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Posted: 4/27/2001 8:35:36 AM EDT
Here is the reply I got from PETA regarding Herr McVeigh.

Thank you for contacting us concerning our request that Timothy McVeigh's
last meal be vegetarian.  

It was senseless and terribly wrong that innocent people died in the
Oklahoma City bombing. It also is senseless and terribly wrong that innocent
animals die every day for nothing more than an eating habit. Meat is the
flesh of living, feeling, thinking, and suffering animals, who feel pain
every bit as much as we do, are horrified at the sight and smells of the
slaughterhouse, and are afraid to die. Like us, they fight for their lives
and struggle to avoid pain.

The Oklahoma City bombing is one of the greatest United States tragedies in
history. When something so awful happens, we should all reflect on it and
ask ourselves what we can do to decrease the violence and suffering in the

PETA's request regarding Mr. McVeigh's last meal should in no way be taken
to imply that we support the death penalty. PETA has no official position on
the death penalty. (Because our membership is so diverse, we can only
presume to speak for them on animal rights issues.) However, we do feel that
Timothy McVeigh has caused enough pain and suffering and should not be
allowed to take another innocent life; therefore we have requested that his
last meal be vegetarian.

Anyone eating meat is, in fact, supporting grotesque violence against
animals, including mutilating them without painkillers, cramming them into
tiny spaces where they can't even lie down comfortably for their entire
miserable lives, trucking them through all weather extremes to a horrific
slaughterhouse death.

By eating only plant-based foods, each and every one of us can reduce the
amount of violence and bloodshed in this world. Please contact PETA for a
free vegetarian starter kit, including recipes, shopping tips, and other
helpful information for making the switch to a cruelty-free diet

Thank you again for taking the time to write and for allowing us to explain
our thoughts on this matter. (For additional thoughts on this matter I have
attached an article written by PETA's Vegetarian Campaign Coordinator, Bruce


Heather Moore
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 8:39:44 AM EDT
Ahhhh,hang on a minute...........................................OK,what were you saying Ms.Moore,I was trying to finish my grilled steak.

Link Posted: 4/27/2001 8:42:34 AM EDT
<<<<  This is what I am.  EAT ME PETA!
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 9:48:27 AM EDT
Aside from the fact that I am sure they were overwhelmed with your literary skills in the Email you sent to them why, in this case, are we fighting with them?
Would someone, anyone, explain to me why condemned criminals are given a last meal of choice?
Not specifically McVeigh and I could not possibly care less about the misguided people associated with PETA but when was the last time that a convicted death row inmate gave his victim(s) a last meal request?
Screw 'em. Don't tell 'em know when or where and then let the biggest, baddest Bubba into their cell to beat 'em to death on live television.

Of course I could be wrong. From my perspective the states that use lethal injection should dig up the corpse every five years and give them a freakin' boaster shot.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:44:36 AM EDT
What about all of those poor plants that are planted in crowded fields, sprayed with pestacide and herbacide, subjected to droughts and terrible weather conditions for weeks on end, and then (if they live and aren't plowed up for not being good enough) are chopped down and threshed (or dug up depending on the plant) and finally are put into cramped storage bins with no soil, sunlight or water for who knows how long until someone chops them up and eats them?  Stop the violence!  Do it for the seedlings!!! [}:D]
I'm a farmer - I should know![:D]
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:12:44 PM EDT
IN Italian PETARE means TO FARTH. So I can't avoid to laugh everytime I read something about PETA.

From my very personal point of view, what I think is this: if people that loves meat had only one way to get it, that is to WALK for hours in the countryside regardless of the weather, to SHOOT to animals, to process the body, to carry it, to cook it and forced to use every part of it to respect that an animal gave its life to give you food, maybe there will be less people eating meat, and pratically no BSE or foot-and-mouth desease. But people like steaks and think to be PC only because they don't have to kill animals because there's somebody that kills them for you. Meat industry doesn't left no fair game between you and nature. Hunters are the only one (If hunting is done ethically: one shot one kill) that really cares about nature.
Link Posted: 4/28/2001 9:28:09 AM EDT
Be still my bleeding heart...
Link Posted: 4/28/2001 10:50:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/28/2001 11:04:09 AM EDT
Hey, why worry about PETA anyway? They are so far on the left that they do more harm to the animal rights cause on their own than you can imagine. Do you think any one with a brain cell
really agrees with them? Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
As to the scumbag about to be killed for his crimes,I won't loose any sleep over what he eats. I think they shoud feed him about 10 pounds of C-4 and put a blasting cap up his ass and light the fuse.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 12:02:55 AM EDT
Aside from the fact that I am sure they were overwhelmed with your literary skills in the Email you sent to them why, in this case, are we fighting with them?
Would someone, anyone, explain to me why condemned criminals are given a last meal of choice?
Not specifically McVeigh and I could not possibly care less about the misguided people associated with PETA but when was the last time that a convicted death row inmate gave his victim(s) a last meal request?
Screw 'em. Don't tell 'em know when or where and then let the biggest, baddest Bubba into their cell to beat 'em to death on live television.

Of course I could be wrong. From my perspective the states that use lethal injection should dig up the corpse every five years and give them a freakin' boaster shot.
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Damm right Gunslinger!!!!

The only thing they should get is the standard jailhouse slop and a cigarette.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 1:45:43 AM EDT
Actually many prisons don't allow the inmate a special "last meal." The eat the same food everyone else gets that day.

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:39:57 AM EDT
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