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Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:00:15 AM EDT




So you say that there is NOT an equal probability of Zeus existing compared to your god?

I happen to think Zeus exists...prove me wrong.

Probability of God existing: 1
Probability of Zeus existing: 0

Scripture clearly states that God exists - other gods do not.

There's your proof.

Odd that you want EXTREMELY DETAILED proof of evolution, but this is all the proof that you will give me. I feel used and cheated.....

You're free to explore the details of creation. Of course, you're going to have to drop your false presuppositions before such exploration will profit you any.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:00:56 AM EDT


But that would be silly, because you have no epistemological basis for doing so.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:02:35 AM EDT



But that would be silly, because you have no epistemological basis for doing so.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Then this is a great chance for you to do some re-thinking.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:03:01 AM EDT

Nobody's trying to force anything.

But you are. You will not bring anyone to the Lord by quoting a Scripture they don't believe. You have to try something else.

And frankly, I can't even 'help them find it themselves'.

But you can. You can do so by expressing YOUR reasons for belief, and showing that they go far beyond the Scriptures.

Natural men are spiritually dead. They have no hope whatsoever of 'finding' anything at all unless God intervenes.

Agreed, but He will not intervene unless the person seeks Him out first.

God has promised to do this 'intervening' through the proclamation of His Word.

Indeed. And He has kept it.

Ergo, holding God's Word up as the absolute truth and standard is the only possible way to see people genuinely converted.

Incorrect. Holding up the Word does nothing. Explaining to people WHY you believe the Word will, in time and if done properly, instill curiosity and even hope. It is then that the Lord will step in, in His own good time, and do His thing.

Conversion to Christ requires a mink mitten, not an armored gauntlet. It requires submission first, and they will not submit to being beaten.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:06:35 AM EDT


Nobody's trying to force anything.

But you are. You will not bring anyone to the Lord by quoting a Scripture they don't believe. You have to try something else.

And frankly, I can't even 'help them find it themselves'.

But you can. You can do so by expressing YOUR reasons for belief, and showing that they go far beyond the Scriptures.

Natural men are spiritually dead. They have no hope whatsoever of 'finding' anything at all unless God intervenes.

Agreed, but He will not intervene unless the person seeks Him out first.

God has promised to do this 'intervening' through the proclamation of His Word.

Indeed. And He has kept it.

Ergo, holding God's Word up as the absolute truth and standard is the only possible way to see people genuinely converted.

Incorrect. Holding up the Word does nothing. Explaining to people WHY you believe the Word will, in time and if done properly, instill curiosity and even hope. It is then that the Lord will step in, in His own good time, and do His thing.

Conversion to Christ requires a mink mitten, not an armored gauntlet. It requires submission first, and they will not submit to being beaten.

With all due respect, brother, I don't know where you're getting your apologetic methods, but it's not from Scripture. The things I have put in red flatly and directly contradict Scripture.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:08:32 AM EDT





So you say that there is NOT an equal probability of Zeus existing compared to your god?

I happen to think Zeus exists...prove me wrong.

Probability of God existing: 1
Probability of Zeus existing: 0

Scripture clearly states that God exists - other gods do not.

There's your proof.

Odd that you want EXTREMELY DETAILED proof of evolution, but this is all the proof that you will give me. I feel used and cheated.....

You're free to explore the details of creation. Of course, you're going to have to drop your false presuppositions before such exploration will profit you any.

You sit and nitpick EVERY SINGLE deatil of evolution (which you are free to do, it is a science afterall) yet dont give me ONE SINGLE detail about your proof of creation/God/the bible, etc. Seems pretty one way, either that or you have non. Thats generally what I think until you prove otherwise.

All you do for me is, "scripture is your proof". GIVE ME MORE.....please.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:08:56 AM EDT
You know what's ironic about arowner? His inability to communicate with people who differ from his views makes them want to reject all of his ideas.

Personally - if the fellow Christians I knew were like him Id probably be at best agnostic at best and an atheist at worse. Instead of spreading the word of God, he is repulsing people from it. Sad.

On the flip side, my deacon, and the one who married us, is a fantastic scholar. He converted to Catholicism from being a Lutheran. He has had fantastic answers for nearly all of my questions, and humble enough to confess when he didnt know something and went to look it up. He is very active in interfaith studies - bridging the gap between the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Heck - the Lutherans are now only 4 or 5 issues away from agreeing with the Catholic church again.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:13:13 AM EDT

With all due respect, brother, I don't know where you're getting your apologetic methods, but it's not from Scripture. The things I have put in red flatly and directly contradict Scripture.

I have no apologetic methods. I simply express what I have had revealed to me through MY inner discussions with Christ, where I let Him do most of the talking and I shut up and listen.

