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Posted: 9/20/2001 5:05:31 PM EDT
My friends, I know I may not post alot, but the few times I did I try to be constructive.

I work for American Airlines here at the headquarters building in Ft. Worth TX.

We are going to cut 20K worth of employees within the next few days.  What I ask from all my fellow Vets, Shooters and Americans is that you contact your congressmen and senators to pass the measure to help the airlines.

My friends, if the airlines dont get help, there will be over 100K of our brothers out of work. Including myself.

Keep in mind, without the airlines, there would be no clothes in the shops, no fresh food in the stores and people can not conduct business or go on that vacation. Even the US Postal System depend on the Airlines to carry mail. The carib islands are already suffering from the lack of air travel, and one of our own states, Hawaii is really going to suffer because almost all of everything is flown in.  

Please, for your fellow Americans, contact your Reps, and please .... if you have already made travel plans before Sep 11th, please do not cancel that trip. If you are worried about security, I personally have spent last friday and saturday night searching over 30 aircraft at D/FW airport. making sure that our customers are safe.

God Bless America

Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:17:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:27:36 PM EDT
I have to echo slayer's feelings somewhat.  While I really hate the thought of anyone losing their job, its hard to have sympathy for the 'company' behind you.

I have flown several times on business and can't believe the HORRIBLE service given by every airline I've encountered.  I have actually seen a traveller break down and cry out of sheer frustration with a ticket agent while the employee LAUGHED at her!  And, god forbid you complain to a flight attendant about ANYTHING.

I know its not about this right now and I really think its a shame that the 'good ones' are going to lose their jobs.  But, you have to admit, some have it coming...  I hope the government comes through and saves your job, I really do.  I believe they will so, have some hope!
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 6:50:24 PM EDT
Although I'm Libertarian, I have to say that in this case, the government shut down travel for a week, and is handling the security changes in its usual ridiculous manner in the aftermath.

Airlines should be reimbursed for the losses they suffered as a result of the government's actions in shutting off all air traffic.  It's the same as any other "taking", whether the Endangered Species Act is being invoked to cut off irrigation to the Klamath Basin or air routes are being shut off in a misguided attempt to reduce the risk of terrorism (just like cutting off peoples' legs reduces their risk of tripping on stairs).

And airlines should be allowed to manage their own security.  None of the measures so far would have prevented the hijackers from sneaking on board with razor blades -- it's all feel-good nonsense.  About the only useful item would be bag-matching to passengers, and that's not a priority for the feds from what I've heard.

Except for AmericaWest, of course.  I'll never fly them again anyway. . . .

But in the longer run, airlines are just going to have to adjust to the market.  I don't think people will be scared off for too long, unless more attacks occur (which I doubt will happen -- I think the terrorists will try many different things to keep hurting us).
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