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Posted: 5/2/2011 4:28:26 AM EDT
Im a little blown away.

Young kids out on the streets of New York and DC, waving the American Flag, singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Holy crap.....I know its only flavor of the moment bullshit and half of them will be right back to bashing everything about the U.S. by next week, buts its still nice to see. Shit, half the people Im seeing in these videos were probably 8-9 years old on the day of the WTC attacks.

I guess I shouldnt be too surprised, my 20 year old little brother is currently deployed in Afghanistan with 2nd Recon, almost all his high school buddies have enlisted as well. Shit, a glimmer of hope maybe for this countries future?

On another note, considering where this douche nozzle was found.....are we prepared to finally stop giving money to those assholes in Pakistan?
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:31:11 AM EDT
Their boy finally did something right so they go ape shit.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:32:27 AM EDT
Their boy finally did something right so they go ape shit.

I'll go with this

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:33:11 AM EDT
Herd mentality.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:34:01 AM EDT
We were just old enough to remember the attack very well, and to impressionable little kids, it was kind of a fantasy that we'd eventually kill him. A whole generation of internet tough guys talked about how THEY'd cap OBL, and after a long time, we kind of gave up on it ever happening. And lo and behold, here it is. All of us younger people see it as like a kickass Christmas gift that's been held back for 10 years. That's why you see us all so happy, because killing this dickbag in response to 9/11 was what all of us wanted, and it was amplified because that was the war we grew up with. Imagine if WWII had dragged on long enough for 10 yr olds during Pearl Harbor see Tojo get waxed on a News Reel? Same thing.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:34:05 AM EDT
they'll forget by next week
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:34:15 AM EDT
I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:35:14 AM EDT
I guess I shouldnt be too surprised, my 20 year old little brother is currently deployed in Afghanistan with 2nd Recon, almost all his high school buddies have enlisted as well. Shit, a glimmer of hope maybe for this countries future?

There's always that small percentage that steps up to the plate and keeps the machine running.

Not surprised at the response, a lot of these kids have grown up their whole lives with 9/11 and OBL as something lurking in the shadows of their minds, kinda like the threat of nuclear obliteration back in the Cold War days.  I guess this is kind of their Fall of the Wall moment.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:35:42 AM EDT
I'm not real sure what to make of it right now.  I'm almost a little embarrassed to see them doing all this.  Most of the singing I've seen on tv, seemed to be done by drunk people.  

It kind of reminds me of the Arab street.  I could be wrong.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:41:24 AM EDT
Not at all
But Americans have short memories, as soon as Americans fill up their cars or go to the supermarket and see the high prices it will all be back to normal.

Because Americans only care about Me Me Me and not what is good for our country
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:42:19 AM EDT
And the hard reality of this is nothing will change.
Terrorists will still terrorize.
Its not like its all going to be hunky dory now that this shitstain has obtained room temperature.

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:44:37 AM EDT
I'm surprised .
seeing hot college age girls chanting '" USA " USA " and waving the American flag is a sight you don't see very often

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:46:05 AM EDT
Yeah, I am surprised. I expected some F yeah! but not public crowds gathering and chanting.  I was not expecting that at all.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:46:36 AM EDT
I can understand the excitement, but the jubilation is a bit odd to my way of thinking.  

Flame me for this if desired, but the footage reminds me an awful lot of what we saw on various middle-eastern television stations on 9/11.  

It looks like Disneyland has opened a new theme park and announced free admission to anyone between the ages of 15 and 25.

This is the response I'd expect if the U.S. won the World Cup.

I love the singing of the national anthem.  The chanting and facepainting, not so much.
Fact is "WE" didn't do anything. The military has a right to celebrate, most of the kids I'm seeing are just going along it seems.

Mixed feelings of seeing the proud response with the lack of reservation.

It comes down to it, I just don't know.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:47:12 AM EDT
I'm not real sure what to make of it right now.  I'm almost a little embarrassed to see them doing all this.  Most of the singing I've seen on tv, seemed to be done by drunk people.  

It kind of reminds me of the Arab street.  I could be wrong.

It reminds me a lot of how they celebrated on 9/11.


Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:48:55 AM EDT
I'm surprised.  I also don't understand all of the rallies and dancing in the street.  I'm glad he is dead, but the gatherings don't make sense to me.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:50:09 AM EDT
The whole country should come to a standstill in a national day of celebration.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:53:18 AM EDT
Yeah, I am surprised. I expected some F yeah! but not public crowds gathering and chanting.  I was not expecting that at all.

Liberal staffers and interns, community organizers, paid protesters, ect, those "spontaneous celebrations" were planned and staged.