I may point out in Scripture where something is cogently said, but I never reply to a question like "Why do you believe God exists?" by saying "Because the Scriptures say so." First, it's not very convincing, second, it's not true.

But everyone has their methodologies, and I'm certainly in no contest to save more souls than anyone else. Hell, I'm still working on mine to be worried about preaching to unbelievers. I'm hardly a good example of a believer, at any rate. Definitely no role model.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:15:08 AM EDT

You know what's ironic about arowner? His inability to communicate with people who differ from his views makes them want to reject all of his ideas.

My ability to communicate is fine. As stated elsewhere, the problem is with the reciever.

Personally - if the fellow Christians I knew were like him Id probably be at best agnostic at best and an atheist at worse.

That speaks volumes....

Instead of spreading the word of God, he is repulsing people from it.

Jesus never said people would like it. They killed Him over it - why should I expect any better?



On the flip side, my deacon, and the one who married us, is a fantastic scholar. He converted to Catholicism from being a Lutheran.

So much for being a scholar, then.

He has had fantastic answers for nearly all of my questions,

YOU mean he had answers you liked.....

and humble enough to confess when he didnt know something and went to look it up.

Who said I knew everything?

He is very active in interfaith studies - bridging the gap between the Catholic Church and Protestant Churches.

That gap can't be bridged.

Heck - the Lutherans are now only 4 or 5 issues away from agreeing with the Catholic church again.
Which Lutherans?

Not the ones who actually study...what was his name? Oh, yeah....LUTHER.

Rememebr the 95 theses? Rememebr 'the just shall live by faith'?

If 'lutherans' agree with rome, they're not lutherans anymore........that's sort of obvious on its face!

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:19:37 AM EDT


I have no apologetic methods. I simply express what I have had revealed to me through MY inner discussions with Christ, where I let Him do most of the talking and I shut up and listen.  

I get scared when people say things like that. The heart is decietful and wicked. If you want to listen to God, read His Word.

I may point out in Scripture where something is cogently said, but I never reply to a question like "Why do you believe God exists?" by saying "Because the Scriptures say so." First, it's not very convincing,

Scripture says it is.

second, it's not true.


But everyone has their methodologies,

Yes - some are good, some are not.

and I'm certainly in no contest to save more souls than anyone else.  

You're not? But you just said you were a Christian.....

Hell, I'm still working on mine

Not trusting in Christ's work?

to be worried about preaching to unbelievers.

I have good news, then:

James 5:20  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

I'm hardly a good example of a believer, at any rate. Definitely no role model.

Same here.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:23:51 AM EDT




But that would be silly, because you have no epistemological basis for doing so.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Then this is a great chance for you to do some re-thinking.

"the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity"

So, you seem to think the age of a book should be the basis of it's validity?

No, you are going to come back with "it's God's word", which is circular reasoning.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:26:50 AM EDT


Heck - the Lutherans are now only 4 or 5 issues away from agreeing with the Catholic church again.
Which Lutherans?

Not the ones who actually study...what was his name? Oh, yeah....LUTHER.

Rememebr the 95 theses? Rememebr 'the just shall live by faith'?

If 'lutherans' agree with rome, they're not lutherans anymore........that's sort of obvious on its face!

Gee - maybe things have changed - between both churches - since Luther put up his Theses. Like I said you seem to be stuck in the Dark Ages. BTW - they arent doing inquisitions any longer, so you can come out of your bunker. Its safe.

There have been joint talks between the two and they basically 'agree to disagree' on several key points.  But they have taken steps to see eye-to-eye.

And yeah - re-unification is a goal between some people of both sects. You seem content on keeping things separate - I guess more room in heaven for your ilk? Thats worked out like gangbusters for the Sunni and Shiites.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:30:15 AM EDT

My ability to communicate is fine. As stated elsewhere, the problem is with the reciever.



I get scared when people say things like that. The heart is decietful and wicked. If you want to listen to God, read His Word.

Why? Is He limited to only that?

I may point out in Scripture where something is cogently said, but I never reply to a question like "Why do you believe God exists?" by saying "Because the Scriptures say so." First, it's not very convincing,

Scripture says it is.

second, it's not true.


You heard me. First off, if someone does not openly accept Scripture then you have to find another way to open their minds and hearts to read it themselves. Telling them they are wrong if they don't is inneffective.

As for the second item, I believe in God and Christ for any number of reasons beyond Scripture, which I haven't read all of (or that much of, for that matter). I believe in Them because I CHOOSE to and because I have felt Their hands on my heart and soul.

Yes - some are good, some are not.

True. I would suggest you reflect on how successful you've been here before you judge too harshly, however.

You're not? But you just said you were a Christian.....

Not trusting in Christ's work?

