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Posted: 7/17/2001 3:23:30 PM EDT
Here are some real winners:
is it only coincidence that those screaming for their "right" to run around with guns in their pockets have more limited education than those who oppose gun control. is it also a coincidence that those who have limited experiences with "different" people and cultures are also the vast majority of this group. The ringleaders/politicians are the ones who banded these people with irrational fears and take advantage of them for votes and political power, even they themselves know better and have nothing else in common with them. it's a power control synergy..those who need the votes helping those who are ignorant and helpless in the real world. An education empowers those who otherwise fear and are frustrated. Shame on the GOP for fanning these flames for the votes, and shame on those in the NRA who take advantage of frightened people for the money to buy the votes. No one really cares about safety except those of us who fear gun toting lunies looking for their moment of glory.
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Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:27:58 PM EDT
It is no wonder states like Texas have concealed weapon laws. All rednecks have are their guns. These laws are just ridiculous. It's time for some decent gun control. People talk about protecting themselves, but I would feel a lot safer if I knew the guy sitting next to me doesn't have a .45 underneath his jacket.
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You know it would be nice if some of you guys came over to help with these misguided fools.

However there are also some very logical and reasoned pro gun arguments, and even some informative posts.
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:29:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:30:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:35:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:47:21 PM EDT
Check out this thread, especially the middle post:

Author:  snoris (1 Msg)
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Concealed Carry  4:13PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

On November 5, 1999, I was accosted by a young man who wanted my camera and, very likely, my life. Thanks to my Texas concealed carry permit, I was carrying a pistol. As he started to reach underneath his basketball jersey, I pulled back my jacket to show him I was armed. He turned around, went back to his car and told his two passengers, "We picked the wrong guy, he's got a gun."

I didn't have to pull the trigger or even draw the weapon. All I had to do was show him I was armed. That's what happens in 99% of the encounters armed civilians have with criminals. Concealed carry works, folks. I'm living proof.

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[b]Author:  elpaso15 (Read all messages by this author)
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Re: Concealed Carry  4:25PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

Very likely, the criminal you thwarted by displaying your firearm took out an extra measure of rage on his subsequent victim(s) because he was unable to have his way with you. This is the unseen "trickle down" effect of violence - "justified" or not.
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Author:  stevie1969 (Read all messages by this author)
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Re: Concealed Carry  4:32PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

Elpaso, I thought you had more intelligence than that. I read some of our post and thought he is objective, NOTWhat you just said makes no sense at all. llets see, I better let this guy hurt me so the next guy wont get hurt worse, I don't f__en think so pal, if anything he got to thinking that maybe the next guy has one too and he will think again...

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How many of you are going to let themsleves be attacked, because the criminal might do more damage to the next person they meet out of anger for being rebuffed?

Does that line of reasoning even make sense to anyone?
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 3:52:33 PM EDT

There are some angry people there who are complaining that ABC erased their posts from yesterday.

Also it appears ABC tried to hide the poll, taking it down and not moving it to their "poll vault" where your supposed to be able to look up old polls.  This has been thworted temporairaly by ME[:)] because I posted the direct link to the .gif itself that we were using to keep track last night.  They didnt erase the poll so the .gif link still works, regardless of where they tried to hide the poll.
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 4:00:39 PM EDT

There are some angry people there who are complaining that ABC erased their posts from yesterday.

Also it appears ABC tried to hide the poll, taking it down and not moving it to their "poll vault" where your supposed to be able to look up old polls.  This has been thworted temporairaly by ME[:)] because I posted the direct link to the .gif itself that we were using to keep track last night.  They didnt erase the poll so the .gif link still works, regardless of where they tried to hide the poll.
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Good job man, [beer] I was lurking over there a hour or so ago and was wondering if that was you.
Link Posted: 7/17/2001 4:14:53 PM EDT
Check out this mental titan:
Author:  Repealthe2nd (Read all messages by this author)
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Re: CCW  5:13PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

You can't be prepared for most of these shootings that have ocurred because they occured in schools and other places where you'd least suspect it.

Trust me, the feeling that you get that you describe as 'safer' really is just a feeling.
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Author:  Repealthe2nd (Read all messages by this author)
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Re: Only 1 solution  5:22PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

Common sense is this:

If you pick up a gun, sooner or later someone is going to get shot. Therefore, remove the guns.

"It could be the person working in the office next to yours, or sitting at the next table in your favorite restaurant."
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Link Posted: 7/17/2001 4:45:51 PM EDT
Now this guy, I feel sorry for what happened to him...

Author:  boxcar111 (Read all messages by this author)
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Re: how is concealment a deterent?  5:41PM PDT, Jul 17, 2001

Thanks- but other side of coin is police response

Sure you can carry a shotgun out on the street,
but by personal experience ($4000 lesson) if a
good citizen feels threatened by your open carry
you can get into a helluva' lot of trouble as in
the following charges:
* MisUse of a FireArm
Cops can come onto a teenage rumbel armed, not U
* Aggravated Assault
No one was assaulted, they just THOT they might be
when the object of my shotgun was as a deterrent,
and it worked- No one was hurt OR threatened.
* Contributing to dilenquency of minors.
By demonstrating for all to see how to use a weapon for self defense and/or a deterrent (one
teenager was trying to run down others on a M/C)
He didn't even bother to turn on the engine when
he saw the shotgun. So who called 911? I did, and
they came and arrested me, the bad guy, because I
had the audacity to exercise my 2nd ammendment
right to keep and bear arms. The fact that I was
able to quell a "rumble" in my own neighborhood
was of no consequence, I was making use of a fire
arm in a public disturbance just like a cop would
and that made me a bad guy because I did not have
the authority to ursurp the job of the police.
I propose that this is a solid reason to have a
concealed carry law on the books, so the cops
cannot crucify you for exercising 2nd ammendment
right to keep and bear arms. Hey, it cost me $4K
to defend myself in court and I only won because
my lawyer roomed with the judge back in college.
Contributing to dilenquency carrys an automatic
one year sentence, and misuse of a firearm now
prevents me from buying a machine gun among others

Is this country going crazy or what? As long as
Corporate America is allowed to sell booze in all
the supermarkets & gas stations, we will continue
to have a huge drug & DWI problem and young men
will continue to behave as wild monkeys on drugs.
We sent the wrong message to an entire generation
of young children when we put liquor stores in our
commodity outlets (grocery stores & gas stations).
It will not go away until we reverse this and go
back to mom & pop liquor stores. Meanwhile we all
have to carry weapons to protect ourselves from
all the human like monkeys loosed upon the Earth.
its all insanity now- Sorry about that, boxcar
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Link Posted: 7/17/2001 4:49:10 PM EDT
Armd, I just about fell out of my chair laughing over the image of "mental titan."  Thanks for making my day.  I must be an exception to the first writer's rule.  I am a well educated gun owner who spent several years living in foreign lands.
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