurred to me, before?

He's waiting for the right moment for a hunting "accident." If it were me though, fuck both of them. I'd walk away from him as well. What's the point in getting rid of the wife for violating your trust and commitment if you don't get rid of a friend that does the same thing?

Yeah, you might be right. I haven't heard from that bunch in a few years, damn near a decade+. Might be interesting to do a follow-up--His kids ought to be out of high-school, by now.

If the "best friend" is dead under mysterious circumstances, it might be time for me to quit using this incident as an example of how to take the high road in such situations. The "best friend" in this case was about as close as you're going to come in real life to a Quagmire from "The Family Guy". You knew he was a horn-dog, going in. I swear, if he had one case like this one, he probably had literal dozens more where he'd draw in someone's girlfriend or whatever. You really couldn't hold it against him, he was just that kind of guy.

Kinda a sex addict, I guess, coupled with some kind of "thing" that women, girls, and grandmothers dropped their panties for. He was the kind of guy who'd walk into a room, and every woman there would involuntarily turn to watch him, and start licking their lips. The effect was 'effin bizarre, because he just did not look like someone who should be able to do that. You'd expect a Fabio, or some other male-modelesque character to have that effect. He was the furthest thing from that, average-looking at best. Before I knew who this guy was, I watched him walk into a crowded bar, have one of the most attractive women there walk up to him, saw him nod to her, and they both left without a word being spoken. Shortly after that, a somewhat-less attractive chick comes over to us, and ask where the hell her from out-of-town friend went with this guy who obviously knew us. She wasn't really happy with the answer that she was likely going somewhere to have her bottom knocked out by him, because the attractive chick was supposed to be the designated driver for a bunch of other girls, and she had the only keys to the car...

Fucking Army bases. If you keep an eye open, there's enough material around them to write soap operas for the rest of eternity.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:12:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:15:06 PM EDT

I would never beat a guy banging my wife/GF. Why? I'm not married to *him*, I'm married to *her*.

this is the corrcet answer.

Its not the mans fault.

Homewrecking apologists?
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:21:01 PM EDT
Idiot shouldn't have assaulted anyone. Wife had an obligation to not commit adultery, not the guy. I vote guilty. I have no use for violent hot heads.

Did you forget the part where the guy getting beaten knew she was married? Also it was her husbands friend as well?
Good beat down and no fucks given.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:24:43 PM EDT
Nothing he deserved it

No he didn't. The wife did.

Yes he did, he was friends with the girls husband.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:38:30 PM EDT
Similar thing happened to a buddy of mine, but it was more along the lines of the friend took advantage of his wife while she was drunk. My buddy was deployed when it happened, and when his wife told him what happened, all hell broke loose once the plane touched ground.

My buddy went straight to the other guy's house, told the guy's g/f to take her kid and go next door, and went in to confront his "friend". His friend said "i'm not gonna fight you"...my buddy proceeded to lay an epic amount of whoopass on him. He told me the only reason why he stopped was he realized that his "friend" was bleeding from the ears as he lay twitching on the floor.

The funny part was that pics of the guy, post-whoopass, showed up in a safety briefing slide show as an example of why you stay away from your battle buddy's spouse.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:45:48 PM EDT
Verbiage doesn't have to be 100% on the mark.

Obviously in your case, it can't be.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:48:52 PM EDT
Quoted: Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?
Nothing but a smooth divorce, reason adultery. No alimony and no child support.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:49:06 PM EDT
These threads are always great for outing the people who will openly admit to having the desire to commit murder or double murder because their feelings are hurt. You are not the special snowflake in unique extenuating circumstances that you think you are. This shit has been happening forever to people all over the world and you are one weak piece of shit if your only response to being put in this situation is to commit murder or double murder. People on here like to talk about the Religion of Peace and their honor killings and how ridiculous it is. You are no better than those shit stains if you lower yourself to that level.

Cowboy the fuck up, divorce the bitch or bastard, and move on with life. If you genuinely believe you would commit murder over a cheating whore of a spouse, please sell all of your guns.

Huuurrrr hurrrrrr

Cowboy up and... Turn the other cheek? Lol pretty tough cowboys where you live.

She is not your property. She is a free person. You cannot control what she does by any use of force, legally. Nor can you control what the other, free, party does by threat of violence, legally.

To think otherwise truly is akin to the ROP line of reason.

I was pointing out the silliness of his using the "Cowboy up" reference to ... walk away. It was silly.

Everything you typed simply doesn't apply. The crux of my post - which went whooshing over your and Alien's head - was regarding that. His faux outrage was laughable.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 12:59:56 PM EDT
Married people should be off limits.

