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Posted: 3/14/2001 8:46:55 AM EDT
A Boston-based gay rights group is protesting the Bay State's gun
control laws, claiming they are vague and arbitrary, and discriminate
against minorities. The Pink Pistols, an organization of gay and lesbian
gun owners, is specifically targeting a 1998 law that completely revamped
the state's gun licensing regulations, and also placed strict manufacturing
standards on new handguns. The licensing provisions give local police
widespread discretion to deny licenses based on racial and sexual biases, the
group says. "Since 1998, police chiefs have been emboldened to take a much
more aggressive stance to deny applicants," said Pink Pistols spokesman
David Rostcheck. The group also claims that the manufacturing standards requiring
a 10-pound trigger pull on handguns discriminate against smaller women, the
elderly and disabled because of their physical inability to pull that
heavy a trigger. The group is launching a campaign that includes educating
the media, partnering with public officials, and possibly filing a
lawsuit, and also plans to make the law an issue in elections.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 9:27:13 AM EDT
good for them!!
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 12:04:36 PM EDT
Good for them!  If anyone needs the Second Amendment its the homosexual community.  Why more of them dont see this is beyond me.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 12:31:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 12:53:00 PM EDT
Great for them!
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 12:53:21 PM EDT
You go girl?
AHhh CavVet tell me it ain't so!
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 1:43:57 PM EDT
OH HELL NO MISFIRE, oops, Hangfire....Its a weak attempt to be a 'compassionate' republican...to repent from my early days of fraggin those I didnt understand...To try and be a millennium kinda guy...next project....a pink shirt? maybe a little mouse for my hair??

I was being sarcastic........

Link Posted: 3/14/2001 2:25:56 PM EDT
OH HELL NO MISFIRE, oops, Hangfire....Its a weak attempt to be a 'compassionate' republican...to repent from my early days of fraggin those I didnt understand...To try and be a millennium kinda guy...next project....a pink shirt? maybe a little mouse for my hair??

I was being sarcastic........

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Thank God! I am greatly relieved!
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 2:32:51 PM EDT
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 3:06:07 PM EDT
fags with guns? odd,

its funny, the whole firearms communtiy can scream for years and they will never listen to us. but a bunch of sodomites start a little protest and everyone will be all worried about what their saying cause their a "minority"

well i hope they get somthing done
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 3:27:36 PM EDT
they're likely to get further than the rest of us. Overall, a sad comentary on society.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 3:46:57 PM EDT

I caught the end of this story. I will post a link asap from fox as soon as I can find it.

It seems that two gay men killed a thirteen year old after keeping him as a sex slave for one or two weeks.  During the week(s) they raped this true CHILD (under the age of fourteen) The body of the thirteen year old was found today or yesterday covered in feces and urine.  Police said that they could not show photos or tape of what they found.  More on this as soon as I find a link.

I say, "Ban all Gays for the Children"

Link Posted: 3/14/2001 4:19:19 PM EDT
i would love to kill the fags that did that. what should bo done to the faggets? hhhrrrmmmm.......... check out the FA glock mpeg. that might do teh job. Aids was funny untill it got into the main non fag population. i wish their was some kind gay pleage. like they thought aids was at first. im ont saying aids is funny, its goddamn awful, but something that only killed gays would be quite good. perhaps some kind of gay hemmoragic fever. any evil scientists out their, make some gay fever, fast acting, devistating, fatal. what those fags did to some innocent,harmless,boy with his whole life ahead of him. once some fags took a 13 year old boy from the  state fair or somthing. they made hima  sex slave for years. he is an adult now and he is so fucked up from what they did to him he wont see his own mother. when i think about stuff like that it makes me want to find every ass pirate on earth and ***** *** **** a *******. we have nazi's and "neo" nazis that hate jews(i dont, for the record) . we have KKKmen that hate the black folk. perhaps their should be somkind of uncondictional Fag haters, if one exists, where can i join?  i may have upset some people with this, if i have, i dont really care. if you are a fag sympathiser, or even toleratior, just think about a 13 year old kid selling candy to raise money for a band trip walking up to a door, getting pulled in and having things more horrible than i can imagin dome to him for hours,weeks, or years, just to be killed when the fags cant have anymore fun with him, makes me fucking sick. god hates fags, aids is the cure.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 4:49:13 PM EDT
Many oppressed minorities need to know that self defense best comes from the muzzle of a gun. The gays realize that the cops are not going to protect them as much as suburban nuclear families.
The Black Panthers realized the best defense from police brutality was their own weapons.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 5:55:44 PM EDT
Hey Mattsd:

So if any one person or group of people in a population commit an attrocity, we should just carve the entire population up like a pumpkin?  So if any male ever took a 13 year old girl and made her his sex slave, we should remember that everytime we look at a hetrosexual male?  

It is a basic fallacy of logic to attribute characteristics of some members of a group to all members of the group.  That applies to gays, right wing conservatives, gun owners, and any other group you can think of.  

I am glad that the Pink Pistols are protesting and getting coverage.  Gays are one of the most discriminated and hated groups on this planet.  If it takes them speaking out about the arbitrary and capricious acts of the licensing authorities to get through to people, especially liberals, more power to them.  Maybe they will influence a few votes in favor of a "shall issue" law or at least cause some people to pause the next time some unworkable government plan is put forward.  

Let's face it:  a LOT of people hear the term NRA and put their hands over their ears.  (Look at the libels about Eddie Eagle.)  If they listen to the Pink Pistols instead of the NRA, great.  

We should be welcoming supporters with open arms and not engaging is crude gay bashing.  

Wasn't it Churchill who, when asked why he was supporting that devil incarnate Joseph Stalin in WWII, pointed out that if the Devil himself were fighting Hitler, Churchill could find some nice things to say about the Devil.

Link Posted: 3/14/2001 8:26:08 PM EDT
yah, i know i got carried away with the pumpkin thing. but i dont really care. god hates fags
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 9:00:19 PM EDT
yah, i know i got carried away with the pumpkin thing. but i dont really care. god hates fags
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And you would know what God hates how, exactly?
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 9:15:03 PM EDT
I believe the correct term here would not be "fag", but rather "pedophile".  I hope they can get something done as well, god knows the NRA has'nt been able to get through of late.  Call me tolerant or whatever, I don't know about the rest of you but my motto is "Don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you".
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 9:34:33 PM EDT
AIDS is not a cure for anything. It is the near perfect biological weapon.  AIDS does not kill you it makes you succeptable to whatever indegenous disases are already present in a given culture. I have no great love of ass pirates (lesbians are pretty cool though) but I think Fag bashing should be reserved for a more appropriet site.  The last thing we need is to get stereotyped as a bunch of "assault rifle toting bigots.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 9:49:35 PM EDT
The God Hates Fags folk protest homosexuality, the Pink Pistols protest gun control laws. I think the latter are being much more constructive.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 10:42:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 10:50:23 PM EDT
Hey Tattoo, I'm from WI too.
Hpoe the fag bashers don't take that the wrong way.  What part are you from?
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 11:03:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 11:16:22 PM EDT
I hate to say it but they will get far better results than regular folks. It is not P.C. to discriminate against them. Totally different story for US!
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