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Posted: 10/12/2008 8:52:08 AM EDT
A great BO drill this year.  Same three laps as usual, but with some different challenges thrown in for fun.

The distance was still difficult (ask my feet) but the challenges this year were the best yet.  The traverse was serious stuff.  I am sure that TJ will toss up the challenges for each lap and the results.  

I know folks have pics and report.  Let's put them all here for next year.

Thanks TJ

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 9:32:01 AM EDT

I had a blast...I know there are pictures out there.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 9:36:58 AM EDT
If anyone needs to have their images hosted, send 'em to me and I'll upload them to my web server.

IM me for e-mail address.

I posted a report this morning on the other BOD Thread
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 10:32:26 AM EDT
uploading now.  Looks like I've got +70 pics.

I saved my challenge lists from each lap, so here's a quick run down of the events.


Be prepared to show any recovered items at any time.  Some items will be used as trading pieces along the course for other items.

Lap 1

Challenge 1 - At the 200 yard line the shooter engages a target with 30 rounds.  15 rounds on stationary and 15 on a mover.  Shooter then clears their weapon and moves out up the road to the tower.  Points on target converted to time.

Challenge 2 - Shooter climbs up the outside of the tower.  5 minutes for every line crossed.  -30 min if the shooter enters the tower on the second floor.

Challenge 3 - Shooter and their gear must make it over the wall.  -15 min

Challenge 4- Recover red or blue poker chip -15 min

Challenge 5 - Cross water without getting wet.  -45 minute for using traverse.  -15 min to walk under traverse in the water

Challenge 6 - Recover hearts playing card - 15 min

Challenge 7 - Bride you way out of trouble at the shoot house in the North Bays - 15 min


Be prepared to show any recovered items at any time.  Some items will be used as trading pieces along the course for other items.

Lap 2

Challenge 8 - in the shoot house, engage all targets with 1 A-zone hit or two hits anywhere on paper, -5 min for each target neutralized.

Challenge 9 - shooter and their gear must make it over the wall - 15 minutes

Challenge 10 - near the back entrance of the range, there is a sign with numbers on it to the east.  Read those numbers - 15

Challenge 11 - recover washer from post - 15 min

Challenge 12 - shooter loads and engages 4 shotgun targets at the lower shoot house. -5 min for each hit.

Challenge 13 - start fire at the designated point near the main building


Be prepared to show any recovered items at any time.  Some items will be used as trading pieces along the course for other items.

Lap 3

Challenge 15 - Rappel down the tower - 30 min

Challenge 16 - 20 rifle shots on steel in the north bays from designated position. - 2 min for each hit

Challenge 17 - Cut wood from post and bring with you to the end of the event - 20 min

Challenge 18 - Recover club playing car - 10 min

challenge 19 - split post block in half and bring with you to end of event

Challenge 20 - show shoelace at building - 15 min

Challenge 21 - show tourniquet at finish line - 20 min

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 11:00:18 AM EDT


Challenge 7 - Bride you way out of trouble at the shoot house in the North Bays - 15 min

Not sure what you had to do for challenge 7...

All I had to do was show some cash.  

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 11:15:14 AM EDT

A great BO drill this year.  Same three laps as usual, but with some different challenges thrown in for fun.

The distance was still difficult (ask my feet) but the challenges this year were the best yet.  The traverse was serious stuff.  I am sure that TJ will toss up the challenges for each lap and the results.  

I know folks have pics and report.  Let's put them all here for next year.

Thanks TJ


challenging and difficult, from what I witnessed this is VERY true, but you all tried and 60% of you were able to finish...that was a GREAT accomplishment. For those that tried and didn't finish, that was also a GREAT accomplishment because YOU DID TRY  and you learned your limitations and how to deal with them and what you needed to work on!
You are ALL winners in my book!
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 11:40:32 AM EDT
Great stages.  I think the traverse and the wall were the most physically draining.  Especially the traverse.  I wiorked on my upper body strength but it was still a serious muscle drain.  How far was that across, like 50+' or what?  And that cable DID NOT allow anything to slide across.  Fortunately, my carabiners are steel so they didn't have the same problem as the aluminum ones.  I will be adding a pulley set to my kit as a result of this.  If I had two pulleys it would have been super quick.  Clip on gear, clip on, and slide across.  The rope I used to tie my pack to the wire had a big gash in it.  Oh, and getting off the cable sucked ever for me at 6"2"  I don't know how some of the small guys got over.