I am a Christian because I believe in Christ. I do not distrust His work; I distrust my commitment to Him. There's a difference. As for converting others, the few times I have been confronted with a curious soul, I have explained my reasons for belief and what little Scripture I knew, and how those beliefs had changed my life. I did not preach, condemn, or insult. I simply explained. They listened and left feeling better than when they arrived. Sadly, I have not been able to remain in touch with them so I am unaware if they continued their Walk. Even if they did, I would take no credit for it.

James 5:20  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

Perhaps one day the Lord will consider me ready to do that. Until then, I piddle along doing what little I can, and trying to alienate as few souls as possible in the process.

ETA: Bio-Logos. I believe, and Darwin was right. There is no conflict.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:01:41 AM EDT
Coming in late.

I saw Expelled last night.  A couple points:

1.  Stein did not push ID.  The focus was on what happens to people who raise questions about Darwinism.  

2.  Those who accuse Stein of Michael Moore tactics are resorting to name-calling because they have no other response.  He presented the facts of the cases in which professional scientists had their careers and reputations trashed for mentioning anything other theory than Darwinism.

3.  The responses by Darwinists to the question of how life started, those 250 simple proteins needed to make a cell function, ranged from "crystals" to extraterrestrials.  There was a lot of "I don't know, but this is what I believe despite the lack of evidence."  That sounds like faith to me, not science.

Personally, I would have liked to see the evidence for ID presented, but that was not the purpose of the movie.  The film was not anti-Darwinism or pro-ID.  It was about stifling free and open debate.  Anybody who refuses to see that has perceptual problems.

I heard an evolutionist say that the reason he believed in evolution was becauyse he refused to consider the alternative.  I'd say he was quite honest.  However, having a mind closed like that is in no way superior to the person who says, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it."  
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:04:25 AM EDT
How often to people need to run around the bush with aarowneragain?

You can't have a reasonable discussion with someone who isn't being reasonable, and no amount of logical fallacies can discredit an argument that isn't logical to begin with.

One of aarowners premises is that everything he believes about the bible is true, so in any discussion of whether the bible is true, his conclusion is always contained in his premises, and the argument is always circular and illogical.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:08:50 AM EDT


There have been joint talks between the two and they basically 'agree to disagree' on several key points.  But they have taken steps to see eye-to-eye.

And yeah - re-unification is a goal between some people of both sects. You seem content on keeping things separate - I guess more room in heaven for your ilk? Thats worked out like gangbusters for the Sunni and Shiites.

That's a tad one-sided,

I'd say the anathemas from the Council of Trent stand as a barrier to Christian reconciliation.

They list key doctrines of Protestantism and declare that anyone who believes them is anathema, condemned and separated from God.

You get the Roman church to set those aside and we might be able to have a dialogue.

However, they won't.  Every pope since Trent has reaffirmed them.

Ecumenism from the Roman church is not based on mutual respect of differing doctrines.  It's a ploy to try to draw non-catholics into their church.

My first awakening to this was years ago when I attended a friend's wedding in a Roman church.  They served communion during the ceremony.  However, I was excluded from partaking even though I had been a CHristian for years.  

No, non-catholics are seen as less-than, not real Christians.

Abandoning the principles of the Reformation would be a giant leap backwards.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:10:08 AM EDT

The responses by Darwinists to the question of how life started, those 250 simple proteins needed to make a cell function, ranged from "crystals" to extraterrestrials.  There was a lot of "I don't know, but this is what I believe despite the lack of evidence."  That sounds like faith to me, not science.

Isn't it funny how the same wankers who love to proclaim that ID can't prove the existence of God then turn around and say that science proves that He does NOT exist?

It's the same arrogance before Science that far too many believers display before God.

Science will never be able to disprove God. Ever. By the same token, the Bible is an owner's manual for the soul, not a Physics/Biology/Astronomy/Chemistry textbook, so it does not and cannot scientifically prove that God exists. Frankly, I wouldn't want it to, anyway.

The sooner the two sides come to grips with the reality that their side exists irrespective of the other, the sooner we'll be able to move on from this foolishness.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:11:34 AM EDT


One of aarowners premises is that everything he believes about the bible is true, so in any discussion of whether the bible is true, his conclusion is always contained in his premises, and the argument is always circular and illogical.

Other people are bringing their preconceived conditions and worldviews into the debate.

Some come and claim to be atheists, with the presupposition there is no God.

Others come in with a presupposition that there is.

Why is one premise automatically valid and the other is not?
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:14:03 AM EDT
This is not the first time this has been posted in this thread.


1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust.

2) Ben Stein's speech to a crowded auditorium in the film was a setup.

3) Scientists in the film thought they were being interviewed for a different movie.