People have no honor these days.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 1:00:56 PM EDT
I would never beat a guy banging my wife/GF. Why? I'm not married to *him*, I'm married to *her*.  

bullshit. it was a freinds house. i'd have killed them both. dude i don't know is not a big of a deal, its between me and my wife. a friend though!? shit is gonna get real, real fucking fast.

here's my surprised face, slumlord
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 1:04:19 PM EDT
I locked my dog and my wife in the trunk of my car for an hour when opened it up the dog was happy to see me.  joke
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 1:09:55 PM EDT
Take pics, change the locks, and lawyer up.  Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Link Posted: 7/15/2013 1:44:38 PM EDT
I'd imagine he would have been better off taking pictures of them fucking. It would help with the divorce.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:07:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:08:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:09:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:29:01 PM EDT
A friend I use to work  with  came home and found his wife and some dude getting it on. He gave the guy a hundred bucks and told him to go buy a real piece of ass it pissed his wife off so bad that she left right after the dude she was banging did.  My friend said it was the best hundred bucks he ever spent

Like a BOSS!

I'll have to remember that one.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:32:16 PM EDT
Married people should be off limits.

People have no honor these days.

These days? Married people have been fucking around a long time. There might even be a Commandment against it.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:33:41 PM EDT
hopefully jail. we don't need such savages on the street.

Well some people are willing to die doing the things they love....
 Some people do die doing the things other people love..
If more men were willing to kill dudes macking on their wives I wouldn't lose a single second of sleep.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:34:00 PM EDT
Wonder what would happen if the wife banger shot the husband after getting a few punches

self defense
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:35:57 PM EDT
If me there would be 2 dead people
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:39:04 PM EDT

Went to find her, found her at a friend of their's house, both of them were naked and having at it.  The guy proceeded to remodel the entire living room with fucktard's face.  He beat him pretty bad and the guy spent 4 days in critical care and will need reconstructive surgery on his cheek and eye socket.  Knocked him out and he spent the night on the floor and had to be  found by his coworkers the next morning when he didn't show up.  The guy that got beat doesn't want to press charges.

Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?

Aggravated assault conviction.  

Crime of passion.
(Great movie too)

Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:45:45 PM EDT
Guy should have just walked out, went home and packed up her shit and dropped it off at the other dudes house and than filed for divorce...
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:47:41 PM EDT
I recognize what many here have mentioned about it being the wife that was cheating so why attack the man.

Well, consider that in the moment of discovery, the victim (spouse that was cheated on) may experience an overload of emotion combined with shock.  Meaning that for a few moments the person may not behave rationally.  Also, if there are children involved in the marriage, then the man probably has a built-in protective instinct towards the mother of his children.  Some men have a protective instinct towards women in general.  Looking back throughout history these aren't new instincts.

So the "other man" involved may end up as the target of the venting anger even though the wife is an adulteress.  This is why it is generally a good idea to avoid engaging in sexual behaviors with other men's wives.  In fact, I would suggests that it's a good reason to make sure you really know the marital status of women you choose to bed before actually going to bed with them.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:48:21 PM EDT
1. Take off my pants
2. Eiffel tower
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:50:07 PM EDT
I would never beat a guy banging my wife/GF. Why? I'm not married to *him*, I'm married to *her*.  

I would thank him and walk out.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:50:37 PM EDT
If  it happened to me, I might thank him for letting him get away from my soon to be ex-wife without alimony.

Just because she cheated does not mean she will be denied alimony.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:57:04 PM EDT
These threads are always great for outing the people who will openly admit to having the desire to commit murder or double murder because their feelings are hurt. You are not the special snowflake in unique extenuating circumstances that you think you are. This shit has been happening forever to people all over the world and you are one weak piece of shit if your only response to being put in this situation is to commit murder or double murder. People on here like to talk about the Religion of Peace and their honor killings and how ridiculous it is. You are no better than those shit stains if you lower yourself to that level.

Cowboy the fuck up, divorce the bitch or bastard, and move on with life. If you genuinely believe you would commit murder over a cheating whore of a spouse, please sell all of your guns.

Huuurrrr hurrrrrr

Cowboy up and... Turn the other cheek? Lol pretty tough cowboys where you live.

She is not your property. She is a free person. You cannot control what she does by any use of force, legally. Nor can you control what the other, free, party does by threat of violence, legally.

To think otherwise truly is akin to the ROP line of reason.

I was pointing out the silliness of his using the "Cowboy up" reference to ... walk away. It was silly.

