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Posted: 5/31/2001 6:43:53 PM EDT

Let me start off by making it clear that I am not trying to attack you. I want to let you know why a lot of men "hate" women (actually its more frustration than hate).

Some reasons:

Its legal for women to defraud men when it comes to sex. Case in point, she lies to him about being on the pill, he knockers her up, and no matter what he has to pay child support. She doesn't go to jail. She takes a used condom and impregnates herself, and its the same outcome for the man. THIS HAS HAPPENED!  

You always hear the terms "dead beat dad", "wifebeater" yet you never hear "dead beat mom" or "husband beater".
The same amount of women smack around their husbands, yet no one ever brings this up. Oh, the frail women...(but I thought we were ALL equal?).

We have a "violence against women act" and not a "violence against men act" or "violence against Americans act".

The man hating, angry as fuck, bitter feminists want to screw men at every chance they get, yet its ok because they are "oppressed".

I'll also throw in that they are liars when it comes to sex. Whether about size mattering, or having to admit that they use the fact that they are women to manipulate men.

Women cry about double standards when it comes to them, yet they fail to see that there are pletny when it comes to men. See above.

I'm sure to many I'm sounding like a crying baby who needs to get laid, but perhaps you can see why I'm just a tad bit bitter about this subject. I will also admit that I listen to Tom Leykis regularly and love his show.  

I'm done ranting for now I guess. Flame away.[X]
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 6:56:38 PM EDT
It's about double standards.  According to the popular 'wisdom,' blacks cannot be prejudiced against whites, and only men oppress women.
 Affirmative action has resulted in a sufficient number of incompetent individuals in positions where they make more work for the rest of us.  It's very hard NOT to be prejudiced if you are a white man, you constantly see women, black, Hispanics, and other 'protected minorities' promoted into a position where they are so obviously incompetent, it's almost laughable.  The problem is that if any white guy makes any negative remark about such 'minorities,' you are demonized as a 'racist,' 'sexist,' kor whatever.  Am I prejudiced? YES. SO IS EVERYBODY ELSE!  It is human nature to prefer the company of those we percieve to be like ourselves.  McUzi is entitled to his opinion, minus the disrespect.  He has a faairly good reason for his beliefs.  So do I.  I have learned that the package is no garantee of the contents...............
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:01:26 PM EDT
Very valid points, both of you. I agree 100%
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:03:39 PM EDT
What you both must remember is not "all" women act this way. I would even say they most don't act this way, but if one had done these things, it is seared in your brain.
Just like minorities, percentage wise, more go to prison than whites, but not all are crimminals.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:05:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:06:05 PM EDT
"The package is no guarantee of the contents"
That's very Zen, Paspecops. Also, very true.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:23:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 7:57:50 PM EDT

I don't see it as an attack.. don't worry.  I've long dealt with prejudices against women and I believe that some women make it very hard on the rest of us.  

BTW, while I don't think all women ARE evil... I think all women have the POTENTIAL to be evil... [}:D]

My whole point was not to whine... just to point out some examples of gender prejudice in the hopes of sparking a friendly debate on the comparisons of one form of prejudice over another.  

If I came off as whining, well.. I [i]would[/i] worry about it but I have to go redo my nails... [:D]
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:42:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:59:57 PM EDT
Very valid points, both of you. I agree 100%
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Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:22:32 PM EDT

The same amount of women smack around their husbands, yet no one ever brings this up. Oh, the frail women...(but I thought we were ALL equal?).


I'm done ranting for now I guess. Flame away.[X]
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I don't intend to flame you, merely to correct.  But man, you are so totally off base with that statement.  The VAST MAJORITY of domestic violence is men beating the crap out of women (who are trapped in a psychological vicious circle and can't get themselves out of the relationship).  While there are the rare cases of women seriously beating men, they are exactly that - rare, exceptional cases.

Don't spoil an argument that may spark some legimate debate by throwing in outrageous inaccuracies.

Just my $0.02
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Hey DK...  I would have to say he wasn't so far off...   Maybe not as many as men slapping woman around, but certainly not rare !!!   How many times do you think a man goes running to the phone to dial 911 because his wife slapped him....   Cough..Cough...   Um.. yeah..  I see where you get you rarity statement now... rare because the offenses are rarely called in....  

