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Posted: 11/1/2006 4:03:53 AM EDT
Hillary Clinton calls for 'internationalist' foreign policy
Oct 31 7:09 PM US/Eastern

New York Senator Hillary Clinton called for a broad reform of US foreign policy that would include better cooperation with other nations and bilateral talks with enemy nations.

Criticizing President George W. Bush's foreign policy from Iraq to Afghanistan and North Korea to Iran, the wife of former president Bill Clinton called for a more internationalist approach to foreign policy in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based foreign policy think tank (oh, it's so much more than that).

"First, and most obviously, we must by word and deed renew internationalism for a new century," said Clinton, a likely Democratic Party presidential candidate for the 2008 election.

"We did not face World War II alone, we did not face the Cold War alone, and we cannot face the global terrorist threat or other profound challenges alone either," she said.

Clinton also defended the idea of bilateral talks with nations that Washington has been avoiding, such as Iran and Cuba.

"We must value diplomacy as well as a strong military," Clinton continued. "We should not hesitate to engage in the world's most difficult conflicts on a diplomatic front."

"Direct negotiations are not a sign of weakness; they're a sign of leadership," she said.

Clinton blasted what she said was the Bush administration's "simplistic division of the world into good and evil (yep, much better to have 47 shades of grey - clears things right up). They refuse to talk to anyone on the evil side, as some have called that idealistic. I call it dangerously unrealistic."

Referring to the Bush administration's refusal to talk directly to North Korea she said: "Six years of policy with no carrots no sticks and only bad results."

Clinton bemoaned "the lost opportunities of the years since September 11," when people around the world rallied to offer support for the United States following the 2001 terrorist attacks. "Five years later much of the world wonders what America is now," she said.

Clinton is far ahead of her Republican Party rival in her November 7 senate re-election bid.

Concerning Iraq, Clinton blasted the administration's policy, and said the best policy instead would progressively redeploy US troops in the region, call for a regional conference to help discuss options and advocate for the creation of an organization aiming at guaranteeing a division of oil income among all Iraqis.

"In an increasingly interdependent world," Clinton said, "it is in our interest to stand for human rights, to promote religious freedom, democracy, women's rights, social justice and economic empowerment."

"But reality is, we cannot force others, nations and people, to accept those values. We have to support those who embrace them and lead by example," she said.

We had better get someone strong to run against her, because God help us if she slides in to Office...
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:22:40 AM EDT
Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuhrer! Hillary in 2008, embrace the movement!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:23:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:23:38 AM EDT
I like her vision!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:38:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:41:34 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton calls for 'internationalist' foreign policy
Oct 31 7:09 PM US/Eastern

New York Senator Hillary Clinton called for a broad reform of US foreign policy that would include better cooperation with other nations and bilateral talks with enemy nations.

Criticizing President George W. Bush's foreign policy from Iraq to Afghanistan and North Korea to Iran, the wife of former president Bill Clinton called for a more internationalist approach to foreign policy in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based foreign policy think tank (oh, it's so much more than that).

"First, and most obviously, we must by word and deed renew internationalism for a new century," said Clinton, a likely Democratic Party presidential candidate for the 2008 election.

"We did not face World War II alone, we did not face the Cold War alone, and we cannot face the global terrorist threat or other profound challenges alone either," she said.

Clinton also defended the idea of bilateral talks with nations that Washington has been avoiding, such as Iran and Cuba.

"We must value diplomacy as well as a strong military," Clinton continued. "We should not hesitate to engage in the world's most difficult conflicts on a diplomatic front."

"Direct negotiations are not a sign of weakness; they're a sign of leadership," she said.

Clinton blasted what she said was the Bush administration's "simplistic division of the world into good and evil (yep, much better to have 47 shades of grey - clears things right up). They refuse to talk to anyone on the evil side, as some have called that idealistic. I call it dangerously unrealistic."

Referring to the Bush administration's refusal to talk directly to North Korea she said: "Six years of policy with no carrots no sticks and only bad results."

Clinton bemoaned "the lost opportunities of the years since September 11," when people around the world rallied to offer support for the United States following the 2001 terrorist attacks. "Five years later much of the world wonders what America is now," she said.

Clinton is far ahead of her Republican Party rival in her November 7 senate re-election bid.

Concerning Iraq, Clinton blasted the administration's policy, and said the best policy instead would progressively redeploy US troops in the region, call for a regional conference to help discuss options and advocate for the creation of an organization aiming at guaranteeing a division of oil income among all Iraqis.

"In an increasingly interdependent world," Clinton said, "it is in our interest to stand for human rights, to promote religious freedom, democracy, women's rights, social justice and economic empowerment."

"But reality is, we cannot force others, nations and people, to accept those values. We have to support those who embrace them and lead by example," she said.

We had better get someone strong to run against her, because God help us if she slides in to Office...

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:46:24 AM EDT
Voting in NY is as easy as ABC


Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:59:37 AM EDT
This NWO agenda has been revealed numerous times over the past 20 or so years by the John Birch Society - and published in The New American, and all you people have done is laugh at the John Birch Society members and said they were crazy.

NWO.... it's coming to a decade near you!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 5:12:00 AM EDT
Both Bush Jr and SR are members of CFR.  I don't really think it matters who is steering the ship..............
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 5:14:08 AM EDT

This NWO agenda has been revealed numerous times over the past 20 or so years by the John Birch Society - and published in The New American, and all you people have done is laugh at the John Birch Society members and said they were crazy.

NWO.... it's coming to a decade near you!

Hehe, not this "people".

I've known "the score" since the early 90s, and have had the displeasure of watching many of the predictions come to fruition, much of it under the watch of a Republican POTUS and Congress...