4) The ID-sympathetic researcher whom the film paints as having lost his job at the Smithsonian Institution was never an employee there.

5) Science does not reject religious or "design-based" explanations because of dogmatic atheism.

6) Many evolutionary biologists are religious and many religious people accept evolution.

The article goes into further explanation of each of these.

This website details each of the "expelled" mentioned.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:17:22 AM EDT



One of aarowners premises is that everything he believes about the bible is true, so in any discussion of whether the bible is true, his conclusion is always contained in his premises, and the argument is always circular and illogical.

Other people are bringing their preconceived conditions and worldviews into the debate.

Some come and claim to be atheists, with the presupposition there is no God.

Others come in with a presupposition that there is.

Why is one premise automatically valid and the other is not?

I suspect that if you think carefully and closely analyze the positions of most atheists, their premise is not that there is no god, but rather that the existence of god is dependent upon there being evidence for god.

Premise is a technical term in a very strict way of evaluating an argument, so you might have the term mixed up with a more general idea.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:21:12 AM EDT

I suspect that if you think carefully and closely analyze the positions of most atheists, their premise is not that there is no god, but rather that the existence of god is dependent upon there being evidence for god.

That would be the "soft" or "weak" atheist. The "hard" or "strong" atheist openly declares that there is NO god, and that anyone who believes in one is a fool, a weakling, etc.

I find the former to be somewhat logical, even if I disagree with them. The latter, however, I find to be just as stupid, blind, and closed-minded as many of the believers I've run across.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:25:42 AM EDT

Coming in late.

I saw Expelled last night.  A couple points:

1.  Stein did not push ID.  The focus was on what happens to people who raise questions about Darwinism.  

2.  Those who accuse Stein of Michael Moore tactics are resorting to name-calling because they have no other response.  He presented the facts of the cases in which professional scientists had their careers and reputations trashed for mentioning anything other theory than Darwinism. Well this is simply unture. They lied under false pretenses to get interviews, use Nazi imagery to inject emotion, utilized setup situations, and had some funny editing. All cornerstones of Michael Moore's docu-style movies.

3.  The responses by Darwinists to the question of how life started, those 250 simple proteins needed to make a cell function, ranged from "crystals" to extraterrestrials.  There was a lot of "I don't know, but this is what I believe despite the lack of evidence."  That sounds like faith to me, not science.  I think you mean Scientists, not Darwinists. They were told they were being interviewed for an entirely different movie as well.

Personally, I would have liked to see the evidence for ID presented, but that was not the purpose of the movie.  The film was not anti-Darwinism or pro-ID.  It was about stifling free and open debate.  Anybody who refuses to see that has perceptual problems.

I heard an evolutionist say that the reason he believed in evolution was becauyse he refused to consider the alternative.  I'd say he was quite honest.  However, having a mind closed like that is in no way superior to the person who says, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it."  
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:33:11 AM EDT

This is not the first time this has been posted in this thread.


1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust.

Nice spin attempt by them.

Stein never blamed Darwin for eugenics and the Holocaust.  He showed how people used Darwinian and evolutionary theory to justify those things.

2) Ben Stein's speech to a crowded auditorium in the film was a setup.

So?  It sets up the presentation of the the film, then wraps up the conclusion.  This point makes a molehill out of a , well, molehill.

3) Scientists in the film thought they were being interviewed for a different movie.

The article mentions doubt that the movie was originally supposed to be called Crossroads instead of Expelled.

Again, so?

Does this negate the interviews and quotes?   Are they suggesting the perople interviewed would have responded differently?  The point is pretty thin.

4) The ID-sympathetic researcher whom the film paints as having lost his job at the Smithsonian Institution was never an employee there.

I'll have to look into this more - pressed for time at the moment...

5) Science does not reject religious or "design-based" explanations because of dogmatic atheism.

That section of the article dismisses ID out of hand, revealing the bias they deny.  Sounds like a case of plankeye to me.

6) Many evolutionary biologists are religious and many religious people accept evolution.

And many don't blindly accept evolution.  However, it's only the religious people who accept evolution who have credibility in this article.  See "plankeye" above.

The article goes into further explanation of each of these.

The article is fine as long as one doesn't think too critically about it.

Stein had valid points, and this is an example of the evolutionists firing back, kind of like what Hillary Clinton does to her opponents.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:36:59 AM EDT
Instead of a movie, read a book.

ETA: In before someone links to the Bible and says the same thing.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:57:34 AM EDT

2.  Those who accuse Stein of Michael Moore tactics are resorting to name-calling because they have no other response.  He presented the facts of the cases in which professional scientists had their careers and reputations trashed for mentioning anything other theory than Darwinism.

