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Link Posted: 9/1/2005 2:53:39 PM EDT


the philosophy of the classroom in one generation has become the philosophy on the street for the next.

Teach kids that there is no God and that man is an evolved animal and you get adults with no moral restraints who live by the survival of the fittest and morality of the strong.

A leading apologist for evolution stated that one of the main reasons for evolution is to cast off "God-based" morality.

That is not a tenet of evolutionary theory.  Morality has nothing to do with evolution, except where it would provide an advantage or disadvantage to survival and reproduction.

Link Posted: 9/1/2005 2:59:21 PM EDT
I'm wondering when we'll see people (ARFCOMmers?) sitting outside of city limits with some .50BMG's picking off individual criminal scum on behalf of the police.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:05:19 PM EDT
The typical "shoot 'em all" and "seek and destroy" team responses aside....

What is most realistically gonna be the solution (or lack thereof) for the wild animals on the loose in N.O.?
Will the .gov ignore and hope it goes away?  Will or .mil have to go in and treat it like a warzone?  It seems like N.O. is seriously on its way (if not already there) to becoming a third world crime hole.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:06:16 PM EDT



= they must be black = racism

michaelj1978: you're acting like an ass. That was only racist if that's what you wanted to see. The comparisons are obvious, for example, mob rule, firepower and attacking the legal authority.

Another thing that's obvious is that you are a provocateur, rather than a discussion partner.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:11:00 PM EDT

Barbarism is the natural state of mankind, civilization is just a a whim.........
And if mankind in inherently evil, where does your conscience come from?

If one has never been taught / enlightened with regards to their "concience" (read: moral compass), do they still benefit from it? What I'm asking is: If you have never been taught right from wrong, or that 'a little voice in your head' makes you feel guilty if you do a bad thing, do you still realize your "concience"? In that case, would one even have what you percieve to be your concience?
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:13:00 PM EDT
Hmmmmm. I wonder how the ROPers in Iraq are seeing this?

One possibility:
"If they can't gain control of one fairly compact, admitedly waterlogged city in their heartland against a few thousand loosely co-ordinated (to be generous) thugs, dont't you think we can hang on here 10k miles away?

This country is beginning to look foolish- not a good thing for the self-proclaimed "World's Remaining Superpower."
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:34:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:34:46 PM EDT
"All units IRENE, I say again IRENE"

"I've got your position and I've got the target...We're inbound hot"

"C2 Mini-Guns Dry, requesting permission to return to Base to re-arm, over"

"Roger that...Second team inbound your station....On your location in 4 minutes"
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:42:01 PM EDT
Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail.

That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:49:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:50:49 PM EDT

Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail.

That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.

yes but according to most if you belive this then you must be racist....
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:53:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:54:31 PM EDT

Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail.

That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.

That you McUZI?  
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:54:40 PM EDT

I am not against gun control but I think if the "laws" run accross anyone there with a gun they should be shot on sight.  You might have other veiws on this but if the guy is running down the street with a rifle then he's not protecting his shit,  if you roll up in a house and run accross a guy with a gun then he is prolly protecting his family.    So shooting them in the streets seems like it would work.  

Your an idiot.  How about they just shoot the people who are posing a threat.  Not walking/running down the damn street.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 3:58:40 PM EDT

Just reported on FOX News.........................after dark the gangs are taking over. Rape, robberies and murder are the norm each night. What a hell it must be for these poor people. It reminds me of feudal society from the middle ages............ If this isn't SHTF. what is?

as some say, the people trapped there are just trying to survive any way they can

that is some crap
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:04:07 PM EDT






= they must be black = racism

That's your choice to perceive what I said as racist.  I think that reflects on YOUR mentatility more than mine.

I was referring to Gang Rule.

joking dood... we've just had lots of threads that people took words others said and started crying racism bla, bla, bla.  

Keep your day job.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:04:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:07:19 PM EDT

So, where is the AR15.com calvary meeting up to re-take the town for the good guys?

You Kidding?  You seen how much gasoline is?  
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:09:07 PM EDT

Does it really matter what color they are? White people kill, rape , steal, and rob. Black people kill rape steal and rob. In this situation it the majority of people looked black. So who cares?

   Why do I always see the same thing. Watts,LA riots,New Orleans,Basket Ball Championship
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:13:42 PM EDT

Why is it racism?  I watched maybe like 30 diff film clips so far and in all those I seen maybe 5 white people.  3 of them I know were tourist that got stranded.   I seen something a few minutes ago about Sniper fire on a charity hospital they were evacuating?   WTF are these idiots thinking?   They shot at choopers at the Dome,  that got them nothing but evac shut off.  I am not against gun control but I think if the "laws" run accross anyone there with a gun they should be shot on sight.  You might have other veiws on this but if the guy is running down the street with a rifle then he's not protecting his shit,  if you roll up in a house and run accross a guy with a gun then he is prolly protecting his family.    So shooting them in the streets seems like it would work.  

.gov magic word "curfew"...
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:14:22 PM EDT

Can you give a morally compelling reason why not? "it's just not right" is not good enough. WHY is it not right? And the answer to that question must not only be sound, it must be a compelling reason, a reason that forces other folks to accept it.

