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Link Posted: 11/13/2012 6:54:51 AM EDT
In which of these videos is he praising obama or his policies? If anything hes spanking liberals left and right.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 7:01:14 AM EDT

Penn specifically said that he thought Perry and Bachman were good people. I dont know what sort of bias you are working with though.....

If he did it was after the 4:13 mark, as I listened to it again, specifically listening for any mention of "good" or a positive word of any type.  Please tell me the point where he called them "good people."  

I'm not trying to nitpick him––the fact he is an Obama lover is what turns me off to the rest of his nonsense.  I don't even go to church but the militant atheist preaching of "we're so much smarter than those stupid Christians" is a very tedious message indeed.  If one is an atheist, fine.  But please just go BE an atheist and STFU about it.  They are the only ones worse than militant vegetarians.  

Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegetarian atheist?  They will FUCKING TELL YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND . . .

is there a name for people that don't care if there is a god or isn't one?   I guess I fall into the group of I don't care, I don't even think about it group.   I get annoyed by listening to both sides.  

but that is like any other group out there, you will always have the loud mouth look at me and listen because I'm always right types.   Its the same with religion, shooters, cooks, fly fishermen and every other group you can think of.

Says the dude who has a big trout he caught as his avatar.

you'd be surprised at the asshats you run into fly fishing.   I may love it but the people that come with it are idiot cunt boxes  They makes the beans/ no beans, 45 vs 9 look boring
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 7:07:51 AM EDT


In which of these videos is he praising obama or his policies? If anything hes spanking liberals left and right.

http://youtu.be/XE_qV5e_lJ0 http://youtu.be/wWWOJGYZYpk http://youtu.be/9j3_Ki6R3z0 http://youtu.be/UCdJMNTcWGs http://youtu.be/yO9L3oyQhQ8

Now you're getting all rational and stuff....

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 7:31:34 AM EDT

In which of these videos is he praising obama or his policies? If anything hes spanking liberals left and right.

http://youtu.be/XE_qV5e_lJ0 http://youtu.be/wWWOJGYZYpk http://youtu.be/9j3_Ki6R3z0 http://youtu.be/UCdJMNTcWGs http://youtu.be/yO9L3oyQhQ8

Now you're getting all rational and stuff....  

“One of the things that matters most to me is that we are a country that is as different as individuals as we can possibly be. I think that’s the reason why we live - to be different from one another and to learn from one another.” And his simple advice to the youth of the world? “Read everything, and be kind.”

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 7:53:34 AM EDT



One of many times, I disagree with Penn.  I'd say that Obama definitely has malice in his heart for the USA.

Yes––he begins by declaring he likes Obama because he is "fundamentally a good man."  WTF?  

He can't see the evil and pernicious nature of this man when it is on full display and not hidden in any way, but I'm supposed to take him seriously when he uses as an example of the Bible being "wrong" that some crazy person said God told him to use an "AK-15" (sic) to shoot people at a restaraunt?  No thanks.  

Anyone who declares Obama to be "good" but Bachman and Perry are "bad" is not someone I care to admire––let alone respect.
He never said that.

He said that if they truly believe what they claim to believe, then they are crazy.

If obama truly believes what reverend Wright teaches, than he's crazy.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 7:57:57 AM EDT

One of many times, I disagree with Penn.  I'd say that Obama definitely has malice in his heart for the USA.

Yes––he begins by declaring he likes Obama because he is "fundamentally a good man."  WTF?  

He can't see the evil and pernicious nature of this man when it is on full display and not hidden in any way, but I'm supposed to take him seriously when he uses as an example of the Bible being "wrong" that some crazy person said God told him to use an "AK-15" (sic) to shoot people at a restaraunt?  No thanks.  

Anyone who declares Obama to be "good" but Bachman and Perry are "bad" is not someone I care to admire––let alone respect.
He never said that.

He said that if they truly believe what they claim to believe, then they are crazy.
If obama truly believes what reverend Wright teaches, than he's crazy.


