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Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:04:28 PM EDT

A relative of mine stalked and killed some bar waitress that he gave money to and played him. He then tried to blow his face off.

I hope he burns in hell.

My other relatives went to visit him - not me.

Did I say I hope he burns in hell?

ETA: He smoked a lot of pot for years. I think it rotted his brain. But, I still hope he burns in hell.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:08:04 PM EDT
A guy I was in the Marines with and his 19yo girlfriend killed his father. Shot him in the back of the head and then burned his body in a barrel.

He went to prison where he then killed himself. I think his girlfriend is still locked up.

Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:09:51 PM EDT
Played a round of golf with a guy who killed a guy that was hitting on his girlfriend. His problem was that he shot him in front of 50 people in a bar. I know of another but he was never charged.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:10:13 PM EDT
Yes. Been inside my house numerous times for holidays and birthday parties for the kids and other family events. Sad case.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:20:02 PM EDT
My wife worked with a guy who later kidnapped, raped and murdered an ex-girlfriend.

Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:29:14 PM EDT
Dozens but, spending time being exposed to predatory high risk sex offenders is considerably worse.
Those folks have something completely wrong with their wiring.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:29:16 PM EDT
Guy I conversed with and met to discuss Glock building during the Kung Flu. Smoked his drug-addled friend with an AR during a standoff, was ruled self defense.

So…not murder, but justifiable homicide.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:31:34 PM EDT
I went to church with a guy, we became friends and wound up deer hunting together.  Turns out his wife liked to give teenage boys their first taste of sex.  This was in the late 70's/early 80's when grocery stores had teenage boys load the groceries in the car for ladies/elderly folks.  She would proposition young boys at the grocery store, then hook up with them later.  He found out about it and moved her from living in town to out in the country kind of isolated, hoping that he could break her of it. I guess he really loved her, but it cost him his life. She took out a large insurance policy on him by forging his signature, then she and an 18 yr old accomplice beat him to death with a baseball bat while he was sleeping. She got life, she's still in prison last I heard.  Every time she comes up for parole a bunch of his family show up at the hearing.  The 18 yr old got out after about 5 yrs by getting a re-trial on some technicality, then he was out.  Little did I know, he got a job with a contractor that did a lot of heavy equipment work in the oil refinery that I worked in.  I didn't know it was him.  About that time there was a serial rapist that would rape real estate ladies when they'd show him a house.  He'd rape them, then make them shower before he'd let them go.  Then he went to work in a barge loading/unloading facility that was managed by another friend of mine.  One day the police showed up at the barge terminal with a warrant to check his locker at work.  They found stuff that tied him to the rapes. As far as I know, he's still in prison, he got life if I remember correctly.  My friend that managed the barge facility called me and told me about it, we started connecting the dots, to find out that the rapist was the 18 yr old that help kill my friend with a baseball bat.  

My friend that died was an awesome taxidermist!  He had a whitetail rack and cape that he was mounting for me. I was finally able to get the rack back several years later from one of his cousins who wound up with all of his taxidermy stuff.

There's a lot more stuff that she and those boys did to fund their lifestyle, it came out in the trial, it's too long to get into here.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 11:44:33 PM EDT
Yeah, two. Not well though. One was a robbery gone wrong the other was a sick, perverted, cold blooded massacre of his ex.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:03:34 AM EDT
I went to school with this kid

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:10:22 AM EDT
Yes, a guy from my church who murdered his wife. His son was about my age. Late 1990s.

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:11:01 AM EDT
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The victim used to be my partner. He was a good guy. My wife used to babysit the son when we were working the night shift sometimes. The son was so much younger and child-like back then.

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How is that involuntary manslaughter, and how did he only get 3 years?
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:35:25 AM EDT
Yup. Went to school with this guy since about 3rd grade.


Also went to school with the deputy's sergeant who found her at the shooting scene. And I knew the deputy and her husband and daughter. And I was a personal friend with the sheriff.

