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Link Posted: 11/27/2007 11:53:28 AM EDT




I saw snow for the first time in my life in 2003. I've seen it several times since then. All this in central Texas. Global warming, my ass. Heck, we came out of a 500 year ice age in 1860.

Global temperature change is a natural process that takes place over millennia. It's caused by changes in the sun's radiation output, the earth's orbit (changing from circular to ovoid and back), the earth's axial tilt and wobble, etc. Mankind has diddly-squat to do with global warming.

If a full-on nuclear war wouldn't cause nuclear winter like we thought it would in the Cold War, how the heck would American industry cause the entire planet to get warm and doom the earth? Charcoal and wood cooking fires in China put out more CO2 pollution than all of American industry combined, and I'm pretty sure the Chinese (and everybody else) have been cooking that way for a lot longer than the so-called 'global warming' has been going on.

In any case, if the earth really DID warm to the point that the polar ice caps melted significantly, it would cause ANOTHER ICE AGE. The Atlantic undersea current brings warm water from the south and deposits it between Europe and North America, then sinks with the cold water and brings it down south between South America and Africa. Thus, the Atlantic is circulated and keeps roughly the same temperature. If the ice caps melt, however, enough fresh water will eventually be introduced to the ocean that it cannot achieve the same density when cold. The conveyor belt will break down. Cold northern water will sit in place, cold southern water will sit in place, and warm equatorial water will sit in place. Eventually, the earth would get colder thanks to the break-down in temperature exchange and we'll have another short-term ice age like the Little Ice Age from 1300 to 1860. It's even more likely if volcanic activity increases.

Volcanoes can cause global cooling by introducing sulphuric dioxide into the atmosphere, raising the albedo and reflecting more sunlight, reducing the solar radiation absorbed by the earth. This is believed to have caused the Little Ice Age (and later the infamous Year Without A Summer) in conjunction with a temporary break down in the Atlantic currents from the medieval warm period.

Ironically, coal plants produce sulphuric dioxide (of course, even if we converted 100% to coal power, we still can't produce as much as a single volcano, much less a super volcano) and could lead to marginal global warming, but the cult of global warming is 100% against burning coal.

You mean ash dont you. If you didnt mean ash, then you should have. Ash "blocks" out the electromagnetic radiation and causes cooling. Oh, and humans put WAYYYY more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere then volcanoes.

No, I mean fucking sulphuric dioxide. Ash is ash.

Which shows you know about as much about volcanoes, greenhouse gasses, and pollution as the average third-grader.

See my link above. Go ahead and prove me wrong. Ill be waiting............

No, he is correct.  Ash is rapidly setteled in the lower atmosphere.  SOx, usually in the form of SO3, remains aloft much longer, contributing to greatest long term shading.  This was very eivdent in the post-Pinatubo sunsets which persisted for over a year.

You see, ash cannot maintain bouyancy at high altitudes and it rapidly gets washed-out in the troposphere.  
Link Posted: 11/27/2007 11:54:14 AM EDT



You mean the Communists . . . lie??  

That may be.  But its still a big stretch to say that there is no global warming.  The glaciers that were over Chicago when the Clovis people came here didn't just vanish.

That was at the end of an ice age...

yes it was, i have seen the film, it all melts
Link Posted: 11/27/2007 12:18:45 PM EDT


No, he is correct.  Ash is rapidly setteled in the lower atmosphere.  SOx, usually in the form of SO3, remains aloft much longer, contributing to greatest long term shading.  This was very eivdent in the post-Pinatubo sunsets which persisted for over a year.

You see, ash cannot maintain bouyancy at high altitudes and it rapidly gets washed-out in the troposphere.  

Im pretty sure ash is what causes the nice sunsets persisting after volcanic eruptions.

High levels of ash in the atmosphere led to unusually spectacular sunsets during this period  {Refering to after an eruption}   Link is just from Wikipedia

Very fine ash particles may remain high in the atmosphere for many years, spread around the world by high-altitude winds. This suspended material contributes to often spectacular sunsets, as well as an optical phenomenon known as "Bishop's Ring". This refers to a corona or halo effect around the sun. In some cases, high levels of this ash can also cause climate change.
Link Posted: 11/27/2007 9:43:40 PM EDT

So all the polution we produce has no effect on the planet.

As I've said many times before.  THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING AT ALL.  man made or not.  1998 was the warmest year lately and it wasn't as warm as the 30's.  


On the one hand we have the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change coming up with yet another of its notoriously politicised reports, hyping up the scare by claiming that world surface temperatures have been higher in 11 of the past 12 years (1995-2006) than ever previously recorded.

This carefully ignores the latest US satellite figures showing temperatures having fallen since 1998, declining in 2007 to a 1983 level - not to mention the newly revised figures for US surface temperatures showing that the 1930s had four of the 10 warmest years of the past century, with the hottest year of all being not 1998, as was previously claimed, but 1934.

About the same as dumping a 12 oz coke in Lake Superior.
Link Posted: 11/27/2007 10:05:03 PM EDT

I believe this global warming can be averted through a nuclear winter.If we can kick enough dust from China , Russia , and Iran up into the atmosphere we should be back on track.

I've suggested that before, but nobody wants to get on board with the cure.

I saw a show about this junk not long ago that talked about the ocean temps leveling out so that there won't be a gulf stream anymore, and in the same show talked about the hurricanes that would be increasing in size and frequency because they're created by the gulf stream.
Link Posted: 11/27/2007 11:02:02 PM EDT
I'll just post my standard response, in case anybody missed it in any of the other global warming threads.  

Here it goes:  

If global warming was such a great concern to algore, and he really deserved this obviously defunct Nobel PP, then why doesn't he have solar panels on his roof and windmills in his backyard?  

Doesn't it seem silly to have this jackass hypocrit as the spokesperson for "the greatest threat mankind has ever faced"    

Link Posted: 11/27/2007 11:14:09 PM EDT

Well globing warming or cooling it looks like we're gonna die either way.

Yep. No matter how you slice it, we are ALL GOING TO DIE.
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