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Posted: 6/15/2009 5:38:51 AM EDT


The left is telling us something many feel, many find as a hunch, that Sarah Palin is the most dangerous threat to the Obama administration with no close second.  The left is telling us this by their  "over the top" attacks.  Not just the Letterman assaults, but the constant barrage of grievances filed against her in Alaska.  The attacks every day on Palin for no apparent reason –– except that the left seems to see her quite differently from any Republican candidate.  A difference of kind, not of degree.


Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:44:07 AM EDT
 in before the bashing. this has been obvious for some time, but is worthy of reinforcement. Palin 2012!
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:45:21 AM EDT
I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:46:26 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:48:04 AM EDT

Whole article for the lazy:

Sarah Palin, the 21st Century 'It' Girl
By Jay Valentine

The best and the brightest on the left go into politics.  The best on the right run their own businesses.  So it is no surprise that the left is far more adept, even expert at the art of hardball politics.  And they are telling us something profound.

The left is telling us something many feel, many find as a hunch, that Sarah Palin is the most dangerous threat to the Obama administration with no close second.  The left is telling us this by their  "over the top" attacks.  Not just the Letterman assaults, but the constant barrage of grievances filed against her in Alaska.  The attacks every day on Palin for no apparent reason –– except that the left seems to see her quite differently from any Republican candidate.  A difference of kind, not of degree.

They would never do this to Romney, Huckabee or Newt, at least not to this level.  There is a clear reason –– these guys couldn't fill up a high school stadium unless they were giving out free beer.

What is the Sarah difference?  Well, it's not the issues, at least that is not all of it.  It is the charisma factor.  Charisma is not learned, it is innate.  One is born with it and no amount of training can inject it.  Jack Kennedy had it.  So did Reagan.  Now Obama.  Out of the thousands of politicians who have come and gone over the last generation, not one other person has shown "it."

Money is no longer the life blood of politics.  Charisma is.  Charisma can raise money overnight; money far beyond what a tired, inarticulate incumbent can raise from rich donors.

When you have "it," the conventional rules no longer apply.  Reagan was vilified in 1976 and few thought he could ever be president.  No matter how the liberals berated him as a "dumb actor" who made chimp movies and the actor who never got the girl, he just looked the American people in the eye, gave them a dose of common sense and it was over.  Carter went on to build low income houses and a life of obscurity punctuated by mischief.

The street fighting, world class, lifelong political experts of the left see "it" and it makes them crazy.  They went crazy for Obama; they are going crazy for Palin, although in the other direction.

Palin could fill a stadium if she were reciting a cookbook.  But she isn't.  She is delivering common sense to an electorate that is becoming ever more jaded every day with the Obama nonsense.  Miranda rights for terrorists?  $4 trillion deficit?

Look at the blow she delivered with one phrase about "styrofoam columns" and imagine what she can do with the material Obama has recently given her.

Opposing Palin's values has no payoff for the left.  They oppose those values for any conservative.  They have to destroy her.  And that is her power because they can't destroy her.

Whenever she chooses, she will take her first trip to Iowa to campaign for some obscure congressional candidate, and when she does, the liberal media cannot ignore the screaming crowds.  And they will not be crowds manufactured by an advance team.  They will be fired up mothers, working people who do not want to pay for deadbeats' mortgages, people who are now going to grass roots tea parties.

The television age gives "it," charisma, more power than ever before.  Charisma is magnified through television.  How else to explain how a 2 year senator few knew could derail Hillary in a few months.  How else to explain how an anti-charisma John McCain, someone television does not flatter or magnify, saw his crowds surge when Palin was next to him.  Palin, an obscure, unknown governor of our most distant and most unknown state, walked onto the national stage and ignited a burst of energy that may well have taken McCain over the top, until his Queeg-like pausing of his campaign to work on a financial crisis and then vote for a bailout.