He also said that he doesn't believe that any of them truly believe that stuff, they are only saying it with a wink and a nod to the people they are pandering to.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:07:15 AM EDT
If you think science can prove/disprove whether or not there is a God you are mistaken.


It is a fool's errand in either case when it is tried.

I certainly have no issues with one looking at the available info, searching their souls, and choosing to believe there is no supernatural anything. After all, I have challenges to my faith all the time, and I'm not always sure I win, so who am I to ridicule someone who has reached a different conclusion using the same means?

But where my fucking fur starts to fly is when the asshole militant atheists start telling me that I need a "crutch", or that I'm too stupid to accept science, or that only science can prove anything, and that those who believe are somehow less intelligent than those who don't. I don't go around ridiculing those who have chosen not to believe, so I will be God-damned before I accept being ridiculed or accept having all references to God removed from the public discourse because some are so in non-need of a "crutch" that they need the government to come save their asses from being offended.

I've been discussing religion on this board for a long time and have yet to EVER hear an atheist make the claim that "science disproves god." Why do people think this is what atheist think?

As for the rest of your post it goes both ways. I will be God-damned before I accept being ridiculed or accept having all references to God forced into the public mainstream because some are so in need of a "crutch" that they need the government to come save their asses from being offended when atheists want religious propaganda removed.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:09:40 AM EDT

Penn specifically said that he thought Perry and Bachman were good people. I dont know what sort of bias you are working with though.....

If he did it was after the 4:13 mark, as I listened to it again, specifically listening for any mention of "good" or a positive word of any type.  Please tell me the point where he called them "good people."  

I'm not trying to nitpick him––the fact he is an Obama lover is what turns me off to the rest of his nonsense.  I don't even go to church but the militant atheist preaching of "we're so much smarter than those stupid Christians" is a very tedious message indeed.  If one is an atheist, fine.  But please just go BE an atheist and STFU about it.  They are the only ones worse than militant vegetarians.  

Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegetarian atheist?  They will FUCKING TELL YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND . . .

is there a name for people that don't care if there is a god or isn't one?   I guess I fall into the group of I don't care, I don't even think about it group.   I get annoyed by listening to both sides.  

but that is like any other group out there, you will always have the loud mouth look at me and listen because I'm always right types.   Its the same with religion, shooters, cooks, fly fishermen and every other group you can think of.

Welcome to the Church of DILLIGAF.  
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:14:57 AM EDT

If he did it was after the 4:13 mark, as I listened to it again, specifically listening for any mention of "good" or a positive word of any type.  Please tell me the point where he called them "good people."  

I'm not trying to nitpick him––the fact he is an Obama lover is what turns me off to the rest of his nonsense.  I don't even go to church but the militant atheist preaching of "we're so much smarter than those stupid Christians" is a very tedious message indeed. If one is an atheist, fine.  But please just go BE an atheist and STFU about it.  They are the only ones worse than militant vegetarians.  

Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegetarian atheist?  They will FUCKING TELL YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND . . .

I say the same thing about Christians but we both know that's not going to happen.

When an atheist speaks his mind he's labled a "militant atheist" in a negative light. When Christians do it they're praised for "spreading the word."  

It's fucking insane that Chirstians can go door-to-door spreading the word, but atheists are told to shut the fuck up about it and deal with religion being pushed mainstream. Less you speak you will be labled "militant."

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:47:32 AM EDT

If he did it was after the 4:13 mark, as I listened to it again, specifically listening for any mention of "good" or a positive word of any type.  Please tell me the point where he called them "good people."  

I'm not trying to nitpick him––the fact he is an Obama lover is what turns me off to the rest of his nonsense.  I don't even go to church but the militant atheist preaching of "we're so much smarter than those stupid Christians" is a very tedious message indeed. If one is an atheist, fine.  But please just go BE an atheist and STFU about it.  They are the only ones worse than militant vegetarians.  

Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegetarian atheist?  They will FUCKING TELL YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND . . .

I say the same thing about Christians but we both know that's not going to happen.

When an atheist speaks his mind he's labled a "militant atheist" in a negative light. When Christians do it they're praised for "spreading the word."  

It's fucking insane that Chirstians can go door-to-door spreading the word, but atheists are told to shut the fuck up about it and deal with religion being pushed mainstream. Less you speak you will be labled "militant."


It's also insane that people see the absence of a belief in magic as a form of belief in magic.  
And that the same people who whine and moan about restrictions on their freedom of religious expression whenever someone opposes them branding the government as (insert cult name here) will tell people who don't belong to their cult to just shut up and be all back o the bus.  

The irony gets so thick you need boots to wade through it.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:51:53 AM EDT

Penn specifically said that he thought Perry and Bachman were good people. I dont know what sort of bias you are working with though.....

If he did it was after the 4:13 mark, as I listened to it again, specifically listening for any mention of "good" or a positive word of any type.  Please tell me the point where he called them "good people."  

I'm not trying to nitpick him––the fact he is an Obama lover is what turns me off to the rest of his nonsense.  I don't even go to church but the militant atheist preaching of "we're so much smarter than those stupid Christians" is a very tedious message indeed.  If one is an atheist, fine.  But please just go BE an atheist and STFU about it.  They are the only ones worse than militant vegetarians.  

Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegetarian atheist?  They will FUCKING TELL YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND . . .

Do you believe the same way about people that are very vocal about their faith in say Christianity? There are plenty of vocal people on this board, some who are even condescending and insulting to those that do not share their views like in this very thread. Should they STFU about it? Serious question.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 8:53:11 AM EDT
One of many times, I disagree with Penn.  I'd say that Obama definitely has malice in his heart for the USA.

Yes––he begins by declaring he likes Obama because he is "fundamentally a good man."  WTF?  

He can't see the evil and pernicious nature of this man when it is on full display and not hidden in any way, but I'm supposed to take him seriously when he uses as an example of the Bible being "wrong" that some crazy person said God told him to use an "AK-15" (sic) to shoot people at a restaraunt?  No thanks.  

Anyone who declares Obama to be "good" but Bachman and Perry are "bad" is not someone I care to admire––let alone respect.

Actually he said that he believe Bachman and Perry were good as well. Pen is a huge optimist, watch the entire video before you start misquoting things that are in the first 3 minutes.

Actually I did watch every second of it.  Perhaps I misquoted due to the volume of words, but he certainly had nothing "good" to say about Perry and Bachman.  He denigrated them severely, while completely handing a pass to Obama.  Screw that.

Edit:  I just relistened past the four minute mark and he never says anything about Bachman (then adds in Perry out of the blue) except that they have been "blasphemous."  He loves Obama and hates Bachman and Perry.  

Again––no thanks.  He's just another Hollywood Obama-loving liberal hiding behind pseudo-intelligent "analysis" of religion and atheism, and using that to denigrate the right, while extolling the virtues of the left.

What rock have you been living under?   Fox news aired part of a 10 minute expletive filled rant where he reamed Obama a new asshole for being such a hypocrite.  And then invited Penn onto the show to talk about it.  And he reiterated it on Fox News with complete sincerity.

I guarantee you that Penn Jillette doesn't like Obama.  Penn Jillette has an almost fatal desire to believe the very best about people's intentions.  That's why he can speak well of almost anyone.

Personally, I think that's an admirable trait.  When you build your opponent into a caricature of evil, you willfully blind yourself to his complexity.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:04:16 AM EDT
 When you build your opponent into a caricature of evil, you willfully blind yourself to his complexity.

That's a very good point there. Hopefully, it won't be lost on everyone.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:06:13 AM EDT
 When you build your opponent into a caricature of evil, you willfully blind yourself to his complexity.

That's a very good point there. Hopefully, it won't be lost on everyone.

nah, we all know obama is some backwards muslim from a mud hut in kenya.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:06:16 AM EDT
 When you build your opponent into a caricature of evil, you willfully blind yourself to his complexity.

