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Posted: 9/7/2001 12:09:29 AM EDT
Just when I thought they were gone.

They are getting even more stupid with age.

These morons go to a tobacco convention and harass the security guards at the hotel.  Looks like the [strike]Venetian[/strike]Bellagio in Las Vegas.

I think their silly commercials are all staged and faked.  If it were real, they should have gotten their asses thrown out on the sidewalk.

Do you know that cigs contain ammonia?  Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Who are these morons anyhow?

I think there is a better way to get the word out other than making asses of themselves.

Busting underage smokers on high school grounds is a good start.

Sorry about the rant. It's...

For the children.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 12:46:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 12:53:57 AM EDT
Ospray is right. TV is EVIL!! You're being brainwashed!
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 1:02:06 AM EDT
Trying to fight it...

I have an 11/87 and USP45 at hand right now.

Might disturb the neighbors though.

At least I got to watch my girl Britney tonight.

I have shot up a tv before and that gas tube really blew everywhere.  I planted a 12gauge slug right in the middle of that damm Sony Trinitron.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 1:16:53 AM EDT
Now your talkin! [:D]
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 1:19:42 AM EDT
Ya Britney was hot, hot, hot!!!!

Who is that fool she's hanging with anyways?

Probably some boy toy.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 1:23:16 AM EDT
He's from insinc, or some shit like that. But she's a virgin!  [rolleyes]
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 4:02:45 AM EDT
There is a book called, "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" that you might want to read.

Kill it.

Link Posted: 9/7/2001 5:41:16 AM EDT
"Don't you guys know the tobacco giants have been in bed with our govt.since before WWI.In WWII our troops were""issued"" cartons of smokes
                       like their issue weapons.This no doubt was so the govt. would pay out less to our vets in their old age...they had less chance to make it after a life of
                       smoking started(peerpresureed)by the comaradry of the armed servies.Lots of navy(destroyer guns+)vets are near deaf because only the wussy
                       boys wore hearing protection" POSTED BY DNRA

Well it goes back a lot farther than that. One of our best exports to the homeland (England) was tobacco. This crop has played a big part in the origin of this country. That's what makes it so difficult to fight now. It has its place in our history. Oh well... but it wasn't till within the last 50 years or so that the tobacco companies really started turning it into a "designer drug". While chemical additives and hybrid crop development could be argued as merely an attempt to improve the product, the routine of marketing it to the teen population was nothing short of criminal, and in a grissly way.

The induction of mood altering chemicals into an adolescent during their body's development is paterned toward creating "long-term addiction". Their scientists and psychologists reported this to the corporate weasels and thus the marketing was broadened to cover this group.

These "truth" commercials are stupid, just like most other stupid commercials. They do this to get your attention. It may be considered a mistake though since their goal is not one of product familiarity but more one of conversion to their agenda. This technique may be less effective for that. It's their money and agenda though. Only time will tell.

Myself, I kind of liked the one where they have all the body bags stacked up.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 6:13:43 AM EDT
C-Rations used to have little five packs of Marbollo's(sp?) in them. I don't when they discontinued this practice (I'm assuming they have stopped it by now) but they were still in them when I was in the service. That was more than a few years ago though.
Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go open a fresh pack of smokes.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 6:32:29 AM EDT
“Fight Tobacco”???

WTF? The last I heard, tobacco was a legal product. I don’t smoke or use any type of tobacco product; Never have! But I absolutely support people using tobacco if they choose (even if they are damaging themselves).

You know what? If you eat fast food 14 times a week, you are going to have an increased chance of being obese and dying of a heart attack. These Big Macs are a public health menace! People need to be protected from themselves! Those bastards at McDonalds actually add fat to their Big Macs with that special sauce. Not only that; did you know that the ¼ pounder actually have over 4 oz of fatty beef!?!? Those poor unsuspecting McDonald’s customers… They need government protection! Don’t even get me started about Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, etc…

We need the government and the trial lawyers to get us more funds for public health. While we’re at it, we need to fund the CDC to study the affects of fast food, tobacco, guns, milk consumption, meat, and why children hate those nasty Brussels sprouts.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 6:36:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 6:51:28 AM EDT
In mexico, a pack of smokes runs $1.40. Then here with Fed/State taxes at $1/$1, the price is $3.40  Next they have the gall to sue the tobacco companies for their $0.40 profit.  Wonder where these tax dollars goes, and I don't believe it's medical for smokers.