The landscape is now quite different.  There are tens of millions of people who never voted for Obama, telling their friends "don't blame me."  There is a growing number who did vote for Obama who have lost their jobs at car dealerships, who have not found work yet even after the massive spending, and there are those who just say "...this is not the change I had in mind."

Some thought McCain would be the anti-charisma candidate against the charisma candidate and that would work.  Now we may be lining up for the common sense charisma campaign against the nonsense charisma.

The left is telling us something and they are the experts.  They are telling us not to make Palin the conservative candidate because if we do, it will be humiliating.  I agree with them and I take them at their word.

It will be the undoing of Obama, and it may be overwhelming.


Awesome article, I agree completely.  Palin showed up in upstate NY and drew 20,000 people.  Romney showed up somewhere else and drew 500.

You do the math.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:48:24 AM EDT


Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

way to keep ur eye on the ball...Obama is obviously a better choice.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:48:52 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

Try reading the article about charisma and the role it plays in current politics.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:49:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:50:40 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

I agree. Someone who does not have questionable literacy would probably make a better figurehead and leader for our troubled party. However, I think most femi-nazi libs hate the fact that Sarah is so attractive.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:50:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:53:39 AM EDT
I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.

The left has an inherent need to demonize and degrade those who aren't of their class. Palin is an ordinary person...and as such she's the embodiment of everything the left hates. I sincerely doubt she's our next Reagan. I believe the vitriol thrown at her is more a function of the psychology of the left than the fact that she presents some deep threat to their plans.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:55:20 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 5:59:06 AM EDT
I like Newt and Mitt but like others have said she can fill stadiums at many stops and the others can't.  I gave money to Huckabee but I don't see him filling stadiums neither.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:00:28 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

then why don't you?
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:01:22 AM EDT
I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.

The left has an inherent need to demonize and degrade those who aren't of their class. Palin is an ordinary person...and as such she's the embodiment of everything the left hates. I sincerely doubt she's our next Reagan. I believe the vitriol thrown at her is more a function of the psychology of the left than the fact that she presents some deep threat to their plans.

I agree she is no Reagan, nor do I see her as the face of conservatism. Maybe the body of conservatism, not the face, though.

Seriously, I agree that she is the embodiment of all that the left hates, but not because she is ordinary. Moreso because she is an acheiver who didn't limp into office using the crutch of liberalism, or feminism, or quotas, or title IX or any of that other extraneous BS that the left tells us is necessary for a woman to succeed. She also appears to have consistent values and core beliefs that were not surrendered in the process of acheivement.

My apologies for mistyping the word 'vitriol.' !
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:01:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:03:28 AM EDT
Pro gun.
Hard as nails.
Proven record as Gov.
Mother of 5, including a challenged child.

If the women's groups would back her like they should for being the strong woman that she is, we'd have a winner.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:04:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:04:26 AM EDT
The Whiny One's obsessive attacks are against anyone who opposes the Whiny One's agenda.

Dick Cheney comes to mind, amongst others.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:04:29 AM EDT
I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.


For a long time I've been against her as a candidate simply because I think she'd turn off most Female Voters because she's too attractive.  

Now I'm starting to get behind her just because of the insane hatred she inspires in the Left.

I've always been in favor of her based on the issues and culturally.  She's a genuine White Middle Class American.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:05:47 AM EDT



I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.

The left has an inherent need to demonize and degrade those who aren't of their class. Palin is an ordinary person...and as such she's the embodiment of everything the left hates. I sincerely doubt she's our next Reagan. I believe the vitriol thrown at her is more a function of the psychology of the left than the fact that she presents some deep threat to their plans.

   just for the sake of conversation there JW.... Reagan de- reg'd trucking and the airlines....if memory serves. Now before anyone says 'byrd hated Reagan...I DON'T. but what I am saying is someone has to lead the charge, and there doesn't seem to be an abundance of people with good resumes.  Reagan did great things   and stupid things. Whoever gets in office will certainly do likewise. The left will get behind ANYBODY stupid enough to lead them, and that is how they win.....with the help of Accorn. We need to quit picking apart everyone who comes along or it will surely only get worse.

