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Posted: 9/19/2001 9:28:18 PM EDT
Two Miami-Dade firefighters refuse to ride on truck with flag
MIAMI -- (AP) -- Two Miami-Dade County firefighters refused to ride on a fire engine carrying the American flag, saying Old Glory was offensive, officials said Wednesday.

The two firefighters, one an engine driver and the other a firefighter, showed up for work Saturday morning, saw the flag on the truck and refused to ride, telling crew members that the flag represented oppression, said Miami-Dade Fire-Rescue spokesman Lt. Louie Fernandez.

The crew chief then ordered the flag's removal so that the seven-member unit could answer 911 calls, Fernandez said.

``He (the crew chief) felt the best thing to do was for the administration to deal with this later,'' Fernandez said. ``This way, citizens were never affected as far as their fire and rescue service.''

Fernandez declined to identify the two firefighters, who work at Station 26 in Opa-Locka, a small town in north Miami-Dade County. He said they have been on scheduled leave since Saturday but will return to work Monday.

``We're getting statements from all the firefighters involved,'' Fernandez said.

On Monday, Miami-Dade Fire Chief Dave Paulison ordered all county fire engines to carry the American flag in honor of the firefighters and police officers killed in New York in last week's terrorist attacks.

Fernandez said if the two firefighters refuse to ride when they return to work, they ``will be met with severe discipline.''

``I've had more than 100 phone calls from firefighters around the county who are appalled at this report,'' Fernandez said. ``We lost 400 colleagues in New York. This is our way of expressing sympathy.''

Link Posted: 9/19/2001 9:31:22 PM EDT
well the simple way to fix this is to "FIRE" them![:)]
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 9:37:39 PM EDT
This is really starting to irritate me [:(!]
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 9:48:50 PM EDT
OK, they're trying to get rid of the US flag, because they say it represents oppression?  Don't laugh, that's how many complainers successfully got the states rights flag removed from public buildings.  We're still going through that arguement here in South Carolina.z
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 9:50:39 PM EDT
Not only do they need to find a new job, they also need to find a new place to live.
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 10:09:28 PM EDT
Thats not the worst of it. That damn liberal paradise of Berkeley,CA has ordered ALL of the American flags off of Every fire truck because it might incite the damn anti-war protesters.

Link Posted: 9/19/2001 10:12:24 PM EDT
This just baffles me...

I've never heard of something so absurd.  How can a citizen of this nation be 'offended' by a symbol of their land???

Even if these people are not natural born Americans (or even citizens of this country for that matter), how can they be offended by the the flag of the nation that they are currently living in?

Now I might expect this sort of drivel from some young rebellious youths, or the "all-knowing," opinionated college types, but from a firefighter???  Especially after loosing almost 400 brothers in the recent events!

I honestly think these people should be deported to a nation whose flag is less "offensive."  At the very least, I hope they are shunned by their co-workers, and learn a quick lesson.  Afterall, who wants to work in such a dangerous profession if they are unsure of the support of their 'brothers'?
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 10:23:06 PM EDT
Don't get nutted up. These guys are from Florida, land of the hanging chad. Where peaple are too stupid to read a ballot or work a punch card.

Link Posted: 9/19/2001 11:03:16 PM EDT
Would someone in the area please beat the
ever-lovin- 'offensive' shit out of these two and send them off to a more serene environment.

Here's 100 bucks for the task master.  And if this is Politically Incorrect, then Fuck You too.
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 11:07:23 PM EDT
Plenty of white guys out there that would love to have their jobs. FIRE THEM! AND JAIL THEM FOR ENDANGERING THE PUBLIC!
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 11:26:39 PM EDT
FIRE STATIONS     (786) 331-5000  - If anyone cares to call.
Link Posted: 9/19/2001 11:31:36 PM EDT
I would also agree that they need to find a new place to live..and to work....I don't normally get offensive...but F@CK THEM!

I take this personally as an insult...I think everyone who has ever had to fight or will have to fight to keep out flag a symbol of freedom will feel the same way....

Link Posted: 9/20/2001 12:18:33 AM EDT
This is FU@KING RIDICULOUS!...As a Florida firefighter, I am OFFENDED by the very existence of these two assholes.
I know this would not fly at the Department I work for, these two would receive the cold shoulder from all of their co workers,...and hopefully they will.
If you are so easily offended, you are not cut out to be a firefighter!
I wonder if these guys are the whacko "Farrakhan" style Muslims.

(edited to add "I dont know if I spelled Farrakhan correctly,...but then again....who cares how the hell it's spelled?)
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 2:25:03 AM EDT
It would be interesting to see a picture of them.

