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Posted: 10/25/2001 3:28:35 AM EDT
Just finished reading this book, by Mark Bowden. Its available in paperback. I had picked it up thinking it was fiction - it it not. This book is Mark's reconstruction of the events of Oct 3-4 1993 in Mogadishu, Somalia, Africa.

U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force Operators were given the mission for a dailight raid of the city to locate and capture Mohamed Farrah Aidid, one of the city's warlords.

The Task Force set out around 3:30 thinking they would be back before sunset, leaving behind their Night Optical Devices, canteens, and other night fighting equipment required per the SOP.

Things went terribly wrong.

The Somalis shot down 2 MH-60 Black Hawks using RPGs. 2 more Black Hawks were hit but limped back and crash landed at home base. 18 Americans were dead. Dozens more shot up to hell. Black Hawk pilot Michael Durant was captured and held captive for 11 days. Dead American soldiers were tied up and dragged thru the streets to the delight of the Somalis. In the end almost 100 American soldiers were pinned down in Mogadishu for 15 hours.A huge multinational force was used to extract them. The Commander, Major General William F. Garrison had his career distroyed.

Oh yea, and after all that President Clinton lost his appetite for war and called off any further military action in Somalia.

Its book worth reading.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 3:45:02 AM EDT
Yes it's a good book.

Blackhawk Down the movie is supposedly coming out in 2002 according to imdb.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 3:46:59 AM EDT
yeah, i saw an ad for the movie when i was at a movie a while ago during the summer
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 4:02:14 AM EDT
I wonder if the movie will be as good as the book. I enjoyed every page of it. It's among my top 5 list of books I re-read from time to time (other examples: Bravo Two Zero, Immediate Action, The tunnels of Cu Chi and I keep forgetting the title about this book on that Russian sub, although I remember the captains name: Brittanov)
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 4:05:56 AM EDT
Yes you can download the movie trailer in apple quicktime format.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 4:33:18 AM EDT
I'm currently reading it now.  My current tagline is from the book. [:D]
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 9:41:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:08:46 AM EDT
Hey thanks for the link Big Bear
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:54:59 AM EDT
Indeed, an excellent book.  Can't wait for the movie.

I recently also finished Bravo Two Zero and am currently reading Immediate Action.

As for McNab's fiction series I also read Remote Control and have Crisis Four waiting for when Immediate Action is done...
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 12:53:51 PM EDT

Something i made a while ago, can also be seen at [url]www.somaliaveterans.net[/url]

Link Posted: 10/25/2001 2:27:26 PM EDT
Night Stalkers Don't Quit
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 6:21:05 PM EDT
I had to keep putting it down because it was so intense. It sure made me know I wasn't set up for combat.

The part where they had to spend the night in "Indian Country" gave me the chills. I really thought they would be dead men in the morning.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 6:32:35 PM EDT
Yes...it was a [b]very[/b] good book!  The movie was originally scheduled for this winter, but pushed to next spring.  It's one I want to see, but I have to keep remembering that movies are rarely as good as their book counterparts.

It was sad, funny, exciting, frustrating, patriotic and overall...INTENSE!
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 6:37:30 PM EDT
[blue]I try not to edit people's posts when they are with in the board rules but..as a proud Canadian and former member of the Canadian Armed Forces I find your post disgusting and an insult to the men and women who have given their lives in defense of their country. If it wasn't for these individuals having the guts to lay it on the line and pay the ultimate price..people like you wouldn't have the right to post crap like that and I wouldn't have the chance to edit it. Believe what you want about the American or Canadian forces but keep it to yourself. AR15.com has many members who have served or are serving their country, some in combat zones right now. Show them the respect they deserve.[/blue]
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 6:41:28 PM EDT
Great book loved it if you like it you should read Bravo two zero, and Imediate action By andy McNabb a SAS operator
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 7:03:44 PM EDT
Loved the  book , I hope the movie is half as good .
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:03:58 PM EDT
BCBUD you have obviously never served so you don't understand.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:19:44 PM EDT
Weren't they just protecting dead bodies?
if thats the case Army Rangers are fucked up weiners. And i spit on their battle honors.
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Trouble brewing.

Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:21:51 PM EDT
You've been around enough to rack up a thousand posts and you've just got around to reading that book?  Next you'll tell me that you haven't read Unintended Consequences.  [:)]

BTW-  I can't wait for the movie to come out next year.  It's looking good so far.
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:34:37 PM EDT
Weren't they just protecting dead bodies?
if thats the case Army Rangers are fucked up weiners. And i spit on their battle honors.
View Quote

I usually just ignore posts like this, but I gotta admit this is probably the most disturbing thing I've read since I've been here (about 2 years).
Now this is obscenity. To post a statement like that right below the photos of 2 MOH winners.
I only wish a Ranger could wrap his hands around your scrawny little neck. [-!-]
Link Posted: 10/25/2001 10:38:54 PM EDT
I agree I guess BCBUD stands for British Canadian Buddy Fu^*er  I am very offended by his post if mine offends anyone let me know I will edit it

Link Posted: 10/25/2001 11:18:51 PM EDT
Here's a higher quality source for the trailer with multiple resolution choices.


As for the rather controversial post, well, I'll leave that to others...
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 2:13:18 AM EDT
 As already stated, it is appearant that you have never served.
 Glad you are in Canada, where most coward's go to when they ain't got it in their guts to serve their country.
 Hope we never meet.  If we do and you spout off with crap like that................
You will not like my response!
 Those guys served and died, doing what our country and goverment told them to do.  They deserve nothing but the utmost respect and honor.
 BCBUD, why don't you go and learn first hand what the life is like and join the Canadian Airborne.........oh wait, weren't they disbanded by YOUR goverment????
 You sir, need to grow up and get a clue!
 Proudly served and still serving.

1/505 PIR
82nd ABD (89-93)
Airborne Grunt

Medic TXANG (now)
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 8:31:42 AM EDT
I agree I guess BCBUD stands for British Canadian Buddy Fu^*er  I am very offended by his post if mine offends anyone let me know I will edit it

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Nope, no problems here John.

BCBUD - I'm sure we can get a collection going to buy you airfare to get you to Arlington National Cemetary.  If you have the balls to make the trip I'm sure there are plenty of honorable men that would accompany you as you spit on the battle honors of the Rangers that gave the ultimate sacrifice in Somalia.

The grounds of Arlington are huge.  A "man" could get lost out there...
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 1:26:46 PM EDT
F#$! that.. I would not let that jerk anywhere near the Cemetary.  
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 1:30:11 PM EDT
Weren't they just protecting dead bodies?
if thats the case Army Rangers are fucked up weiners. And i spit on their battle honors.
View Quote

Link Posted: 10/26/2001 1:42:05 PM EDT
You've been around enough to rack up a thousand posts and you've just got around to reading that book?  Next you'll tell me that you haven't read Unintended Consequences.  [:)]

BTW-  I can't wait for the movie to come out next year.  It's looking good so far.
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Yes, I confess, its taken me this long to read it. [V]
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 11:45:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 11:51:50 PM EDT
Big_Bear you rule
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 7:27:21 AM EDT
Big Bear,  


You da' man!
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 9:11:46 AM EDT
Guys, check out Sony´s official site.


The release date was in March, but now it looks like it is January.

For those who would like to talk with TFR and other U.S vets, this board is for you(also the best site for BHD movie info)

Link Posted: 10/27/2001 7:29:47 PM EDT
I finished reading the book, Blackhawk Down, just a few weeks ago.  It only took me two evenings to finish the entire book.  What a story!  I hope that the movie keeps to the story and doesn't try to glamorize the conflict or re-write the occurrences to be more Hollywood.  I can only hope that the facts of this conflict shaped our training techniques in the years after.  I do know that the Rangers and other special ops spent much more time doing MOUT training after this occured in 1993.  Afganistan may not be a much different type of place when it comes to the type of combat that the special ops teams will encounter.  
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 9:18:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 9:51:09 AM EDT
[size=5][red][b]WARNING: Story Spoiler!![/b][/red][/size=5]
Read no further if you haven't read the book yet!!
The part that killed me was when the Ranger who was such a screw-up in the rear was laying there on a stretcher in the stadium with a few bullet holes and fragments in him, begging the Captain not to go back out until he came back from the hospital.

