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Posted: 12/22/2001 11:31:26 AM EDT


I am just trying to spread the word about an important endevor that is
under way at this time.

We are going to try to make the anti-gunners hurt whare it hurts most,
by forcing them to answer to multiple lawsuits for there dishonorable
actions against the American people.

OK if you are confused I understand. Here is a link to a thread about
the idea at assaultweb.net. [url]www.assaultweb.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/218381.html[/url]

I think its a viable idea and an important step in regaining our lost
freedoms. Heres what we need from you:

1) Intel, gather information about the Antis, what suits they have in the works, when they are schedualed to go down, ect,ect.
2) Record news releaces, and save printed articles, this could be evidence of slander, and character defimation.
3) Get together with a group of fellow patriots in the area, many hands make easy work.
4) We plan on hitting them over about three months, with many hundred lawsuits. The aim is to bankrupt them the way they tried to baknrupt our culture. So many small groups / individuals are more effective than one large co-op.

We need to spread the news about this, and thats why I am soliciting you.
Please help us in our battle for freedom.. (The NRA is more interested in hunting rights not GUN rights)

In a shorT time there will be a new web page up for this endevor, I will post the info as soon as I have it.

Thank you for reading this letter         the_survivalist

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