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Posted: 1/14/2002 5:26:57 PM EDT

Exactly how long does it take someone to realize that:
1...You have hit somehting
2...Your airbags have deployed
3...You might better stop to see what exactly happened

Link Posted: 1/14/2002 5:35:01 PM EDT
You forgot the part about having 2 dead bodies on your hood.

Go figure, it was a woman driver.  Everyday I'm on the highway and get cut off, even though I typically do 8 to 10 over, it's a woman driver.  Every time somone is doing 40mph in the left lane, where I'm doing 80, 10 over, it's a woman driver.  Every time I'm in a close call, it's a woman driver.

I swear these "soccer moms" in mini-vans think the entire world depends on them completing their tasks and everyone had just better make way for them because they are just so darn important and don't have time to obey the laws.

Those drivers are just lucky I'm not driving a Humvee.  I swear there are times that if I were driving one, I would be very tempted to push their vehicle off the road or at least down the road to get them up to speed.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 5:38:16 PM EDT
You forgot the part about having 2 dead bodies on your hood.

Go figure, it was a woman driver.  Everyday I'm on the highway and get cut off, even though I typically do 8 to 10 over, it's a woman driver.  Every time somone is doing 40mph in the left lane, where I'm doing 80, 10 over, it's a woman driver.  Every time I'm in a close call, it's a woman driver.

I swear these "soccer moms" in mini-vans think the entire world depends on them completing their tasks and everyone had just better make way for them because they are just so darn important and don't have time to obey the laws.

Those drivers are just lucky I'm not driving a Humvee.  I swear there are times that if I were driving one, I would be very tempted to push their vehicle off the road or at least down the road to get them up to speed.
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Damn man, I was gonna post but you just said every single thing I was thinking. Saved me some typing[:)]
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 5:42:20 PM EDT
You want stupid drivers? come to NJ, if I could get O/T writing tickets, I would be rich it is nothing to get have 5 stupid drivers per mile.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 5:43:41 PM EDT
About 12 years ago I was a passenger in a cab in Toronto – having recently moved there. The driver started berating Chinese drivers and I told him he was over-generalizing and intolerant.

It took me a couple of months to realize just how overly-tolerant he had been.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 5:51:38 PM EDT
The sad thing about the soccer-mom situation is I am married to one.  For the life of me I cannot influence her to pay attention to the road, not to cruise in the PASSING lane.  I commute 40 miles one-way every morning and again at night and then I come home to the very source of pure unadulterated highway evil.  But hey, she's great in the sack and I love her.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 6:03:30 PM EDT
Bozz- My sister is the same way except she isn't a soccer mom, she's an attorney. She's bad enough when she's just driving, but added together with [b]constantly[/b] being on the phone and it is a nightmare. I can't stand to ride around with her and she hates to drive with me in the car. When I'm with her I refuse to let her talk on the phone.

Then, she'll get in my car and constantly make all kinds of gasping noises while grabbing the dash like I'm about to plow into something. It drives me absolutely nuts! She'll even say stuff like, "You barely missed that car" or, "You just ran a [b]yellow[/b] light" like she is some kind of expert car driving instructor.

My wife is almost as bad except she knows better than to critique my driving skill.

For some reason, women (yes I'm generalizing/stereotyping/whatever) cannot drive for shit.

To top it all off, I walked into the den one day and my wife is watching a car race??? I asked her what the hell she was doing and she replied, "Well, you are always talking about how bad women drivers are and there just happen to be two women driving in this race and I want to see if either of them win!". Not 30 seconds after she says that, what happened? You guessed it, the two girls racing crashed into each other! Knocked them both out of the race.

I laughed until my sides hurt over that one!
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 6:27:18 PM EDT
Those drivers are just lucky I'm not driving a Humvee.  I swear there are times that if I were driving one, I would be very tempted to push their vehicle off the road or at least down the road to get them up to speed.
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That is exactly why I could never be a truck driver.

We have a bunch of idiots that come around every year to look at sand hill cranes. These idiots will stop in the middle of the road, set up a tri-pod, and start taking pictures of what, imo, is one of the ugliest birds the Lord saw fit to put on this planet.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 6:50:41 PM EDT
You have to look at the numbers, that explains everything.  Stupid people breed like rats right?, right!!  So if you have more stupid people breeding with other stupid people, their kids get dumber  and dumber.  Which leads to more stupid people on the road.  The gene pool isn't getting better, it's being dragged back into the stone age with these stupid SOB's.  How many well educated men do you know that have 8 kids by 5 or 6 different women?  My answer none.  It's the Stupid making stupider, making stupider, and on, and on, and on.  That puts more stupid people on the road.  How do they pass the test, they DON"T.  They just drive like F**king idiots.  I knew a guy who toatled 6 or 7 cars.  He was only close to being seriously injured once.  All of them except one pickup were muscle cars.  I always said he was to dumb to die.  He's probably still alive wrecking cars somewhere else.  Ok, Ok, That's it for now, I am calm and in control of my emotions.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 6:56:31 PM EDT
I was driving through a busy intersection, I had the green light and I was going straight, then some dumb teen girl tries to take a left right in front of me when I had the right of way.  Then through my window I can see her and her fat ass friend calling me an asshole, heh I almost got out of my car.
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 7:05:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 7:08:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 7:44:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 7:45:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 8:23:38 PM EDT
Here's one for you


Link Posted: 1/14/2002 8:31:17 PM EDT
Officers and paramedics arrived and found Spiller dead in an eastbound lane, pinned under the third vehicle that hit her.

Detectives believe her belongings were stolen by passers-by who rummaged through her purse, wallet and backpack before officers arrived. Police said a person at the scene gave officers Spiller's identification card, telling them he got it from a young boy in the area.

[red] And you wonder why LEO's seem suspicious of others..........[/red]

Link Posted: 1/14/2002 8:35:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/14/2002 8:47:17 PM EDT
Wow thats gotta be one of the worst ways to go.

Hit by 3 cars then robbed... The Kalifornians are getting out of their pin.
Link Posted: 1/15/2002 1:06:37 PM EDT
This is a pet peeve of mine! Driving in the DFW area is one of the most frustrating endeavors I have ever undertaken.

Around here, there are hundreds of miles of Interstate and expressways, but there are scads of IDIOTS. There's always one in back of me who wants to go 80, and one on front of me who wants to go 40. These yoyos think nothing of clogging up an entire freeway by occupying the left lane at a speed of 50 mph. I get run off the road with boring regularity, and everywwhere I go I seem to be staring at the ass-end of a f***** truck. I don't hink ten percent of the drivers around here have any idea what cruise control is, and I am certain that ninety percent of the drivers are actually TOO F****** STUPID to drive.

I've wished many times for a rocket launcher to mount on top of my pickup. I'll just keep watching on eBay...
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