No!  He presented lies.  If you really want the facts, please see here: Expelled  (and click on "The truth behind the fiction")
Those professional "scientists" had their careers derailed because they were poor scientists.
This site goes through the actual story of what happened to each scientist featured in the movie.

Personally, I would have liked to see the evidence for ID presented, but that was not the purpose of the movie.  The film was not anti-Darwinism or pro-ID.  It was about stifling free and open debate.  Anybody who refuses to see that has perceptual problems.

There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:58:43 AM EDT


I suspect that if you think carefully and closely analyze the positions of most atheists, their premise is not that there is no god, but rather that the existence of god is dependent upon there being evidence for god.

That would be the "soft" or "weak" atheist. The "hard" or "strong" atheist openly declares that there is NO god, and that anyone who believes in one is a fool, a weakling, etc.

I find the former to be somewhat logical, even if I disagree with them. The latter, however, I find to be just as stupid, blind, and closed-minded as many of the believers I've run across.

That's all well and good, but not only does it fail to excuse aarowner's method of argument, but it also fails to be even remotely relevant to its faults.

Two wrongs do not make a right, and something wrong is not even marginally less-wrong because "some other people" also do it.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:03:32 AM EDT


This is not the first time this has been posted in this thread.


1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust.

Nice spin attempt by them.

Stein never blamed Darwin for eugenics and the Holocaust.  He showed how people used Darwinian and evolutionary theory to justify those things.

Plus I was never a big fan of Darwinism because it played such a large part in the Nazis’ Final Solution to their so-called “Jewish problem” and was so clearly instrumental in their rationalizing of the Holocaust. So I was primed to want to do a project on how Darwinism relates to fascism and to outline the flaws in Darwinism generally.

-Ben Stein

2) Ben Stein's speech to a crowded auditorium in the film was a setup.

So?  It sets up the presentation of the the film, then wraps up the conclusion.  This point makes a molehill out of a , well, molehill.

You just said a couple posts up that the comparisons to michael moore were baseless. This would be a moore style tactic.

3) Scientists in the film thought they were being interviewed for a different movie.

The article mentions doubt that the movie was originally supposed to be called Crossroads instead of Expelled.

Again, so?

Does this negate the interviews and quotes?   Are they suggesting the perople interviewed would have responded differently?  The point is pretty thin.

Again, another moore style tactic that you said did not exist. Does this not raise credibility issues for you at all that they had to lie to get an interview and the reactions they wanted?

STEIN: I was approached a couple of years ago by the producers, and they described to me the central issue of Expelled, which was about Darwinism and why it has such a lock on the academic establishment when the theory has so many holes.

Hmm a couple years ago, sounds like they had the intention and idea all along.

4) The ID-sympathetic researcher whom the film paints as having lost his job at the Smithsonian Institution was never an employee there.

I'll have to look into this more - pressed for time at the moment...

Wait a min, this is the WHOLE basis of the movie, and now we find out its less than the truth? How about an outright lie. check out the other people "expelled" too. At this link under "the expelled"

5) Science does not reject religious or "design-based" explanations because of dogmatic atheism.

That section of the article dismisses ID out of hand, revealing the bias they deny.  Sounds like a case of plankeye to me.

You must not have read the article, it clearly says

Actually, science avoids design explanations for natural phenomena out of logical necessity. The scientific method involves rigorously observing and experimenting on the material world. It accepts as evidence only what can be measured or otherwise empirically validated (a requirement called methodological naturalism). That requirement prevents scientific theories from becoming untestable and overcomplicated.

Which is how SCIENCE works. ID cannot be considered or taught as a SCIENCE if it does not meet the constraints of SCIENCE. THIS is why ID is thrown out. NOT because the evil scientists are all heathen atheists hellbent on an agenda to persecute Christians.  

6) Many evolutionary biologists are religious and many religious people accept evolution.

And many don't blindly accept evolution.  However, it's only the religious people who accept evolution who have credibility in this article.  See "plankeye" above.

They accept evolution because the abundance of evidence to support it.

The article goes into further explanation of each of these.

The article is fine as long as one doesn't think too critically about it.

Stein had valid points, and this is an example of the evolutionists firing back, kind of like what Hillary Clinton does to her opponents.

They aren't "Evolutionists", they are scientists. Stein's points are not valid AT ALL if they were misleading or even outright unture. And Hillary doesn't Debunk lies with facts, so that comparison is a nice little cheapshot.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:03:59 AM EDT


There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:10:27 AM EDT



There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:18:01 AM EDT


You must not have read the article, it clearly says
Actually, science avoids design explanations for natural phenomena out of logical necessity. The scientific method involves rigorously observing and experimenting on the material world. It accepts as evidence only what can be measured or otherwise empirically validated (a requirement called methodological naturalism). That requirement prevents scientific theories from becoming untestable and overcomplicated.