That's a very good point there. Hopefully, it won't be lost on everyone.

Meh, what do I know?  I'm just another Moby traitor piece of shi'ite.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:14:45 AM EDT


I will be God-damned before I accept being ridiculed or accept having all references to God forced into the public mainstream because some are so in need of a "crutch" that they need the government to come save their asses from being offended when atheists want religious propaganda removed.

Ironically enough, the same people wanting the government to subsidize religion are the ones screeching the loudest about all of the rest of government subsidies.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:23:01 AM EDT
No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

Don't you love how warm and accepting Christians are of Atheists?

Why should we be?...are you warm and welcoming to the FSA?
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:24:26 AM EDT


I like him for the most part but he acts like a fundie when it comes to his religion.  

do you enjoy not collecting stamps?

Well put.

How well you illustrate my point that atheism is just another religion.

What are it's tenets? What are their observances, beliefs and practices?


keep reading..those tenets, beliefs, and practices are here in this very thread.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:26:45 AM EDT

Apparently one is to prove to the world how intellectually superior they are.

Well, that settles that. I guess it's a religion.  

I thought it was a bit more involved than that, but I don't want to be thought of as some kind of intellectual braggart.

<–– Slowly backs out of thread, before he says too much.

I guess you missed the "I'm educated..so I'm real smart " post further up.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:28:24 AM EDT

And how does it fit whem some of us choose not to argue about your morality fables?
Some just do not believe, atheists..
Some have a need to bash religion and hold them selves as superior... Atheists..
I fail to see why theists have to argue with Atheists, and vice versa.
To those of us with absolutely no conern whatsoever with a higher power, it is a bit annoying when the smug religionists on both sides try to play gotcha with semantics and philosophy.

yet...here you are.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:28:44 AM EDT


I like him for the most part but he acts like a fundie when it comes to his religion.  

do you enjoy not collecting stamps?

Well put.

How well you illustrate my point that atheism is just another religion.

What are it's tenets? What are their observances, beliefs and practices?


keep reading..those tenets, beliefs, and practices are here in this very thread.

You use those words;  I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:36:07 AM EDT

I came to post this.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:37:28 AM EDT
 When you build your opponent into a caricature of evil, you willfully blind yourself to his complexity.

That's a very good point there. Hopefully, it won't be lost on everyone.

Meh, what do I know?  I'm just another Moby traitor piece of shi'ite.

WTF is a Moby? And for craps sake, don't post a pic of that shitty DJ, just tell me what a Moby is!
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:37:55 AM EDT
I don't agree with his assessment of Obama being a good spirited guy.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:40:16 AM EDT

WTF is a Moby? And for craps sake, don't post a pic of that shitty DJ, just tell me what a Moby is!

That shitty DJ once suggested that lefties infiltrate conservative places on the internet and 'troll' or post outrageous stuff to make us look bad. I think he even said that he'd done it himself. Thus Moby =lefty troll.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:42:55 AM EDT

WTF is a Moby? And for craps sake, don't post a pic of that shitty DJ, just tell me what a Moby is!

That shitty DJ once suggested that lefties infiltrate conservative places on the internet and 'troll' or post outrageous stuff to make us look bad. I think he even said that he'd done it himself. Thus lefty troll=Moby.

Thank you! Finally, this is like the third time I've asked this and someone finally answered!
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:51:29 AM EDT


I like him for the most part but he acts like a fundie when it comes to his religion.  

do you enjoy not collecting stamps?

Well put.

How well you illustrate my point that atheism is just another religion.

What are it's tenets? What are their observances, beliefs and practices?


keep reading..those tenets, beliefs, and practices are here in this very thread.

You use those words;  I do not think they mean what you think they mean.


 denial and obfuscation.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 9:54:24 AM EDT

 denial and obfuscation.

