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Link Posted: 7/21/2010 7:49:44 PM EDT
Somewhat correct. It needs to be something the person receiving the information understands.

If you are explained what ED is being categorized as, then you know what the person is saying. As shown above, ED to the general public is likely dealing with some penile issues.

Everyone's job has acronyms, names, or terms that only those in that field would understand.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 8:26:01 PM EDT
If I got shot by the police in the same situation would they describe me as a Fire Academy graduate or an active or retired Firefighter???????  I have found this very odd

No the media hatred of firefighters means that you would be a govt. overpaid leach that worked way too much OT and sucked the county coffers dry!!!

Lets make this quite plain.  It's not the cops, firefighters ( although it is some of them) it's the Unions - and these same unions officials that supposedly represent the government negotiating the contracts.  That is who we don't like.  Las Vegas would have just as good a fire department and police department without the unions, maybe even better.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 8:31:22 PM EDT
Somewhat correct. It needs to be something the person receiving the information understands.

If you are explained what ED is being categorized as, then you know what the person is saying. As shown above, ED to the general public is likely dealing with some penile issues.

Everyone's job has acronyms, names, or terms that only those in that field would understand.

That is exactly what I was saying. E.D. doesn't need to be a clinical diagnosis in order for it to be a readily identifiable description for a police officer. The police officer and dispatcher just need to be trained what E.D. means and how to respond to it just like they are trained on a 413.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 8:48:50 PM EDT



Somewhat correct. It needs to be something the person receiving the information understands.

If you are explained what ED is being categorized as, then you know what the person is saying. As shown above, ED to the general public is likely dealing with some penile issues.

Everyone's job has acronyms, names, or terms that only those in that field would understand.

That is exactly what I was saying. E.D. doesn't need to be a clinical diagnosis in order for it to be a readily identifiable description for a police officer. The police officer and dispatcher just need to be trained what E.D. means and how to respond to it just like they are trained on a 413.
Police officer, yes.  Dispatcher, not so much.  There's NO WAY that a dispatcher can make the 'ED' call without making patient contact.  To anyone who has actually run on ED's, that's a pretty big assertion to make.  JM2C though.

Link Posted: 7/27/2010 4:43:54 PM EDT
Inquest postponed, story here
Link Posted: 7/27/2010 6:52:48 PM EDT
That said, there seems to be a high correlation between the amount of time it takes to release or leak  video, 911 calls and other evidence and the degree of LEO mistake. That is to say, if it was a good shoot we should see the evidence shortly.  If it was a bad shoot, the LEO’s/DA will keep things from the public as long as they can.  Understandable, but not to the LEO’s long term benefit.

I wrote this back on 7/18.
Link Posted: 7/27/2010 7:19:28 PM EDT
That said, there seems to be a high correlation between the amount of time it takes to release or leak  video, 911 calls and other evidence and the degree of LEO mistake. That is to say, if it was a good shoot we should see the evidence shortly.  If it was a bad shoot, the LEO’s/DA will keep things from the public as long as they can.  Understandable, but not to the LEO’s long term benefit.

I wrote this back on 7/18.

Shiny side out
Link Posted: 7/27/2010 10:17:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/28/2010 1:33:59 PM EDT
If I got shot by the police in the same situation would they describe me as a Fire Academy graduate or an active or retired Firefighter???????  I have found this very odd

No the media hatred of firefighters means that you would be a govt. overpaid leach that worked way too much OT and sucked the county coffers dry!!!

Lets make this quite plain.  It's not the cops, firefighters ( although it is some of them) it's the Unions - and these same unions officials that supposedly represent the government negotiating the contracts.  That is who we don't like.  Las Vegas would have just as good a fire department and police department without the unions, maybe even better.