The wall was still the wall.  I think the preferred method was to toss your pack over, then go over with you and your fun.  Still hard for short guys.  LOL

Pics should be sweet.

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 11:48:17 AM EDT



Challenge 7 - Bride you way out of trouble at the shoot house in the North Bays - 15 min

Not sure what you had to do for challenge 7...

All I had to do was show some cash.  

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 12:34:12 PM EDT
FIRST, thanks again to TJ and his crew for putting this on for everyone.  It’s a ton of work on his part and I hope he continues to have us out there!

ok, here's some pics.  I'd like to add some more of my thoughts later about how much fun it was and what great lessons were learned from the day, but will have to do that later tonight.

Getting ready in the morning…

TJ’s ninja cat was protecting all t-shirts

TJ giving us a quick safety briefing and what we could look forward to…

Hiking out to the 200 yard line for the first challenge

getting all competitors set up on the line

Never shot my SBR at 200 yards much less moving targets so this was going to be fun!

What we are aim at, look to the left under #1.

Firing line to my left

Firing line to my right

Starting the hike back to the second challenge

The rope climb into the tower

Yours truly heading up

The wall.  Throw gear over, then get yourself over.  Here’s me going over.

Here’s the dread water challenge.  This one is way tougher than it looks.  The wire was very small diameter and was not coated.  My fancy carabineer did slide for shit and it was an intense upper body workout.  Lesson learned, scrawny bastards like me need to hit the gym more.

I forgot to get a pic of the minefield after the water challenge.  The booby traps/trip wire got quite a few people.  Even the bucket the playing cards were in was wired/rigged to set off the small noise maker charges.

Side note, lots of good looking campers!

Here’s the shotgun stage.  4 shots/4 targets at maybe 10-15 feet.  

Here’s another competitor, I totally forgot his name, but he was extremely knowledgeable about the AR system.

Here’s me getting ready.  Just a little bit of back/ass sweat.

See other competitors on the trail.  Everyone’s attitude was great, lots of cheering for others at the tougher challenges.

Setting up for the repelling challenge.  This one was tough because you had to repel with all your gear.  That’s something I’ve never done before and posed some problems that had to be addressed.

Another competitor getting ready

Here’s me getting ready to come down

Having a little fun for the camera and pushed out kinda hard

20 rounds on steel target challenge.

Making ready

What I’m shooting at

Average Tiger Valley terrain, not sure why I took this pic.

Lawdog’s blisters.  This was nothing compared to his previous years.

Ninja kitty still on watch.  

After the race, TJ gave a quick class on engaging moving targets at distance.  This was really informative since the majority of shooters had never shot moving targets at 200 yards like what had been required for our first challenge.

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 12:51:21 PM EDT
Never...never bring 800 rnds, that's what I learned!!!
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 1:08:42 PM EDT

Never...never bring 800 rnds, that's what I learned!!!

I know you did! I am not sure how you even lifted that darn pack much less carried it...it was almost as big as you! It was great to meet you...get ready for next year!
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 1:32:25 PM EDT
Here's my target from the 200 yard challenge.  I got 25 out of 30 on target.  2 just barely on paper.  I was grouping decent enough for the first 15 rounds then the target start moving and well, things got interesting  You can see where my shots start hitting further and further to the left side of the target.  Still, I was pretty happy for an 10.5 barrel and an Eotech

Tiger Valley is going to be seeing more of me to address this issue  Tiger Valley Level 1 Precision Rifle Course in Nov.

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 3:32:09 PM EDT
Way awesome, I really need to get off my ass and attend the next one.....
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 3:50:51 PM EDT
But I hit 24/30  at 200 with an "experimental" AR rifle in 5.45 using irons.