You're the one who wouldn't answer the question.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:06:37 AM EDT

You are displaying typical traits of the militant athiest. A true scientist allows for any possiblity until proven otherwise. I never said your last sentence and resent your trying to put words in my mouth.

The whole "chimps are close to humans, from a genetic standpoint" is a bit misleading. Since we're all fairly similar from a bilogical standpoint (as far as mamals go) pointing out that chimps are 1% different in their DNA is a useless comparrison, unless you want to take it a step farther. Let's say there are beings that are 1 or 5% different from us, in the same direction we are from chimps. We would be unable to comprehend their abilities. They would be "gods" as far as we're concerned.

If you're of the opinion that chimps are close enough to the animals who built rockets and went to the moon and back, I doubt you're willing to entertain any other possiblity other than your deeply held belief in evolution.[/div]

How in the fuck did you get "Militant atheist" from that post of mine????

My belief is that there is no god, I believe in my heart with 100% confidence that there is no God...but I'll never say it's fact, unlike Christians who allow for no other possible outcome.

Like I said, our closest relatives are not even alive anymore. Your comment about how our tremendous similarity to chimps on a gentic standpoint being useless is laughable....spoken like a true scientist?

But go ahead and tell me what a "scientist" is and isn't and whether or not I am one (I am BTW).

Blue and red contradict each other in the same sentence. You can't degrade Christians for not allowing for another possible outcome, while claiming you are 100% confident there is no god. Do you see the problem. If I say I am 100% confident that there is a God,mand you say you are 100% confident there isn't, you have no grounds to mock my view without opening your own up to the same criticism.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:28:00 AM EDT

I think I already linked that in here somewhere, The book is waiting for me on my kindle.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:37:06 AM EDT

I think I already linked that in here somewhere, The book is waiting for me on my kindle.

What is it?  The link ain't working for me.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:39:26 AM EDT

You are displaying typical traits of the militant athiest. A true scientist allows for any possiblity until proven otherwise. I never said your last sentence and resent your trying to put words in my mouth.

The whole "chimps are close to humans, from a genetic standpoint" is a bit misleading. Since we're all fairly similar from a bilogical standpoint (as far as mamals go) pointing out that chimps are 1% different in their DNA is a useless comparrison, unless you want to take it a step farther. Let's say there are beings that are 1 or 5% different from us, in the same direction we are from chimps. We would be unable to comprehend their abilities. They would be "gods" as far as we're concerned.

If you're of the opinion that chimps are close enough to the animals who built rockets and went to the moon and back, I doubt you're willing to entertain any other possiblity other than your deeply held belief in evolution.[/div]

How in the fuck did you get "Militant atheist" from that post of mine????

My belief is that there is no god, I believe in my heart with 100% confidence that there is no God...but I'll never say it's fact, unlike Christians who allow for no other possible outcome.

Like I said, our closest relatives are not even alive anymore. Your comment about how our tremendous similarity to chimps on a gentic standpoint being useless is laughable....spoken like a true scientist?

But go ahead and tell me what a "scientist" is and isn't and whether or not I am one (I am BTW).

Blue and red contradict each other in the same sentence. You can't degrade Christians for not allowing for another possible outcome, while claiming you are 100% confident there is no god. Do you see the problem. If I say I am 100% confident that there is a God,mand you say you are 100% confident there isn't, you have no grounds to mock my view without opening your own up to the same criticism.

I was implying that Christians feel the existance of God is a fact.......i.e. there is not even the possibility that God doesn't exist.

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:43:03 AM EDT

Apparently one is to prove to the world how intellectually superior they are.

Well, that settles that. I guess it's a religion.  

I thought it was a bit more involved than that, but I don't want to be thought of as some kind of intellectual braggart.

<–– Slowly backs out of thread, before he says too much.

I guess you missed the "I'm educated..so I'm real smart " post further up.

You mean my statement that I'm educated so I can form educated opinions about outrageous supernatural claims? Yep, and I will stand by that comment......