Link Posted: 9/20/2001 2:44:09 AM EDT
I'm being more than resonable.........

Give them 90 days........no excuses....to get their belongings squared away and a flight to Sudan.  Any delay.....by man or God.....well,


Dave S

Just damn.  
And you already know what the POS look like.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 3:51:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:01:03 AM EDT
This shit just makes me want to puke!

All of the men in all of the wars of this great country died to preserve freedom and our way of life - symbolized by our BEAUTIFUL flag!

Then these low-life roaches DARE to act this way... AARRGGGHHH!!!

I won't say what I feel should be done with people like this.

Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:12:36 AM EDT
Get this....New York's Cablevision, channel 12, has banned the American flag from their news programming!  Of all places....New York!!  

"We have to avoid giving a false impression that we lean one way or the other," said the news director. Dolan is apparently trying to strike a balance between his fellow Americans and the terrorists who have vowed to kill them.


He doesn't want to take sides???  What the heck is that?!?!?!  He needs to go live in Switzerland!  America....Love it or Leave It!!
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:18:17 AM EDT
I'm taking bets from anyone who thinks they might be white and I will give odds.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:23:21 AM EDT
Get this....New York's Cablevision, channel 12, has banned the American flag from their news programming!  Of all places....New York!!  

"We have to avoid giving a false impression that we lean one way or the other," said the news director. Dolan is apparently trying to strike a balance between his fellow Americans and the terrorists who have vowed to kill them.


He doesn't want to take sides???  What the heck is that?!?!?!  He needs to go live in Switzerland!  America....Love it or Leave It!!
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Were he to try something similar in Switzerland with the Swiss flag, they'd have his ass in a sling in a NY minute. The Swiss are a very proud nation who treasure their independence much more than most lazy-ass, TV-fed Americans do with our own country's.

And of course, if anybody wanted to fly the US flag in Switzerland right now, I imagine they'd have no problem with that...

-but banning it?

I dount even the Swiss would go for that one.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:27:12 AM EDT
I'm taking bets from anyone who thinks they might be white and I will give odds.
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It desn't matter what color they are- moron, as an occupation, is an equal opportunity employer...

Deport these fools, or put them in the army, and make them work in graves registration.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:33:36 AM EDT
On the flipside of the firefighter story....this one is much more fitting. [:)]

Link Posted: 9/20/2001 4:58:33 AM EDT
Being a native Floridian, I don't consider Miami part of the state anyway. Its more like Cuba North.  I agree that these two bozo's need to find a new job, maybe as bed pan changers at a local nursing home, they would feel right at home with all the other filth they would be working with. [soapbox]

I also heard on the radio today that the anti-war movement is recruiting the jerks who protest at the WTO meetings and started the riots in Seattle last year.  Plus the likes of MAdonna , Bill Maher, and one of the Back Street Boys are jumping on the anti-war band wagon.  [puke]
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:13:39 AM EDT
two words:


          FUCK THEM.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:18:21 AM EDT
... I hear that apartments are going cheap in Afghanistan and they're predicting an upturn for the firefighting trade too.

Ship them pussies there!
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:41:18 AM EDT
So if they were called to a burning house with a Stars & Bars hanging off the front porch they would refuse to help put out the fire???
If these people were on fire, I would'nt even piss on them to put the fire out!!!



"I won't be wronged,  I won't be insulted
and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do
these things to other people and I require
the same from them."
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:42:16 AM EDT
I to think these assholes need to be removed from these United States, Dead or Alive....
Their is a bright side to all of this. The Cowards are coming out the wood work, Bill Maher, Back Street Boys, Whore Madonna, AT&T,
and lets just say Hollywood in general.Remember these pukes for now and forever. I think, no I know AT&T has lost my money forever.......
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:56:54 AM EDT
What a couple of stupid MFs.  I suggest that Afghanistan will be needing some firefighters shortly, perhaps these dirtballs could find a new job OVER THERE.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 5:59:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 6:05:52 AM EDT
Expell them, hand them one-way tickets to Afghanistan, no questions asked.  Then they will see what oppression is really like.

Give there jobs to a couple of people that are out of work.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 6:15:50 AM EDT
I'm taking bets from anyone who thinks they might be white and I will give odds.
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It desn't matter what color they are- moron, as an occupation, is an equal opportunity employer...