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:55:06 AM EDT
With the fucked-up state of this country, Why are'nt all these morons calling for the crucifixion of their "black jesus"?

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:55:52 AM EDT
Yeah, I am surprised. I expected some F yeah! but not public crowds gathering and chanting.  I was not expecting that at all.

Liberal staffers and interns, community organizers, paid protesters, ect, those "spontaneous celebrations" were planned and staged.

The celebration outside the white house last night just before and during Obama's remarks looked exactly like a flashmob gathering.  They were awfully well equipped with their patriotic accessories, considering the announcement hadn't been made yet.

I would expect propagandizing, and accept it as normal, but it still looks classless to me.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:57:50 AM EDT
I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.

Thats it right here.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 4:59:48 AM EDT
they'll forget by next week

They will remember because a video game will come out.

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:00:45 AM EDT
maybe the thread title and responses to the OP are why we should fear for our future.  Zero faith.  Those 'herd mentality' school-age kids are acting more American than you guys right now.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:02:21 AM EDT
I'm seeing US flags with 0's logo on them. Do they say Obama 2012? It's in the pics of celebrations by the WTC grounds.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:03:20 AM EDT
maybe the thread title and responses to the OP are why we should fear for our future.  Zero faith.  Those 'herd mentality' school-age kids are acting more American than you guys right now.

"more brave than me: more blond than you"
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:04:01 AM EDT
Id rather not see any celebrating. To me it looks too much like people think "Hes dead wars over!". He was only 1 man in a very large machine. There should be some happiness to remove such a prominent individual but this shit is FAR from over.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:05:38 AM EDT
I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.

I agree, as overall, most Americans are dumb when it comes to things such as the war on terror. Unfortunately, there was so much emphasis put on capturing/killing OBL, that everyone thought if we caught/killed him, all the Johnny Jihads would pack up their camels and head back to their caves, and couldn't see that he was just a figurehead, and yes, he was the "Mastermind" of 9/11, there are many more guys who are just as bad if not worse than him, and they're still alive and kickin' and I'm sure with OBL now dead, they're chompin' at the bit for a piece of America.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:08:56 AM EDT
I'm not real sure what to make of it right now.  I'm almost a little embarrassed to see them doing all this.  Most of the singing I've seen on tv, seemed to be done by drunk people.  

It kind of reminds me of the Arab street.  I could be wrong.

I was thinking that last night, and harboring back to when we saw people in the middle east dancing in the street in the days after 9/11, and the emotions we felt. Even though OBL needed his ticket punched and I'm glad he's now worm food fish food, that kind of celebration on our part will play out in all the Madrassas across the middle east, showing the big bad satan (America) and how disrespectful we are, even though we all know OBL deserved no respect and I'd just as soon see his body thrown in a woodchipper and then fed to pigs!
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:16:50 AM EDT
I'm not real sure what to make of it right now.  I'm almost a little embarrassed to see them doing all this.  Most of the singing I've seen on tv, seemed to be done by drunk people.  

It kind of reminds me of the Arab street.  I could be wrong.

I was thinking that last night, and harboring back to when we saw people in the middle east dancing in the street in the days after 9/11, and the emotions we felt. Even though OBL needed his ticket punched and I'm glad he's now worm food fish food, that kind of celebration on our part will play out in all the Madrassas across the middle east, showing the big bad satan (America) and how disrespectful we are, even though we all know OBL deserved no respect and I'd just as soon see his body thrown in a woodchipper and then fed to pigs!

I hear you, but sometimes, you just have to say FUCK them. Fuck everyone of them with a pigs dick that think we don't have a reason to celebrate.

I'm tired of being PC.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:26:54 AM EDT


I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.

That's the biggest risk.


He was dead years ago, for all intents and purposes.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:30:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:30:26 AM EDT
I want to know why it took the most powerful nation on the planet almost 10 years to kill the scumbag.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:32:20 AM EDT
I want to know why it took the most powerful nation on the planet almost 10 years to kill the scumbag.

I'll go with "because he was hiding".
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:34:28 AM EDT


Im a little blown away.

Young kids out on the streets of New York and DC, waving the American Flag, singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Holy crap.....I know its only flavor of the moment bullshit and half of them will be right back to bashing everything about the U.S. by next week, buts its still nice to see. Shit, half the people Im seeing in these videos were probably 8-9 years old on the day of the WTC attacks.