The outrageous claims that religion makes might have worked on the people back in stone age times when scientific understanding was minimal, but now days not so much. It used to be God controlled the sun, God was gravity, God was (insert any unknown scientific anything). Now, not so much.......

You think it's arrogant for me to say that with my scientific education I am going to question your very unscientific supernatural claims? Bullshit.

I know, you want everyone to "just accept it."

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:50:44 AM EDT

You are displaying typical traits of the militant athiest. A true scientist allows for any possiblity until proven otherwise. I never said your last sentence and resent your trying to put words in my mouth.

The whole "chimps are close to humans, from a genetic standpoint" is a bit misleading. Since we're all fairly similar from a bilogical standpoint (as far as mamals go) pointing out that chimps are 1% different in their DNA is a useless comparrison, unless you want to take it a step farther. Let's say there are beings that are 1 or 5% different from us, in the same direction we are from chimps. We would be unable to comprehend their abilities. They would be "gods" as far as we're concerned.

If you're of the opinion that chimps are close enough to the animals who built rockets and went to the moon and back, I doubt you're willing to entertain any other possiblity other than your deeply held belief in evolution.[/div]

How in the fuck did you get "Militant atheist" from that post of mine????

My belief is that there is no god, I believe in my heart with 100% confidence that there is no God...but I'll never say it's fact, unlike Christians who allow for no other possible outcome.

Like I said, our closest relatives are not even alive anymore. Your comment about how our tremendous similarity to chimps on a gentic standpoint being useless is laughable....spoken like a true scientist?

But go ahead and tell me what a "scientist" is and isn't and whether or not I am one (I am BTW).

Blue and red contradict each other in the same sentence. You can't degrade Christians for not allowing for another possible outcome, while claiming you are 100% confident there is no god. Do you see the problem. If I say I am 100% confident that there is a God,mand you say you are 100% confident there isn't, you have no grounds to mock my view without opening your own up to the same criticism.

I was implying that Christians feel the existance of God is a fact.......i.e. there is not even the possibility that God doesn't exist.

Yes, and you also implied that you feel the lack of existence of God is fact. You do know what 100% means, right? It leaves out the possibility for any other outcome.

Also, Christians do not believe in God based on fact. We believe based on faith.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:52:33 AM EDT
No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

Don't you love how warm and accepting Christians are of Atheists?

Why should we be?...are you warm and welcoming to the FSA?

How exactly does my disbelief in a god lead you to believe I'm part of the FSA?

Oh right, you don't need logic. Just faith.

Or are you further implying that non believers are apparently here to "steal the church" from you.

News flash. We don't care what you do with your time. Hell, I don't really care when you come door to door to witness; you're just doing what you think is right. just stop trying to legislate your beliefs.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 10:58:44 AM EDT

Yes, and you also implied that you feel the lack of existence of God is fact. You do know what 100% means, right? It leaves out the possibility for any other outcome.

Also, Christians do not believe in God based on fact. We believe based on faith.

You're arguing over the semantics of me claiming what I believe to be 100% true vs. what I'll claim as fact. To give you a hint, they're not the same.

Yes, Christians believe in God based on faith, not facts, but his existance is a "fact".
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 11:01:58 AM EDT

I think I already linked that in here somewhere, The book is waiting for me on my kindle.

What is it?  The link ain't working for me.

try this one
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 11:06:16 AM EDT

I think I already linked that in here somewhere, The book is waiting for me on my kindle.

What is it?  The link ain't working for me.

try this one

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 11:15:53 AM EDT
I don't agree with his assessment of Obama being a good spirited guy.

Nor do I.  But Penn Jillette seems to me to have an above average fear of the trap of cynicism.

Ultimately, maybe that's a better way to live.

“I just don’t know. I don’t know. People still seem to think that they should vote themselves money. They seem to think there is stuff which they think is the government’s job, when it’s really the individual’s job. You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican. I don’t want people who are in poverty, in pain, or suffering, to suffer because it’s for their own good and they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I want to help them. I want us all to help them. I just don’t want to use guns to do it.”