I did not finish, but performed 80% better than last year.  I have come to realize that I can not break 12 miles to save my life.  This is about what I figured.  I also had no blisters and was still pissing clear.  I had a splitting headache and nausea that stopped me.

My loadout worked better than last year and will stay the same.  I need to be doing 18 miles on my own before I show up to hope to finish 15 w/ TJs Tricks...  

Me "cheating" to get the best time when I cant climb that rope.

Wall of death

TJ and the mines.

River crossing

TJ needing training wheels - But really, did it break????

My loadout

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 3:54:27 PM EDT
Ha... I like how small I make that 12gauge look in that one pic.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 4:06:06 PM EDT
Well you are jolly green.

I left you a voice mail and we are in concurrence.  Beer wed?
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 4:55:18 PM EDT
holy hell. that looks like fun. except of course the rappelling tower. no way you'd get me UP there. is this event closed to only texas residents or can anyone come? and is it open to civilians?
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 4:57:05 PM EDT
Ha....I managed to only have 2 pictures with me in them...
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:01:59 PM EDT

Heh...if I would have known my pack was leaning like that, it would have explained why my shoulders were on FIRE by the 3rd lap.

Guy on the right with the M14, did he finish?  He did right?  That is a brick of a gun....and NICE too.

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:08:24 PM EDT


Heh...if I would have known my pack was leaning like that, it would have explained why my shoulders were on FIRE by the 3rd lap.

I thought that was just how you wore that pack....

Guy on the right with the M14, did he finish?  He did right?  That is a brick of a gun....and NICE too.

Yes, he took his time and did all 3 laps...
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:08:58 PM EDT

holy hell. that looks like fun. except of course the rappelling tower. no way you'd get me UP there. is this event closed to only texas residents or can anyone come? and is it open to civilians?

Open to everyone.  I encourage everyone I know to try this once.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:15:09 PM EDT
They only do this once a year?

I'd really like to do it.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:26:42 PM EDT
Usually in Sept or Oct.  They have a number of other classes, course that kick ass too.  Tracking, sniper, 3gun, ect.

You should really start training now for next year.
That isnt a joke.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:48:20 PM EDT
Kicking myself for not getting any pics of either of the shoot houses.  Or the minefield.  Or numerous other challenges that I just totally forgot to pull the camera out of my pocket for.  Too busy having fun I guess.

Already dreaming of next year.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 5:57:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 6:11:23 PM EDT
Here's some pics from Rich's camera

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 6:13:54 PM EDT
I am working on additional pics.  Hopefully they will get there.

Just a quick note about the BOD.  Extremely fun, challenging and alot of gut check.  I think a few guys besides my self figured that out fast.  I completed the drill which was my major goal.  I do no think I over packed, but I only used about .0001% hinking.gifof the crap I took.  I was prepared to fix just about anything or shoot it.  SHOES will be the first major change.  $35 New Balance are great for around the house but not for 15 miles on a cow trail with a 35# pack.  
Already planning and looking forward to the next challenge,  3-gunhelpNice to have met you all and look forward to more battles.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 7:08:19 PM EDT

Having a little fun for the camera and pushed out kinda hard

Ok, thats my official favorite photo from the event.  Stone cold right there.  Why didnt anyone get a picture of me like that?  Oh thats right, because I was ahead of all of yall.  :)  Props to all who tried, and even more to those who finished.  TJ said that was going to be his last one unless we make a big deal about it.  2009 training starts tomorrow!
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 7:20:46 PM EDT
Looks like you guys had a really great time. Man I really wish I could have gone to this, but lacking a rifle, a pack and any other gear it just wasn't feasible. I do plan on correcting those things this coming year and plan to make it next year if it happens.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 7:51:04 PM EDT
We should have one those "What are you doing for the BOD" threads going year long.  It would help keep some motivated, encourage others that have been sitting on the fence, most importantly bring new faces/blood in the event.