That was a bad day in our small town.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:37:04 AM EDT
I worked with a guy and his wife.  They were having problems with their middle son, i.e, drugs, wrong crowd, expelled from school.  I knew the kids in the family having been over to their house a few times and running into them in town.  The gave the middle kid an ultimatum - either get back into school to get his GED or join the military.  His response was to kill both his parents.  Mom came home from graveyard shift and the kid met her at the door and shot her in the face with a 12 gauge and a slug.  Buried her under the empty above ground pool in the front yard.  Then called his dad at work and said he needed to talk to him.  When dad got home, kid met him in the front yard and shot him in the chest with the 12 gauge and a slug.  Dad stood there stunned, and then the kid shot him in the head.  Buried his dad in the wash behind their house.  The Sheriff's Department did a health and welfare check on the parents and the evidence in the house didn't match up to the kid's story.  He later confessed and got consecutive life sentences.  While in max custody, he killed his cellmate, who was also another murderer.  He got another life sentence for that one.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:44:51 AM EDT
Lol. I owned an industrial plant cleaning company.
We sourced our laborers from Detroit street corners.
I have taken many murderers on out of town jobs.
When a disgruntled employee threatens to kill you, him being a murderer gives it that little extra oomph that just makes the day go by.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:49:02 AM EDT
In high school, an acquaintance that was in some of my classes (Kid 1) killed another friend of mine (Kid 2). Kid 1 was actually a really nice guy, other than the killing part.  :)

He'd gotten jealous over a girl, lured my buddy out into the woods, shotgunned him in the back of the head. (Weird, as she wasn't the kind of girl you needed to fight over, you just had to wait your turn, so to speak...) He thought he killed a witness, but oops, witness (Kid 3) regained consciousness, called cops, told whole story, leading to immediate arrest of Kid 1.

Naturally, this came as a surprise. Kid 1 was arrested, and while awaiting trial, tried to pay a guy to kill the witness right this time. Naturally contract killer was a narc, and that pretty much sealed the deal for a life sentence. He served around 25 years, IIRC, and got out like a Rip Van Winkle... must have been weird, going to jail in 1989 wearing parachute pants, missing everything from cellphones to the internet being invented, and poof, you're released in 2013 or so and the culture has changed like crazy while you were in a concrete box only seeing the world through TV.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:56:10 AM EDT
Guy I grew up with, his dad used to take us to school everyday.
Murdered 3 people in his late 20's. Still serving time in Corsican, like will be there until he dies.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:56:57 AM EDT
Yes, worked with a kid who ended up murdering a girl. Him and his band mates needed to sacrifice a virgin to Satan to make their band become famous. So they lured this girl who was into the band, a metal death band. They drugged out together in the woods then choked her out then stabbed her to death. She went missing for like six months, cops and family thought she was a run away. She was heavily into acid, weed, alcohol. Finally the kid I knew converted to being a Christian and led the cops to her grave. All three of them got life in prison. He was actually a very intelligent young man, always a hard worker, helpful on the job. But I guess the drugs and being around other Devil worshippers warped his brain.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:57:18 AM EDT
I knew this guy while working on a medium custody prison yard.  Really respectful guy but was doing time for assaulting a couple of women.  He did a few years and then was released.  A few years later, there was a serial killer in Phoenix.  One day, I walked into a store and the newspaper on display had his mugshot on the front page saying that they had a suspect in custody for the Baseline killings.  He was found guilty and now sitting on death row:

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:57:34 AM EDT
Yes I have/do.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:05:28 AM EDT

See the post a few above me. Though extremely unlikely, don't want anything to come back to me by being doxxed.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:14:28 AM EDT
Guy in high school killed an Iraqi police officer in fallajah then shot himself in the stomach to cover it up. I think served 5 years.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:16:36 AM EDT
High school friend stayed the night at my place and the next night he kills someone

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:22:59 AM EDT
My mom's cousin is Eddie Ray Routh, the piece of shit who murdered Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield.  I met him a handful of times at family events but was never close to him.

I was friends with and graduated high school with a guy who fell hard into drugs and killed someone when he was 23.

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:33:53 AM EDT
No, but I had a relative who was raped and murdered. I was elementary school aged when it happened and didn't really know get. It was a high profile case locally.

Prior to murdering my aunt. He murdered a six year old child in Sacarmento, California, served 18 months on a six year sentence. Then he moved to SC and did it again.

The man is still in an SC Prison- and my Cousin has to go to a parole board every two years and beg them to keep him in jail.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:46:24 AM EDT
Knew 2 both were made guys
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 3:08:13 AM EDT
Kid that lived down the street growing up, he was mean as hell. Later we moved and we ended up going to high school together, was still mean as hell.