How bout you back off the little underhanded comments about firefighters and unions.  Las Vegas would have a far WORSE fire department if it wasn't for unions.  Three man engine companies, minimal manning, cheapest equipment possible, fewer stations, better safety equipment, out dated air packs, no EMS training, etc are just some of the things that unions have pushed to get rid of that politicians like yourself resisted - these things all helped to improve the local departments. Many of the changes came about because a local firefighter was seriously hurt on the job, and the union started pushing for more modern safety equipment and the politicians fought them due to cost.  You continually make comments about firefighters and unions that show your true lack of understanding of the subject.  You also fail to mention how it is politicians, like yourself, who have had to approve every single contract.  It is apparent you get all your info from the local news outlets, and have failed to make any effort to truly understand the subject, and you continually post things on AR15.com that shows your ignorance.  Stick to what you know, unless you are willing to reach out to one of the many union police and firefighters on the board because you truly want to see both sides of the story - something that is very rare for most politicians.  

Link Posted: 7/28/2010 1:59:01 PM EDT
And the unions love dingy harry.
Link Posted: 7/28/2010 2:14:58 PM EDT
If I got shot by the police in the same situation would they describe me as a Fire Academy graduate or an active or retired Firefighter???????  I have found this very odd

No the media hatred of firefighters means that you would be a govt. overpaid leach that worked way too much OT and sucked the county coffers dry!!!

Lets make this quite plain.  It's not the cops, firefighters ( although it is some of them) it's the Unions - and these same unions officials that supposedly represent the government negotiating the contracts.  That is who we don't like.  Las Vegas would have just as good a fire department and police department without the unions, maybe even better.

How bout you back off the little underhanded comments about firefighters and unions.  Las Vegas would have a far WORSE fire department if it wasn't for unions.  Three man engine companies, minimal manning, cheapest equipment possible, fewer stations, better safety equipment, out dated air packs, no EMS training, etc are just some of the things that unions have pushed to get rid of that politicians like yourself resisted - these things all helped to improve the local departments. Many of the changes came about because a local firefighter was seriously hurt on the job, and the union started pushing for more modern safety equipment and the politicians fought them due to cost.  You continually make comments about firefighters and unions that show your true lack of understanding of the subject.  You also fail to mention how it is politicians, like yourself, who have had to approve every single contract.  It is apparent you get all your info from the local news outlets, and have failed to make any effort to truly understand the subject, and you continually post things on AR15.com that shows your ignorance.  Stick to what you know, unless you are willing to reach out to one of the many union police and firefighters on the board because you truly want to see both sides of the story - something that is very rare for most politicians.  

Ding ding we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks for posting that Scot....I didn't even see longun post that

As a great wise man once said, better to keep your mouth shut and only to be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt

To truly believe that FFs and cops would be safer and be members of "better" departments if we didn't have unions is truly foolish AND shows a complete lacking of how things work in the real world.  If we were to have left our valley department's well-being to the politicians and appointed chiefs, we would all be pretty well screwed.  Just look what Chief Smith did to CCFD with shutting down the Heavy Rescue AND a ladder truck in Laughlin (oh wait, I forgot, Bullhead can just send their truck over the bridge if it's needed.......oh wait.....on second thought, Bullhead is way understaffed itself...maybe that's not such a good idea after all).  Chief Smith just threw the whole valley under the bus because all he cares about is making it just a little longer to pull his retirement.  Do you honestly think he was going to stand up and do the right thing by saying "this is a terrible idea and response times will positively be greatly increased if we mothball our TRT Team"?????????????????  No.....he didn't and he just rolled over for Rory and Sisolak because he wants to save his job.  All you have to do is look at a map and figure that one out in regards to response times.  To rely on Vegas' Heavy Rescue and Henderson's, which isn't even staffed full-time, the citizens are getting left with a very long response time.  Just yesterday Henderson TRT was dispatched all the way up to Dean Martin for a man trapped in machinery.  The citizens of Henderson just lost their ladder truck for the east side of their city while this was going on, all because the one full-time team left in the valley was down with a mechanical problem and couldn't respond.  How long do we roll the dice like this so Rory Reid and Sissylack can run around campaigning for votes?  HFD just had back to back working structure fires yesterday morning and our city was empty for fire units for an extended time.  Did you hear about that from the newspapers or your politicians???????????????????????  Would you like YOUR family to be the ones in a serious car accident and need immediate extrication with their lives depending on it when something like i just mentioned is going on?????  I didn't think so

Ask yourself this.....which of your politicians have taken a pay cut and which FF unions have taken a pay cut here in the valley???????????  I know my union has
Link Posted: 7/28/2010 9:34:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/29/2010 7:30:56 AM EDT
Let's keep this on track. Please.