I guess I shouldnt be too surprised, my 20 year old little brother is currently deployed in Afghanistan with 2nd Recon, almost all his high school buddies have enlisted as well. Shit, a glimmer of hope maybe for this countries future?
On another note, considering where this douche nozzle was found.....are we prepared to finally stop giving money to those assholes in Pakistan?
We're still giving money to Hamas fer fooks sake.

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:34:53 AM EDT
Yeah, I am surprised. I expected some F yeah! but not public crowds gathering and chanting.  I was not expecting that at all.

Liberal staffers and interns, community organizers, paid protesters, ect, those "spontaneous celebrations" were planned and staged.

The celebration outside the white house last night just before and during Obama's remarks looked exactly like a flashmob gathering.  They were awfully well equipped with their patriotic accessories, considering the announcement hadn't been made yet.

I would expect propagandizing, and accept it as normal, but it still looks classless to me.

Good grief you guys are paranoid and/or cynical.

It seemed pretty obviously to be a spontaneous event.  What a lot of people don't realize is that George Washington university is RIGHT THERE - it's just a short walk.  Most of those celebrants were clearly college kids - and I'm guessing what happened is that after CNN showed the SMALL CROWD of about 20 people who gathered, all the other kids jumped on the bandwagon and ran down there to be part of the news, or be part of TV.  After that, with the advent of social networking, twitter, etc - I think it just took on a life of its own.

In addition the Washington Capitals had a game at the Verizon Center, which is not far from the White House, that ended about 30 minutes before the announcement was made. I'm sure a lot of people were still in the area from the game at some of the Bars and Restaurants.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:36:40 AM EDT
I want to know why it took the most powerful nation on the planet almost 10 years to kill the scumbag.

I'll go with "because he was hiding".

LOL....ok, better question....why did it take us so long to find him?

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:38:35 AM EDT
Overall, it's good.

The point of terrorism/asymmetrical warfare is to change the political will of a nation.

People celebrating/demonstrating at the news of OBL's demise will be shown as clips in the Middle East, and conveys the message that 9/11 ultimately accomplished nothing, if not the exact opposite.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:38:42 AM EDT
Some of the cheering made me a bit uncomfortable as it reminded me of what happened in the arab world after 9/11. Everyone should be happy but the war against terror will go on forever just like each generation of palestinians hates the jews.  Look at it this way; there will be job security in the armed forces forever too.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:38:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:42:42 AM EDT

I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.

Thats it right here.
I suppose nobody can say for sure, but is OBL's death going to cause the radicals to increase the violence in a revenge effort, and bring it over here, under the idea that we REALLY must be brought down?

I wonder if there will be a "play this tape to the world in the event of my capture or death" released in the next few days or weeks of OBL encouraging peace and acceptance of the infidels.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:44:32 AM EDT


Overall, it's good.

The point of terrorism/asymmetrical warfare is to change the political will of a nation.

People celebrating/demonstrating at the news of OBL's demise will be shown as clips in the Middle East, and conveys the message that 9/11 ultimately accomplished nothing, if not the exact opposite.

Well said...

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:46:45 AM EDT
I want to know why it took the most powerful nation on the planet almost 10 years to kill the scumbag.

I'll go with "because he was hiding".

LOL....ok, better question....why did it take us so long to find him?

I'm sure our intelligence capability is limited when it comes to Muslim countries. I don't know why, but they seem to hate us.

Maybe someone from the intel area will chime in.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:47:00 AM EDT
I won't blame those that want to go drink beer and wave flags, but I find myself strangely unmoved.

I guess I'm thinking ok, he's dead.. Now what?
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:48:13 AM EDT
Yeah, I am surprised. I expected some F yeah! but not public crowds gathering and chanting.  I was not expecting that at all.

Liberal staffers and interns, community organizers, paid protesters, ect, those "spontaneous celebrations" were planned and staged.

The celebration outside the white house last night just before and during Obama's remarks looked exactly like a flashmob gathering.  They were awfully well equipped with their patriotic accessories, considering the announcement hadn't been made yet.

I would expect propagandizing, and accept it as normal, but it still looks classless to me.

Good grief you guys are paranoid and/or cynical.

It seemed pretty obviously to be a spontaneous event.  What a lot of people don't realize is that George Washington university is RIGHT THERE - it's just a short walk.  Most of those celebrants were clearly college kids - and I'm guessing what happened is that after CNN showed the SMALL CROWD of about 20 people who gathered, all the other kids jumped on the bandwagon and ran down there to be part of the news, or be part of TV.  After that, with the advent of social networking, twitter, etc - I think it just took on a life of its own.

In addition the Washington Capitals had a game at the Verizon Center, which is not far from the White House, that ended about 30 minutes before the announcement was made. I'm sure a lot of people were still in the area from the game at some of the Bars and Restaurants.

