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Posted: 5/19/2005 6:09:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:10:37 PM EDT

So who got the boot?
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:11:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:14:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:16:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:25:12 PM EDT
I love you guys.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:32:39 PM EDT
I must pause here to remember a team member that has succumbed today.

Poor Poor FOX-

Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:42:43 PM EDT
What if I posted a really good family recipe?

Or a history lesson about the Richmond bread riots?
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:46:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:46:54 PM EDT

I must pause here to remember a team member that has succumbed today.

Poor Poor FOX-

Maybe he will study now.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:53:45 PM EDT

<------- the kitchen forum is that way. bring me back a sammich

Umm...a sammich require meats, cheese. and...well, you know

Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:55:51 PM EDT
Damn, just when I finally found a place selling real French bread in Taipei.  Now the board will never know where it is.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:57:55 PM EDT
Holy crap. I searche bread just ithe general in the last 24 hours... there's like 18... most with locks on them.

WTF is "bread" about anyway? Is someone trying to create a new trend.... like "I like pie"
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 6:59:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:04:21 PM EDT
This is so damn sad it's funny !!
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:20:42 PM EDT

This is so damn sad it's funny !!

This is so true!
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:22:11 PM EDT

Holy crap. I searche bread just ithe general in the last 24 hours... there's like 18... most with locks on them.

WTF is "bread" about anyway? Is someone trying to create a new trend.... like "I like pie"

or the injury threads from about a year ago irc.

Just something that catches on and everyone gets sucked into it.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:23:30 PM EDT
I take it that they aren't going to ban bread then?

What will become of the children if we do not ban it.

Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:26:34 PM EDT
This is how words get banned.

We used to be able to say the acronym for Marine Pattern.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:29:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:33:46 PM EDT

This is how words get banned.

We used to be able to say the acronym for Marine Pattern.

'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause'
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:35:06 PM EDT


Holy crap. I searche bread just ithe general in the last 24 hours... there's like 18... most with locks on them.

WTF is "bread" about anyway? Is someone trying to create a new trend.... like "I like pie"

or the injury threads from about a year ago irc.

Just something that catches on and everyone gets sucked into it.

More like four years ago, unless there was another round.  I think I may have been the one who triggered the creation of the "don't spam the boards" policy -- it was my thread on milling my thumb that got that round going.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:38:12 PM EDT
Dang, just dang. People allow their accounts to be locked over bread? BREAD? bread?

Now I really have seen it all.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:39:50 PM EDT


This is how words get banned.
We used to be able to say the acronym for Marine Pattern.

'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause'

Ooo... you dog... already quoting the new Star Wars... and fits so well in this thread it does.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 7:45:35 PM EDT
well maybe we need to move on to dairy?
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 8:10:40 PM EDT

well maybe we need to move on to dairy?

I like extra sharp cheddar cheese from Wisconsin.

I wonder if Wisconsin liberals make the cheese?  I may have to stop buying it in that case.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 8:20:56 PM EDT
That reminds me.

I do most of my posting from work.  I’m either very busy or very bored.  A few months ago I left work one Saturday morning.  Monday afternoon came, and being rained out I checked into a nearby Public Library to check up on Arfcom.

There was this furor subsiding over some silly little word.
Said silly word being “Tonk”.
My reaction was, and still is, “HUH?”

Can somebody enlighten me on just what happened?  It seems so silly.
And stupid.
How did it start?
I mean, what in the world went on in those 36 hours? And I really would like to know what happened.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 8:45:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 8:49:46 PM EDT
Ok, so lemme get this right...

I can't post about the *sound that shall not be named* while wearing the *camo pattern that shall not be named* nor use the *animation that shall not be used* while eating the *food product that shall not be named* prior to attending a religious service for the *religion that shall not be named*.

Link Posted: 5/19/2005 8:55:35 PM EDT
1. Did fox really get banned?


2. I still don't understand what the bread threads were about... Can someone explain? I was not here...

ETA: Is this what got fox banned?

What are you calling bullshit? The bread or my thread? (hey that rhymed) Either way you have a problem whit me. And if you do, take it to the pit where you can't hide behind that moderator title.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:00:36 PM EDT


That reminds me.

I do most of my posting from work.  I’m either very busy or very bored.  A few months ago I left work one Saturday morning.  Monday afternoon came, and being rained out I checked into a nearby Public Library to check up on Arfcom.

There was this furor subsiding over some silly little word.
Said silly word being “Tonk”.
My reaction was, and still is, “HUH?”

Can somebody enlighten me on just what happened?  It seems so silly.
And stupid.
How did it start?
I mean, what in the world went on in those 36 hours? And I really would like to know what happened.