Sorry Wolfpack,

Got a little annoyed with a certain comment.  

As for Costco, I'm a huge supported of the police as many times I get to see a different perspective of what goes down.  That being said, this is the first shooting that is causing me a lot of concern.  From the postponing the inquest, all the different witness reports, not releasing the 911 tapes, and now the video tapes are "damaged" - something is started to look fishy.
Link Posted: 8/3/2010 9:16:35 AM EDT
Mo info from Fox News
Link Posted: 8/3/2010 10:09:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/3/2010 10:49:39 AM EDT
Let's keep this on track. Please.

Sorry Wolfpack,

Got a little annoyed with a certain comment.  

As for Costco, I'm a huge supported of the police as many times I get to see a different perspective of what goes down.  That being said, this is the first shooting that is causing me a lot of concern.  From the postponing the inquest, all the different witness reports, not releasing the 911 tapes, and now the video tapes are "damaged" - something is started to look fishy.

Actually, this is probably the first time I will have to disagree with you Scot......I have worried next to nil about this shooting.  I seriously doubt some Costco employee woke up that morning thinking he jus HAD to find some CCW'er in the store and make up some story about the guy going crazy and damaging merchandise just so he could call 911 on him.  Then to have several PD dipatchers all wake up the same day and say they needed to dispatch a bunch of coppers to some business to set up a guy to be shot, after fabricating dispatch info.  Then to add on top of that 3 different cops that also woke up that SAME day saying to themselves that they really needed to shoot some CCW'er to make them all feel so big and bad.  Postponing things makes even more sense when you consider the magnitude of this case, the number of witnesses invilved, the amount of dispatch recordings that have to be logged and transcribed, the amount of evidence that CSI has to process, etc.  

It's weird....I CCW ALL THE TIME and never have any issues.  I carry the correct size pistols for my clothing and apparantly don't do anything suspicious to cause a ruckus anywhere that I go, and I have enough common sense to have situational awareness if I need to bend over or reach for something.  It's not that hard people.  And I ain't no West Point grad with a super big brain.

Relax people, the info will come out in due time and then you can get all wound up again  

Link Posted: 8/3/2010 2:39:39 PM EDT
God Damn slow gov't PC's.......I can't get it to load  :(

That's a really horrible page and video. WTF
Link Posted: 8/3/2010 3:22:07 PM EDT
Let's keep this on track. Please.

Sorry Wolfpack,

Got a little annoyed with a certain comment.  

As for Costco, I'm a huge supported of the police as many times I get to see a different perspective of what goes down.  That being said, this is the first shooting that is causing me a lot of concern.  From the postponing the inquest, all the different witness reports, not releasing the 911 tapes, and now the video tapes are "damaged" - something is started to look fishy.

Actually, this is probably the first time I will have to disagree with you Scot......I have worried next to nil about this shooting.  I seriously doubt some Costco employee woke up that morning thinking he jus HAD to find some CCW'er in the store and make up some story about the guy going crazy and damaging merchandise just so he could call 911 on him.  Then to have several PD dipatchers all wake up the same day and say they needed to dispatch a bunch of coppers to some business to set up a guy to be shot, after fabricating dispatch info.  Then to add on top of that 3 different cops that also woke up that SAME day saying to themselves that they really needed to shoot some CCW'er to make them all feel so big and bad.  Postponing things makes even more sense when you consider the magnitude of this case, the number of witnesses invilved, the amount of dispatch recordings that have to be logged and transcribed, the amount of evidence that CSI has to process, etc.  