I was sitting on my sofa reading this at about 0300 with tears running down my face.

"The last, full measure of devotion."
Rangers Lead The Way!
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 10:34:02 AM EDT
BCBUD> Man, that made me fucking cry! I can't believe you said you said that. You had best hope you and I never EVER meet up on a face to face basis, cause I will fuck you up. You fucking asshole!!
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 11:04:10 AM EDT
Y'all, BCBUD is a slang reference for home-grown marijuana from Vancouver, BC. This asswipe is obviously a moronic pothead whose opinions reside in a warped brain seething with cannabinoids. BCBUD, you are a bong-sucking little anarchist weasel, and I'd like to meet you face to face so I can beat your hippie face in. Fuck you, and anyone who looks like you. [-!-]

Moderate me if you wish, but you should ban this dope head troll. He sucks.
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 11:07:41 AM EDT
I got my wife reading it now...normally she doesn't like this kind of stuff.
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 11:14:17 AM EDT
Lesson learned: Don't drink the bong water.
Link Posted: 11/5/2001 11:33:15 AM EDT

After the righteous anger passed, I feel only pity and sorrow for you. A comrade of mine burned in (freak failure of both main and reserve) on Pope AFB during a training mission (CAPEX demonstration of an Airborne airfield seizure for visiting dignitaries). Luckily, he hit deep mud not 10 feet away from the tarmac. As he lay there broken, while several troops (including an RTO) awaited medical attention to arrive, he only asked for a smoke (which another troop gave him). we were able to comfort him, then drive on and still accomplish the mission.

He suffered: 2 shattered femurs, splintered pelvis, broken tibia and fibula (both legs), several dislocations, numerous broken ribs, skull fracture, etc...

I don't know his name. I never met him before that. He was still my brother.

I feel sorrow and pity that you will NEVER understand that bond. Had it been combat, I would have died to keep his wounded OR DEAD body from falling in to enemy hands.

Eat shit and die, "buddy".

[b][size=1]Don Out[/size=1][/b]
2/505 PIR

[i]Airborne Toast
I have ridden the skies in great machines, hooked up and jumped with the best of men.

I have fought long and hard, and when I felt I had no energy left,
I have been fired by the fear that if I stopped fighting, my comrades would die.

And when I was in danger, enemy all around, I heard the thunder from my left and my right, as my life was defended.

I have never been alone. I live, jump, fight and battle to victory with the greatest assemblage of men on earth.

Gentlemen, to the BROTHERHOOD of the AIRBORNE.

To the AIRBORNE![/i]
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Link Posted: 11/5/2001 12:09:43 PM EDT
Anyway, excellent book! I like the style that Bowden and Ambrose use of telling the story mainly from personal accounts and establishing chain of events from transcripts and records.

[b][size=1]Don Out[/size=1][/b]
2/505 PIR

[i]Airborne Toast
I have ridden the skies in great machines, hooked up and jumped with the best of men.

I have fought long and hard, and when I felt I had no energy left,
I have been fired by the fear that if I stopped fighting, my comrades would die.

And when I was in danger, enemy all around, I heard the thunder from my left and my right, as my life was defended.

I have never been alone. I live, jump, fight and battle to victory with the greatest assemblage of men on earth.

Gentlemen, to the BROTHERHOOD of the AIRBORNE.

To the AIRBORNE ! [/i]
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Link Posted: 11/5/2001 12:38:24 PM EDT
You've been around enough to rack up a thousand posts and you've just got around to reading that book?  Next you'll tell me that you haven't read Unintended Consequences.  [:)]

BTW-  I can't wait for the movie to come out next year.  It's looking good so far.
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Yes, I confess, its taken me this long to read it. [V]
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I'm guilty as well, but I'm going on vacation next week and it's definitely coming with me.
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