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Posted: 12/6/2001 4:09:34 AM EDT

Here's your chance. I stumbled across this link yesterday. These guys are just down the road from me. I have seen most of these things on display at an airshow at Grayson County airport last spring. Dont know what the prices on any of this is but it looks like it would be hell of a lot of fun.

A team building experience?  Hmmm now if we could just get our second line supervisor to join in and be in just the right spot.......well never mind.
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:22:12 AM EDT
I already did such a thing.

I drove (many many many years ago) a Leopard 1A1.

Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:31:37 AM EDT
Post from PaoloAR15 -
I drove (many many many years ago) a Leopard 1A1.
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What? The Israelis didn't let you drive that chariot (Merkeva) around that you were sitting on in that photo you posted? How rude!

You certainly looked like you wanted to drive it!

Eric The(WeMayAllGetAChanceToDriveOneSomeday!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:44:40 AM EDT

Ehm... no. Unfortunately the Israelis were busy with something else!!! jokes apart, I drove the Leopard of my army, the Esercito Italiano.

About my visit in Latrun I am about to publish a reportage (both in Italian and English) on my firearm site.

See you soon Eric.
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 8:56:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 11:31:49 AM EDT
Driving a tank is pretty fun for a bit, but it's really not that big of a deal.

Maintaining one of those pigs is where the REAL fun is. Just wait 'till you throw a track or break a torsion bar. Oh joy! Just the memories make me all warm and fuzzy inside! [:)]
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:21:45 PM EDT
Too bad they don't have M1's. I loved running around in those Beasts. After the M1's it was back to the TXANG and the 60A3's. The last AT I went to we upgraded to M1's. Had a blast.Bommer is right, maintaining them is a experiance.
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:31:13 PM EDT
I drove an APC once. After about 45 seconds the instructor said, "Well, thay's enough. Give somebody else a chance."
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:36:05 PM EDT
Driving a tank is pretty fun for a bit, but it's really not that big of a deal.

Maintaining one of those pigs is where the REAL fun is. Just wait 'till you throw a track or break a torsion bar. Oh joy! Just the memories make me all warm and fuzzy inside! [:)]
View Quote

The best part is when you throw track in a swamp and have to break it and put it back on, while wearing MOPP1 and flak vest in the Ft Stewart GA summer[:D]
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 4:40:16 PM EDT
Located in sherman, tx.. nice coincidence.  starts at 500 dollars..
Link Posted: 12/6/2001 9:30:12 PM EDT
We were driving cross-country at Hohenfels about 20 or 30mph - really hauling ass for cross-country - and the right track went into this 6 or 8 foot deep hole.  The whole tank pitched, really went bang!  All the stuff flew around inside the turret, me (looking out the loader's hatch) and the TC both ate the skate rings.

Too cool.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 2:12:40 AM EDT
One time while at Grafenwohr, another guy in my platoon was TCing his track (Multiple Launch Rocket System) when they hit a big hole. Now, in an MLRS launcher the TC stands on his seat cushion while he's up in the hatch. Anyway, they hit the hole, the track literally dropped out from under his feet, and then gravity pulled him back down. His feet missed the seat, and what finally ended up stopping him was his chin/lower jaw smashing down on the top of the cab. That makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it!
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 3:20:47 AM EDT
Where are you at Gopher? That place is about 5 minutes away from me......
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 3:58:04 AM EDT
Down here on Hwy 75 on the Grayson Collin line. We'll need to try out the new indoor shooting range when it opens.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 6:58:48 AM EDT
At Benning during IOBC Mech week, I was Platoon Leader for one of the excercises.  I had two M60 tanks (with real crews) and 4 M113 APC full's of butter bars acting as snuffies.

It was heady stuff and I was feeling like Patton, as I look across my armored armada as the sun cast it's golden afternoon light.

I was just enjoying being alive and being a soldier, when the APC on my right struck a deadfall.  The snag was about 40' tall and the 1st 20' or so slammed to the gound, leaving the other 20' hanging in the air like a cartoon.

It hung there just until the TC hatch came directly beneath, then it came down on the TC's head like whack-a-mole.   The trunk drove him down through the hatch, but luckily the forward speed of the track (plus bouncing of the TC's head)prevented the trunk from coming on down in to the hatch.  If it had not hit the rim, it likely would have crushed the guy to death.

That was the 1st time I got to call in Med-Evac!  We were some distance from the TAC's so it was all on me to get the Huey on the way.  

The guy had a concussion, broken jaw and some missing teeth.  It was kinda' funny seeing it the way I did all silouetted by the afternoon sun, but the reality is he could have just as easily been killed.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 7:15:44 AM EDT
I have driven

113's a lot
M1 once and it was smooth
but once a "REDLEG" always a "REDLEG" an MLRS SPLL driver through and through
funny I cant remember if its m299 or m297 or m279 or what we never called it that....
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 1:47:14 PM EDT
The M993 carrier carries the M270 AVMRL (Armored Vehicle Mounted Rocket Launcher), which make an M269 SPLL. "The track" is a whole lot simpler LOL

Former SPLL driver, gunner, section chief, recon sgt, and ammo section chief.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 2:31:22 PM EDT
Went from Airborne Infantry to Armour , got tired of walking everywhere I went. Started out in the M60A1 , moved up to the M1 Abrams , Talk about a KILLING MACHINE !!!   We called it the "Jeti Tank" right out of Star Wars. Hauling ass across country , gunner locked on target , laseing, FIRE , ON THE WAY , TARGET , from a mile or more away !! What is the down side ? Throwing a track anywhere , but in feet of mud in Mopp gear really sucks , have spent more than 10 hrs putting a track back on and cleaning the bitch up to turn in to the motor pool. For some reason the motor pool guys want them SPOTLESS ! Hell its a tank , its not the kitchen counter. O'I forgot to say how cool it is running over BIG trees, and old buildings and just about anything that gets in your way.
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