Deport these fools, or put them in the army, and make them work in graves registration.
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I beg to differ. It makes a Hell of a lot of difference what color they are.
A lot of people right now are saying 'if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem'. Right now is a time for unity. Not a time of descent or a time to promote ones own agenda. If they are, as I suspect, trying to use this as a platform to promote an agenda that the "white man" is holding them down and the flag is a symbol of that oppression they are no different than a hate group such as the skin heads using this as an opportunity to promote hate and violence against those of Arab descent.
What they are doing is racism, pure and simple. Contrary to the "warm and fuzzy, let's all hug" liberal mind set propaganted by the media racism is a two way street and people other than whites can commit it.

I'm still taking all bets on the [i]color[/i] these racist creating hate during a time we need unity.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 6:30:59 AM EDT
Fact:  All of us and all of their brother (and now sister) firefighters depend on their total committment to put their own lives at risk to save our lives and property.  Since, by their actions, they care less about our American lives and property than they do about some half-assed, cockamamy, whacked out socio-political-religious agenda...and since they have now just ostracized themselves from the rest of the firehouse crews in the city, they have to go.  If I were the mayor, the fire chief, or the city council, they are gone NOW.  I wouldn't wait until Monday to see if they give in and ride the trucks with the flags on them.  If I were a firefighter, I would be afaid for my safety if these two were my backup.  FIRE THE BASTARDS NOW!  The people of Opa Laca and all the rest of us deserve better.
PS:  Gunslinger...I'll bet you just nailed it.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 7:24:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 7:47:19 AM EDT
1. The Goverment in NOT an equal opp. employer as they go out of their way to hire minorities-even if less qualified.

2. They cant be fired- at best they will go on 6 months paid leave while the bigwigs try to handle it in the most PC way possible. after that they will get back pay/raises/ and promoted.

Sorry to sound so cranky  but its true...
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 8:28:54 AM EDT
I will be happy to chip in on a one way ticket to wherever these pukes would rather live.  We don't need them.  Watch-Six
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 8:53:04 AM EDT
I am a Volunteer Firefighter in South Carolina (read this as I don't get paid to risk my life as these buttheads do) and we are flying the red, white and blue from our apparatus as well as from the back of my personal truck. The IAFC (international association of fire chiefs) has ask that all departments permanently attach a flag to every piece of apparatus. These guys need to find a country who's flag doesn't offend them and go there we don't need them. I read a reply about Hollywood in general, I would like to point out that Jim Carrey and Rosie O'Donnell have donated a million dollars each to the disaster relief fund and ask that other actors follow suit.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 10:04:16 AM EDT
Al Gore has come out in support of the Firefighters. He said we cant rush to judgment becuase we are not even sure it was an American flag. He is sending a team to Florida to count each and every Star & Stripe on the alleged US flag. Multiple recounts are expected.
In 30 to 60 days we should know if this was really an American flag.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 1:26:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 2:32:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 3:09:28 PM EDT
Who says they need to ride?  I would tie them to one of those long hoses and drag their sorry asses!   What nationality were these guys?
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 3:27:36 PM EDT
Link to story please.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 3:31:06 PM EDT
Here you go Ernie


copy and paste into your browser cause it won't hot link.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 6:09:47 PM EDT
Anybody who resides in this country (and therefore reaps the benefits thereof) OWES  this country a certain amount of allegiance. If MY nations' flag upsets them, FUCK 'EM! Deport the worthless assholes.
Link Posted: 9/20/2001 9:19:11 PM EDT
Two words come to mind Tar and Feathers.

Well one time in the past a man said “I wish I never hear the name of the United States again”, and he never did, he was placed on a ship and never permitted to hear or see or read anything about the United States for the rest of his life. He was the man without a country.

These people do not deserve to live in our country and should be removed by force if neccessary
Link Posted: 9/21/2001 4:18:09 AM EDT
``Some of the statements do differ,'' Fernandez told the newspaper.
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Sorry hyper text link does not work.

I am getting sick of everyone rushing into these statements like they are gospel.  The news media, email, bulletin boards.  I hear so many stupid rumors and the same stupid “funny” pictures on all of them.  Funny pictures, rumors and TALK of bravado ain’t gonna solve nuthin’.  Stop hanging our neighbors without a trial.
Link Posted: 9/21/2001 9:42:58 PM EDT
I would like to see them go back where they belong.  I think we could get some donations from board members so we could buy them some life preservers.  I believe a voyage or a flight is too good for them.  Let them swim back.  It is a shame that so many cubans are willing to lose their lives trying to get here in just about anything that will float. And then these dummies don't appreciate anything they have here.  Let them swim for it.
Link Posted: 9/21/2001 10:08:43 PM EDT
two words:       FUCK THEM.
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Hell yes!

Hey -- if those fire fighters want to serve the public w/out flags -- stick their asses out in the ocean and let 'em be shark decoys for the rest of the swimmers in Fla.

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