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Posted: 9/15/2004 7:59:04 AM EDT
On Fox News...should be coming out any minute now...
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:03:31 AM EDT
Cool. Any bets on if they still deny they are fake?  If they do think they are fake, who here thinks they will name the source or at least give details about the source?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:04:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:05:17 AM EDT
This should be interesting.....
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:05:29 AM EDT
[dan blather] It was all George Bushs fault! [/dan blather]
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:06:15 AM EDT
Here, let me go ahead and get these out, just in case:

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:07:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:07:51 AM EDT
"We stand by Dan, what ever he says is the truth!" Signed, Fidel Castro, Sadaam Hussain
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:10:46 AM EDT
Here is the heart of their next statement:

It was a GWB double agent, acting as a Kerry supporter, that leaked the "documents" to Dan.  They will prove it with "documents" a source gave them, detailing the whole dirty plot.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:11:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:13:17 AM EDT

"I am here to announce that the documents are real!"

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:13:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:13:57 AM EDT
Pardon my ignorance! But what documents would these be?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:14:46 AM EDT

Pardon my ignorance! But what documents would these be?

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:14:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:21:25 AM EDT
Brisk322  Tag!-><-Dan Rather

Edit - had it backwards  
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:24:43 AM EDT
From the Viacom Liacom message board: "What's the FONT Kenneth?"

If Rather has ANY stones at all, he will own up to the mess...

say, he's a Texas boy, ain't he? You guys gonna take him back?

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:24:44 AM EDT
Still waiting on CBS...
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:24:45 AM EDT
So, judging by the title of this thread, they have admitted they are forged? Or is this just more BS and that they are gonna continue claiming they are true?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:25:43 AM EDT

Pardon my ignorance! But what documents would these be?

Documents obtained by CBS news from a confidential source that GWB Jr. didn't fullfile is military obligations in the USA military. This is retaliation by the Dems over the bro-ha-ha over the Kerry Swift boat controversy.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:26:45 AM EDT

So, judging by the title of this thread, they have admitted they are forged? Or is this just more BS and that they are gonna continue claiming they are true?

The title is my doing, but only a blind moron would still think those docs are legit...we'll see what Blather and company have to say...this could be a good one!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:26:49 AM EDT

So, judging by the title of this thread, they have admitted they are forged? Or is this just more BS and that they are gonna continue claiming they are true?

Like ALL good Democrats, they will now play *drum roll please*




Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:28:00 AM EDT

So, judging by the title of this thread, they have admitted they are forged? Or is this just more BS and that they are gonna continue claiming they are true?

According to Drudge they are going to "clarify" their position on the documents.  Sounds like they are going to offer some sort of excuse as to why they still think they are real.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:28:06 AM EDT
They'll probably come forward and say that they obtained the documents from a former general who was forced out of service during the Bush year's after being "disciplined" for diagreeing with the White House on Iraq or some shit!

That has seemed to be their favored tactic this year.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:32:57 AM EDT
The WORST thing to happen would be for them to admit they were wrong and fire Rather.

That would cut the legs right out from under this.

The longer they fight the more they discredit themselves and their industry and increase the power of the Internet.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:33:09 AM EDT
CBS News : We ran out of gas. We, We had a flat tire. We didn't have enough money for cab fare. Our tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:35:00 AM EDT
Documented     (tagged)
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:36:48 AM EDT


say, he's a Texas boy, ain't he? You guys gonna take him back?

But I understand that Penn is drafting a bill to propose a State AWB  better look out

Something that'll never happen in Texas Rather or not......
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:36:55 AM EDT

CBS News : We ran out of gas. We, We had a flat tire. We didn't have enough money for cab fare. Our tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD.

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:38:43 AM EDT


So, judging by the title of this thread, they have admitted they are forged? Or is this just more BS and that they are gonna continue claiming they are true?

Like ALL good Democrats, they will now play *drum roll please*




YUP...They were victimized by the evil Repubs.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:40:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:40:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:44:54 AM EDT

So what's the good word for those of us that are working? Well kinda workng.

still waiting....
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:48:29 AM EDT
What the hell is taking so long? Are they waiting until they dry the tears from their eyes and say their goodbyes before they make the announcement or what? Friggin CBS assholes!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:51:16 AM EDT

CBS News : We ran out of gas. We, We had a flat tire. We didn't have enough money for cab fare. Our tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD.