Everything you typed simply doesn't apply. The crux of my post - which went whooshing over your and Alien's head - was regarding that. His faux outrage was laughable.

IMO, the "cowboy up" should be taken in the context of "get a grip on yourself and your emotions and do the right thing by walking away from an unwinnable situation. The reasons I delineated being the reason that you have no grounds to take physical action, legally and (imo) morally.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:58:39 PM EDT
I would never beat a guy banging my wife/GF. Why? I'm not married to *him*, I'm married to *her*.  

def  never understood the go after the guy thing.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:59:04 PM EDT
I would never beat a guy banging my wife/GF. Why? I'm not married to *him*, I'm married to *her*.  


To be clear, I wouldn't hurt her, either, and I am speaking from experience here (not with the missus--it happened over a decade ago.)
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:59:37 PM EDT
Bro, you left out the most important details.   How hot is the wife and the pictures to prove it.

She's pretty hot, I don't have any pics.

Oh okay, I believe you.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 2:59:46 PM EDT
If me there would be 2 dead people

And another getting the needle.

I'm sure the whore would be worth every cc.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 3:05:02 PM EDT
Bad as the guy was beaten your buddy is REALLY FUCKING LUCKY he didn't have brain bleed or similar and get found dead. That would be a problem....I dunno about where you are but I know in Texas it is a defense to murder that you catch your wife "in the act" fucking another man and the death results from a "snap" at that moment. If you can legally kill someone for that offense, I don't see how beating their ass real good would be a problem.....

You can't.  All you are doing is arguing to remove the premeditation requirement from a murder charge in order to be convicted of the lesser charge of manslaughter.  Pretty common in most states, and you still end up a felon and in prison.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 3:18:36 PM EDT

Went to find her, found her at a friend of their's house, both of them were naked and having at it.  The guy proceeded to remodel the entire living room with fucktard's face.  He beat him pretty bad and the guy spent 4 days in critical care and will need reconstructive surgery on his cheek and eye socket.  Knocked him out and he spent the night on the floor and had to be  found by his coworkers the next morning when he didn't show up.  The guy that got beat doesn't want to press charges.

Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?

Aggravated assault conviction.  

Negative, crime of passion defense gets a much reduced sentence if any sentence at all.

If he found them in his own home and wasn't expecting to catch them, maybe.  He drove to the other guys house to catch them, illegally entered his dwelling and battered him.  If the DA want's to prosecute, it wouldn't be that hard.

No complaint, no witness, no crime.

You really don't understand our legal system do you?  The police are aware a crime was committed and there appears to be plenty of evidence.  The witness (the victim) can be compelled to testify, but even without that, the DA should be able to get a conviction.  How do you think murder cases are prosecuted?  The deceased won't go to the police or testify.  

Link Posted: 7/15/2013 3:19:58 PM EDT
That's why you marry an ugly woman.

Would this be considered a crime of passion?  He might fare ok.

In 1859 congressman, later general, Dan Sickles stalked and killed them man who was having an affair with his wife.  Used a temporary insanity plea and got away with it.  The man he killed was Philip Barton Key II.  The son of Francis Scott Key.  

I recommend he go this route as is defense strategy.

I recommend you consult a calendar.  It is 2013, not 1859.  Insanity defenses rarely work even when the defendant is clearly mentally ill.  
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 3:21:55 PM EDT
Did he do the same to her?  She's the one that made the commitment to him.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 4:13:12 PM EDT
Busted up dude:  I don't feel sorry for him.  He fucked his friend's wife knowing full well what he was doing (i.e. not some random piece of ass not know whether or not she's married).

Cheated on dude:  If he ends up in legal trouble, he deserves it.  You can't put a dude in the hospital for a few days and not expect repercussions.

All things considered though, they should just call it even.  

The medical bills will need to be paid.  4 days in critical care plus reconstructive surgery will cost a lot of money.  The insurance company will go after the responsible party for at least part of the bill.  If the guy that got beat up doesn't cooperate with them to do this, they might be able to deny coverage.  Tens of thousands of dollars may be the motivation to press charges or at least going to civil court.

And she is likely to cheat on him again.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 4:20:19 PM EDT
Unless it's rape, why would you beat a guy banging your wife?.

I see that at least half the guys here advocate this viewpoint, but I'll just pick this one to respond to.

Assuming he knew you were married?   You respond because he stole your life from you.   A lifetime of loyalty and devotion, all your hard earned savings and assets, all of your plans and dreams, as well as your childrens innocence and stability.  