Which is how SCIENCE works. ID cannot be considered or taught as a SCIENCE if it does not meet the constraints of SCIENCE.  

The question of origins from the evolutionary side fails by the same criteria.

Is evolution testable or repeatable?  If not, why is it touted as fact?  Sure there is lip service to it being a "theory", but there is a dogmatic allegiance to it.  We've seen it here.  When someone comes out as considering the possibility of ID the pitchforks and torches are handed out and the mob screams, "HERETIC!  He's a witch!  Burn him!"

They accept evolution because the abundance of evidence to support it.

I've been waiting for the abundance of evidence.

There are competing alternatives in interpretation of the available evidence, but the evidence itself seems pretty thin.

Care to convince me?  Explain to this poor layman how:

1. A cell, which is incredibly complex in function, accidentally assembles and begins living.

2.  Explain how, from this single cell, we have all forms of life today, plant and animal, along with the multitude of critters who are today extinct.

3.  Explain how this is accomplished with mutations, since the vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial.  Remember, according to the theory, everything started from a single, simple cell.  

4.  How did the eye, with its ability to instantly focus from far to distant objects, adjust to varying light levels, and discern colors, happened by accident without ant guidance.

5.  Is there any evidence (observable, verifiable) that living things are advancing to a higher state?

Call me a skeptic.  Convince me with irrefutable evidence.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:19:19 AM EDT




There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


When one resorts to name-calling and ad hominem atatcks, it betrays a lack of confidence in the ability for a position to stand on its own merits.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:23:53 AM EDT

Coming in late.

I saw Expelled last night.  A couple points:

1.  Stein did not push ID.  The focus was on what happens to people who raise questions about Darwinism.  

2.  Those who accuse Stein of Michael Moore tactics are resorting to name-calling because they have no other response.  He presented the facts of the cases in which professional scientists had their careers and reputations trashed for mentioning anything other theory than Darwinism.

3.  The responses by Darwinists to the question of how life started, those 250 simple proteins needed to make a cell function, ranged from "crystals" to extraterrestrials.  There was a lot of "I don't know, but this is what I believe despite the lack of evidence."  That sounds like faith to me, not science.

Personally, I would have liked to see the evidence for ID presented, but that was not the purpose of the movie.  The film was not anti-Darwinism or pro-ID.  It was about stifling free and open debate.  Anybody who refuses to see that has perceptual problems.

I heard an evolutionist say that the reason he believed in evolution was becauyse he refused to consider the alternative.  I'd say he was quite honest.  However, having a mind closed like that is in no way superior to the person who says, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it."  

Thanks for the review.
the way people are reacting in this thread probably mirrors the movie.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:26:20 AM EDT




There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


You show your bias right here. You've already decided that they don't have anything worth hearing without examining any of their conclusions. Is this an example of the so called "open-mindedness" of the scientific community?
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:35:35 AM EDT



You must not have read the article, it clearly says
Actually, science avoids design explanations for natural phenomena out of logical necessity. The scientific method involves rigorously observing and experimenting on the material world. It accepts as evidence only what can be measured or otherwise empirically validated (a requirement called methodological naturalism). That requirement prevents scientific theories from becoming untestable and overcomplicated.

Which is how SCIENCE works. ID cannot be considered or taught as a SCIENCE if it does not meet the constraints of SCIENCE.  

The question of origins from the evolutionary side fails by the same criteria.

Is evolution testable or repeatable? Yes, and it is observable most importantly If not, why is it touted as fact?  Sure there is lip service to it being a "theory", but there is a dogmatic allegiance to it.  We've seen it here.  When someone comes out as considering the possibility of ID the pitchforks and torches are handed out and the mob screams, "HERETIC!  He's a witch!  Burn him!"

ID is not science. At all. Even accidentally. Its packaged creationism with choice words in order to be squeezed into science class. Read the writings of the creators and leaders of the ID movement. Their own words indicate their true intentions. It is another social agenda and SCIENCE is no place for social agendas.

I would have no qualms about ID being discussed in philosophy or religious studies classes.  But it does NOT belong in science classes of publicly funded schools until it includes some real science.

They accept evolution because the abundance of evidence to support it.

I've been waiting for the abundance of evidence.

You're not even looking for it, so why would you see it. You have not even bothered to read through this thread otherwise you wouldn't be asking a lot of these questions.

There are competing alternatives in interpretation of the available evidence, but the evidence itself seems pretty thin.

I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. You just said above that you were unaware of the evidence even exists, now its thin?

Care to convince me? No, read the thread and the links provided therein. Don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.  Explain to this poor layman how:

1. A cell, which is incredibly complex in function, accidentally assembles and begins living.

2.  Explain how, from this single cell, we have all forms of life today, plant and animal, along with the multitude of critters who are today extinct.