You mean other than its how you want, and exepct, other people to treat you if you were in their shoes?

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.  That is not a uniquely Judeo-Christian philosophy...
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:15:20 PM EDT


Does it really matter what color they are? White people kill, rape , steal, and rob. Black people kill rape steal and rob. In this situation it the majority of people looked black. So who cares?

   Why do I always see the same thing. Watts,LA riots,New Orleans,Basket Ball Championship

Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:15:42 PM EDT

the philosophy of the classroom in one generation has become the philosophy on the street for the next.

Teach kids that there is no God and that man is an evolved animal and you get adults with no moral restraints who live by the survival of the fittest and morality of the strong.

   I don't beleive in god and I would never do the things that are going on in NO. I am a law abiding citizen and I respect peoples property, I dont need god to be a good person and I never will. You need a crutch fine have at it.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:16:53 PM EDT

Well hell, I'm just glad o be sitting here being entertained by ARFCOM, admiring my new AK underfolder, and thinking about how much I like pie.  

What was this thread originally about anyway?  

I add a porno tape and some Phish Food ice cream to that list....
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:17:13 PM EDT

Several people have commented that one of the major reasons we're seeing this is because all the more "civilized" (for lack of a better term) people left.

All that are there now (with some exceptions of course) are the gang bangers, poor and those used to ether sucking on the government teat or having the government keeping them in line.

Everyone in this nation should be taking notes about what happens when the thin veneer of "civilization" is ripped away.  It's something the liberals don't ever want to acknowledge, that many humans will revert to animals as soon as cages (welfare, TV, beer) are opened (removed).

This is a dress rehearsal for what happens if the middle class is taxed/suppressed to oblivion and there is no more money coming in for the government to redistribute to the Welfare State teat suckers to keep them in check.

This is happenning because the long arm of the law has been disabled.  This same thing would happen in any major city where they hesitated to crack down and impose law and order in a rapid fashion.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:18:48 PM EDT


Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail.

That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.

That you McUZI?  

It is not a racial issue, it is a cultural issue.  It is the ghetto or thug mentality that is the true enemy here.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:20:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:21:30 PM EDT

this is NOT a racial issue.  You won't find black folks in Paris more prone to crime or riots or whatever.

This is an American ghetto CULTURE issue, which happens to encompass predominantly black folks.

The welfare state has almost entirely undercut and destroyed the black family, ruined it's male leadership (both personal in terms of family and general in terms of culture). and created a whole  culture of people who are economic and political parasites- they live off the labor and enterprise of others. And the culture is growing...

Back to the religion thing, it's not a separate issue:  The Bible says if a man will not (not cannot) work, then he should not eat.

But we decided that the Bible was wrong and that we had a better idea...

Have we sown the seeds we're reaping?

You are right on the money
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:21:43 PM EDT

Does it really matter what color they are? White people kill, rape , steal, and rob. Black people kill rape steal and rob. In this situation it the majority of people looked black. So who cares?

Nobody does care.  And if the people (no matter what "type") of NO keep acting like they are, nobody will care enough to donate any money, either.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:22:16 PM EDT


I am not against gun control but I think if the "laws" run accross anyone there with a gun they should be shot on sight.  You might have other veiws on this but if the guy is running down the street with a rifle then he's not protecting his shit,  if you roll up in a house and run accross a guy with a gun then he is prolly protecting his family.    So shooting them in the streets seems like it would work.  

Your an idiot.  How about they just shoot the people who are posing a threat.  Not walking/running down the damn street.

in a SHTF situation ypu should be either in your car didi-ing the f$%k outta there, in your place of business or your property, you should not be out and about walking around with a weapon especially a longarm during a curfew....
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:23:05 PM EDT

so who makes a good NV scope?

I have beem using Thales on the AI's.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:27:23 PM EDT


...Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That should read: "Of the 290 Million people in the U.S., 12% are black."  

There are around 35 Million black people in the U.S.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:32:13 PM EDT


What Would General Jackson Do?


He would liquidate the thugs and make sure the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port was rockin' and rollin'.

Fuck looters. Fuck PC. It's time for national survival.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 4:39:37 PM EDT

in a SHTF situation ypu should be either in your car didi-ing the f$%k outta there, in your place of business or your property, you should not be out and about walking around with a weapon especially a longarm during a curfew....

These people have already lost the opportunity to drive away and their homes/businesses are destroyed.  That means they need to seek high ground, they need to find food/water, and they shouldn't leave their weapons behind.  I am not saying that all these people are innocent or anything like that, but just having a weapon doesn't make them criminal either.  

How the hell do you have a curfew when you have no home to go to.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 6:05:29 PM EDT


in a SHTF situation ypu should be either in your car didi-ing the f$%k outta there, in your place of business or your property, you should not be out and about walking around with a weapon especially a longarm during a curfew....

