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Posted: 11/7/2001 8:02:06 AM EDT
The former prez Klintoon was too busy stealing furniture and working on domestic pardon issues of criminals rather then to bolster our intelligence efforts. Here is quote from Russia's Putin .."Putin's government had warned the Clinton administration about bin Laden last June, saying the Saudi dissident's camps in Afghanistan were supplying Islamic militants to fight in the breakaway republic of Chechnya. But Russian officials said the Americans showed little interest in the warning. "We certainly were counting on a more active cooperation in combating international terrorism," Putin told Walters.


Clinton administration will not stand the test of time. I am fearful he did more damage then we may ever know.
Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:05:19 AM EDT
Clinton administration will not stand the test of time. I am fearful he did more damage then we may ever know.
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I fear the damage we are gonna shortly find out about.

And I'll make this prediction - the Clinton administration will come to be viewed as one of the five worst administrations EVER.

Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:09:07 AM EDT
I fear the damage we are gonna shortly find out about.

And I'll make this prediction - the Clinton administration will come to be viewed as one of the five worst administrations EVER.
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FDR, Lincoln, Clinton, ...?, ...?

I too fear what else we still don't know about  that that fool's minions did when he was in office.
Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:09:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:12:24 AM EDT
Yep, the country will wake up one day, like from a college party not knowing what exactly they did while searching for their own clothes to put on.

They will wake up to torture of its citizens (who are disarmed), under constant surveillance, with no rights, only magnanimously granted priveleges. Troops on the streets.

Who is to blame? they will ask.

We are- all of us.
Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:13:48 AM EDT

And I'll make this prediction - the Clinton administration will come to be viewed as one of the five worst administrations EVER.
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FDR, Lincoln, Clinton, ...?, ...?

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Carter comes to mind. But at least he was honestly inept.

Clinton wasn't. Clinton will either be viewed as someone who was intentionally negligent for the duties of the presidency, or just downright contemptuous for our nation.

Honestly, I can't think of four other administrations that sank to his level.

Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:15:23 AM EDT
FIVE?  FIVE?!!  Methinks it can be narrowed down [b]MUCH[/b] further than that.  You are just being kind to a scoundrel.  LOL
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You're right.

See above.

It's all this dang false objectivity and PC'ness that made me say that. [:D]

Link Posted: 11/7/2001 8:54:19 AM EDT
At least Carter had a good heart, and I believe he was, at his core, HONEST!

Now Clinton, on the other hand, thats a whole nother story..
Link Posted: 11/8/2001 4:40:34 AM EDT
If the Clinton administration spent as much money fighting terrorism that it spent fighting Bill Gates, 9-11 might never have happened.

Link Posted: 11/8/2001 7:37:16 PM EDT
can he Clinton be brought up on charges of treason?
Link Posted: 11/8/2001 8:01:33 PM EDT
can he Clinton be brought up on charges of treason?
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Need two seperate witnesses to each individual act...

But that was before video and audio tape.
Link Posted: 11/8/2001 8:14:48 PM EDT
I fear the damage we are gonna shortly find out about.

And I'll make this prediction - the Clinton administration will come to be viewed as one of the five worst administrations EVER.
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FDR, Lincoln, Clinton, ...?, ...?

I too fear what else we still don't know about  that that fool's minions did when he was in office.
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Lincoln was our greatest President.
Nixon was our worst.Second Reagan.Johnson third.Clinton fourth.FDR was fifth.
Link Posted: 11/8/2001 9:22:02 PM EDT
and just think how much farther that witch of a wife will contribute to the Clinton Legacy...
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 5:44:22 AM EDT
How would you like your daughter to bring that commie ball of turkey shit home, and one day call you DAD?  "Here comes the big one Elizabeth." [puke]

Bad as he was and is, a new day is born and a new president with character and love for our country has taken over, there is a God and he carries a AR-15 and a picture of Teddy Roosevelt in his back pocket. God Bless God

edited because I don't see my mistakes until they are posted, I need a bigger typing screen.
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 6:31:18 AM EDT
I saw that TV news had a sound bite & video on the Clintons recently, showing them with Chelsea recently.  Say that on 9/11, Chelsea couldn't reach either of them.  The news media is still smarting over the election loss of Al Gore and they still can't believe that the Clintons are out of power. The news media people keep the Clintons in the news spotlight on every pretense whenever possible.
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 6:57:09 AM EDT

Lincoln was our greatest President.
Nixon was our worst.Second Reagan.Johnson third.Clinton fourth.FDR was fifth.
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Am I misunderstanding???

Reagan was worse than Clinton???

Welcome to earth. How was your trip from Mars????

Link Posted: 11/9/2001 10:02:01 AM EDT
Have to speak up about Grimshaw's selection also. Clinton definitely scraping the bottom along with LBJ, FDR, Nixon,(and Bush SR for what he done to us gun owners- lyin' POS). Reagan was the man! Maybe not in the magnitude of Teddy Roosevelt, Washington or Polk but pretty damn close! Communism came a tumbling down! Granted, the economy sucked during that time for the hourly-paid guy (personally I blame it on the Sandinista lovin' Democrat controlled Congress during the majoity of his tenure) but it was still better than where Carter was taking us.