It's weird....I CCW ALL THE TIME and never have any issues.  I carry the correct size pistols for my clothing and apparantly don't do anything suspicious to cause a ruckus anywhere that I go, and I have enough common sense to have situational awareness if I need to bend over or reach for something.  It's not that hard people.  And I ain't no West Point grad with a super big brain.

Relax people, the info will come out in due time and then you can get all wound up again  

Are you a civil servant diversmith?
Link Posted: 8/3/2010 4:16:31 PM EDT
Let's keep this on track. Please.

Sorry Wolfpack,

Got a little annoyed with a certain comment.  

As for Costco, I'm a huge supported of the police as many times I get to see a different perspective of what goes down.  That being said, this is the first shooting that is causing me a lot of concern.  From the postponing the inquest, all the different witness reports, not releasing the 911 tapes, and now the video tapes are "damaged" - something is started to look fishy.

Actually, this is probably the first time I will have to disagree with you Scot......I have worried next to nil about this shooting.  I seriously doubt some Costco employee woke up that morning thinking he jus HAD to find some CCW'er in the store and make up some story about the guy going crazy and damaging merchandise just so he could call 911 on him.  Then to have several PD dipatchers all wake up the same day and say they needed to dispatch a bunch of coppers to some business to set up a guy to be shot, after fabricating dispatch info.  Then to add on top of that 3 different cops that also woke up that SAME day saying to themselves that they really needed to shoot some CCW'er to make them all feel so big and bad.  Postponing things makes even more sense when you consider the magnitude of this case, the number of witnesses invilved, the amount of dispatch recordings that have to be logged and transcribed, the amount of evidence that CSI has to process, etc.  

It's weird....I CCW ALL THE TIME and never have any issues.  I carry the correct size pistols for my clothing and apparantly don't do anything suspicious to cause a ruckus anywhere that I go, and I have enough common sense to have situational awareness if I need to bend over or reach for something.  It's not that hard people.  And I ain't no West Point grad with a super big brain.

Relax people, the info will come out in due time and then you can get all wound up again  

Are you a civil servant diversmith?

Come on Glory....haven't you read the whole thread?  I have already copped out to being an overpaid, underworked (70 hours/week avg) fireman  According to the fire bashers, I insist on being called a hero and demand obscene compensation for doing nothing, having no skills, no education and threaten not to run calls if I don't get my way  In reality I make 32.39 bucks an hour (topped out) for being a firefighter I & II, an EMT Basic with an IV waiver, a member of the Technical Rescue Team and I am also a promoted Engineer with almost 11 years on the job (oh, and I have a hard time keeping track of all the calls I run since we DON"T sit on our A%$ all the time like the fire bashers would have you believe.  Just look up each individual department's call volume and total up just how many calls the 4 major departments run valley-wide in a year and then get back to me about how underworked we are

Sorry, rant off...any other questions???????????

Link Posted: 8/3/2010 11:01:24 PM EDT
what station are you at. I work on the south strip and see station 11 vehicles respond quite a bit.
Link Posted: 8/4/2010 9:24:59 PM EDT
Mo info from Fox News

This seems to line up with the text that was posted earlier on in this thread.  It is interesting that it is taking so long to get any word out.
Link Posted: 8/16/2010 9:40:41 AM EDT
Mo info from Fox News

This seems to line up with the text that was posted earlier on in this thread.  It is interesting that it is taking so long to get any word out.

Any more news?
Link Posted: 8/16/2010 9:54:33 AM EDT
Mo info from Fox News

This seems to line up with the text that was posted earlier on in this thread.  It is interesting that it is taking so long to get any word out.

Any more news?

Lots and lots of it. But so far no truth or facts.
Link Posted: 8/19/2010 9:39:03 AM EDT
Coroner's inquest scheduled for September 22-24th.
Link Posted: 8/19/2010 8:47:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2010 11:12:18 PM EDT


I caught on Fox news last night that Metro's legal team has sent out letters to Costco members that used their card in the store during a certain time that day to question about Scott's behavior up until the time of death. I thought it might have been BS at first, but they showed one of the customers letters on the broadcast.