    I didn't like McCain at all.... and I wasn't  impressed with SP that much either. But let's play Monday morning quarterback. Are some better candidates out there. Yup, you have a good one right in your own state. Bet you know who I am talking about. If we keep comparing or criticising or whatever....aren't we taking our eye of the ball and guaranteeing defeat. McCain/Palin ....the best we can hope for, or just a better choice.


Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:13:15 AM EDT
Sarah Palin is not perfect.  Neither was Reagan.  Neither is Obama.

Sarah Palin is the first to recognize this (which is part of her charm as a real person), as did the self-depricating RR; meanwhile in contrast, Obama and his followers, including the MSM, claim him to be God-like.

Great article that underscores the mysterious reason 7-months after the election, whereby the democraps sweep in the most socialist administration since FDR, they are still attacking her.

For those here that say Palin will guarantee four more years of TOTUS, I strongly disagree.  Running RINO candidates that offer no discernable difference from hardcore socialist lefty's IS the recipe of failure.

Anyone we run is going to have to fight the powerful MSM-machine.  Please don't let the MSM decide who is acceptable for us to run.

This is akin to allowing the head coach of a football team to decide who the opponent starts at Quarterback.  PSSSST! - it will always be the 4th stringer.  


Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:15:24 AM EDT
.....man JW777.....ignorant hillbilly......
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:17:23 AM EDT
.....man JW777.....ignorant hillbilly......

It's how the media and the left [one and the same?] depict Palin
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:21:09 AM EDT



.....man JW777.....ignorant hillbilly......

It's how the media and the left [one and the same?] depict Palin

my apologies there JW if my meter was broke.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:21:27 AM EDT
The street fighting, world class, lifelong political experts of the left see "it" and it makes them crazy. They went crazy for Obama; they are going crazy for Palin, although in the other direction.

Palin could fill a stadium if she were reciting a cookbook. But she isn't. She is delivering common sense to an electorate that is becoming ever more jaded every day with the Obama nonsense. Miranda rights for terrorists? $4 trillion deficit?

Look at the blow she delivered with one phrase about "styrofoam columns" and imagine what she can do with the material Obama has recently given her.

Opposing Palin's values has no payoff for the left. They oppose those values for any conservative. They have to destroy her. And that is her power because they can't destroy her.

Whenever she chooses, she will take her first trip to Iowa to campaign for some obscure congressional candidate, and when she does, the liberal media cannot ignore the screaming crowds. And they will not be crowds manufactured by an advance team. They will be fired up mothers, working people who do not want to pay for deadbeats' mortgages, people who are now going to grass roots tea parties.

The television age gives "it," charisma, more power than ever before. Charisma is magnified through television. How else to explain how a 2 year senator few knew could derail Hillary in a few months. How else to explain how an anti-charisma John McCain, someone television does not flatter or magnify, saw his crowds surge when Palin was next to him. Palin, an obscure, unknown governor of our most distant and most unknown state, walked onto the national stage and ignited a burst of energy that may well have taken McCain over the top, until his Queeg-like pausing of his campaign to work on a financial crisis and then vote for a bailout.

The important thing for Palin if she wants to make a comeback is to stop playing nice with the MSM (Although I think that was something McCain pushed on her).  All of the most ridiculous attacks on her are based on media distortions.

Do interviews but only on the condition that they are live.  Don't allow the selective editing that ABC and CBS did to her.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:22:52 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

I agree. Someone who does not have questionable literacy would probably make a better figurehead and leader for our troubled party. However, I think most femi-nazi libs hate the fact that Sarah is so attractive.

Questionable literacy? Did someone get a thesaurus this weekend? How is she "questionably literate?" Are you one of those apologetic conservatives who responds to arguments with libs by starting your statement "I'll give you that, but..." Sorry. I'll limit my questions to four in one post.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:28:02 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

I agree. Someone who does not have questionable literacy would probably make a better figurehead and leader for our troubled party. However, I think most femi-nazi libs hate the fact that Sarah is so attractive.