These people have already lost the opportunity to drive away and their homes/businesses are destroyed.  That means they need to seek high ground, they need to find food/water, and they shouldn't leave their weapons behind.  I am not saying that all these people are innocent or anything like that, but just having a weapon doesn't make them criminal either.  

How the hell do you have a curfew when you have no home to go to.

I agree not everyone with a weapon is a criminal but it would be pretty foolish to try it at night with anxious armed homeowners, overworked police, National Guardsmen with no lights at night. During Andrew I evacuated but I came back to no lights, no water, no gas, unpassable roads, no cash and anarchy even with National Guardsmen. NOLA is a different situation with flooding of biblical proportions. Order was finally restored when real military units like the 82nd Airborne showed up. I did not have such good food but I had an AR-15 and about 2000 rounds and a Beretta 92. When I walked to an area that the military had staged to give out ice and water I did it during the day and I left my guns at home.....I would not have been allowed to enter a Red Cross area guarded by the US Army with my AR-15
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 6:45:39 PM EDT
""Technicals" cannot be far behind...probably setting a few up as we speak...or plotting to steal a couple from the NG."

Technical on a lake, eh?

Might look something like this:

In all seriousness though, I'm sure the people looting and pillaging either stayed behind on purpose, or were just to stupid to evacuate before the storm.  Of the innocents stuck there through stupidity, bad luck, and lack of transportation...... I blame that squarely on the mayor.  He isn't fit to run a Pizza Hut, let alone a major city.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 8:20:50 PM EDT


Sorry, I will cease and desist.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 8:24:26 PM EDT

Have we sown the seeds that we're reaping?

Link Posted: 9/1/2005 8:27:09 PM EDT


Does it really matter what color they are? White people kill, rape , steal, and rob. Black people kill rape steal and rob. In this situation it the majority of people looked black. So who cares?

Yeah, if you say so. So if this happened in Utah for instance you'd see the same thing except the perps would be white?www.ar15.com/images/smilies/anim_rolleyes.gif

No Fuckin Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

The Mormons must go door to door to give out book of mormon lol
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 8:48:50 PM EDT

""Warriors ... come out to playeeeyaaay...


 Thanks.  I had forgotten all about that movie.  It was one of my favorites as a kid.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 9:08:01 PM EDT



Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail.

That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.

That you McUZI?  

It is not a racial issue, it is a cultural issue.  It is the ghetto or thug mentality that is the true enemy here.

Isn't this like the weather man saying a forty percent chance of rain,doesn't that mean there is a 60 percent chance it won't rain?

So by your own statistics by saying 10 percent of the whole black American people are in prison,does that not also mean that 90 percent are just hard working good old American joes??

Get your ducks in a row!!!!!  I'm all for thinking that 90 percent of the black Americans are glad that the ten percenters are there!!!

Link Posted: 9/1/2005 9:11:58 PM EDT
They are black and white.  Scum of the earth.  dreg of society.  Let darwin take over.   Whos cares if the majority are black?  I don't.  The more dead morons there are, the better.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 9:16:04 PM EDT

Several people have commented that one of the major reasons we're seeing this is because all the more "civilized" (for lack of a better term) people left.

All that are there now (with some exceptions of course) are the gang bangers, poor and those used to ether sucking on the government teat or having the government keeping them in line.

Everyone in this nation should be taking notes about what happens when the thin veneer of "civilization" is ripped away.  It's something the liberals don't ever want to acknowledge, that many humans will revert to animals as soon as cages (welfare, TV, beer) are opened (removed).

This is a dress rehearsal for what happens if the middle class is taxed/suppressed to oblivion and there is no more money coming in for the government to redistribute to the Welfare State teat suckers to keep them in check.

Well said.  Ditto!
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 10:02:38 PM EDT

This is getting pretty damn embarrassing as an American.

What the fuck is wrong with people???

This is the result of decades of liberalism.
Link Posted: 9/1/2005 10:12:34 PM EDT

Of the 2 million prisoners in the United States,  50% of them are black.

Of the 200 million people in the US,  12 million are black.

That means 10% of the entire black population is in jail. (8.33%)  8.33X 12= 99.96
But another post throws the numbers off anyway.
That means black's are 500%+ more likely to commit crime then any other race.

Statistics,  Statistics.

They are also the poorest people in the country if you compare races.

Is it something to do with black people?  Or just a fluke in statistics and  has nothing to do with being black?  I will lean towards it having to do with being black.

That you McUZI?  

It is not a racial issue, it is a cultural issue.  It is the ghetto or thug mentality that is the true enemy here.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 5:14:02 AM EDT


So, where is the AR15.com calvary meeting up to re-take the town for the good guys?

You Kidding?  You seen how much gasoline is?  

All kidding aside.  Gas shortages get worse, prices keep going up.  How much longer will it be before we see fights in the gas lines, tempers running short, and god forbid, people killing each other because they cut in the gas lines.

Every day we are just *this* close to anarchy.  Times like this make me really appreciate what I have.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 6:08:47 AM EDT

that if we as a society took the time to better educate our youngsters

You should have stopped there.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 6:17:43 AM EDT




You are right on the money

If he had left religion out of it, it would have been a perfect post.
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