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Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:00:57 AM EDT
I noticed that the current bozo in office sure tapped dance around alot of the questions. I thought there were a number of them he didn't even answer.

The mod handled those for him.

It was so obvious as to be painful to watch.

What a sham.

I'd say a majority of the audience was in the bag for Zero as well.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:08:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:12:02 AM EDT
I'd call it a draw.

And strategically, that's all Romney needed.

The fact is that Obama was going into the debate waaaaay behind in some states, and far enough behind in battleground states to essentially be losing the election TODAY.  He needed to knock it out of the park on style, facts and policies just to pull even with Romney...and he didn't even come close.

Romney didn't have to alpha-dog, "pee on Obama to show his dominance" win last night.  He just had to not lose.  Romney stayed consistent with his message, his demeanor, his professionalism and his facts.  Obama showed himself as wildly inconsistent in demeanor and with his previous performance (which will raise doubts in the minds of undecideds as to his reliability), unable to defend himself against his own record, petulant and obnoxious when corrected, and relied on the moderator to avoid answering questions.

I'd say tactically I'd agree with you, but strategically, this was Christmas in October for the Romney campaign.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:18:30 AM EDT
I'd call it a draw.

And strategically, that's all Romney needed.

The fact is that Obama was going into the debate waaaaay behind in some states, and far enough behind in battleground states to essentially be losing the election TODAY.  He needed to knock it out of the park on style, facts and policies just to pull even with Romney...and he didn't even come close.

Romney didn't have to alpha-dog, "pee on Obama to show his dominance" win last night.  He just had to not lose.  Romney stayed consistent with his message, his demeanor, his professionalism and his facts.  Obama showed himself as wildly inconsistent in demeanor and with his previous performance (which will raise doubts in the minds of undecideds as to his reliability), unable to defend himself against his own record, petulant and obnoxious when corrected, and relied on the moderator to avoid answering questions.

I'd say tactically I'd agree with you, but strategically, this was Christmas in October for the Romney campaign.


I agree with you, and watching the Luntz(sp?) focus group afterwards, verified what we saw.    It was a win for team Rmoney.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:23:56 AM EDT
I'd call it a draw.

And strategically, that's all Romney needed.

The fact is that Obama was going into the debate waaaaay behind in some states, and far enough behind in battleground states to essentially be losing the election TODAY.  He needed to knock it out of the park on style, facts and policies just to pull even with Romney...and he didn't even come close.

Romney didn't have to alpha-dog, "pee on Obama to show his dominance" win last night.  He just had to not lose.  Romney stayed consistent with his message, his demeanor, his professionalism and his facts.  Obama showed himself as wildly inconsistent in demeanor and with his previous performance (which will raise doubts in the minds of undecideds as to his reliability), unable to defend himself against his own record, petulant and obnoxious when corrected, and relied on the moderator to avoid answering questions.

I'd say tactically I'd agree with you, but strategically, this was Christmas in October for the Romney campaign.


I agree with you, and watching the Luntz(sp?) focus group afterwards, verified what we saw.    It was a win for team Rmoney.

This morning Drudge is linking video of MSNBC's focus group leaning to Romney, too:


Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:46:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:50:47 AM EDT




romney: bring rates down for everyone. simplify the tax code.

middle class income has come down last 4 years wwhile all prices are up

limit deductions and exemptions for those in the top brakets. i wont have the top 5% paying less than they are now.

every middle income won't pay tax on interest dividends or capitol gains.

balanced budget

I don't like the part in red, but on the whole that plan beats the hell out of anything Obama can or will bring to the table.

How some here still think that Obama and Romney are the same simply baffles me.

Because that's the agitprop message the Mobys here are pushing to dilute the anti-Obama vote.  They don't really think they are the same - the Mobys want to cock-gobble the Mocha Messiah as He triumphally strides to His inevitable victory and the glorious establishment of Communism while cheering as the defeated "Repugs" are led to the wall to be shot.

But to get there they have to dilute the anti-Obama vote by any means necessary.

Then we have our "burn it down" anarchists, etc.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 6:54:22 AM EDT
So does anybody have a break down of total time and interuptions like the VP debate, or am i just missing it?

Obama got over 3 minutes more speaking time.

He interrupted Romney during 6 different segments, some 10 total times.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 7:30:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 7:51:17 AM EDT
Is it just me or is reforming our out of control entitlements basically being ignored in these debates?  Romney sure seems to be saying he is going to give even more to the 47 percent rather than reducing the entitlements.