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up.  That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

Link Posted: 8/20/2010 7:50:51 AM EDT



I caught on Fox news last night that Metro's legal team has sent out letters to Costco members that used their card in the store during a certain time that day to question about Scott's behavior up until the time of death. I thought it might have been BS at first, but they showed one of the customers letters on the broadcast.

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up. That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

We the people has come to mean the other guy.  

People as a generalization, are so F'n selfish that they would not give the time it takes to make our world a better place by standing up and telling the simple truth.  Many of these same people would not recognize the simple truth if it bit them in the balls.

Sheeple also aren't as aware of their surroundings as many would give them credit for. What they think they saw, and what may have transpired will undoubtedly elude them in the end.
Link Posted: 8/20/2010 8:17:36 AM EDT
It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up.  That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

It totally blows my mind that Metro waited 40 days to do this.  WTF?  Can it be they're having trouble getting enough "good" witness stories?
Link Posted: 8/20/2010 8:28:33 AM EDT



It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up. That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

It totally blows my mind that Metro waited 40 days to do this. WTF? Can it be they're having trouble getting enough "good" witness stories?

I'd like to think that Metro is in search of the entire truth, and that is what i believe.
Link Posted: 8/21/2010 8:34:34 PM EDT

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up. That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

It totally blows my mind that Metro waited 40 days to do this. WTF? Can it be they're having trouble getting enough "good" witness stories?

I'd like to think that Metro is in search of the entire truth, and that is what i believe.

Bingo.  They need to take the time and do it right the first time.  

People seem to think that just because they can resolve a 90,000 hit Google search in .003 seconds, a police department should act as quickly.  PDs move slow and methodically.  There's multiple layers and organizations with a department/municipality that things go up and down through.  Heck a simple warrant for a slam-dunk misdemeanor typically takes at least 30 days to get signed off after submission.
Link Posted: 8/27/2010 7:11:17 AM EDT
Looks like there is a chance that the inquest will be televised:

Link Posted: 8/30/2010 6:21:42 AM EDT

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up.  That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

*something to think about*
If you saw three police gun down a man without cause, wouldn't you be frightened to step forward?

And if you saw people who angrily believe the man was gunned down without cause, but yet you saw differently, and you believe those people would cause you harm if you spoke up, would you step forward?
Link Posted: 8/30/2010 7:19:07 AM EDT

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up.  That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

*something to think about*
If you saw three police gun down a man without cause, wouldn't you be frightened to step forward?

And if you saw people who angrily believe the man was gunned down without cause, but yet you saw differently, and you believe those people would cause you harm if you spoke up, would you step forward?

 you must be from a small town.  In larger cities like Vegas people would be coming out of the woodworks to yell and scream about such a thing.  Nice theory, but its the complete opposite of reality.  If we were living in Communist China, you would have a valid point,. but we don't so you don't.
Link Posted: 8/31/2010 12:04:24 PM EDT

It totally blows my mind that folks who were there and might have some info wouldn't come forward to attempt to clear this matter up.  That fact that the cops have to use credit card receipts to track these witnesses down simply astounds me.

*something to think about*
If you saw three police gun down a man without cause, wouldn't you be frightened to step forward?

And if you saw people who angrily believe the man was gunned down without cause, but yet you saw differently, and you believe those people would cause you harm if you spoke up, would you step forward?

 you must be from a small town.  In larger cities like Vegas people would be coming out of the woodworks to yell and scream about such a thing.  Nice theory, but its the complete opposite of reality.  If we were living in Communist China, you would have a valid point,. but we don't so you don't.

Well, either he was gunned down without reason, or there was a reason, and yet witnesses are not stepping forward.....

Apparently everyone one of the witnesses, according to your mocking, must be from small towns..., because they're not stepping forward.
Link Posted: 8/31/2010 3:36:45 PM EDT
Well, either he was gunned down without reason, or there was a reason, and yet witnesses are not stepping forward.....

Apparently everyone one of the witnesses, according to your mocking, must be from small towns..., because they're not stepping forward.

