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Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:12:31 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:12:43 AM EDT

Go Texas!

She doesn't speak for TX, she speaks for all the wellfare trash that elects her in her run down district in Houston Texas.


Just giving you shit. WV's Governor sold us down river yesterday, if it makes you feel any better.

I believe we are ALL about to be sold down the river!!!  Just something in my gut doesn't feel right
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:13:15 AM EDT
Sure turn in my guns.... then what?  Wear a yellow star and jump in a gas chamber?

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:14:20 AM EDT


Sure turn in my guns.... then what?  Wear a yellow star and jump in a gas chamber?


Macht schnell!!!


Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:14:50 AM EDT
The comments are full of LOLs.  Someone said, "What is this, Planet of the Apes?"

It's funny cause it's racist
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:15:40 AM EDT

Go Texas!

She doesn't speak for TX, she speaks for all the wellfare trash that elects her in her run down district in Houston Texas.


Just giving you shit. WV's Governor sold us down river yesterday, if it makes you feel any better.

I believe we are ALL about to be sold down the river!!!  Just something in my gut doesn't feel right

Oddly enough, here in WI, no one is selling anyone out. We have a few senators hopping on the ban wagon, but our governor (TGFSW) is pro gun, and the police chief of Milwaukee is pro gun as well.

Sadly I don't know how much this matters.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:18:00 AM EDT
Really thought Texans were smarter than that. What district voted that "creature" into office?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:18:21 AM EDT






Go Texas!

She doesn't speak for TX, she speaks for all the wellfare trash that elects her in her run down district in Houston Texas.


Just giving you shit. WV's Governor sold us down river yesterday, if it makes you feel any better.


I believe we are ALL about to be sold down the river!!!  Just something in my gut doesn't feel right

Oddly enough, here in WI, no one is selling anyone out. We have a few senators hopping on the ban wagon, but our governor (TGFSW) is pro gun, and the police chief of Milwaukee is pro gun as well.

Sadly I don't know how much this matters.

Sheila isn't selling anyone out, she has always been a crazy nutbag.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:19:07 AM EDT


The comments are full of LOLs.  Someone said, "What is this, Planet of the Apes?"

It's funny cause it's racist

" GET your stinking paws off my guns "

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:21:45 AM EDT
Sure turn in my guns.... then what?  Wear a yellow star and jump in a gas chamber?


A big chunk of my ancestors (Irish and Polish) were denied the right to keep and bear arms by occupying powers and then slaughtered in one way or another.

They moved here so it wouldn't happen again.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:22:22 AM EDT
I'll get right on that.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:22:26 AM EDT
She and anyone that voted for her should be disarmed because they are clearly mentally incompetent.  

She does not represent the state of Texas, just FYI.

And we do apologize for her. I still don't know who's the mental defect that keeps voting for her.


Yous people voted her in so she yes does represent Texas.  After what has been coming out of that state lately, it doesn't surprise me at all.  

You see, we in NY have the same problem as Texas.  Libs in big cities controlling the whole state.  You are a lot closer to being like NY than you realize.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:25:11 AM EDT
Cold dead hands....
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:25:25 AM EDT
What guns?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:27:24 AM EDT
She can go fuck herself
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:27:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:32:37 AM EDT
The comments are full of LOLs.  Someone said, "What is this, Planet of the Apes?"

It's funny cause it's racist

I read that in a Peter Griffin voice...and then I literally lol'd...My co-workers think I should go home early
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:34:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:34:41 AM EDT
Come get them yourself, bitch. Come knock on my door, I dare you.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:35:40 AM EDT

Typical Texan... always trying to tell other people what to do.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:38:08 AM EDT
Good luck with that!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:39:32 AM EDT
Version 2.0

Actually, I like this one better...

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:46:26 AM EDT
No, thanks......
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:48:06 AM EDT


She and anyone that voted for her should be disarmed because they are clearly mentally incompetent.  


Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:50:56 AM EDT
I just wish the time would finally come that one or more of here peers would stand up in session in the House and make a formal motion that the "gentlelady" from Texas would SHUT THE FUCK UP!