Dont spoil an argument yourself !!!!  

realist out  
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 10:33:02 PM EDT

Women say the WWF is for idiots but will spend an hour talking about their new shoes. They demand equality but God help you if you don't pick up the check at dinner. They expect to be fire fighters but can't carry a person out of a burning building. They demand to become LEO's and uphold the law but because they're smaller they must shoot to kill when a male officer would have just smacked the suspect with his batton. They frown if you stare at their chest but wear clothes that advertise their boobs like a neon sign. Their clothing is expensive but they only wear the expensive stuff to compete with other women. They live longer, have less stress and earn as much money as we do. In short, we kiss their royal butt's.


Men are pigs. We just need to be trained propperly. Is yours housebroken? Put the seat down next time. What do you mean you're tired?
We never do anything anymore. Are you *still* fixing the car?  I'd like to see you in a jacket and tie. I love you but I'm just not in love with you anymore. Out with your friends, well what about me? But *I* know I'm wearing $150 mailorder underwear. And my personal favorite: I dunno what I feel.

If we men said these things to women they'd jump down our throats. They have no problem treating us badly and laughing about it later with their friends. No problem at all. If you nicely point out these or numerous other charicter faults they call you a sissy.

Women want a tall, dark, silent, mind reader with a huge wallet that says "yes" on command. Forget about love, honor or cherish. They want cash. They hate responsability. Duty, honor, country? No. Shop 'till you drop!

Am I bitter? Yup. Have I got reasons? You betcha. Reason #1. I resent being expendable.
Reason #2. If you disliked Johnny for playing the race card just imagine how we men feel when we see the gender card on the table. Daily. I'd tell you to ask Phil Hartman for his opinion but you can't. Seems his wife took some coke, drank a bit and shot him in the head because, wait for it, her acting career wasn't as sucessful as his. The TV news called her "lost". I have other, less female, names for her. Like murderer.

We're pigs huh? Pigs are fun. Pigs play ball. I like pigs. Most women, OTOH IMHO are FOS. Make something cute out of that ladies.

Gosh I feel better now. :')
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 10:52:55 PM EDT
beekeeper, ty...I THINK...

Kaboing...I have 4 little sisters...Like I told ALL of them, and all afterwards...If you want the seat down, put it up your damn self..I put it where I need it to use it, and as a so called equal, I expect the same of you. IF you want the hinge removed, tell me, I will...You can wipe it off after I am done...YOUR CHOICE....

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 11:50:49 PM EDT

Actually I couldn't be more right.

How many men do you think would call the cops and say that their wife beat them? Would they be taken seriously? I don't think so.

The problem is, when men hit women they cause more damage because they are stonger and more aggressive. This causes people to assume that women don't hit men.

Besides, men are screwed either way. How you ask? Simple, the wife smacks around the husband, he calls the cops and all the wife has to do is claim that he beats her and that it was self defense. Bingo, the women gets off and the man is guilty till proven innocent.

Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:20:36 AM EDT
One of the first casualties of the "culture war" AKA The Sexual Revolution, was the institute of marriage and male/female relations in general.  Women no longer need men.  What nature did not bestow them, egalitarianism has.  Any woman has carte blanche to go to the local judge and request an emergency restraining order.  This will be granted without question, and without investigation.  This also will make it illegal for you to merely posses ANY firearm.  If the judge knows that you have them, he'll likely send the sheriff over to collect them.  Try explaining that your AR is legal to them. haha  Being a government employee, the mere presence of any accusations will have negative professional repercussions.  We're talking mandatory "anger management" classes, psychiatric evaluation, physical removal from your own home, and redirection of your paycheck (to support her latest affair with your neighbor).  You are not allowed to be upset about this, after all, "men shouldn't hit women".  Never mind that you were never even accused of that.  Practically everything of consequence  will go to the woman, since you are forced back into the barracks (won't need your car or furniture, jarhead).  Half of your retirement benefits will go to her, and if you had a kid, you will have to pay child support.  The wifey moves away and takes your kid, but you are still stuck with the bill for the next 18 years.  WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE JUSTICE?  I'm so sick of hearing about "deadbeat dads".  If the woman can't support them, why did she steal your children away?!?  You lose so much and get nothing in return.  

