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Posted: 10/4/2001 11:27:06 PM EDT
So far there has been one Russian aircraft carrying Jews that has blown up, one bus deliberately crashed, one case of Anthrax and in my area, Rhode Island, a high voltage distribution line is on fire and has knocked out power to a fairly large area of the state. I am an electronics tech a programmer and a Ham Operator. I know those power lines do not normally catch on fire unless something shorts out the wires like something being blown into the lines by a storm or an insulator being damaged, like someone shooting it. Is this all just a coincidence or could at least some of it be the beginning of the terrorist acts we are expecting. If anyone on this forum has more knowledge then I do about high voltage lines and what causes them to catch on fire and how often it happens during perfect weather please let us all know. I was talking to someone who works in the power industry and I was told that it almost never happens and  this is very strange. I just would like to know if I have received the correct information. This all seems very strange and maybe our government is downplaying these incidents to keep people from panicking.

You are not paranoid if you are actually being followed.  

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Link Posted: 10/4/2001 11:48:37 PM EDT
If you need to ask if the SHTF then it hasen't. You will know when it happes and you sure as hell won't be on the internet lookig for signs that it had begun.
Link Posted: 10/4/2001 11:49:50 PM EDT
I know the S has hit the F last night over here, right after I announced I wanted to buy a widescreen TV.(bought a DVD with Amp en loudspeakers two weeks ago..) [;)]


But to get to your topic, the russian plane that went down..rumour has it russian SAM's downed it by mistake(talk about a negligent discharge).
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:14:43 AM EDT
One or two could easily be a coincidence but all these things, has started me wondering. Those 100,000 volt power lines do not normally catch on fire especially without help from nature or man. The timing just seems to be a little strange for every thing to happen within so short a time and less then a month after the attack. I have never heard of this happening in my area in regards to the power line and then there is the first case of anthrax in 20 some years. I feel there is a high probability that the government doesn’t want us to know the truth about this at least at this time. Panic would not be a good thing.

I wish everyone on this forum the very best and hope we will all make it though the coming difficulties.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:17:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:28:07 AM EDT
I was thinking about these things as well.  In my opinion, most of it is due to the hypersensitivity of the media towards these things now.  

Might be more to it, gotta stay prepared and vigilant.  I just think that when it happens, we'll know it.  Of course, the actions on 9-11 are going to bring out every doomsday kook in the country with an agenda and a plan.  So who knows.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:29:08 AM EDT
If anyone on this forum has more knowledge then I do about high voltage lines and what causes them to catch on fire and how often it happens during perfect weather please let us all know.
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Well, I'm not sure I have more knowledge than you, but I have been a firefighter for the past 10 years and I'm finishing up a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering so I do have some knowledge.  I have actually been to several fires involving transmission and distribution lines.  Usually, it's the wooden poles holding the wires up that are burning.  Sometimes it's due to weather, sometimes it's due to animals, sometimes it's due to insulation failure.  I responded to a fire involving a 230kV line on a clear, sunny day.  Just a bad insulator.  A few weeks ago, a neighboring fire department lost a whole substation due to a transformer explosion.  These things happen.  I wouldn't panic, sounds to me like what you described is just a simple case of a bad insulator.  115kV really wants to find a path to ground.  I'm surprised it doesn't happen more than it does.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:58:19 AM EDT

Thanks for the info, as far as I know it is one of the metal towers that has caught fire, I just find it very strange that it happened at this particular time. I talked with someone who works for the power company and they told me it was not normal for this to happen in perfect weather. I think we all just need to keep our wits about us and be very careful and watch our rears or as the flyers say watch your six. Take it easy and be careful we need all the good people we have at this time and can’t afford to lose any and I can’t afford to lose any friends.  Your friendly neighborhood Sniper.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 2:08:17 AM EDT
rest ASSURED, ELECTRICAL GRIDS BURN FOR MANY DIFFERENT REASONS. I work for the utility company in NYC, trust me on this . I have seen fires in transformers caused by birds, bees, trees, salt, bullets, old age, over-load, stress fractures , etc etc . Even a switching mistake could cause a burnout or fire. Squirrels are probably doing more terror to a utility company than any terrorist could .....
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 2:52:28 AM EDT
one case of Anthrax and in my area, Rhode Island
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I thought it was in FL?  Are there two seperate cases?  First since the '70s, according to FNC.