As you are not a Team member I cannot actually show you what happened (it's in the Archive server).  A now banned member used the word "Tonk" to refer to residents of a neighborhood he was planning to move into.  He posted a thread titled--"Gotta give props to tonks, they really keep their bitches in line."  The thread dealt with "not one, not two, but THREE very Mexican and very pregnant girls washing their man's truck.  Those tonks are keepin' their bitches in line and keepin' it real."--or very close, as I'm doing this from memory.  The word was clearly used in a derogatory fashion and specifically named people of Mexican descent as the target.  He had done this several times prior and was given a two week timeout from the site.  Upon his return, the AZ forum was spammed with threads insisting the word had nothing to do with RACE, but was just the sound a Mag light makes when striking the head of a criminal.  Staff and Sr. Staff asked for the BS to stop and the response was to escalate.  Ed Sr. finally posted a thread saying the next one to use the word would be banned.  Several did and their accounts were locked.  This site doesn't pick words at random to ban.  There is always a story behind it.  

The MARPAT deal was a similar thing to tonight.  Eighteen of twenty-five threads on page one of GD (and there were several tacked threads among the remainder) were spinoffs of the word "MARPAT."  This kind of expensive waste of bandwidth is HIGHLY insulting to the Avila's, as it wastes money.  Posters were asked nicely to stop and the response was to post several more threads in quick succession.  Ed Sr. did his thing again with a tacked thread saying the next one to use the word would be banned.  Of course, several had to test him.  Foolish move.  

Tonight it was eighteen threads involving the word "bread."  Dunno why, I wasn't here.  It all comes down to obeying the rules and not being disrespectful to our hosts.  

Thanks.  That was exactly what I wanted to know.

And while I missed the Marpat episodes, leaving the examples collected in a locked (It was a locked thread, wasn’t?) thread was a perfect way to illustrate why they had to be temporarily banned.

Now correct me here, but Fox “The Resident Kid”, was banned/suspended?
If so I’m reminded of the time almost everybody here told Fox to stop roaming the Internet and to start roaming around the great out of doors.
Now maybe he will.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:19:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:26:01 PM EDT
This site is just plain getting stupid.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:26:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:27:17 PM EDT

Ok, so lemme get this right...

I can't post about the *sound that shall not be named* while wearing the *camo pattern that shall not be named* nor use the *animation that shall not be used* while eating the *food product that shall not be named* prior to attending a religious service for the *religion that shall not be named*.


I can't say.
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:27:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:35:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:51:58 PM EDT

Ok, so lemme get this right...

I can't post about the *sound that shall not be named* while wearing the *camo pattern that shall not be named* nor use the *animation that shall not be used* while eating the *food product that shall not be named* prior to attending a religious service for the *religion that shall not be named*.


Don't forget, the *phrase that shall not be mentioned whether abbreviated or not* (SIIH_ _ _ _)
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:54:58 PM EDT


ETA: Is this what got fox banned?

What are you calling bullshit? The bread or my thread? (hey that rhymed) Either way you have a problem whit me. And if you do, take it to the pit where you can't hide behind that moderator title.

Why do you care and how old are you?

I care because fox was a cool member...

He shot his mouth off and I want to know if it really got him banned...

It isn't a big deal since you all let others know when you ban trolls, right?

ETA: A big deal to let me know if he was banned...
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 9:57:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:00:28 PM EDT



This site is just plain getting stupid.

What do you mean?  Posting 18 threads involving the word "bread"--or Mods/Staff dealing with it?  

Knowing jtw2, I'm sure he meant that the knuckleheads who started the spamming are "stupid".

that one
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:00:43 PM EDT
It looks like I missed another.

*sound that shall not be named*  Check.
*camo pattern that shall not be named* Check.
*animation that shall not be used*  NO Check!
*food product that shall not be named* Check
*religion that shall not be named*. Check.

What did I miss this time?
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:01:41 PM EDT
But I still like to gripe
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:02:29 PM EDT

He's locked.  How old are you again?

I'm just curious why you ask...

I had no part in the bread threads whatever they were...

ETA: Good night...
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:03:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:40:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2005 10:43:46 PM EDT


well maybe we need to move on to dairy?

I like extra sharp cheddar cheese from Wisconsin.

I wonder if Wisconsin liberals make the cheese?  I may have to stop buying it in that case.

There are no conservatives in Wisconsin.
Link Posted: 5/20/2005 1:27:15 AM EDT
I don't know what is up with this bread stuff.  Apparently I missed it. But this seems to be like a good place to post this.

I remember when the rules were enforced in a much more strict fashion.  Then suddenly the rules were relaxed.  The alowing of BOTD in GD is an example.  Shortly after this the overall quality of posts in GD took a nose dive.

I recently joined another discussion board.  I discovered that the people moderating had a very strict no nonsence approach.  As a result the posts were high quality as everyone was forced to THINK before posting.

Now being a mod is a thankless job....   THANK YOU MODS!!!!!  You make the site what it is.

On my other forum the mod was gone for 1 day  ONE DAY. and the forum went to hell.  

Link Posted: 5/20/2005 1:31:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2005 1:32:00 AM EDT
Can we say, Thank you for stopping the stupid post

And as a Marine, MARPAT is for the ones who earn it.
Link Posted: 5/20/2005 2:40:48 AM EDT
A Clarification, if you please.

Was Fox Banned outright or was he Suspended?

Banned means he won’t be back;
Suspended means he will be back.

Which one, please?
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