I feel better now.

Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:27:11 AM EDT
One reason why BigPig may have started this thread may be because for every mysonginistic ass on this board, the are 10 or 20 or 30 who fall over themselves to answer the threads that the ladies who post on this board start.  In other words, the reason may be, he wanted to be heard.
While it is far beyond my abilities to address the battle of the sexes, completely in one post, one does not have to look far past the TV to see many women's attitude toward men.  In most commercials, that have men and women in them, the men are always portrayed as fools, childlike in their actions.  This is because the advertisers are targeting women.  One exception is the Radio Shack commercials.  The two actors, male and female are more or less equals.  Radio Shack, get it?
It's also common knowledge that many women sit in groups, grousing, sometimes bitterly, about their [b]chosen[/b] mate.  While men may discuss one particular arguement, the ones that I know don't make it an all day session.
As far as the frustration goes, I sit and puzzle over any man that lets himself be henpecked into submission by his wife or girlfriend.  It's an all too common spectacle these days.  What's she going to do, kick your ass?  No one, man or women, can be dominated, unless they allow it.  And, after they allow it, why should I get all worked up when they whine about it?  
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 4:15:44 AM EDT
Without wanting to get too far into this whole thing, DK Prof, Big Pig is correct, as far as we can reasonably estimate, that in our society at least, women can be and are abusive of their  mates in about the same percentage as men. I say this as one who spent 16 years as a marriage and family therapist in a major metropolitan area, both in a state run mental health (out patient) facility, and in private practice.

The big difference is that women often are psychologically abusive, and when they are physically abusive, they are less likely to cause serious or fatal injuries. In fairness, however, we have to recognize that there are just as many emotionally beat up men around, who can't picture a life without the abuse, as there are women.
The abuse pattern cuts both ways, and if we really want to do something constructive about the situation, we have to recognize that.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 4:23:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 4:52:20 AM EDT
I was a military policeman. About 5% of the domestic calls we went on were woman on man. Given that men won't call the police, while some women call for a push, the calls with male victims must have come from neighbors.
In addition, we had a rule of thumb. If the kids were just hers, he hurt them, if the kids were his she hurt them. We had a lot of kids get slapped and things thrown at them. In one case, mom was so mad at dad that she held his baby by the waist and hit its head on a pickup door frame (we had a lot of witnesses for that one.)
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 5:06:06 AM EDT
get a grip on yourself....literally!
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 8:52:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 9:02:06 AM EDT
Miss Magnum, don't make me tell you again to get them shoes off and get your ass in that kitchen and cook me somethin!!! LOL

I hear this equality stuff all the time yet in the work force you see it over and over. Women given the easiest task and men getting the sledge hammer work for the same pay and job title. For crying out loud, there are "menstrual couches" in the womens restrooms for them to nap on when they get a cramp!!! Treat them as equals or they will run crying to the boss with tears as big as horse turds running down their makeup smeared faces. When they act as my equal I will treat them as such.

Link Posted: 6/1/2001 9:17:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 9:20:08 AM EDT

I guess you guys have seen so many of your male co-workers come to work with bruises and black eyes, and tell you they walked into a door or fell down the stairs - but I sure haven't.
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There was a guy at work that admitted he would get beat up by his girlfriend and would come in with scratches on his face and one time a busted lip. I didn't believe him at first but when she came by to visit him at work I could tell she had a really short fuse and lots of stored up anger.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 9:37:59 AM EDT
The man hating, angry as fuck, bitter feminists want to screw men at every chance they get
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They do??? I always stayed away from them because I thought they wouldn't. I know where I'm goin tonight! The coffee shop! [spank]

