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Posted: 4/15/2015 7:28:11 PM EDT
Oregon has a mentored hunter program to encourage youth to get involved in hunting. We signed my 9 yo son up and I took him on his first hunt today!

Wow, what a great experience! I picked my son up and took him to lunch at 11:15 am. We drove to the property and there were multiple Toms and Jakes there already. We drove to the far end of the property and walked as close to the birds as I thought we could. Of course some Jakes busted us so I set up where we were. We sat in silence, him reading his homework, for about 1/2 hour. I then called for @ 8 minutes and went quite for 20. As soon as I started up on the calls again we got a response close in, behind us. Fortunately the double bull blind has rear windows for just this case. I opened the window and there were 3 Jakes and a nice Tom @ 15 yards. I told my son to keep his head down and pick one. He did and made a text book shot on the lead Jake. Not a single pellet in the body! He is one happy boy and I am one proud dad!

2 1/2 hours from the field to the grill! I am going to throw some bacon on top of the turkey because everything is better with bacon!

Link Posted: 4/15/2015 8:13:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/15/2015 8:37:03 PM EDT
Outstanding op. Congrats to you and your son. Hope y'all have many more years of hunting together
Link Posted: 4/15/2015 11:41:13 PM EDT
Nice! I went out today and heard some far off gobbles but didn't have anything come close.
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