Link Posted: 10/5/2001 2:58:24 AM EDT
He is referring to a high-voltage transmission line fire in Rhode Island.  There has been only one case of Anthrax reported so far.

Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:39:02 AM EDT
No.  Now put down the MRE and come out of the bunker.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 4:24:40 AM EDT
No.  Now put down the MRE and come out of the bunker.
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Dammit Steve - I sitting here giggling myself
silly with a CAD drawing on my screen......

Boss comes in "What's so damned funny?"

"Nothing."  (trying to erase mental picture...)

Link Posted: 10/5/2001 4:34:05 AM EDT
I'm personally of the opinion that there has been low-grade fecal/ventilator contact for, oh, about nine years.  It would appear, however, that the Ex-Lax is about to kick in.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 5:46:55 AM EDT
Clearly, you believe it already has and are looking for somebody to validate your opinion.  Sorry to disappoint you.  This kind of stuff happens constantly.  Is this the first jet to ever explode under mysterious circumstances?  Is this the first time a part of the electrical system ever caught on fire?  Is this the first time there was ever a case of a rare lethal disease in the US?  You're seeing connections because you want there to BE connections.
So, my question is why do you want the shit to hit the fan?  Are picturing the world remade in an image more pleasing to you?  Fantasies of mortal combat with spikey-haired mutants, looters, or terrorists?  What?
Bad things happen every single day.  They happened every day before Sep. 11, they ghave happened every day since, and they will happen every day in the future.  As somebody else told you, you will know when the fecal boli end their trajectory in the rotating air-exchanger.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 5:59:24 AM EDT
Sniper, here's a test to see if it's hit, yet.

Get up from your computer, get in your car and drive down to your local convenience store. Buy a soda, a newspaper and some candy. Say good morning to people, and smile. Get back in your car, drive home, and sit back down in front of your computer.

Did everything go OK?
Did anyone smile back at you and say, "Good morning"?
Did you get the candy?

If it all worked out, then the S hasn't yet HTF.
UNLESS, it has, and you're the only one that knows....
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 6:45:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 6:54:49 AM EDT
ANTHRAX - WTF!!!! (We havent had a case of Anthrax for over 20 years especially the AIRBORNE type - ESPECIALLY LETHAL and HIGHEST ON THE MORTALITY RATE LIST. We wll never really know how this guy got Anthrax - in Florida where the some of the kooks were at prior to Sept 11th. Poor bastard probably found a container unmarked and opened it - These idiots dont take storage precautions like at USAMRID or some similar facility.

This is already an X FILE that will be buired can you imagine if the news bulletin went, "The first case of BIO TERRORISM HITS THE US WITH ANTRHAX"!!!???? Mass panic and tubing of the economic attempt and stability.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 6:59:37 AM EDT
YES, SHTF and/or TEOTWAWKI has started for at least 6000 people.
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That's about the way I look at it.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 7:09:31 AM EDT
SHTF is not going to be the event itself.
It's going to be the reaction.

We're at war.  Do patriots, in a time of war, "head for the hills", or towards the sound of the guns?

Don't panic, just be smart.

Link Posted: 10/5/2001 7:16:34 AM EDT
SHTF is not going to be the event itself.
It's going to be the reaction.

We're at war.  Do patriots, in a time of war, "head for the hills", or towards the sound of the guns?

Don't panic, just be smart.

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Well said! Stay alert, stay alive.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 8:35:24 AM EDT
ANTHRAX - WTF!!!! (We havent had a case of Anthrax for over 20 years especially the AIRBORNE type - ESPECIALLY LETHAL and HIGHEST ON THE MORTALITY RATE LIST. We wll never really know how this guy got Anthrax - in Florida
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The guy has said he was drinking from a s stream. He was also supposed to have been in north carolina, and I don't know if terrorists were there.

Everybody is just hypersensitive, and things that normally happen are somehow connected in people's minds with terrorism.