If I get slapped it's your fault!
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 9:50:55 AM EDT
>>. The VAST MAJORITY of domestic violence is men beating the crap out of women (who are trapped in a psychological vicious circle and can't get themselves out of the relationship). While there are the rare cases of women seriously beating men, they are exactly that - rare, exceptional cases.<<
You might be correct about serious beatings, as that is in part a functino of the physical differnces.  But as for actual physical abuse, it is not at all uncommon for men to be victims.  National studies indicate approximately 20% of men in a relationship are physically abused by their partner.  The number goes up a bit when restricted to married couples.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:15:36 PM EDT
And when you look at the Fortune 500 and the senate - guess what - still basically the same rich white guys running the show.  Quite frankly, I personally think a lot of corporations and government functions would run even better if the testostrone was watered down a little.
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Perhaps you should ask yourself why this is the case. CEO's and the like tend to be risk takers -- people with an entrepreneurial spirit willing to make big bets. Women are generally not risk takers and therefore are not highly represented in these positions. There are many small and medium sized companies founded by women, but the really successful, large companies usually have a man at the helm. Big risk; big payoff or big failure. Small risk; small payoff or small failure.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:33:00 PM EDT
How many times do you get into a heated argument with your wife or girlfriend? Does it ever cross your mind that with one phone call she could end your right to own guns? You can bet it does mine! Keeps my temper in check!!
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:35:19 PM EDT
Originally Posted By David M:
It's also common knowledge that many women sit in groups, grousing, sometimes bitterly, about their [b]chosen[/b] mate.  
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This would be the reason I don't worry when people wonder why I am still single.  [:D]
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 12:59:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 1:22:56 PM EDT
I'm afraid it's you who don't get it.  Where did you ever get the idea that a black eyue is more serious an injury than a (psychological) castration?  Of course we need to guard against physical injury to anyone, male or female, and if anyone is physically assaulted, no matter whether by a household partner or a total stranger, the assaulter needs to be dealt with by the legal system.  THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE!!

It's the dysfuntional relationships created by mutually impaired partners, which keep playing out over and over again, that is the issue in domestic violence.  If we can't in some way find the means to assist in breaking the cycle, the abuse will just keep on repeating itself.

The greatest trajedy of all?  The children who have to grow up witnessing, and often being victims of, the abuse. They're being trained to be the abusers and abusees of tthe next generation.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 1:43:48 PM EDT

That link for Dkprof.

It exists, we just don't hear about it.  It's not something that is kosher for the public.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 2:15:41 PM EDT
Well, I'm single. And I don't blame ALL women for that. I blame my EX for being so damn selfish. She was we're equal, but open my door, pay for my meal, be gentle with me. She enjoys trying to "wrestle" with me, and gets pissed if I don't let her beat the shit out of me. Gets pissed if I don't open her door, (house, building or car) and she wont open mine if I don't unlock it myself. And her exact words when she THOUGHT I ate all her cereal "I can't afford to feed you." When we work at the same damn place, and SHE MAKES MORE MONEY THAN ME, AND I PAY FOR EVERYTHING. Equality my ass.

I'm not bitter, honest. [pissed]
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 2:17:45 PM EDT
The same amount of women smack around their husbands, yet no one ever brings this up. Oh, the frail women...(but I thought we were ALL equal?).
I'm done ranting for now I guess. Flame away.[X]
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I don't intend to flame you, merely to correct.  But man, you are so totally off base with that statement.  The VAST MAJORITY of domestic violence is men beating the crap out of women (who are trapped in a psychological vicious circle and can't get themselves out of the relationship).  While there are the rare cases of women seriously beating men, they are exactly that - rare, exceptional cases.
Don't spoil an argument that may spark some legimate debate by throwing in outrageous inaccuracies.Just my $0.02
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"trapped in a psychological vicious circle"
"can't get themselves out of a relationship"
"rare cases of women seriously beating men"
"Don't spoil an ARGUMENT that may spark some
legitimate DEBATE...."
Either you are PANDERING to the "weaker sex" or you're just plain IGNORANT.
Link Posted: 6/1/2001 6:55:10 PM EDT

 Once, when I was a rook, I backed up another officer on a call. A guy had gotten all scratched and bruised from his live-in girl getting mad at him. He was 6', I guess about 220#. She was 5'02", 105#.

 The primary started laughing a little under his breath as he took the report. The guy noticed, and you could just see him shrink. He didn't want to prosecute (this was before mandatory prosecution). She was still a fireball, and cussing and yelling in front of us. The primary really treated the guy bad.

  The guy never called the SD again. Of course, about 8 months later, he ended up with a split skull.....he didn't survive it. Women can be, and in reality ARE, just as physically abusive as men.
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