Hopefully I'm reading it wrong or he's just avoiding the subject while in front of the undecided idiots.  I can't imagine he was so successful in business without understanding such basic math.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:03:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:11:16 AM EDT
Huh, apparently Candy is an ass.
CROWLEY: I am joined by Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod. I want to pick up on what John McCain and I were talking about. There's a back and forth now about why didn't this administration –– why did it take them until Friday after a September 11th attack in Libya to come to the conclusion that it was premeditated and that there was terrorists involved. John McCain said it doesn't pass the smell test, or it's willful ignorance to think that they didn't know before this what was going on. Your reaction?

AXELROD: Well, first of all, Candy, as you know, the president called it an act of terror the day after it happened. But when you're the responsible party, when you're the administration, then you have a responsibility to act on what you know and what the intelligence community believes. This was –– this is being thoroughly investigated.

CROWLEY: But first it was, like, not planned.

AXELROD: We need to bring to justice––

CROWLEY: First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape. All that stuff.

AXELROD: As the director of national intelligence said on Friday, that was the original information that that was given to us. What we don't need is a president or an administration that shoots first and asks questions later.

CROWLEY: But isn't that what happened?

AXELROD: And, you know, Governor Romney leaped out on this Libya issue on the first day, and was terribly mistaken about what he said. That is not what you want in a president of the United States. And as for Senator McCain, for whom I have great respect, he has disapproved of our approach to Libya from the beginning, including the strategy that brought Gadhafi to justice.

CROWLEY: But this has to do not with the approach to Libya but with the murder of four Americans in Libya. And didn't the administration shoot first? Didn't they come out and say, listen, as far as we can tell, this wasn't preplanned, this was just a part of

This interview occurred on September 30, 2012.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:16:19 AM EDT

Just sent Mitt another $25.

<––––Upgraded to Endowment member this year. Sent NRA ILA $25.

Obama has laid it out. If he wins he will try to ban guns. No dobut about it.

Just donated online to MR, and sent a check to NRA-ILA (with "FBHO" written in the memo section)

<––-NRA Life Member since July 2008, thanks to Bama-Shooter's generous sponsorship.
<––––Upgraded to Benefactor member in 2010.


<––––  Endowment Life Member, wife and three kids are all LMs as well, regularly donate to both ILA and the Foundation.

<––––  Just sent Romney another check even though he was far from my first choice... IMHO we have to get rid of BHO no matter what.

Your icon shows you as a benefactor.  Did you send the NRA $3,000 dollars and then forgot about it?
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:39:56 AM EDT



Just sent Mitt another $25.

Me too.
<––-NRA Life Member within the last two months. I also plan on throwing the NRA ILA some money.

<––––Upgraded to Endowment member this year. Sent NRA ILA $25.
Obama has laid it out. If he wins he will try to ban guns. No dobut about it.

A lame duck term is exactly what he needs to get through his most radical proposals.


Yes, I'm looking at you Gary Johnson voters in swing states.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:57:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:59:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:05:58 AM EDT
I was amazed Romney actually brought up 0's Chinese investments. Too bad he got shouted over so much that it was hard to hear everything but it obviously got under 0's skin.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:18:26 AM EDT
Huh, apparently Candy is an has an enormous ass.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:20:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:23:09 AM EDT
Huh, apparently Candy is an ass.
CROWLEY: I am joined by Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod. I want to pick up on what John McCain and I were talking about. There's a back and forth now about why didn't this administration –– why did it take them until Friday after a September 11th attack in Libya to come to the conclusion that it was premeditated and that there was terrorists involved. John McCain said it doesn't pass the smell test, or it's willful ignorance to think that they didn't know before this what was going on. Your reaction?

AXELROD: Well, first of all, Candy, as you know, the president called it an act of terror the day after it happened. But when you're the responsible party, when you're the administration, then you have a responsibility to act on what you know and what the intelligence community believes. This was –– this is being thoroughly investigated.

CROWLEY: But first it was, like, not planned.

AXELROD: We need to bring to justice––

CROWLEY: First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape. All that stuff.

AXELROD: As the director of national intelligence said on Friday, that was the original information that that was given to us. What we don't need is a president or an administration that shoots first and asks questions later.

CROWLEY: But isn't that what happened?