Shortly after high school he got in a bar fight and it moved to another location. He wound up shooting the guy and killing him. He went to jail/prison for a while and then his deal was overturned and he got out, not release for not doing it but they didn't follow procedure or whatever arresting him so I guess people would call it technicallity. I really don't know what happened but nobody was surprised. Last I heard he goes through wives left and right and is still mean as hell.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 8:57:35 AM EDT
About 40 years ago, a friend slashed his wife’s throat and started their place on fire to hide his crime. He got almost 20 years for 2nd degree murder and died unexpectedly in 2007 after being released from prison.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 9:00:27 AM EDT
A bunch.

Worked in public school for 30+ years and taught in prison for a while.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 9:25:38 AM EDT
A local kid in my sister's class, 3 years younger than me, beat his mother to death with a baseball bat and shot her 9 times in the head with a 22 revolver.

The mom was also the mother of one of my best friend's wife.

He was always a strange one.  Had a definite son of sam look about him.

He is out of prison now, married and carrying on with life.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 9:39:50 AM EDT
A few. The most disturbing was a counter salesman at a plumbing supply I dealt with pretty regularly, murdered a little girl in 1995. I always thought he was a creepy little motherfucker. They executed him about 20 years ago.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 10:07:10 AM EDT
Working in Corrections for 31 years I have known dozens of murderers

But on a personal level two come to mind

One was my cousin who killed his other cousin (no relation to me) for allegedly sexually abusing him when he was younger    He was given a life sentence in California

My cousin died in prison and there was a big lawsuit from my aunt over it since it appears the California DOC was negligent in my cousin’s death.  Do not know the outcome since I have not kept in touch with my aunt

The second one was my Dads next door neighbor James/Jim Hughes.

Guy was basically an alcoholic but was polite to me and my dad.  

He ended up killing another neighbor in a dispute in which both were intoxicated.  He killed the guy with a shotgun.  He received a 50 year sentence and served 20 years before being paroled.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 10:19:14 AM EDT
Dude I went to high school with, Theo Roberts.

Killed his grandma some time after we graduated. I never got the whole story.

He was a nice guy in school, always cracking jokes, always had nice things to say, last guy in the world you would expect this from.

ETA a guy works in the shop where I work now. I don't think he killed anyone, himself, but did time in the pen for helping another guy kidnap women to rape and kill them. They just released a book about it.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 10:24:43 AM EDT


He bought the house next to my best friend's country home on the river.  Spent many many days there during the summer each Year.  Jim was an okay guy but also the kind of guy who would be sitting there drunk around a campfire with pistol in his back pocket that would fall out...  Yeah.  

He though his copy of the Constitution on his phone was a magic shield and that anyone who was near his property was a potential target...or even on my buddy's property next to his.  My friend's land had the best gravel bar on the upper Meramec river so a lot of floaters would stop there.  Which was normally cool but you would get people looking to take a piss or drop a deuce going off the gravel bar behind the tree line.  Well as we were down there getting lit every other weekend we saw that and for the most part was not making a big deal.  Well Jim was there once and it got out of hand and he shot someone.  He says they threw rocks at him, which is possible as belligerent drunks were common on the river.  But he left, got his gun, came back and shot someone that wasn't even on his property.  

He's in jail for the rest of his life.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 10:47:24 AM EDT
I forgot about this guy. I knew him all through elementary and high school. He was a year older than I.

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:00:46 AM EDT
I knew Steven Dale Green. He went to basic with a buddy of mine and came by our company a couple times in 2005-2006 to say hi. He was a fucking weirdo and an attention seeking prick who wasn't as smart as he thought he was.

Coincidentally, a former team leader of mine reclassed from infantry to MI after our 03-04 deployment and ended up running the investigative team that took apart the rape/murder ring and arrested Green at his grandma's house after he got out of the army.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:14:30 AM EDT
Guy I worked with a market in late 80s my first job. He was also young too maybe 18 at most.

Seemed like alright guy also had a kid too he ended up caught stealing a good stash of items too got fired. But I remember him saying anyone pisses him off the wrong way he’ll kill them. Didn’t think he was the type.

Couple years years later I saw his name in newspaper him and a friend killed a person took their body to a nearby mtn trail dumped it there. Detectives found out who and arrested him he got convicted of murder. Crazy deal. Forgot what the motive was it was many years ago.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:16:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:21:18 AM EDT
A girl I was friends with in high school killed her grandmother. She was such a nice old lady. We used to stay at her house at the beach in the summer. She met some weird guy that no one liked, and he was involved in the killing as well. I was stunned... to say the least.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:22:49 AM EDT
I went to middle school with a guy who killed a woman… while we were still in middle school. Mid-1990’s.