This is the guy some people in this thread are calling a hollywood liberal socialist.  

He's also the same person the Republican party is so desperate to convince itself does not exist.  A socially liberal, fiscal conservative strongly on the side of individual freedom.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 11:27:04 AM EDT

Yes, and you also implied that you feel the lack of existence of God is fact. You do know what 100% means, right? It leaves out the possibility for any other outcome.

Also, Christians do not believe in God based on fact. We believe based on faith.

You're arguing over the semantics of me claiming what I believe to be 100% true vs. what I'll claim as fact. To give you a hint, they're not the same.

Yes, Christians believe in God based on faith, not facts, but his existance is a "fact".

so then you don't know what 100% means. I'll help you. What is 100% of 100? Think of the largest number possible and what is 100% of that number? No matter what the starting number, 100% of it is always the same number. So you are essentially saying that no matter what, there is absolutely no chance of a different outcome. It is the same as saying it is indisputable, which happens to be the definition of fact.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 11:30:01 AM EDT
I don't agree with his assessment of Obama being a good spirited guy.

Nor do I.  But Penn Jillette seems to me to have an above average fear of the trap of cynicism.

Ultimately, maybe that's a better way to live.

“I just don’t know. I don’t know. People still seem to think that they should vote themselves money. They seem to think there is stuff which they think is the government’s job, when it’s really the individual’s job. You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican. I don’t want people who are in poverty, in pain, or suffering, to suffer because it’s for their own good and they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I want to help them. I want us all to help them. I just don’t want to use guns to do it.”

This is the guy some people in this thread are calling a hollywood liberal socialist.  

He's also the same person the Republican party is so desperate to convince itself does not exist.  A socially liberal, fiscal conservative strongly on the side of individual freedom.

Well they are too busy screaming at the gays and picketing abortion clinics to realize that the world has passed them by. Their solution to losing at this point seems to be to try and lose even harder next time.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 12:12:20 PM EDT

Yes, and you also implied that you feel the lack of existence of God is fact. You do know what 100% means, right? It leaves out the possibility for any other outcome.

Also, Christians do not believe in God based on fact. We believe based on faith.

You're arguing over the semantics of me claiming what I believe to be 100% true vs. what I'll claim as fact. To give you a hint, they're not the same.

Yes, Christians believe in God based on faith, not facts, but his existance is a "fact".

so then you don't know what 100% means. I'll help you. What is 100% of 100? Think of the largest number possible and what is 100% of that number? No matter what the starting number, 100% of it is always the same number. So you are essentially saying that no matter what, there is absolutely no chance of a different outcome. It is the same as saying it is indisputable, which happens to be the definition of fact.

For fucks sake, I will straight up tell you that I don't know for fact that God doesn't exist. I can't possibly know that because there is nothing to test. You can't prove something doesn't exist if, in fact, it doesn't actually exist.

Now feel free to learn me all about percentages and all that complicated math stuff, but I just told you what I know "for a fact."
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 12:41:38 PM EDT
I don't agree with his assessment of Obama being a good spirited guy.

Nor do I.  But Penn Jillette seems to me to have an above average fear of the trap of cynicism.

Ultimately, maybe that's a better way to live.

“I just don’t know. I don’t know. People still seem to think that they should vote themselves money. They seem to think there is stuff which they think is the government’s job, when it’s really the individual’s job. You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican. I don’t want people who are in poverty, in pain, or suffering, to suffer because it’s for their own good and they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I want to help them. I want us all to help them. I just don’t want to use guns to do it.”

This is the guy some people in this thread are calling a hollywood liberal socialist.  

He's also the same person the Republican party is so desperate to convince itself does not exist.  A socially liberal, fiscal conservative strongly on the side of individual freedom.

+1. Describes me to a "T".
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 12:43:30 PM EDT
I don't agree with his assessment of Obama being a good spirited guy.