Link Posted: 10/12/2008 8:08:27 PM EDT
I hope this is not the last one, TJ, please say it aint so. This was a tremendous amount of fun and I learned a lot. I really look forward to taking what I learned from this one and seeing how I can improve on the next one. No doubt I would do it again.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 8:30:46 PM EDT



Heh...if I would have known my pack was leaning like that, it would have explained why my shoulders were on FIRE by the 3rd lap.
I thought that was just how you wore that pack....

Guy on the right with the M14, did he finish?  He did right?  That is a brick of a gun....and NICE too.
Yes, he took his time and did all 3 laps...

I'm the one with the stupidly large looking pack on the left thats leaning, my shoulders are still sore as hell.  I can barely move, but NO blisters.  

I changed out of boots on the third lap into a pair of running shoes I brought with me.  NO hot spots, blisters, and it actually helped with how my feet felt at the end.  The rest of me however....thats another thing all together.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 8:38:25 PM EDT

We should have one those "What are you doing for the BOD" threads going year long.  It would help keep some motivated, encourage others that have been sitting on the fence, most importantly bring new faces/blood in the event.

Good idea, I really hope ya'll do it again.

Question, could I bring the family to camp.  I have a hard time leaving the family at home while I do things that require overnight travel.
Link Posted: 10/12/2008 8:48:41 PM EDT


We should have one those "What are you doing for the BOD" threads going year long.  It would help keep some motivated, encourage others that have been sitting on the fence, most importantly bring new faces/blood in the event.

Good idea, I really hope ya'll do it again.

Question, could I bring the family to camp.  I have a hard time leaving the family at home while I do things that require overnight travel.

They had several camp this year.  Most of the families stayed in RV/campers that they brought up.  

Another options is just a cheap hotel back in Waco.  I got my two queen beds for $44 a night.  It wasn't the Hilton, but clean sheets and a nice, hot, long shower was all I wanted.

If someone doesn't start up a "What did you do to prep for BOD 2009", I will monday night when I get off work.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 5:31:29 AM EDT
Congrats to the competitors. everyone did a great job!  Twenty seven started and the Bug Out and 15 finished. The game was played like this.  You had to move 15 miles in three laps.  During that time you were stressed with mental, physical and shooting challenges.  Points that transitioned to time off your score for each challenge.  Failing to do challenges cost lots of points, so were were motivated to do all you could.  The first shooters were out at 8:45am and they arrived back in at 2:15pm, and happened to win the event.  The standings were as followed:

1.  Andrew P  -113
2.  Jody   -114
3.  Russell -93
4.  Andrew Q -49
5.  Norman  -25
6.  Toby  -16
7.  James -0
8.  Richard +1
9.  Jeff B  +3
10  Henry  +65
11. Casey + 94
12. Jason  +99
12. Phillip S +99
13. Japheth +119
14. Phillip +151

We had some sharp guys out here.  We posted an area for mines and several located and avoided them.  

As to the messed up leg, Stupid me, I was trying to beat everyone to the back area and forgot about the creek wash out.  I hit it in third gear and face planted on the opposite wall. My leg hit the handle bars going over and left a nice hicky.  Plan on stopping by the docs office this morning since it still can't bear any weight.  Everyone did great, and worked through problems they encountered.  As planned it was a learning experience.  Like all good learning experiences the best are when you learn from your own problems and correct them yourselves.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 6:22:22 AM EDT
And I got hit by secondary from a mine.  Stupid me for not remembering to keep 15 m interval.  Just stupid.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 6:44:05 AM EDT
15 miles!?  HA,. thats easy... until the 1st lap.  Yes, the first lap I had to question everything!  

Thanks for everyones help along the way.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 7:26:27 AM EDT

15 miles!?  HA,. thats easy... until the 1st lap.  Yes, the first lap I had to question everything!  

Thanks for everyones help along the way.

Amazing how it looks easy until you actually have to do it.

Carrying all the gear turns an easy 15 mile run/walk into a major challenge.
Completing the tasks.... some were easy, some were hard, and some just plain knocked you into the dirt... uh, mud.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 7:53:51 AM EDT
Great event. Kudos to those willing and able to try it.

I do have one question about the repelling.  Would it be wise to control with your non-shooting hand, so you can get to your pistol.  Or do you just try to get down as quick as possible and deal with any problems later?