Like an orange web site (I didn't), try this
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 7:05:59 AM EDT
He's from insinc, or some shit like that. But she's a virgin! [rolleyes]
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Maybe in one orifice. . . .
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 7:26:38 AM EDT
The thing I hate about the "Truth" commercials is that they make it sound like nobody ever made the choice to smoke.  They apparently claim that tobacco executives go on killing sprees just for the fun of it.  

If you get sick and die from cigarrettes, it is your own damn fault.  You know the risks.  Stop trying to blame everyone else.  I hate those commercials!

That reminds me... I have to go post this hate on the "Things you hate" thread!
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 9:04:49 AM EDT
He's from insinc, or some shit like that. But she's a virgin! [rolleyes]
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Maybe in one orifice. . . .
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That joke never gets old.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 1:31:59 PM EDT
He's from insinc, or some shit like that. But she's a virgin! [rolleyes]
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Maybe in one orifice. . . .
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What? Her ears?
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 2:44:35 PM EDT
What really bugs me about these "Truth" commercials is that all the protestors are these "twenty-somethings" fresh from their store-bought public school indoct.. errh.. education, with their whiney voices full of  indignation and self-righteousness.  "Ewww.. these people are selling cigarette.. eww.. they are bad for you"  Thanks to the economic downturn and drama/liberal art major, these limp-wrists are probably flipping hamburgers now.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 5:42:09 PM EDT

WTF? The last I heard, tobacco was a legal product.
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Yeah.  Guns are a legal product too.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 6:15:14 PM EDT
What really bugs me about these "Truth" commercials is that all the protestors are these "twenty-somethings" fresh from their store-bought public school indoct.. errh.. education, with their whiney voices full of  indignation and self-righteousness.  "Ewww.. these people are selling cigarette.. eww.. they are bad for you"  Thanks to the economic downturn and drama/liberal art major, these limp-wrists are probably flipping hamburgers now.
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So that's what a liberal arts major does.

And here I thought that to be a useless major.
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 7:11:27 PM EDT
I hate those damn commercials!!!  Just once I would like to see someone the Truth clan harasses beat the sh!t out of them!!!  
Link Posted: 9/7/2001 7:34:39 PM EDT
"You know what? If you eat fast food 14 times a week, you are going to have an increased chance of being obese and dying of a heart attack. These Big Macs are a public health menace! People need to be protected from themselves! Those bastards at McDonalds actually add fat to their Big Macs with that special sauce. Not only that; did you know that the ¼ pounder actually have over 4 oz of fatty beef!?!? Those poor unsuspecting McDonald’s customers… They need government protection! Don’t even get me started about Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, etc…" POSTED BY MrP

Was that a response to my earlier post or just babble?

Sounds like babble to me. There is no correlation between the extreme stretch of perhaps psychological addiction to laziness, as related to fast food and that of a chemical addiction to nicotine.

I found your response pretty humerous though. I just hope you really don't think anybody is stupid enough to buy such a poorly cross-linked correlation. At least when the politicians use this distorted logic, they are getting big bucks from the tobaccy makers. I hope you're getting paid for this like all your roll models. If not, you're lips are justa flappin in the wind for no reason (well other that the humor factor anyway, thanks for the mild case of the giggles I got while reading it).

I never advocated the illegalization of anything. I think every body has the right to smoke, and God knows I don't want a bunch of drug addicts going cold turkey at the same time. That would be scary.

Oh, and we don't really need the CDC to study the effects of nutrition. We have the CSPI for that. That is the Center for Science and Public Interest (or something like that). They have been telling us of the hazzards of fats, transfats, cholesterol, etc. for years. They're the guys who are always around to explain that little food pyramid and such.

Link Posted: 9/7/2001 10:58:10 PM EDT
I hate those damn commercials!!!  Just once I would like to see someone the Truth clan harasses beat the sh!t out of them!!!  
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Hell, I'll even pay to see it.

Shove some of that ammoniade down their throats.

Their new crap commercials focus on the ammonia/cigarette aspect.  They call it ammoniade and try to get people to drink it.

Use this for target practice.  Here's some info on the next shoot.

A fleet of orange truth Outbreak trucks filled with young rats and obscenely expensive gasoline descends upon LA, Chicago, Atlanta and New York City.
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