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Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:34:03 PM EDT


Pubic hair on your face, enough said

Is this you?

Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:36:56 PM EDT
The idea that beards are "unprofessional" is propogated by people that beleive "professionalism" (whatever that is) can be measured by adherence to a set of arbitrary rules.
Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:38:57 PM EDT
run your own business and you can set whatever rules you want
Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:43:42 PM EDT
not quite sure. Beards are manly, and stubble is considered sexy by women.

thats why I always have at least 1
Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:47:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:50:59 PM EDT
They aren't.  

in some professions they are

Link Posted: 6/5/2012 10:56:56 PM EDT
Blame religious people in the 19teens.

The ones who say things like wearing beards, drinking, and associating with sinners are all evil... despite the fact that Jesus did all those things.

Which is funny because the bible says that........

1 Corinthians 11:14

Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him

And before all the bible thumpers get on me I am just pointing out one of the many contradictions that are in the bible.

I don't see the contradiction.  At all.
The Bible does not say that Jesus had long hair. That's a medieval tradition.
It says he did not shave his forelocks in obedience to the Law, not the same thing at all.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:45:48 AM EDT
My job requires that I be able to wear half-mask, full and SCBA at any given time, so a beard is no go.
I wish I was back in college

Oxygen mask will not seal with a beard.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:46:22 AM EDT
First post
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:49:45 AM EDT
I wear a beard (goatee), and I'm a professional.  If another man takes the time to care about how I wear my facial hair, then he is a sissy and probably a reach-arounder.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:53:11 AM EDT
I think it stems partly from the military. And partly from the dirty hippies of the 70s giving beards a bad name. And lastly, because many of the people that wear beards don't bother keeping them neat. A well groomed beard is nothing bad, IMO. Grizzly Adams is something else altogether.

I dunno.  The Grizz had a pretty neat beard going on there.  Thick, but not unkept.

But I agree, I think a lot of it is military anti-beard bias. Especially when they start trying to make the civilians look just like the soldiers & sailors.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:57:39 AM EDT
They are common in my field, even on some of the women.  

I've had one since 2005, but it is starting to turn a bit grey on the chin these days.  But we don't wear expensive flimsy suits and over-priced shoes either, that's a whole different crowd (don't know why they don't like beards).

I can see not allowing them when gas masks or filter masks are required.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:01:03 AM EDT
Not allowed to have one in my line of work.  SCBA mask does not seal to the face properly and causes loss of copious amounts of air.  It's nice having good cleaning breathing air in a fire.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:03:42 AM EDT
I go back and forth with my beard......during the fall and winter I usually have one, during the warmer months I shave. I have a "professional" job, I never get any flack over it.

I don't look like a stinking hippy though.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:03:45 AM EDT
Beards are considered unprofessional?  News to me.  I have a beard, and I have never felt in any way that it is unprofessional, and neither have any of my coworkers, some of whom also have beards and/or mustaches.

Besides, my wife LOVES my beard.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:05:32 AM EDT
Sort of like wearing a hat has a sort of stigma in today's culture, but you go back 80yrs or so and every man wore a hat and a suit for that matter.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:05:33 AM EDT
Billy Mays does not believe that beards are unprofessional.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:07:27 AM EDT
My company made me shave mine off.  Said beards presented an unprofessional appearance in a military environment.

I was proud of my beard.

I work with the military 100% of the time.  I rock a beard and so do most of my colleagues.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:09:05 AM EDT



I think it stems partly from the military. And partly from the dirty hippies of the 70s giving beards a bad name. And lastly, because many of the people that wear beards don't bother keeping them neat. A well groomed beard is nothing bad, IMO. Grizzly Adams is something else altogether.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but beards among "straight people" were even rarer before the hippies. Likewise with any haircut longer than a crewcut. The hippies actually made those things more popular among the non-hippy crowd.

This was maybe true during the 50's and at literally no other time in history, ever

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:09:32 AM EDT
Sort of like wearing a hat has a sort of stigma in today's culture, but you go back 80yrs or so and every man wore a hat and a suit for that matter.

I agree with the modern hat stigma, but I don't agree that every man or even a majority of them wore suits 80 years ago, and many did not wear hats.  Many American men did manual labor back then, mostly w/o suits.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:10:03 AM EDT
Just grow  one of these (if you can) and tell them if it was good enough for J.L. Chamberland it should be good enough for you.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:10:51 AM EDT
I can't grow a full beard, it would come in patchy. So I don't. But there's a guy that I work with that can grow less than I can, and he tries to rock a full beard. It looks like he has fungus growing on his face.

Able to rock a full beard? Play on, player. Doesn't bother me any.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:12:34 AM EDT
I wear a beard (goatee), and I'm a professional.  If another man takes the time to care about how I wear my facial hair, then he is a sissy and probably a reach-arounder.

My thoughts exactly

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:39:42 AM EDT
They're not unprofessional.