Good job


Link Posted: 10/13/2008 8:48:35 AM EDT
Being left handed with the iron is nice as I can rappell with the right hand, tie off/lock off and still draw and fire my pistol.

I was really hoping that TJ had a stage that went like this....Rappel halfway down tower, tie off safely (showing you can tie off and perform tasks), perform a routine task like taking a washer off, etc. (showing you can get to your stuff in the ruck while suspended), then take out several pepper poppers next to the tower.....cool, huh?

I will be fixing my feet for next year.  I am not going to have this problem again.

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 9:20:46 AM EDT
So did you guys notice just how clear headed you were and how different the world looked Sun morning? Nothing like a good ass kicking to clear away all the cobwebs of daily life...

I've got huge respect for everyone who showed up, and it was a great learning experience. It's also funny how some things were easier this year, some things harder...

My load out was still too damn heavy, got to work on that.
I totally forgot to bring electrolytes, and both calves locked up on mile 10. (thanks Epoch, you saved my ass on that one).
I left my sunscreen in the truck and if I had taken in another few hours of sun it would have been a problem.
I was a complete dumbass on the traverse, didn't think it through, and almost went in the drink. My improv worked, but I wasted WAY too much energy early in the game on that one.
My footwear was totally dialed in. Good shoes, good socks, and I changed my socks every 5 miles. Zero blisters. The only thing is those shoes have no ankle support, so I need to look into yet another pair and break them in.

My pistol shooting skills really degraded with the pack on and the stress. There was no need to hurry through the kill house, but I did and was really blow away how my groups grew. Again, thinking through things a bit is really important.

My gear belt sucks. I have deep abrasions all around my waist, again showing I didn't test my gear past 6 miles. A LOT happens on miles 7-15 that you don't see on a shorter hike.

I had a blast and it was great seeing all you freaks again. Thanks TJ and crew for another great event.

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 11:59:48 AM EDT
Hey, anyone see some panties out on the trail?  I left a few pairs out there, some from last year?  If you found them, I want them back....lol

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 12:33:23 PM EDT
My cousin had a pair.  I think he will be taking them back to Iraq for a world wind tour.  Maybe you have them back at the 3 gun in March.
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 12:39:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 12:56:52 PM EDT
Pickett stayed a foot or 2 in front of me pretty much all the time. He did not realize that I was doing that so the he would clean the spider webs out of the way so I would not get into them.  He kept stepping in cow patties along the way.  It kept me entertained...

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 1:07:44 PM EDT

Pickett stayed a foot or 2 in front of me pretty much all the time. He did not realize that I was doing that so the he would clean the spider webs out of the way so I would not get into them.  He kept stepping in cow patties along the way.  It kept me entertained...

Only took the first lap and the spider webs were gone.  And I only slid through Two cow patties that were blending in very well with their surroundings.  I really think he was staring at my ass and sexy legs like this  
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 1:37:57 PM EDT
It was mentioned when we were sitting around, but I mention it again.....was it just me or did every single coyote take a shit ON the trail all the way around.  It was like one big mine field and some of the coyotes are hittin' the roids, too.

Can't believe I got rooked out of a set of panties.  I was looking forward to a whole set to tack up on my wall in the garage.  Sweet.  Wife would love it.

Link Posted: 10/13/2008 1:40:47 PM EDT
Pics that I took.  I never did take any pictures of any of the shooting stages.


I'll break them down into slide shows and post those up here later.


Link Posted: 10/13/2008 1:53:41 PM EDT
I did the worst and still had a good time.  Learned a lot.  

I will be back next year if I am still in Texas (which I hope I am).  
Link Posted: 10/13/2008 2:27:31 PM EDT

It was mentioned when we were sitting around, but I mention it again.....was it just me or did every single coyote take a shit ON the trail all the way around.  It was like one big mine field and some of the coyotes are hittin' the roids, too.

Can't believe I got rooked out of a set of panties.  I was looking forward to a whole set to tack up on my wall in the garage.  Sweet.  Wife would love it.


Here's a pic for the wall.
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