God DAMN I'm sick of listening to ignorant motherfuckers like her.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:56:05 AM EDT
How about option B where I don't turn in my guns and you go fuck yourself.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:57:45 AM EDT
thats grounds for capital punishment.... an anti-gun texan?     sweet fuck??   ive seen it all now

Relax, Houston and Austin, to name just a couple, are entirely different countries than Texas, we have a few and they're big and nasty.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:57:46 AM EDT
This law-abiding American demands that Sheila Fuckwit Jackson Lee quit her job and take one more suited to her mental abilities.  I hear they're hiring sorters down at the recycling station.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:59:33 AM EDT
“I would personally just say to those who are listening, maybe you want to turn in your guns,” Jackson Lee said on the House floor. “Oh no, I’m not going to take your guns. But look at what Dick’s Sporting Goods did … they wanted to be part of the solution and part of America.”

so she's not going to advocate "taking" guns... but sure as hell wants to encourage disarming LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.

This is what's wrong with libtards like this.  They think the "solution" is to disarm the NON-CRIMINALS.

Someone commits a crime and their "answer" is to punish the rest of society.

as for dicks.  I fully advocate handing them this business card in response:

It's not what the cards were originally intended for but I'm sure they'll do quite well in this situation.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 10:59:47 AM EDT
This law-abiding American demands that Sheila Fuckwit Jackson Lee quit her job and take one more suited to her mental abilities.  I hear they're hiring sorters down at the recycling station.

She'd fuck that up too.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:01:31 AM EDT
Willing to bet her security team isn't willing to go to work with just clubs and sharp words.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:01:52 AM EDT
Fuck you and your witch hats.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:02:00 AM EDT
Looks like its time for a recall.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:03:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:03:07 AM EDT
How bout you swing by and pick them up personally?

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:03:27 AM EDT
I am not really sure she is a Texan; as a matter of fact, I bet she is really from Louisiana or possibly Arkansas.  I knew we had the Texas Rangers on the wrong border!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:04:15 AM EDT
Yeahhhh....naw, I don't think so.  But thanks for your concern.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:04:52 AM EDT
Is it wrong to hope that one of her constituents beats her to death with a shit-filled sock?

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:06:11 AM EDT
Come and take them yourself, Sheila.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:06:43 AM EDT
She and anyone that voted for her should be disarmed because they are clearly mentally incompetent.  

You have no idea...  
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:07:12 AM EDT
Choke on a dick you dumb cunt.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:07:49 AM EDT
WTF is wrong with people?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:07:53 AM EDT
You mean you guys haven't turned in your weapons yet?  I threw all of mine in the Susitina river on my way to the cabin last weekend.  It made me cry to say goodbye, but I kew it was the right thing to do.

Dude, Completely unrelated, have you finished using my backhoe?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:11:35 AM EDT
When she walks this earth with no armed protection I MAY turn in my gun.....when she turns in all her guns I MAY turn in my guns.....when every single bad guy/girl turns in his/her guns I may turn in my guns....when Pres. Obama walks this Earth with no SS armed protection I MAY turn in my gun.....when NATO turns in all their guns I MAY turn in my gun.......

She doesn't walk anywhere. She makes her aids drive her around like a personal chauffeur and drop her off in front of whatever door she is going to try to wiggle her fat ass through next. Look it up on the web, her ex-employees have mountains of fun shit to say about the "Queen of Sheba" in waiting.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:18:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:20:56 AM EDT
This is EXACTLY the kind of "what they really think" sentiment we need to hope the antis keep spewing.  We have to make them look like the crazy people, not us.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:22:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:26:59 AM EDT
HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Give silly people a mic and they give you laghter.  Turn them in?  Whats the matter are scared to just come and take them?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:28:41 AM EDT


She and anyone that voted for her should be disarmed because they are clearly mentally incompetent.  

This... but might I add that SJL can suck the sweat off a dead man's balls!

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 11:32:54 AM EDT
I have nothing can would be good to say about her.

I am very sad to say that she is even from Texas.

Maybe someday we will kick her out of this State....

The cunt is question was born in QUEENS NEW YORK, January 12 1950.  Cunt graduated from Jamaica High School in Queens. Cunt earned a B.A. in political science from Yale University in 1972, followed by a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1975. Cunt is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.

WE may be stuck with this cunt, but you damm yankees* made her what she is.


(and I mean that in a good way)

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