Questionable literacy? Did someone get a thesaurus this weekend? How is she "questionably literate?" Are you one of those apologetic conservatives who responds to arguments with libs by starting your statement "I'll give you that, but..." Sorry. I'll limit my questions to four in one post.

Dude, she can't read.  She's illiterate.  Don't you watch the TV News?
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:28:07 AM EDT
So, we're behind a candidate because the opposition hates her?   Letting the opposing faction define your candidate for you––-brilliant.  
No wonder the R's are in such deep shit.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:28:07 AM EDT
I'm not a gushing Palin fan by any stretch of the imagination. But it is obvious by the actions of the MSM and DNC that she poses some sort of a threat. The vitreol with which the left attacks her makes me respect her, if not actually like her, more.

They are terrified of her for several reasons.  They should be

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:32:26 AM EDT
I'm not a big fan of Camille Paglia, but I am a fan of the way she can slice and dice with words.

She has huge respect for Palin.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:32:58 AM EDT


The street fighting, world class, lifelong political experts of the left see "it" and it makes them crazy. They went crazy for Obama; they are going crazy for Palin, although in the other direction.

Palin could fill a stadium if she were reciting a cookbook. But she isn't. She is delivering common sense to an electorate that is becoming ever more jaded every day with the Obama nonsense. Miranda rights for terrorists? $4 trillion deficit?

Look at the blow she delivered with one phrase about "styrofoam columns" and imagine what she can do with the material Obama has recently given her.

Opposing Palin's values has no payoff for the left. They oppose those values for any conservative. They have to destroy her. And that is her power because they can't destroy her.

Whenever she chooses, she will take her first trip to Iowa to campaign for some obscure congressional candidate, and when she does, the liberal media cannot ignore the screaming crowds. And they will not be crowds manufactured by an advance team. They will be fired up mothers, working people who do not want to pay for deadbeats' mortgages, people who are now going to grass roots tea parties.

The television age gives "it," charisma, more power than ever before. Charisma is magnified through television. How else to explain how a 2 year senator few knew could derail Hillary in a few months. How else to explain how an anti-charisma John McCain, someone television does not flatter or magnify, saw his crowds surge when Palin was next to him. Palin, an obscure, unknown governor of our most distant and most unknown state, walked onto the national stage and ignited a burst of energy that may well have taken McCain over the top, until his Queeg-like pausing of his campaign to work on a financial crisis and then vote for a bailout.

The important thing for Palin if she wants to make a comeback is to stop playing nice with the MSM (Although I think that was something McCain pushed on her).  All of the most ridiculous attacks on her are based on media distortions.

Do interviews but only on the condition that they are live.  Don't allow the selective editing that ABC and CBS did to her.
Yes, interviews like this

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:33:08 AM EDT





Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

I agree. Someone who does not have questionable literacy would probably make a better figurehead and leader for our troubled party. However, I think most femi-nazi libs hate the fact that Sarah is so attractive.

Questionable literacy? Did someone get a thesaurus this weekend? How is she "questionably literate?" Are you one of those apologetic conservatives who responds to arguments with libs by starting your statement "I'll give you that, but..." Sorry. I'll limit my questions to four in one post.

Dude, she can't read. She's illiterate. Don't you watch the TV News?

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:33:18 AM EDT
So, we're behind a candidate because the opposition hates her?   Letting the opposing faction define your candidate for you––-brilliant.  
No wonder the R's are in such deep shit.

As opposed to running the guy the opposing faction loves...see McCain.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:34:12 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

I agree. Someone who does not have questionable literacy would probably make a better figurehead and leader for our troubled party. However, I think most femi-nazi libs hate the fact that Sarah is so attractive.

Questionable literacy? Did someone get a thesaurus this weekend? How is she "questionably literate?" Are you one of those apologetic conservatives who responds to arguments with libs by starting your statement "I'll give you that, but..." Sorry. I'll limit my questions to four in one post.