3.  Explain how this is accomplished with mutations, since the vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial.  Remember, according to the theory, everything started from a single, simple cell.  

4.  How did the eye, with its ability to instantly focus from far to distant objects, adjust to varying light levels, and discern colors, happened by accident without ant guidance.

5.  Is there any evidence (observable, verifiable) that living things are advancing to a higher state?

Call me a skeptic.  Convince me with irrefutable evidence.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:38:01 AM EDT





There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


When one resorts to name-calling and ad hominem atatcks, it betrays a lack of confidence in the ability for a position to stand on its own merits.

i guess you don't understand what an ad hominem attack is.

I wasn't calling you an oxymoron. I was saying the term ID scientist is an oxymoron. ID has nothing to do with science.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:41:47 AM EDT





There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


You show your bias right here. You've already decided that they don't have anything worth hearing without examining any of their conclusions. Is this an example of the so called "open-mindedness" of the scientific community?

You show your ignorance right here in assuming I have not already read into ID, their points, their fallacies, their conclusions, and their agendas. I'm also not in the scientific community, I'm a single person, a layman at that. Certainly not a scientific institution or a university.

Most importantly I'm a voter. I like to stay educated on this matter. The fact that this film was shown to a group of Florida lawmakes and the actions on Ronda Storms concerns me.  It is my civic duty to remain informed on this.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:43:45 AM EDT


Is evolution testable or repeatable? Yes, and it is observable most importantly

Examples, please.  As you say below, I shouldn't just take your word for it.

ID is not science. At all. Even accidentally.

I suppose you came to this conclusion after your extensive personal reading of the case for ID.

Care to convince me? No, read the thread and the links provided therein. Don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.  

That sounds like you have a lot of confidence without much to back it up.

Note the questions ignored by those who claim to have the definitive answers.

Explain to this poor layman how:

1. A cell, which is incredibly complex in function, accidentally assembles and begins living.

2.  Explain how, from this single cell, we have all forms of life today, plant and animal, along with the multitude of critters who are today extinct.

3.  Explain how this is accomplished with mutations, since the vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial.  Remember, according to the theory, everything started from a single, simple cell.  

4.  How did the eye, with its ability to instantly focus from far to distant objects, adjust to varying light levels, and discern colors, happened by accident without ant guidance.

5.  Is there any evidence (observable, verifiable) that living things are advancing to a higher state?

Call me a skeptic.  Convince me with irrefutable evidence.

I've heard claims of overwhelming evidence and repeatable science supporting evolutionary theory.

If true, these questions should be child's play.  How does it work?  Smoke & mirrors?

This arrogance and dogmatism in this thread have made it pointless.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:47:22 AM EDT


This arrogance and dogmatism in this thread have made it pointless.

How can you say that? you have not even read the thread or you would see where all these questions have already been answered and you're too lazy to look them up. Cpt kirks will even provide a very good reading list if you're actually interested. But i don't think that is the case.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:52:52 AM EDT
Edited to remove a dumb comment.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:59:13 AM EDT


ID is not science. At all. Even accidentally.

I suppose you came to this conclusion after your extensive personal reading of the case for ID.

It isn't testable using the scientific method.

Explain to this poor layman how:

1. A cell, which is incredibly complex in function, accidentally assembles and begins living.

A cell is just a good way of keeping all the tools you need together.  Self-reproduction is capable without a lipid bilayer.

2.  Explain how, from this single cell, we have all forms of life today, plant and animal, along with the multitude of critters who are today extinct.

Variability, selection and time

3.  Explain how this is accomplished with mutations, since the vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial.  Remember, according to the theory, everything started from a single, simple cell.  

First of all, beneficial and harmful are relative terms.  

We see single celled organisms form complex communities, sharing resources and responsibility today.  We also have calculated mutation rates in different organisms and have observed allele concentrations fluctuate with selective pressures.

4.  How did the eye, with its ability to instantly focus from far to distant objects, adjust to varying light levels, and discern colors, happened by accident without ant guidance.

The retina is made of photosensitive cells.  Creatures exist today who only have a light-detecting surface to use to detect shadows, photosynthesis, etc.  Fluid pockets would allow directional viewing and protection.  A lens and iris later would provide for clearer vision in more light conditions.

The eye is completely explanable via evolution, and has been done so to a greater extent than the breif summary I present here.

5.  Is there any evidence (observable, verifiable) that living things are advancing to a higher state?

What is a higher state?

We have observed speciation.  We have observed creatures gaining the ability to digest new forms of food, and survive in more hostile environments.

If true, these questions should be child's play.  How does it work?