Yeah, I'm cynical. It's not that I doubt people are sincere or that this was a conspiracy.  It just has a flavor of "ding dong the wicked witch is dead" about the whole display.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:48:53 AM EDT


I think a lot of people believe that Bin Laden's death means the War on Terror is over.

This. They are gonna turn on Zero in a heartbeat when he doesn't draw down combat forces by the end of the week.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:49:54 AM EDT
I'm sorry but this is one time where I think 90% of you are completely dead fucking wrong and sound like a bunch of liberal conspiracy theorists. How about you try taking it for what it is and be happy with the fact that there are a lot of people proud of what America has done? On my campus there were probably over a thousand people, all of them at some point or another singing the national anthem, God Bless America, saying the pledge of allegiance, and many of them carrying American flags. Are you telling me that me and every single one of them is just liberal propaganda that were rallied beforehand? Ever heard of social media? Facebook exploded. I don't have twitter, but I hear twitter exploded.

I keep getting pissed off when I hear people comparing me and the rest of the people celebrating to the fucking animals that celebrated on 9/11. That's complete fucking bullshit. Are we celebrating the death of thousands of innocent civilians? Are we in the streets chanting and carrying signs saying "Fuck Arabs" and "Death to the middle east"? No. People were carrying flags and USA signs. People made flag poles out of fucking railings. Nobody was burning effigies of muslims or of the arab world, at least on my campus everything was 100% peaceful. But I'm a fucking animal? Fuck you
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:53:16 AM EDT
I can understand the excitement, but the jubilation is a bit odd to my way of thinking.  

Flame me for this if desired, but the footage reminds me an awful lot of what we saw on various middle-eastern television stations on 9/11.  

It looks like Disneyland has opened a new theme park and announced free admission to anyone between the ages of 15 and 25.

This is the response I'd expect if the U.S. won the World Cup.

I love the singing of the national anthem.  The chanting and facepainting, not so much.
Fact is "WE" didn't do anything. The military has a right to celebrate, most of the kids I'm seeing are just going along it seems.

Mixed feelings of seeing the proud response with the lack of reservation.

It comes down to it, I just don't know.

so you want us to just have a quiet golf clap and call it a day?
for fuck sake, i bet you guys would be complaining if people were not showing their excitement over killing ENEMY NUMBER ONE
we support the US military,so we will celebrate along with them,when they achieve a great victory.
and no, i was not out in the streets last night, as thats not my kind of thing.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:54:51 AM EDT
I want to know why it took the most powerful nation on the planet almost 10 years to kill the scumbag.

I want to know why in the wee hours of Monday 5/2 EDT, Usama "was killed a week ago", and DNA evidence processed, CIA rearranges chess board, etc. before the announcement last night, and by daybreak Usama "was killed Sunday 5/1 EDT" and body buried at sea?

Are we still playing this RoPer Political Correctness thing, even at this momentous occasion?

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 5:56:17 AM EDT
Im the same age as most of those kids.

I was 11 years old when the towers fell, it was the formative moment of my young life.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 6:01:53 AM EDT
I can understand the excitement, but the jubilation is a bit odd to my way of thinking.  

Flame me for this if desired, but the footage reminds me an awful lot of what we saw on various middle-eastern television stations on 9/11.  

It looks like Disneyland has opened a new theme park and announced free admission to anyone between the ages of 15 and 25.

This is the response I'd expect if the U.S. won the World Cup.

I love the singing of the national anthem.  The chanting and facepainting, not so much.
Fact is "WE" didn't do anything. The military has a right to celebrate, most of the kids I'm seeing are just going along it seems.

Mixed feelings of seeing the proud response with the lack of reservation.

It comes down to it, I just don't know.

so you want us to just have a quiet golf clap and call it a day?
for fuck sake, i bet you guys would be complaining if people were not showing their excitement over killing ENEMY NUMBER ONE
we support the US military,so we will celebrate along with them,when they achieve a great victory.
and no, i was not out in the streets last night, as thats not my kind of thing.

Oddly enough, I'm not seeing the party atmosphere response from the WTC ground zero reports.  I wonder what would be appropriate from the observers at Arlington, or at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Killing ENEMY NUMBER ONE seems more like a solemn event to me.  Like I said, I don't really know, but that's how I feel.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 6:02:57 AM EDT
Im the same age as most of those kids.

I was 11 years old when the towers fell, it was the formative moment of my young life.

And a word from an elder, NEVER FORGET IT.

You know what they say about those who don't learn history......

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