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Posted: 6/5/2001 8:35:45 AM EDT
But I think we should all co-own a rifle so we can all join the NRA. Despite their claim to 3 million members, the most I have heard of at their conventions is about 12K (big one in Denver 2 years ago I believe) and any member that goes can vote. I understand they count all of the votes. So if we get a few thousand to join and go (we can caucus on other issues as well) we can elect our own officers, set an agenda to make it a safety advocacy group opposed to all hand guns!
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Link Posted: 6/5/2001 8:40:49 AM EDT
Hmm...  Cute, but they need to be a member for 3 or 5 years before being given voting rights.  Also, I don't think that the NRA restricts voting to just people at the convention.

[b]Orion[/b], where'd you find that?

Link Posted: 6/5/2001 8:42:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:05:49 AM EDT
They are at heart idiots,comes to mind also.
Do they really sit around thinkin this crap up?
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:14:09 AM EDT
Well thanks to dumbass laws spearheaded by these anti's it will be really hard to "co-own" any gun. They'll have to do it the hard way and actually buy one each. And inorder to properly infiltrate, they'll have to pay dues which will only make the NRA stronger. I don't see their efforts having any effect with less than 1 million new members = megabucks to the NRA.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:19:14 AM EDT
The liberals cant seem to understand that there are 75 reps elected for 3 year terms (IIRC)  by mail-in ballot and one rep elected for a single year term at the annual convention by a vote of those present.  I bet at least a million members vote on the mail-in ballots, and for those you have to be a member for more then 5 years or a life member.  Anyone can vote at the convention, but one person out of 76 isnt going to be able to do a whole heck of a lot.  I seem to remember figures around 40,000 as attending this year's NRA convention.  $750 for the ability to vote by mail-in ballot is kinda expensive, considering how many would be needed to change the outcome.  In other words: They wont accomplish squat.

Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:24:28 AM EDT
"Co-own a rifle" so they can join the NRA???? I assume that they were told they had to grow ovaries to join the MMM too.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:33:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:44:24 AM EDT
I'd be glad to allow a few of those dweebs to co-own a few of my rifles.  They can be silent 40% owners with no visitation rights, no touching rights, and no say in what I do with them, as majority owner.  I will let them shoot with me any time I am planning to go to the range, anyway.  However there will be a range fee and ammunition charge payable before they are allowed to shoot under my supervision.

I would say maybe $2,350.00 ought to cover about 40% of one of my Bushmasters.  I'll even throw in a yearly NRA membership, non-renewable of course.

If you know anyone interested in such an arrangement, please give them my e-mail.  I'm sure I can accomodate as many as would like to join in this equitable arrangement!

Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:50:27 AM EDT
This quote comes from http://www.democraticunderground.com

Normal group of pansies with opinions that somehow have to change MY life.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:53:36 AM EDT
He does have a good point for the Anti-NRA gun owners. If you don't like the current NRA, get you and your friends to join and elect Neal Knox.
Don't join and all you will be able to do is bitch.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:55:15 AM EDT
Yep, prebans, the quote came from a member over at democraticunderground.com, as was stated by Goet.

Of course, now that I'm banned (for my 'right wing' beliefs), I can't go in to debate with them.  
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:27:19 AM EDT
I know several elderly NRA members that don't own guns.  Their eyesight is going or for other reasons no longer own, but they still believe in the 2nd Amendment.  I hope these idiots do join the NRA.  Some of them may learn the truth about guns and come over to our side.  Others will just put more money into the pro freedom pot.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:40:54 AM EDT
Someone ought to respond  to that post at the DU. Tell them that according to the NRA charter EACH member must prove that they own one of each of the following:
[list][*]1 american made sport utility rifle[/*]
[*]1 foreign made sport utility rifle[/*]
[*]1 revolver[/*]
[*]1 semi-auto pistol[/*]
[*]1 shotgun[/*]
[*]2 bolt action rifles (center fire)[/*]
[*]2 rimfire firearms (long gun, or handgun)[/*]
[*]and a combined total at least 3,468 rounds of ammunition.[/*][/list]
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:42:21 AM EDT
I was talking with my mother, who is a resident of Kalifornia, a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to hear that she had joined the NRA. Oh btw, she is 81 years young.  She does not own any guns but is fed up with what is going on there and around the country. Out of the wild blue she recieved an application and decided to join, which is surprising as she is a registered democrat. By the way both my wife and I are life members.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:45:36 AM EDT
Some of those liberals literally make my head hurt trying to understand their thinking. This was in response to a newsmax.com article about the upcoming UN conference on guns control:


"What Newsmax won't tell you...Is that all these right-wingers only want the guns for themselves, not anyone else.
They also throw all the gun-control talk around to hide the real issue: the threat to our freedom. They'll tell everyone that guns are the only reason for our country still being in existence when in fact the real threat is ignorance brought on by self-gratification."
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Accuse your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of. Isn't this one of the tatics taught by the commies?

Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:48:54 AM EDT
Someone ought to respond  to that post at the DU. Tell them that according to the NRA charter EACH member must prove that they own one of each of the following:
[list][*]1 american made sport utility rifle[/*]
[*]1 foreign made sport utility rifle[/*]
[*]1 revolver[/*]
[*]1 semi-auto pistol[/*]
[*]1 shotgun[/*]
[*]2 bolt action rifles (center fire)[/*]
[*]2 rimfire firearms (long gun, or handgun)[/*]
[*]and a combined total at least 3,468 rounds of ammunition.[/*][/list]
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My husband and I have been members for quite sometime (20 plus years) and have never been required to prove ownership of any guns. Nor has my son, son-in-law, mother-in-law and member friends. Where did you get this BS?
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 10:58:23 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Red Dawn:
My husband and I have been members for quite sometime (20 plus years) and have never been required to prove ownership of any guns. Nor has my son, son-in-law, mother-in-law and member friends. Where did you get this BS?
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You mean that you're in violation of your membership requirements?!?!??!?  Quick!  To the gun store!  Before they take official notice of it!

Trust me, you DON'T want to find out what happens when they do!!!!!! [frag]
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:00:08 AM EDT
It's a joke. [:D] My meaning was to tell the liberals at the demcraticunderground that this was the condition of membership.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:05:30 AM EDT
Oh, its a joke.  I was about to go to Big-5 for a Mosin or Mauser, because I am short 1 bolt action rifle from your list.  [:I]
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:05:58 AM EDT
maybe we could co-own a country and infiltrate the U.N.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:15:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:23:21 AM EDT
If you can't beat em, join em?
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:29:31 AM EDT
The NRA could use some "new" members, each putting out $35.  We should tell them it's a great idea and it will work.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 11:39:18 AM EDT
Here's some news, there are left-wing, liberal, socialists who are avid gun owners. Ya know the Second Amendment covers everybody.

I get a bit pissed when "liberals" are blamed for the anti-gun movement. It's not a liberal issue, it's hysterical idiots versus gun owners.

Link Posted: 6/5/2001 12:16:50 PM EDT
Here's some news, there are left-wing, liberal, socialists who are avid gun owners. Ya know the Second Amendment covers everybody.

I get a bit pissed when "liberals" are blamed for the anti-gun movement. It's not a liberal issue, it's hysterical idiots versus gun owners.

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Sure.  Problem is you'll find a greater majority of the idiots are left-wing liberals.  Kinda like saying clowns don't only work at a circus.  But, I'll bet a good number do.  Clowns, that is, not liberals.  Oh.... same diff. [:o)]
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 8:24:55 PM EDT
Ahhh...Red Dawn what an awesome movie,I grew up in a elementary school just like the one at the begining of the movie.

I wish it would go down like that movie,so you would know where the front lines were.

Oh yeah,good NRA idea 2.
Link Posted: 6/5/2001 9:30:19 PM EDT
well my friends, this is a perfect example of a typical liberal.  even when they want to think like a conservative, their complete lack of logic prohibits them from doing so. but on the other hand, we are able to easily act like liberals, infiltrate their organizations, use their stupidity to succeed, then turn the success they gave us around on them and gain complete control of the country. its called college.
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