Witnesses coming forward to the media is different than coming forward to the police. Would you want your face placed on every news site?

Witnesses have come forward.
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 8:35:37 AM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 9:52:33 AM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

Same reason NDI is not taking lead on NHP's latest tasering death. They are the largest and most capable agency in the state. (not trying to rustle any feathers but look at the numbers)
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 3:28:41 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

Link Posted: 9/2/2010 3:41:36 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

It doesn't matter if they are the only agency with a such a unit, they shouldn't be handling evidence when there is a shooting death involving one of their officers. There should be a separate, adversarial, investigation unit and prosecutor for these types of cases to help prevent cover-ups, favoritism, or other shenanigans.
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 4:08:56 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

It doesn't matter if they are the only agency with a such a unit, they shouldn't be handling evidence when there is a shooting death involving one of their officers. There should be a separate, adversarial, investigation unit and prosecutor for these types of cases to help prevent cover-ups, favoritism, or other shenanigans.

I did this a lot of times.  You just dismantle the video recorder, removed and image the drives, then place copies back in the recorder.  If you can't find a codec to view the video info outside of the recorder, just seize the recorder for a couple of hours, put imaged drives in, and play out the time in question to another device.  It isn't that hard...     The sad thing is that sometimes, someone doesn't really want to see what is on the recorder, so they just wait 40 days until the recorder has reused the disk space and destroyed the evidence...

Link Posted: 9/2/2010 5:09:16 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

It doesn't matter if they are the only agency with a such a unit, they shouldn't be handling evidence when there is a shooting death involving one of their officers. There should be a separate, adversarial, investigation unit and prosecutor for these types of cases to help prevent cover-ups, favoritism, or other shenanigans.

I see you chose the popular ACLU word- adversarial. Would you want to be interviewed as a victim in an adversarial type interview?

Has there been cases of cover-up by the police? That could lead you to want an independent review, but you already have that. The DA reviews all the evidence, good and bad. I see your point, but you are offering a fix to a system that hasn't shown it is broken.
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 5:53:45 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

It doesn't matter if they are the only agency with a such a unit, they shouldn't be handling evidence when there is a shooting death involving one of their officers. There should be a separate, adversarial, investigation unit and prosecutor for these types of cases to help prevent cover-ups, favoritism, or other shenanigans.

I see you chose the popular ACLU word- adversarial. Would you want to be interviewed as a victim in an adversarial type interview?

Has there been cases of cover-up by the police? That could lead you to want an independent review, but you already have that. The DA reviews all the evidence, good and bad. I see your point, but you are offering a fix to a system that hasn't shown it is broken.

Adversarial: First off, the ACLU and I aren't pals. That said, adversarial means against the shooter, not against the victim.

Independent review: I personally don't see the DA prosecuting any officer unless there is such blatant and alarming evidence that he has no other choice.

Cover up: How about the whole situation revolving around the death of officer Manor? That's a pretty good example of an attempted cover-up.

Broken system: There are a lot of people who would disagree with you on whether the system is broken. The Coroner's inquest process for one.

Link Posted: 9/2/2010 6:01:36 PM EDT
Why is Metro allowed to handle evidence when there is a shooting involving one of their officers? Since the department could be liable if any wrongdoing is assigned this constitutes a major conflict of interest in my opinion.

I'm referring to the seizing of hard drives containing video surveillance data.

How many agencies in this state do you think actually have a video unit?

It doesn't matter if they are the only agency with a such a unit, they shouldn't be handling evidence when there is a shooting death involving one of their officers. There should be a separate, adversarial, investigation unit and prosecutor for these types of cases to help prevent cover-ups, favoritism, or other shenanigans.

I see you chose the popular ACLU word- adversarial. Would you want to be interviewed as a victim in an adversarial type interview?

Has there been cases of cover-up by the police? That could lead you to want an independent review, but you already have that. The DA reviews all the evidence, good and bad. I see your point, but you are offering a fix to a system that hasn't shown it is broken.