If you could go back five years in the papers and read all the stories, you'd see that in a nation of 300 million, strange crap happens all the time.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 11:01:22 AM EDT
Well one thing if these things are taken independently then they are easily discounted, but all of them happening in such a small time span and so close to the attack, makes me wonder. What if a major train derailment happens, or several more localized but fairly large blackouts happen  in a few days, or a large truck carrying hazardous chemicals crashes into a reservoir then what do you think? The question is how many things that can happen normally but are fairly rare does it take for the doubters among us to start to think that it is more then a coincidence. If you are waiting for one of our cities to be nuked, or something else of like kind you may have to wait for a while. Most of the terrorist attacks that are going to happen are not going to be of that type, but will be much smaller like these things I am concerned about and maybe some Islamic whacko attacking a school, which is something else that has happened in the past. So when do we connect the dots and find that we have a picture of a terrorist war against us, before we get nuked or after we get nuked, if we get nuked at all.

One last thought, if it looks like a duck, flies like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck it is a duck, rightd. Does it also have to taste like a duck before you decide it is really a duck but by that time the duck will be dead. Sorry honey I ate your pet duck I thought it was a chicken until I started to eat it.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 11:53:26 AM EDT
Sorry to piss on your parade, but go back and run web searches for news from the same timespan last month, last year, five years and ten years ago.  Guess the SHTF even sooner than YOU thought, huh?  You are making all sorts of unwarranted assumptions.  Get over it.  Because terrorist were responsible for one thing doesn't make them responsible for everything.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 12:20:26 PM EDT
Did we ever get to the bottom of the Padre Island bridge collapse?  It was a day or two after Sep 11, four barges rammed it.  I though that was a terrorist attack covered up to avoid panic, myself.  
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 2:06:50 PM EDT
Let me see how often does an aircraft get accidentally shot down, when was the last case of anthrax, the bus being deliberately  crashed was a first, and the power line catching on fire which does not happen everyday at least in my area and the timing of all this. This does not mean that it is absolutely certain that all this is connected and is the beginning of the terrorist war against us, but it should not be totally discounted as some of the people here are doing. I watched an interview with a person who witnessed the towers being destroyed, he stated that when the first  tower was hit he thought it was a tragic accident but when the second tower was hit he knew it was a deliberate attack. It is like living next to a golf course where your house gets hit every once in a while with a golf ball. But then one day your house gets hit once, twice, thrice, four, five and then six times during a short time span. At what point do you start thinking that these balls are not hitting your house by accident and that someone is deliberately launching them at your house. This is my entire point coincidence only goes so far and at some point it becomes something more then simple coincidence. If you keep your head in a hole in the ground you will not be able to keep that terrorist from shoving an AK up your hind end and squeezing the trigger.

If you insist on concentrating on just a few trees and refuse to see the forest there is nothing I nor anyone else can do about it.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:13:01 PM EDT
Let me see how often does an aircraft get accidentally shot down
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Mid 80's. We did it to iran, I believe
Oh, then there's that korean air liner russia downed. Mid to late 80's

when was the last case of anthrax
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17 years ago, which would put it in the mid 80's. connection here???????

the bus being deliberately  crashed was a first
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Nope. Happened several years ago to greyhound. Used to work for a company that trained greyhound drivers so I remember that it was on their lines. I think there was more than once incident as well.

and the power line catching on fire which does not happen everyday
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Happend a couple years ago here. It was a squirrel. Hopefully it wasn't a squirrel of middle eastern descent!

This does not mean that it is absolutely certain that all this is connected and is the beginning of the terrorist war against us, but it should not be totally discounted as some of the people here are doing. I watched an interview with a person who witnessed the towers being destroyed, he stated that when the first  tower was hit he thought it was a tragic accident but when the second tower was hit he knew it was a deliberate attack. It is like living next to a golf course where your house gets hit every once in a while with a golf ball. But then one day your house gets hit once, twice, thrice, four, five and then six times during a short time span. At what point do you start thinking that these balls are not hitting your house by accident and that someone is deliberately launching them at your house. This is my entire point coincidence only goes so far and at some point it becomes something more then simple coincidence. If you keep your head in a hole in the ground you will not be able to keep that terrorist from shoving an AK up your hind end and squeezing the trigger.
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I hope you find a comfortable hole to climb in for the duration.
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:14:49 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:18:26 PM EDT


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                                              Hmmmm.......Thought you were leaving????.......[>:/]
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:29:25 PM EDT


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Posted - 10/05/2001 :  19:01:23          
Well, after reading and posting here since the old board, probably about 2 1/2 years ago, I'm out of here!