I forget all the details but if I remember right he hung with some adults who were basically gangbangers. He was at a party and the woman was arguing/fighting with his friend or something. So he pulls a gun. The older guys basically encouraged him to shoot her and eventually he did.  

I found a news article about it years ago. Can’t find it now because another teenager with the same first name killed someone in the same town a year or two ago so that is all the search results lol
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:25:52 AM EDT
A co-worker a number of years ago murdered his pregnant girlfriend by stabbing her and the fetus over 50 times.

Nice enough guy, and was also a friend of my son.   We noticed he was putting on a lot of muscle fast, and we assumed he was juicing.

Possible roid rage.

Story of Robert Atlas
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:33:55 AM EDT
Yep. Had to work with the fucker for a brief period.

'Former' drug dealer threatened his competition with a shotgun pointed at his face while he was telling him to stay off his territory and the gun 'just went off' and blew the competition's head off.
He did 6 years of a 25 year sentence and got let out early. Some brainiac manager decided to hire him straight out of prison. As soon as he was given a demo he went back to dealing and made it about 3 months at our dealership after outrunning cops in one of our used Camaro's.
Cops called the dealership and reported that they were chasing one of our cars. Cody showed up shortly after that call and was fired on the spot.
Everybody was relieved that that asshole was finally gone.

Cody Bates | This is Your Story
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 11:39:22 AM EDT
Knew a guy who shot and killed his in-laws, wife and himself in front of his 2 kids.

2nd cousin beat up a guy bad enough to kill him.

Went to middle school with a guy who moved out of country and murdered like 4 people and stole identities, property, etc.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:53:11 PM EDT
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Kid that lived down the street growing up, he was mean as hell. Later we moved and we ended up going to high school together, was still mean as hell.

Shortly after high school he got in a bar fight and it moved to another location. He wound up shooting the guy and killing him. He went to jail/prison for a while and then his deal was overturned and he got out, not release for not doing it but they didn't follow procedure or whatever arresting him so I guess people would call it technicallity. I really don't know what happened but nobody was surprised. Last I heard he goes through wives left and right and is still mean as hell.
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It always amazes me how so many women seem attracted to abusive men - and many are.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 1:59:52 PM EDT
Yes. Family friend. Killed one, shot another in the chest a couple times with #00. That guy was in a coma but lived and fingered them. I was with him and his accomplice a few hours after they had committed the crime. They were both talking about it in a ....hey, did you hear about?... type of way. Which is still kinda disturbing to me.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:02:41 PM EDT
Only if you consider "Self Murder" (Suicide) a "Murderer".  If that's the case I've known four.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:13:04 PM EDT
This guy was in my unit.  There was no way to explain his wife's death except for him killing her but also no proof he did it.  All the normal forensic evidence was useless since she was killed in their house so of course his DNA, hair, fingerprints, etc. is everywhere.  But no DNA/hair/fingerprints from other people was found, he had no alibi, and had just discovered his wife was cheating on him.....  Not guilty at court martial and immediately PCSd out of Germany.  

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:22:06 PM EDT
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Yes, even spent a few days in South America with one when I was a kid. Richard Craft was my Dads engineer on a trip we flew with him on when Dad was a captain with Eastern. Dude was a bit odd.

Wife thru wood chipper
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Small world, My parents knew Craft from a mutual friend who was also an Eastern pilot. They also went to high school with the guy who owned the rental company and rented him the wood chipper.  Paths crossed again when one of the Craft kids went to college in Colorado where I lived. He got into some trouble with an explosive device in his dorm.  Somehow the adopted parents - Crafts wife sister I think - also knew my parents and knew I was in the same town? In the days before the internet....my parents called me for an attorney suggestion for the kid.

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:28:20 PM EDT
I guy I went to high school with murdered his wife (also went to high school with her) a few years after he got out of the USMC.

There was a hit that turned into a shootout with drug dealers/rappers in the neighborhood I lived in years ago.

The rapper and one assassin dead.

The guy who drove to the airport to pick up the assassins went to prison for murder.

A few years later I start dating his ex lol. He wrote her letters all the time.

When her dad died, he got buried about 20 feet from where the dead rapper was buried.

It was an awkward moment.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 2:31:41 PM EDT
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My wife worked with a guy who later kidnapped, raped and murdered an ex-girlfriend.

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A guy my wife dated in HS turned into a multiple murderer later in life. Luckily she has not driven me that crazy.

Stephen Stanko
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