Nor do I.  But Penn Jillette seems to me to have an above average fear of the trap of cynicism.

Ultimately, maybe that's a better way to live.

“I just don’t know. I don’t know. People still seem to think that they should vote themselves money. They seem to think there is stuff which they think is the government’s job, when it’s really the individual’s job. You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican. I don’t want people who are in poverty, in pain, or suffering, to suffer because it’s for their own good and they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. I want to help them. I want us all to help them. I just don’t want to use guns to do it.”

This is the guy some people in this thread are calling a hollywood liberal socialist.  

He's also the same person the Republican party is so desperate to convince itself does not exist.  A socially liberal, fiscal conservative strongly on the side of individual freedom.

+1. Describes me to a "T".

Ditto. I think there are a lot more of us than people realize, and most folks just havent ever had a viable third choice.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 12:49:37 PM EDT
No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

He can believe whatever he wants.

I just think it's funny that Atheists, who pride themselves on the power of their own minds, don't believe in God because "science hasn't proved it yet."

If their powerful minds can't fathom of a god, why then that must mean that God doesn't exist. Because if God did exist, surely minds of their immense caliber would sense it. Tedious and egotistical.

That is the most small minded gibberish about non believers I've ever heard.
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 1:14:11 PM EDT
No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

Don't you love how warm and accepting Christians are of Atheists?

Why should we be?...are you warm and welcoming to the FSA?

How exactly does my disbelief in a god lead you to believe I'm part of the FSA?

Oh right, you don't need logic. Just faith.

Or are you further implying that non believers are apparently here to "steal the church" from you.

News flash. We don't care what you do with your time. Hell, I don't really care when you come door to door to witness; you're just doing what you think is right. just stop trying to legislate your beliefs.

It was a question....geeze...I love public education....we don't need no reading comprehension.....
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 2:44:42 PM EDT
No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

Don't you love how warm and accepting Christians are of Atheists?

Why should we be?...are you warm and welcoming to the FSA?

How exactly does my disbelief in a god lead you to believe I'm part of the FSA?

Oh right, you don't need logic. Just faith.

Or are you further implying that non believers are apparently here to "steal the church" from you.

News flash. We don't care what you do with your time. Hell, I don't really care when you come door to door to witness; you're just doing what you think is right. just stop trying to legislate your beliefs.

It was a question....geeze...I love public education....we don't need no reading comprehension.....

Government education gets you bureaucrat results!
Link Posted: 11/13/2012 2:51:21 PM EDT







I like him for the most part but he acts like a fundie when it comes to his religion.  

do you enjoy not collecting stamps?

Well put.

How well you illustrate my point that atheism is just another religion.

What are it's tenets? What are their observances, beliefs and practices?


keep reading..those tenets, beliefs, and practices are here in this very thread.

Nope, there are none, there never have been.

You of all people should know this, since you say this in every thread, and every time are proved wrong

Link Posted: 11/13/2012 2:53:52 PM EDT







No, Penn Jillette, you're not a "big thinker."

Like every Atheist, you're small and simple-minded, refusing to believe in anything unless it's spelled out to you. You believe in the omnipotence of your human mind rather than in an outside omnipotence.

Your religion  is boring and based in pessimism. And you wear fingernail polish.


So, he's pretty much correct on any issue he speaks about (guns, liberty, government, global warming, martial arts, etc) but he's not allowed to not believe in god?

Don't you love how warm and accepting Christians are of Atheists?

Why should we be?...are you warm and welcoming to the FSA?

How exactly does my disbelief in a god lead you to believe I'm part of the FSA?

Oh right, you don't need logic. Just faith.

Or are you further implying that non believers are apparently here to "steal the church" from you.

News flash. We don't care what you do with your time. Hell, I don't really care when you come door to door to witness; you're just doing what you think is right. just stop trying to legislate your beliefs.

It was a question....geeze...I love public education....we don't need no reading comprehension.....
Yeah, you must, as you undoubtedly are a product of it, as evidenced by your reading abilities.

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