Have noticed one thing about my Democrat friends is that whenever you mention what a scum-sucking lowlife Bill is the first thing out of their mouths is NIXON! So now the big thing with them is how the Bushes are always starting wars and the economy sucks when a Bush is in control. Socialism will never die [:(]!
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 10:06:44 AM EDT
PS Reagan was a true American and a real Patriot!
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 10:48:20 AM EDT
Nixon although not my favorite president,was OK with me. I would rather have Nixon as president anyday than Klintong and that bunch of law breaking commies he surrounded himself with,(most couldn't even get a security clearance.) Nixon did wrong but he does not come close to Klintong in the scoundrel department. Look at what Klintong got away with. The self-loving lying POS didn't even resign and save the Republic the embarrassment of impeachment. Thank God he is out of politics and on to new things.
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 11:09:39 AM EDT
Lincoln was the most destructive president to state and individual rights prior to Clinton.  Lincoln greatest president, what government school did you attend?  Planerench out.
Link Posted: 11/9/2001 7:20:34 PM EDT
Lincoln believed that "all men are created equal". Paid with his life in the fight for that belief.You may have noticed his image at Rushmore.He was an eloquent man that put others above himself.
Captain Zodiac was not the reason Socialism failed. Certainly his example of guns for money to our enemies was the envy of free, God fearing countries everywhere. He should have resigned when he could no longer remember. He financially raped this country.The only monuments in Washington D.C. that are named for him are ones that he commissioned himself.

It is claimed by some that Nixon had complicity in Kennedy's death. It is also claimed that evidence aboard Flight 556 was the reason he approved E. Howard Hunt's altitude triggered bombing of that flight that dropped into Chicago.Seems Hunts wife had a briefcase full of stuff that would incriminate the gang.Read it in Fletcher Prouty's book.
Link Posted: 11/10/2001 3:26:14 AM EDT
Lincoln believed that "all men are created equal".
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[orange]Why did Lincoln, who opposed social and political equality for blacks, eventually free the slaves?

“My ancient faith teaches me that 'all men are created equal'; and that there can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another.”

Abraham Lincoln

“What next? Free them and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this, and if mine would, we well know that the great mass of white peoples will not.”

Abraham Lincoln

    These two quotes were taken from Lincoln’s The Monstrous Injustice of Slavery speech delivered on October 16, 1854. All in one speech he questions whether or not the “Negro” is a man, whether or not they are smart enough to participate in society, and suggests that they be sent back to Africa. Later on in the speech he suggests emancipation, says slavery is a violation of rights, and says, “our republican robe is soiled.” How can there be such distinct contradictions in Lincoln’s words?

    Early on in his life, Abraham Lincoln stated that slavery was wrong. As a boy in Illinois Abe was quoted as saying, “If I ever get a chance to hit that thing, I'll hit it hard.” Lincoln believed that slavery as a practice was wrong and should be contained to the south. He debated with Stephen Douglas that the restriction of slavery had been the policy of the founding fathers and that the democrats had departed from the great tradition of containing an evil that could not be immediately contained. Lincoln’s hypocrisy can be seen in Douglas’ most effective debating point. Douglas claimed that Lincoln’s moral opposition to slavery implied a belief in racial equality. Lincoln, facing an intensely racist electorate in his election, responded with his fervent belief in white supremacy. He believed that blacks should be given the fruits of their own labor, but should not have the “privileges” of citizenship.

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."

    Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves because he wanted to preserve the UNION. He felt that the nation could not survive half-free, half-slave.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”


You are correct. But he also believed that, as Orwell so aptly put it, "Some animals are more equal than others."

Link Posted: 11/10/2001 1:43:05 PM EDT
Communism (not Socialism) did not fail of it's own accord (as a matter of fact Socialism is very much alive and well here in no small thanks due to the likes of Klinton and his Communitarian minions and all of the PC feel-goods thriving in our gov) but was defeated by Reagan's program to rebuild our military after years of drastic downsizing during the Carter Administration and the political backlash of the Vietnam experience. Communism in the USSR finally failed because of Reagan's policies and he has been credited with it's fall by no less than Yeltsin himself(IIRC).

AS stated before, the democrats were in power during Reagan's tenure and as is well known the Congress makes and passes the budget so he indeed may have learned to dance with the Devil to get what he needed to get where we needed to go. The S&L fiasco was the result of the Democratically controlled government passing the amendments to lessen controls over the banking institutions and of the Keating 5, 4 were democrats and the one republican was McCain ( A socialist in Republican clothing).

He bitch slapped Ortega,Khaddafi and Khomenie for being the bitches they were and may well have helped make Hussien more of a despot than he was previously,but fact remains as always that the enemy of my enemy... .

As for the comparison with  his peers at least he did not lessen National Security restrictions to provide a foriegn hostile government with advanced technology, continue a extended vacation abroad at taxpayer expense, stretch the military to it's limits and exhaust valuable resources on questionable UN activities and gut our military into a shell of it's former self, rent out National monuments for political gratuities, consider his entire tenure a continuing campaign for political funds,trash fed employees careers as a form of repayment for politcal support, give terrorists advance notice of our intention to seek retribution for attacks on our soveriegnty, play a Wag the Dog scenario to detract from his personal disgraces, mistake the White House for the Playboy Masion, or kill US citizens because their  beliefs in personal rights differed from his and feeling a need to create a national stage to deliver the message then hide behind the skirt of a dyke (to name a few).

The man was responsible for more benifit to our country than the last 3 Democratic presidents combined. Read he was not a disgrace or egomaniacal self-indulgent over-aged teenager with socialist leanings, a power hungry manipulative despot of a man or a whiny, feel-my-pain liberal pantywaist.

Thanks for the notice on the Tin-Foil hat membership- pretty sure being a Prouty fan qualifies you.
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