Dude, she can't read.  She's illiterate.  Don't you watch the TV News?

Right. Sorry no. I forgot that Katie Couric says she's an idiot, so it must be true.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:35:12 AM EDT
I think Palin is an idiot and a terrible choice.

BUT. I don't think they are attacking Palin, they are attacking the IDEA of somebody LIKE Palin (she just takes the brunt force of it)

They HATE what she "embodies" - they hate the "Right," they hate women who aren't "independent," they hate anyone who is prolife, they hate anyone who loves guns, they hate women who aren't nazi-feminists.

The left doens't understand "I don't know anyone like her, so she is an anomaly" - but in reality her "type" makes up 1/2+ the country.

It has nothing to do with HER, it has everything to do with what she IS.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:39:08 AM EDT
Give me a break. If Sarah Palin is the best we can come up with to represent us as gun-owning fiscal conservatives. We won't be winning any elections for a long time. I'm sure there are multiple members of this site who could do a job many multiples better....

Private Palin may be silly and ignorant, but she's got guts. And guts is enough.

Actually I don't  think she's silly or ignorant. She's no evil genious like Darth Cheney (not really evil, but definately a genious) but she has more balls than all the Republicans in congress.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:40:53 AM EDT


Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Big +1!

I'm working on a Masters Degree right now.  4 classes in to the program and I'm finding myself pissed off at the other students and instructors.  This week I read a 25 page thesis paper designed to show that incentive programs motivate workers.

No shit?

I always thought a poke in the eye worked better at motivating workers than some silly pat on the back.  </sarcasm>

What really kills me are the words these students use to write their papers.  It's like a scrabble convention.  You must get extra points based on the number of letters.

Of course, my papers have a decent number of "smart" words too.  I love to write a complicated sentance then follow it with a common sense example.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:46:03 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:49:27 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:54:30 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!

If your "opinion" is that Palin is an idiot...then I'll add one more possibility, you could be an idiot. I didn't say that you have to like her or want to vote for her or even respect her. To be a conservative and to say that she is an idiot is in itself idiotic or at least a case of adhering to the MSM narrative (= populists and apologists)...all this of course is only true if you are a conservative. If you aren't, then we'll just call it par for the course.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 6:59:13 AM EDT





Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!

If your "opinion" is that Palin is an idiot...then I'll add one more possibility, you could be an idiot. I didn't say that you have to like her or want to vote for her or even respect her. To be a conservative and to say that she is an idiot is in itself idiotic or at least a case of adhering to the MSM narrative (= populists and apologists)...all this of course is only true if you are a conservative. If you aren't, then we'll just call it par for the course.
 Yup.........   or should I say I concur with your hypothesis which obviously is the result of exhaustive investigation.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:02:38 AM EDT
I still don't see why people call Palin an idiot, other then the whole "I can see russia from my house, herp derp" comment that she didn't even make herself.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:04:53 AM EDT


I still don't see why people call Palin an idiot, other then the whole "I can see russia from my house, herp derp" comment that she didn't even make herself.
  that dear friend....is because you can SEE, without the help of the MSM  

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:06:03 AM EDT



So, we're behind a candidate because the opposition hates her?   Letting the opposing faction define your candidate for you––-brilliant.  

No wonder the R's are in such deep shit.

As opposed to running the guy the opposing faction loves...see McCain.

To be fair, he was the best of the 3 who were left....

The GOP had 1 good candidate who wouldn't campaign, a bunch of freaks & nuts, a few liberals, and 'lukewarm McCain'...

McCain won by default...

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:07:06 AM EDT
Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma has gone to bat for gun owners many times...sometimes alone...he's got the balls and the brains.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:07:07 AM EDT
I think Palin is an idiot and a terrible choice.

BUT. I don't think they are attacking Palin, they are attacking the IDEA of somebody LIKE Palin (she just takes the brunt force of it)

They HATE what she "embodies" - they hate the "Right," they hate women who aren't "independent," they hate anyone who is prolife, they hate anyone who loves guns, they hate women who aren't nazi-feminists.