Also... a policy like that may be illegal depending on the job.. in consideration of race/religion/etc

U.S. Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission

Similarly, a “no-beard” employment policy may discriminate against African-American men who have a predisposition to pseudofolliculitis barbae (severe shaving bumps) unless the policy is job-related and consistent with business necessity. http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-race.html

Auto Dealer Failed to Hired Qualified Applicant Because He Refused to Shave His Beard Because of His Sikh Religious Faith, Federal Agency Charges. http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/9-28-10h.cfm

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:54:33 AM EDT
Because men are no longer allowed to be men.

I thought everyone here shaved their junk, why can't they shave the face too?

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:54:48 AM EDT
I recently had to shave mine that I had for 6 years. It was for a new job but I am going to grow it back for the summer.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:01:45 AM EDT

Why don't you ask that SOB Admiral James D Watkins?

I told a buddy of mine who had a beard before he went in to ask about Admiral Elmo Zumwalt.  He received an angry glare, then was told to get back to work.

Just read that Watkins said "the Navy can have beards when the Marines have beards".  So really, we just needed to bring back the Raiders.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:01:51 AM EDT
Because men are no longer allowed to be men.

I thought everyone here shaved their junk, why can't they shave the face too?

What if I shave my junk but wear a beard?

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:04:40 AM EDT



My workplace does not allow beards, but they do allow mustaches. So of course I have one. Because men have mustaches.

I cite Magnum P.I. As evidence

ETA: it's funnier because I'm 25 and my mustache and sideburns are far less professional than a beard.

Freddie Mercury thinks so, too.

Freddie Mercury was awesome though, even if he did prefer the cock.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:05:17 AM EDT
My job requires that I be able to wear half-mask, full and SCBA at any given time, so a beard is no go.
I wish I was back in college

Respirators are the same reason I am unable to have a beard.  I might used mine once or twice a year, but I am required to keep trimmed up so that in the event I need one, it will seal properly.  We are allowed mustaches and goatees, as long as they don't interfer with the seal.  They  had slacked up for a while on requirements, and I was sporting well trimmed sideburns that went down along my jaw line and connected to my mustache, but kept the chin itself shaved.  Now, I just run a mustache that I run down to my chin.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:07:41 AM EDT
Because of talentless attention-seeking wastes of oxygen like these hipster fucks...

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:10:30 AM EDT
If you're going to have a beard DO IT RIGHT like these guys:

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:11:40 AM EDT
How many men do you notice in a typical HR department?

There's your answer.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:17:13 AM EDT
When did a well groomed beard become unprofessional?  We can't wear them in uniform, did that somehow get transfereed to the civilian sector?  Hell, as noted beards used to be standard in the military as well.

Oh well, I will have one when I retire.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:18:28 AM EDT
New guy at work was rocking a beard, until the second day when I took him to a refinery and he had to shave it off with a well-used razor and no soap

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:19:37 AM EDT
The only police officer I've EVER known/seen with a beard was undercover, why is that?

I have a 'stache and goatee, just because it's "in" and allowed at my job, whereas a full beard is not.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:20:27 AM EDT
I have a beard and have done quite well for myself. F anyone who doesnt like it!
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:21:10 AM EDT
My company made me shave mine off.  Said beards presented an unprofessional appearance in a military environment.

I was proud of my beard.

Apparently you don't work for a tier 1 employer
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:41:03 AM EDT

My company requires me to have a beard... of course I own the company!
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:45:19 AM EDT
I am going on 8 months of zero grooming, beard is getting out of control, hair is getting towards hippie likeness, and my wife complains that food is always on my face and my face looks like a 70's vigiana!   FUCK what people think, I like that I look like a homeless man, keeps people at a distance
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:46:37 AM EDT


My company requires me to have a beard... of course I own the company!

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:51:57 AM EDT
Pubic hair on your face, enough said

A certain woman in my life loves to have her pubes on my face.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:53:57 AM EDT
Fuck it.  You all have convinced me, I am growing a FULL beard.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:04:17 AM EDT


The idea that beards are "unprofessional" is propogated by people that beleive "professionalism" (whatever that is) can be measured by adherence to a set of arbitrary rules.



I'm sporting ~2 months worth of beard - but I have to shave it the week after next...... fml I'm loving having it
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:12:18 AM EDT
A legitimate beard, trimmed neatly, is not considered unprofessional AFAIK

Scruffy hipster beards and the 2 days growth stuff does look silly though.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:13:04 AM EDT
I work for a three-letter .gov agency.  I wear a suit daily.  I also wear a full beard and my hair long enough so it touches my collar.  Many of my fellow workers also have beards.

On the other hand, lots of the young dudes go totally bald.  Guess it is cool with the ladies now. I'm old...what do I know?

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:13:54 AM EDT
The idea that beards are "unprofessional" is propogated by people that beleive "professionalism" (whatever that is) can be measured by adherence to a set of arbitrary rules.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:14:36 AM EDT


I work for a three-letter .gov agency.  I wear a suit daily.  I also wear a full beard and my hair long enough so it touches my collar.  Many of my fellow workers also have beards.

On the other hand, lots of the young dudes go totally bald.  Guess it is cool with the ladies now. I'm old...what do I know?




no that can't be it....

FDA - that's it..... do they make you use the little beard nets?

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:15:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:15:30 AM EDT
The have fallen out of general favor since King Gillette invented the safety razor.

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