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:52:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:54:13 AM EDT

It was a vast right wing conspiracy!.....Hitlery Clinton

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:56:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:56:35 AM EDT
Geeze, get on with it already, some of us need to go to bed...
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:56:54 AM EDT
Ahhhhhhhhh, CBS. I think they should add their news program to the genre of drama for the Fall line-up. It would be fitting.

BTW, maybe all those phone calls and emails to CBS's sponsors last night (thanks to a thread here) helped this along?

The ARF.Com army strikes again!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:59:00 AM EDT
Oh almost forgot, who knows what Viacom is trading at right now- that could have big impact on if they fight or flee.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:59:25 AM EDT

CBS News : We ran out of gas. We, We had a flat tire. We didn't have enough money for cab fare. Our tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole our car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T OUR FAULT, WE SWEAR TO GOD.

We're on a mission from God!

It's 106 miles to Chicago.  We have a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:59:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:59:51 AM EDT
Also, it's funny they wait until the coverage of hurricane Ivan is pretty much non-stop. Maybe they hope it's coverage, the coverage of the aftermath, etc will take attention away from this story.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:12:26 AM EDT

Also, it's funny they wait until the coverage of hurricane Ivan is pretty much non-stop. Maybe they hope it's coverage, the coverage of the aftermath, etc will take attention away from this story.

If not for Ivan, the Memogate story would be the big story of the day...but Ivan will be gone in a few more days...and the questions about those documents will remain...
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:14:57 AM EDT
I guess we all know what CBS stands for.......Canned Bull Shit.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:17:00 AM EDT
Just in from the Command Post

September 15, 2004
CBS To Make Statement About Memos Today
For those following the MemoGate saga, this news from CBS:

Fox News reports in a teaser to open their 9 a.m. programming that CBS is supposed to issue a statement today related to the allegedly forged National Guard memos. No word on the nature of the statement.
9:05 EDT: CBS will release their statement around Noon today.

9:35 EDT: Kelly Wright of Fox News reports that the CBS VP for Communications said the statement would be released via email around noon. [link source: CP‘er Jeff Quinton]

Any guesses as to what the statement will be? I’m guessing it will more of a non-statement than anything of real value.

They have chickened out of making a public statement- after seeing the throng that gathered- and are (how ironic) falling back to releasing one on the internet...
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:17:17 AM EDT
I was just channel surfing and paused for a moment to check out Ivan coverage on CNN. I saw a scroll at the bottom of the screen saying the DNC had just created a long 2 minute tv ad questioning Bush's service based upon the CBS documents.

Man, how I hope this is proven a total forgery and lie! I already know it is, but I mean the kind of proof that is not in any way doubted. Come on CBS, please come forward and admit those are false!

Just think of all the time, money and energy put into the DNC attack ad. Wouldn't it be cool if the basis for the ad was proven a total fabrication just as it started airing? Oh man. Ahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:18:51 AM EDT


Also, it's funny they wait until the coverage of hurricane Ivan is pretty much non-stop. Maybe they hope it's coverage, the coverage of the aftermath, etc will take attention away from this story.

If not for Ivan, the Memogate story would be the big story of the day...but Ivan will be gone in a few more days...and the questions about those documents will remain...

This is probably a good thing, a few days of Ivan while the document problem festers then as Ivan goes away back to the documents until CBS clears the matter up (which they will not).

Mean time Kerry is speaking into a black hole.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:19:06 AM EDT

I was just channel surfing and paused for a moment to check out Ivan coverage on CNN. I saw a scroll at the bottom of the screen saying the DNC had just created a long 2 minute tv ad questioning Bush's service based upon the CBS documents.

Man, how I hope this is proven a total forgery and lie! I already know it is, but I mean the kind of proof that is not in any way doubted. Come on CBS, please come forward and admit those are false!

Just think of all the time, money and energy put into the DNC attack ad. Wouldn't it be cool if the basis for the ad was proven a total fabrication just as it started airing? Oh man. Ahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

That is mind boggling if true.  Because these are PROVEN forgeries, there is NO room for doubt.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 9:23:58 AM EDT

Expecting a half assed excuse at best.  
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