The left doens't understand "I don't know anyone like her, so she is an anomaly" - but in reality her "type" makes up 1/2+ the country.

It has nothing to do with HER, it has everything to do with what she IS.

While you reach what is probably the right conclusion, your logic path is flawed, espeically since you start it with a personal attack on Palin.

The left are scared of her because she embodies everything they claim they are; independent, succesfull, "anti-establishment", political outsider, and has the feel of her constituents.

She is successful despite never having toed the political line, going to the "right" schools, kissing the "right" butts, and holding personal beliefs that half of her constituents don't agree with, but is still willing to have an open discussion about any of them.

She is what the left claims it is, and they understand that she is the diametrical opposite of what they actually are.  They fear that too many people will figure that out, if they are held up in comparison to her.

Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:08:06 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!

If your "opinion" is that Palin is an idiot...then I'll add one more possibility, you could be an idiot. I didn't say that you have to like her or want to vote for her or even respect her. To be a conservative and to say that she is an idiot is in itself idiotic or at least a case of adhering to the MSM narrative (= populists and apologists)...all this of course is only true if you are a conservative. If you aren't, then we'll just call it par for the course.

So now I am not a "conservative" if I don't follow your position.


There are more qualifiers to what can constitute someone as an idiot than what people are "told" - I find her an idiot for allowing herself to be neutered by the McCain campaign and not speak her mind. She allowed herself to be told what to say and couldn't digest all that information.

So please, wax poetic about how smart you are and how conservative you are because you have a differing opinion.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:08:51 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!

If your "opinion" is that Palin is an idiot...then I'll add one more possibility, you could be an idiot. I didn't say that you have to like her or want to vote for her or even respect her. To be a conservative and to say that she is an idiot is in itself idiotic or at least a case of adhering to the MSM narrative (= populists and apologists)...all this of course is only true if you are a conservative. If you aren't, then we'll just call it par for the course.

So now I am not a "conservative" if I don't follow your position.


There are more qualifiers to what can constitute someone as an idiot than what people are "told" - I find her an idiot for allowing herself to be neutered by the McCain campaign and not speak her mind. She allowed herself to be told what to say and couldn't digest all that information.

So please, wax poetic about how smart you are and how conservative you are because you have a differing opinion.

I'm sure he'll wax while you wax.

We all wax different ways. Just gotta share the same wax, man. Share the wax.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:11:01 AM EDT
Newsflash: Talking in plain-speak is NOT a sign of illiteracy or lack of intelligence.

Actually, I tend to view those who speak in unnecessary, flamboyant verbiage to be  hiding their own lack of knowledge. Not always, but often, this is the case.

Than you must be an idiot

j/k...I agree completely. I figure the "Palin is an idiot" crowd is just outing themselves as populists and apologists.

Yeah, god forbid anyone have a differing opinion. Everyone should hold the same! Nothing populist about that!

If your "opinion" is that Palin is an idiot...then I'll add one more possibility, you could be an idiot. I didn't say that you have to like her or want to vote for her or even respect her. To be a conservative and to say that she is an idiot is in itself idiotic or at least a case of adhering to the MSM narrative (= populists and apologists)...all this of course is only true if you are a conservative. If you aren't, then we'll just call it par for the course.

So now I am not a "conservative" if I don't follow your position.


There are more qualifiers to what can constitute someone as an idiot than what people are "told" - I find her an idiot for allowing herself to be neutered by the McCain campaign and not speak her mind. She allowed herself to be told what to say and couldn't digest all that information.

So please, wax poetic about how smart you are and how conservative you are because you have a differing opinion.

You do realize that the President is the Vice Presidents boss, right? If you want to be mad at someone for her campaign, direct it at the responsible party...the McCain camp.
Link Posted: 6/15/2009 7:11:47 AM EDT
"Oh!  Don't even consider running Palin in 2012!  That would be horrible!"

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