They are.
Read scientific literature.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 9:59:31 AM EDT

I guess it's all over except calling me a Bible-thumping poopoo head.

Might as well get it over with.

take a few min and read the thread from page one.  skim it. skip any post by arowneragain and any post replying to him as they have nothing to do with the movie or this discussion. That is the bulk of the thread.  You will see I posted a couple common everyday guy on the street examples of observable evolution.

If you really want to get into the meat, then you're going to have to do some heavy reading.

If you really don't care, then give up. It is inconsequential to me unless you vote based on ID vs. Evolution being taught in schools.

Furthermore, i'm not going to call you a names, or whatever as it is not a personal matter to me. I have nothing against you.

EDIT: Tolip, you let him off easy
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:03:13 AM EDT

I guess it's all over except calling me a Bible-thumping poopoo head.

Might as well get it over with.

There is plenty of evidence for evolution. Look around the internet, or, better yet, read a textbook.

ID is nothing more then Christianity with a different name. Dont think so? Well, lets see; the "research" foundation that started it is Christian. The individual people that lecture about ID are all Christian.....need I go on?

You yourself seem to supprt ID and appear to be a Christian....And no, there is no such thing as a ID scientist. The people who "teach" ID DO NOT follow the scientific method, and are therefore NOT scientists no matter how much you want them to be.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:04:55 AM EDT

Who here thinks that the theory of evolution proposes an explanation for the origin of life?

Evolution just seems more plausible... whats the alternative?

Christianity: ...the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

Magical thinking
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:05:42 AM EDT


Care to convince me?  Explain to this poor layman how:

1. A cell, which is incredibly complex in function, accidentally assembles and begins living.

2.  Explain how, from this single cell, we have all forms of life today, plant and animal, along with the multitude of critters who are today extinct.

3.  Explain how this is accomplished with mutations, since the vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful and not beneficial.  Remember, according to the theory, everything started from a single, simple cell.  

4.  How did the eye, with its ability to instantly focus from far to distant objects, adjust to varying light levels, and discern colors, happened by accident without ant guidance.

5.  Is there any evidence (observable, verifiable) that living things are advancing to a higher state?

Call me a skeptic.  Convince me with irrefutable evidence.

"Poor layman", I can provide you with a reading list that explain all this in simple terms.

Frankly, you picked poorly.  Even the ID playbook says not to use these bad examples.

Also, there is NO SUCH THING as "irrefutable evidence".  There will always be idiots who claim the earth is flat.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:06:51 AM EDT


Who here thinks that the theory of evolution proposes an explanation for the origin of life?

Evolution just seems more plausible... whats the alternative?

Christianity: ...the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

Magical thinking

The theory of evolution says absolutely nothing about how the original forms of life appeared.

There are other biologically-based ideas, but they aren't evolution.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:07:14 AM EDT


Christianity: ...the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

Damn, when you describe it like that, it kind of sounds like Scientology...

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:10:48 AM EDT





There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


You show your bias right here. You've already decided that they don't have anything worth hearing without examining any of their conclusions. Is this an example of the so called "open-mindedness" of the scientific community?

Since ID is demonstratively NOT SCIENCE, the term "ID Scientist" IS an oxymoron.

Self proclaimed "geologists" who claim the earth is 6,000 years old are not scientists, either.

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:13:48 AM EDT

That's all well and good, but not only does it fail to excuse aarowner's method of argument, but it also fails to be even remotely relevant to its faults.

Two wrongs do not make a right, and something wrong is not even marginally less-wrong because "some other people" also do it.

My comment had nothing to do with any other poster. I was simply commenting on yours, and not critically.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:23:20 AM EDT






There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


You show your bias right here. You've already decided that they don't have anything worth hearing without examining any of their conclusions. Is this an example of the so called "open-mindedness" of the scientific community?

Since ID is demonstratively NOT SCIENCE, the term "ID Scientist" IS an oxymoron.

Self proclaimed "geologists" who claim the earth is 6,000 years old are not scientists, either.

Even if they hold PhDs in the field of study!
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 10:25:38 AM EDT







There is no evidence for intelligent design.  That's the reason you didn't see any in the film.

Should I just take your word for it?

Have you personally, objectively examined the conclusions of ID scientists?


You show your bias right here. You've already decided that they don't have anything worth hearing without examining any of their conclusions. Is this an example of the so called "open-mindedness" of the scientific community?

Since ID is demonstratively NOT SCIENCE, the term "ID Scientist" IS an oxymoron.

Self proclaimed "geologists" who claim the earth is 6,000 years old are not scientists, either.

Even if they hold PhDs in the field of study!

Please, PLEASE show me someone with a PhD in geology who claims the earth is 6,000 years old.  


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