Adversarial: First off, the ACLU and I aren't pals. That said, adversarial means against the shooter, not against the victim.

Independent review: I personally don't see the DA prosecuting any officer unless there is such blatant and alarming evidence that he has no other choice.

Cover up: How about the whole situation revolving around the death of officer Manor? That's a pretty good example of an attempted cover-up.

Broken system: There are a lot of people who would disagree with you on whether the system is broken. The Coroner's inquest process for one.

If they wanted to cover up the circumstances surrounding Jame Manor's death, you would still think that he was running code 3 down Flamingo and the Calvin Darling was drunk and failed to yield. The Sheriff was told incorrect things when the accident happened and he released those to the media. He later found out that he was wrong and corrected himself in a large press conference. Simply because Metro doesn't air their dirty laundry to the media doesn't mean that no one was punished for what happened. The situation could have been handled better, and Metro learned that. They were too quick to come out with details in the case and paid the price for it. That is one of the biggest reasons that they are slow to release facts now - so they can make sure that what they are saying is correct.

As far as the coroner's inquest process, it isn't designed to determine criminal guilt. It is not a grand jury. It is a fact finding process designed to be public and show the facts of the shooting. Metro doesn't control it or have any say into how it is done. the important part of the inquest is not the "jury," but rather the process and interviews.
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 7:03:58 PM EDT

Adversarial: First off, the ACLU and I aren't pals. That said, adversarial means against the shooter, not against the victim.

There is your twisted thinking coming out. When I have been shot at, I was the victim. You, in turn, view the dead guy as the victim. That is the way the liberals explain it...... Ever notice that?


Independent review: I personally don't see the DA prosecuting any officer unless there is such blatant and alarming evidence that he has no other choice.

I disagree...... the DA will prosecute a case he can win. I know, but you wouldn't believe how many cases are denied by the DA's office. Sure, there are political cases where weak cases are pushed forward. I don't deny those don't and aren't occurring right now.


Cover up: How about the whole situation revolving around the death of officer Manor? That's a pretty good example of an attempted cover-up.

Explain to me how doing forensic work is a cover-up? Sure, he may have held the info from the public, but I am sure the DA knew and so did the person arrested. Swapping blood vials is a cover up. There was plenty of PC for an arrest. There were plenty of ways to cover that up, but did you see that happen? Spreading unverified information was the main issue, but when information is held back, the public says the police should say more. So, you want information now, but only if it is right. If you withhold info to make sure it is correct, you are holding back from the public. It is a double edged sword.


Broken system: There are a lot of people who would disagree with you on whether the system is broken. The Coroner's inquest process for one.

The Coroner's Inquest is the only on in the country. What would you prefer? Are you looking to pioneer an unused system and expect officers to be willing to jump in? Or do you want a secret Grand Jury or just a case submittal to the DA, since that is what everyone else uses?

Responding like this suck, using all the quotes, but it makes it even rougher on the next round

Link Posted: 9/2/2010 7:25:13 PM EDT
Broken system: There are a lot of people who would disagree with you on whether the system is broken. The Coroner's inquest process for one.

So they should go to some kind of behind closed-door review board that other places use?  What's broken with the inquest process?
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 9:11:32 PM EDT
So, business as usual then?
Link Posted: 9/2/2010 9:39:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2010 12:05:51 AM EDT
So, business as usual then?

If you are referring to the best and most public system I have researched that allows relevant, coherent questions to be asked by all involved persons then yes...business as usual. You seem to disagree without providing any alternatives or changes to the system.
Link Posted: 9/3/2010 6:50:24 AM EDT


I don't want to sling mud back and forth. If you knew myself and my family you'd know that we are big supporters of law enforcement and have many close personal friends who are and were officers. I have had high regard for Metro in the past, lately I am just frustrated because I see some room for improvement. Perhaps it's just the bad luck of many high-profile incidents lately. But I've read what you have said and I understand where you're coming from. Let's just leave it at that.

Link Posted: 9/3/2010 4:23:31 PM EDT
Well said sir.
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