AXELROD: And, you know, Governor Romney leaped out on this Libya issue on the first day, and was terribly mistaken about what he said. That is not what you want in a president of the United States. And as for Senator McCain, for whom I have great respect, he has disapproved of our approach to Libya from the beginning, including the strategy that brought Gadhafi to justice.

CROWLEY: But this has to do not with the approach to Libya but with the murder of four Americans in Libya. And didn't the administration shoot first? Didn't they come out and say, listen, as far as we can tell, this wasn't preplanned, this was just a part of

This interview occurred on September 30, 2012.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:27:53 AM EDT
I was amazed Romney actually brought up 0's Chinese investments. Too bad he got shouted over so much that it was hard to hear everything but it obviously got under 0's skin.

That was a huge hitter, especially since Obama kept saying 'Yeah, yeah, all right'.

Nobody can bring up Romney's foreign investments anymore, without the right being able to show Obama admitting that he does it too.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 10:09:45 AM EDT
I just looked through the transcript.

Romney interrupted Obama once... 7 words.

Obama interrupted Romney multiple times, during 6 different time-segments that belonged to Romney.

What a joke, and libs want to act like Romney was rude.



I love that photo-shop above of Candy-momma and O.....
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 10:12:03 AM EDT
Missed the first half of the debate. I hear thats the part where Mitt owned.

The part I saw seemed to be neck and neck til Obama dropped the AWB comment.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 10:29:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 10:54:28 AM EDT

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 11:23:02 AM EDT





Candy Crowley needs to lose her job. 3:10 extra time to Obama, along side an inappropriate, single-sided fact-check. Worst moderation yet.

Now I know what it must have been like to live in the Soviet Union.  The fix was in before this debate started.  She was anything, but impartial.  

An impartial moderator does not step in to defend the President with a distortion of the facts.

She said the obama called it a terrorist attack from the rose garden.  He did everything but specifically call this incident a terrorist attack.

"Act of terror"  not equal to terrorist act.

"terrorism" is the most bullshit word there is. It's a faux crime. Used to incite and patronize.

EVERYTHING can fall under the definition. Let's call the shit for what it really is. Murder. Pure and simple and we don't have to create 632 new agencies dedicated to murder when we already got some. Just a convenient way to slam war, funding, invasion of privacy, and new laws down our throats under the guise of protection and patriotism. Hell, they're so conceited as to give it the acronym of USAPATRIOT Act to one of 'em. Jesus, that's such an insult to the American people.

Thats absolutely retarded. The basic definition of terrorism is....

Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for a religious, political or, ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).

No, not everything can fall under the definition, and no, its not a faux word or crime used to incite and patronize. Only someone without an education and just thinks (in a stupid Obama voice) "well, if you cause terror on someone, its terrorism"

Good lord, get an education.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 11:24:29 AM EDT








Fuck you Mitt you gun grabbing piece of shit.

He's going for the Independents. He did fine tonight.

Then he is doing a shitty job I am an independent and so far he has done nothing to impress me at all. He is doing a better job than Oblamo, but still not impressing me one bit. He has a lot more work to do before I even think of changing to his camp.

Holy shit.  Voting Obama are we?

No actually I am voting for Johnson.  This whole this election is the most important one of your life got old 8 years ago.  I am voting for the candidate that fits my ideals and what I stand for.  I can not stand Oblamo nor Obmney.  


Congrats on doing something foolish.

Very, very foolish.

Very foolish and very selfish as well.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 11:26:38 AM EDT


Someone count how many times Obama said 'Candy?' while Mitt was talking.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 2:47:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 2:58:52 PM EDT
Huh, apparently Candy is an ass.
CROWLEY: I am joined by Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod. I want to pick up on what John McCain and I were talking about. There's a back and forth now about why didn't this administration –– why did it take them until Friday after a September 11th attack in Libya to come to the conclusion that it was premeditated and that there was terrorists involved. John McCain said it doesn't pass the smell test, or it's willful ignorance to think that they didn't know before this what was going on. Your reaction?

AXELROD: Well, first of all, Candy, as you know, the president called it an act of terror the day after it happened. But when you're the responsible party, when you're the administration, then you have a responsibility to act on what you know and what the intelligence community believes. This was –– this is being thoroughly investigated.

CROWLEY: But first it was, like, not planned.

AXELROD: We need to bring to justice––

CROWLEY: First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape. All that stuff.

AXELROD: As the director of national intelligence said on Friday, that was the original information that that was given to us. What we don't need is a president or an administration that shoots first and asks questions later.