There is no worse betrayal, except maybe murder.  

I honestly can't believe how many of you consider your wife fair game.   It's a great example of why this country is in decline.   The men of this Nation are almost completely pacified.   Nothing is sacred anymore.

I signed up in '87, to fight and die for intangibles like "Freedom".  I'm not sure if that was worth it, but anyone who threatens my family is far more of an enemy than some random Communist or ROPer.

So what if he was only 50% culpable.  50% is plenty.  

I never thought I would see the day when it's considered the cool thing, to let a guy seduce your wife, with no repercussion.  

Yes, I know it's the logical thing to do.  I've spent my entire life being the cool, rational, logical guy, but all that goes right out the window when my family is threatened.  

He didn't steal anyone's life.  Their life will be different than what they thought it was going to be, but the wife would have cheated on someone else if not this guy.  Plans change or get canceled and dreams are just dreams. In this case, that was always going to happen and it is the fault of the wife.

Is anyone's life what they thought it would be 20 or even 10 years ago, even without major drama like this?
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 4:33:35 PM EDT
I learned a valuable life lesson at a tender age about stuff like this. My parents divorced and I stayed with my father to take care of him until I could leave for the army in a year or so (Late 1960's).  My father was a weekend alky, and liked to go to the local bars (yes, we have beer bars in Utah).  One Saturday night, he comes rolling back in early with some guy who was trying not to bleed to death. It seems that the guy had been caught in the parking lot of the bar banging some guys wife whose husband took exception to the situation and opened the guy up with a broken beer bottle.  So in the best traditions of drunken medicine, my father pours booze into the cuts,  stops the bleeding and helps get the guy on his way.  Neither one of them wanted anything to do with the police, and back then you handled that kind of stuff on your own.  I never forgot that night, and in the many years that followed when I was single, I ran the other way from any woman who had a ring on or otherwise indicated she was married.  I figured trouble has a habit of finding me without me going and looking for it.
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 4:59:00 PM EDT
Went to find her, found her at a friend of their's house, both of them were naked and having at it.  The guy proceeded to remodel the entire living room with fucktard's face.  He beat him pretty bad and the guy spent 4 days in critical care and will need reconstructive surgery on his cheek and eye socket.  Knocked him out and he spent the night on the floor and had to be  found by his coworkers the next morning when he didn't show up.  The guy that got beat doesn't want to press charges.

Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?

Nothing, but the other two parties must die.

'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death. Leviticus 20:10

If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. Deuteronomy 22:22

you must take both of them to the gates of that town and stone them to death. The woman is guilty because she did not scream for help. The man must die because he violated another man's wife. In this way, you will purge this evil from among you.
Deuteronomy 22:24
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 6:42:29 PM EDT
Went to find her, found her at a friend of their's house, both of them were naked and having at it.  The guy proceeded to remodel the entire living room with fucktard's face.  He beat him pretty bad and the guy spent 4 days in critical care and will need reconstructive surgery on his cheek and eye socket.  Knocked him out and he spent the night on the floor and had to be  found by his coworkers the next morning when he didn't show up.  The guy that got beat doesn't want to press charges.

Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?

Nothing, but the other two parties must die.

'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death. Leviticus 20:10

If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. Deuteronomy 22:22

you must take both of them to the gates of that town and stone them to death. The woman is guilty because she did not scream for help. The man must die because he violated another man's wife. In this way, you will purge this evil from among you.
Deuteronomy 22:24

You do know our penal code isn't based on Leviticus or Deuteronomy right?  Do you keep a Kosher kitchen, those rules are in there too.  
Link Posted: 7/15/2013 7:16:53 PM EDT


The guy says he's gonna try and make it work with his wife. They live in very small town rural Nebraska. Everyone always jokes about us knowing everyone in town. Well, we do. The guy banging his wife is from a fairly prominent business family. They have resources. The guy that delivered the beating is from a decent family that would do anything for anyone.

glutton for punishment. once a cheat always a cheat.

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 6:44:41 AM EDT
Quoted: Those are the major details, what do you all expect to happen to the guy that delivered the ass beating?
Nothing but a smooth divorce, reason adultery. No alimony and no child support.

It doesn't work that way, though it should.  In some states, infidelity will get you out of alimony.  In all states, you are stuck paying child support no matter what.  A child  born during the marriage is a product of the marriage no matter who the father is.

And folks wonder why some husbands upon learning of this go all killdozer
Link Posted: 7/16/2013 6:54:53 AM EDT
It'd be kind of funny to pull up a chair and start giving critical advice on their technique.
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