Anyone who still calls those of us who subscribe to the supposed conspiracy theories KOOKS, are either blind, stupid, protecting an agenda, protecting personal wealth and fame (Rush) or have their heads buried in the sand for fear.

ETA:  Wildearp - you are correct, sir.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 5:16:28 AM EDT
We need to all be united for when the bugs start sending meteors from Klendathu
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 5:18:51 AM EDT
They can take their new world order and shove it up their ass...Hog
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:06:54 AM EDT

Quoted: Both Bush Jr and SR are members of CFR.  I don't really think it matters who is steering the ship..............

The memberships in the CFT, TC and BB are key indicators... people like Clinton, Carter, and many of their advisors were all part of these groups (many still are).

I'm not going to do anybody's homework on this matter, you can start with a google search, visit bilderberg.org, vist the John Birch Society, etc. Of course, not all of the information you find will be totally accurate, but it will get you to think. You don't need to believe any of the info you find, or you can take it piece-meal if you want, or discount all of it.

Just think about it... all these people belonging to the same "think tanks" discussing policies that affect all of us, don't you think that eventually some of these proposed policies will become reality??

Who controls the interest rates on your mortgage, your car loan, your credit cards??

Wwho controls what "issues" are most important in the media?

Who controls the new legislation, regulations, rules and other actions that affect your rights?

(yea, yea... we've all seen the simpons episode, so don't bother with making the post, eventhough it is funny, 'cuz I'm trying to keep this thread serious)

Here's just a sampling of the memberships in the CFR and TC, (somewhat dated), which should further cement in your mind that there really is NO DIFFERENCE between republicans and democrats at the highest level of government... they all have the same agenda.

US Government: George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, William Casey, Alexander Haig, Cy Vance, Casper Weinburger, Gen. David Jones, Frank Carlucci, John Lehman, Jr., Donald Regan, Howard Baker, Lloyd Bentsen, Alan Cranston, John Glenn, Ted Kennedy, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Daniel Moynihan, Edmund Muskie, Claiborne Pell, John Anderson, Thomas Foley, Harold Brown, Stansfield Turner, Andrew Young

US Media: Dan Rather, Harry Reasoner, Bill Moyer, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Marvin Kalb, Ted Koppel, John Scali, Barbara Walters, Robert McNeil, Jim Lehrer, C. Hunter-Gault, Katharine Graham, Michael Posner, James Reston, William Scranton, A.M. Rosenthal, Walter Lippman, Sol Linowitz, George Will, Meg Greenfield, William F. Buckley

US Banking: David Rockefeller, Robert McNamara, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker

As far as membership in the Bilderberg, well, it's a little more complicated...

On the American side, the members of the first Bilderberg assembly included:

· George Ball, who was head of Lehman Brothers, a former high State Department official, where he was architect of the policy of Atlantic Partnership, and later member of the Trilateral Commission. Ball was closely associated with Jean Monnet, owing to his work as legal counsel for the ECSC and the French delegation to the Schuman Plan negotiations.

· David Rockefeller was the key American member of Bilderberg. Space only permits the briefest sketch of his direct economic and political involvements: head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, member of the Business Council, the US council of the International Chamber of Commerce, and, of course, the founder of the Trilateral Commission.

· Dean Rusk: US Secretary of State 1961-69, earlier President of the Rockefeller Foundation 1952-60, having succeeded John Foster Dulles, himself an earlier Secretary of State and - this is not at all a coincidence - a close personal friend of Jean Monnet whom he had first met at Versailles in 1918 as well as of Dean Acheson, Truman's Secretary of State and the true author of the Marshall Plan.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:08:29 AM EDT

Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuhrer! Hillary in 2008, embrace the movement!

The people (folks), The Reich, The Fuhrer  
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:14:59 AM EDT

"Six years of policy with no carrots no sticks and only bad results."

Eight years of all carrot and no stick worked so much better didn't it?
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:17:07 AM EDT
She should have been giving this speech to France.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:18:17 AM EDT
Bring it!

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:19:40 AM EDT
With her presiding....

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:34:16 AM EDT

Clinton also defended the idea of bilateral talks with nations that Washington has been avoiding, such as Iran and Cuba.


Florida especially, has a HUGE Anti-Castro voting position.

If word gets out about this, she's going to lose alot, if not all, of the hispanic vote, because for some reason I'm not entirely clear on, the hispanics vote towards keeping the embargo strong. Anyone who comes out in favor of talks with Castro, is definitely gonna get fucked.

This is why politicians won't touch the embargo issue. Yet we trade with China.
This is why politicians won't touch the illegal immigrant issue.

Hispanic votes mean everything to the politicos.
Hitlery isn't very smart.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:48:39 AM EDT

They can take their new world order and shove it up their ass...Hog

That is exactly what they intend to do except it's going up ours!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:51:25 AM EDT

Both Bush Jr and SR are members of CFR.  I don't really think it matters who is steering the ship..............

But wait thee is no such thing as the CFR when we are talking about say the SPP or NAFTA super highway......

There is no difference in the parties at the national level.  They both stand for 2 things remaining in power and an ever increasing nanny state
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 6:51:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 7:02:18 AM EDT

Both Bush Jr and SR are members of CFR.  I don't really think it matters who is steering the ship..............
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 7:06:32 AM EDT


"Six years of policy with no carrots no sticks and only bad results."

Eight years of all carrot and no stick worked so much better didn't it?

Ugh.  Can you even imagine giving Hillary the carrot for 8 years and not being able to use a stick?  That's just sick!  
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 7:17:53 AM EDT

I like her vision!

Right, let's impeach Pres Bush and give her the office now
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