CROWLEY: But isn't that what happened?

AXELROD: And, you know, Governor Romney leaped out on this Libya issue on the first day, and was terribly mistaken about what he said. That is not what you want in a president of the United States. And as for Senator McCain, for whom I have great respect, he has disapproved of our approach to Libya from the beginning, including the strategy that brought Gadhafi to justice.

CROWLEY: But this has to do not with the approach to Libya but with the murder of four Americans in Libya. And didn't the administration shoot first? Didn't they come out and say, listen, as far as we can tell, this wasn't preplanned, this was just a part of

This interview occurred on September 30, 2012.


Link Posted: 10/17/2012 3:06:00 PM EDT
Since there is a lot of talk in here about Obama saying he wants the AWB again, here is a link to where his web site has said that all along.

It's under Crime and Law Enforcement.


You can check the wayback machine and see this has been their policy since 2008.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 3:19:22 PM EDT


Since there is a lot of talk in here about Obama saying he wants the AWB again, here is a link to where his web site has said that all along.

It's under Crime and Law Enforcement.


You can check the wayback machine and see this has been their policy since 2008.

It's not news to most of us here.

Still good that he came out and said it in a debate, instead of "oh a staffer wrote that" or "just because that's a platform doesn't mean they're gonna do it" now we have the fucker looking at the camera and saying "I'd like to renew the AWB".

Get Fucked, BHO.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 3:22:14 PM EDT





I noticed that the current bozo in office sure tapped dance around alot of the questions. I thought there were a number of them he didn't even answer.

The mod handled those for him.

It was so obvious as to be painful to watch.

What a sham.

I'd say a majority of the audience was in the bag for Zero as well.

If you're judging that based on the questions that were asked, remember that Crowley picked all of the questions and questioners.

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 7:15:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:00:47 PM EDT

I noticed that the current bozo in office sure tapped dance around alot of the questions. I thought there were a number of them he didn't even answer.

The mod handled those for him.

It was so obvious as to be painful to watch.

What a sham.

I'd say a majority of the audience was in the bag for Zero as well.

If you're judging that based on the questions that were asked, remember that Crowley picked all of the questions and questioners.  

I can't say anything for sure, but hearing a studio audience applauding Obama a couple times sure made me lift an eyebrow.
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:07:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 8:14:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:25:40 PM EDT



Who is the moderator for the next debate?

Third presidential debate:

Bob Schieffer, Chief Washington Correspondent, CBS News and Moderator, Face the Nation

Monday, October 22, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL


It will be worse!!! Romney will have a terrible time with Bob Schieffer!!!

Why are the moderators always "the as far to the left as you can get libtards"?  

Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:26:35 PM EDT

Didn't they execute Ted Bundy?

Secret Service dude?

Talk about a bad vibe character, wow!
Link Posted: 10/17/2012 9:35:16 PM EDT
Since there is a lot of talk in here about Obama saying he wants the AWB again, here is a link to where his web site has said that all along.

It's under Crime and Law Enforcement.


You can check the wayback machine and see this has been their policy since 2008.

And yet, we've got plenty of tards here telling us there's no difference between the twp parties - go figure...

    - georgestrings

Link Posted: 10/18/2012 5:35:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 7:46:55 AM EDT
^^^ LOL! ^^^

That pretty much sums it up. The fat and ugly lesbian, protecting the weak and confused POTUS.

What a spectacle for the American public to see. And I'm sure it wasn't lost on most of the "thinking" (read, non-libtards) who watched

Barry's toast. His lies and BS are no longer being bought by a large majority of the American public (I'm amazed anyone bought it the first time around)

2012 will have a much different outcome
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 10:42:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 11:41:21 AM EDT

In before all the liberal calls to do away with the "outdated, unnecessary, disenfranchizing" electoral college.
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 11:45:24 AM EDT

In before all the liberal calls to do away with the "outdated, unnecessary, disenfranchizing" electoral college.

LOL! You know your liberals well

Not really funny, but the way you said it made me chuckle. You're right though. The libs love to bash the EC when they're losing

ETA - actually, the libs love to bash anything and everyone when they're losing
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 11:50:10 AM EDT
To their credit, the EC does disenfranchise the urban voter, which comprises a heavily democratic demographic.
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 11:54:22 AM EDT


To their credit, the EC does disenfranchise the urban voter, which comprises a heavily democratic demographic.

"To their credit", indeed.

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