When I first came here, I was new to ARs and got a lot of useful information here. I wandered into the general discussion forum, and found some cool people posting interesting things. Sure you had to wade through some of the jerks, but for the most part, it was troll-free.

Now everytime I come here I see assholes making comments about other people, smart-ass threads being responded to by smart-ass answers. I'm sure you're sitting there saying "we'll, don't read it then" and that's what I'm going to do.

Thanks to all the cool people here, as there are many, but you are outweighed by immaturity. It's just no fun anymore. No need for the "don't let the door hit ya" typical responses.....I'm not gonna be here to read them, but if it makes ya feel that much better, and you want to let everyone know you're one of the ones I'm talking about.....go right on ahead
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Taken from http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?id=58048
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 3:33:47 PM EDT
There is a terrorist in my pants
Link Posted: 10/5/2001 4:32:50 PM EDT
Where was that case of Anthrax 17 years ago?

My understanding is that it lives a very long time in the soil. I wonder if this guy got poisoned by the same contaminated patch of ground as the last case?

Its been three days now. Where are all the other cases that should have occured by now if this was an attack?

The thing about Anthrax and Smallpox both is that the are both completely preventable and completely cureable [i]if you know they are there[/i].  Making them a great biological weapon, since your own troops can be easily protected. Almost better than a chemical weapon.
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 12:28:28 AM EDT
It seems that some bullet holes just might have been found in the wreckage of the downed aircraft. So it just might be possible after all that it was the victim of terrorists. If it does turn out to have been blown up by terrorists then there is only the bus, the anthrax and the power line fire left as unproven terrorist attacks. From another post here is the URL

Link Posted: 10/6/2001 12:35:44 AM EDT
If TSHTF has really happend, who are you going to protect yourself against in the first place? Are you going to go out and shoot Arab people or sit in your house with a full-auto post banned AR15 with M4 barrel and BETA C-mag ready for some attack on your residence?
SHTF stuff tends to be so vague and really hard to understand. Without a visable enemy and in a world still not gripped by caos its safe to say that TSHTF is not in effect.
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 7:00:16 AM EDT
You still haven't answered my question.  Why do you want the shit to hit the fan?
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 7:04:04 AM EDT
Silly, we get to practice our double taps.
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 7:05:59 AM EDT
I know the S has hit the F last night over here, right after I announced I wanted to buy a widescreen TV.(bought a DVD with Amp en loudspeakers two weeks ago..) [;)]


But to get to your topic, the russian plane that went down..rumour has it russian SAM's downed it by mistake(talk about a negligent discharge).
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I just thought I'd throw that in [smoke]
Link Posted: 10/8/2001 12:51:20 PM EDT
Clearly, you believe it already has and are looking for somebody to validate your opinion.  Sorry to disappoint you.  This kind of stuff happens constantly.  Is this the first jet to ever explode under mysterious circumstances?  Is this the first time a part of the electrical system ever caught on fire?  Is this the first time there was ever a case of a rare lethal disease in the US?  You're seeing connections because you want there to BE connections.
So, my question is why do you want the shit to hit the fan?  Are picturing the world remade in an image more pleasing to you?
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Well it seems like I may have been correct about the first case of anthrax in about twenty years being a terrorist attack after all. So that will leave just the  Russian aircraft accident, greyhound bus crash and the power line fire left to prove to be terrorist attacks. And it looks like that the Russian aircraft accident might not have been an accident after all just like I stated.

Fantasies of mortal combat with spikey-haired mutants, looters, or terrorists?  What?
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So Golgo how do you manage to type with your head so far up your ass, or is your head just stuck in that hole you like to keep it in.

Bad things happen every single day.  They happened every day before Sep. 11, they ghave happened every day since, and they will happen every day in the future.  As somebody else told you, you will know when the fecal boli end their trajectory in the rotating air-exchanger.
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Yes things happen every day but when certain things happen in certain combinations or in too narrow of a time frame then it might just be more then simple coincidence. If a person thinks that several shots that just missed him were just coincidental accidents, then he will not take the precautions that could save him the next time he is shot at and this time it may not be a miss.
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