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Posted: 3/13/2024 12:54:47 PM EDT
Im trying to make a script to identify Distro groups that have not received any email in a specific time range (for this script it is 60 days)  but I keep running in to issues with the startdate when I run the script

[color=#ff0000]"Write-ErrorMessage : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'StartDate'. Cannot convert value
"13/03/2024" to type "System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]". Error: "String '13/03/2024' was not recognized as a valid
At C:\Users\A058327\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEXO_yjkfgkua.jv3\tmpEXO_yjkfgkua.jv3.psm1:1191 char:13
+             Write-ErrorMessage $ErrorObject
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-MessageTrace], ParameterTransformationException
   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=SJ0PR19MB4796,RequestId=644c09f4-be7e-40f7-3e21-44baa56068c5,TimeStamp=Wed, 13 M
  ar 2024 16:50:27 GMT],Write-ErrorMessage"[/color]

this is the script I am referring to:

# Connect to Office 365 Exchange Online
#$UserCredential = Get-Credential
#Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $UserCredential

# Define the date range (in this case, 60 days ago)
$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)

# Get all distribution groups
$Groups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited

# Initialize an array to store groups with no recent emails
$GroupsNoEmail = @()

# Iterate through each group
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
   # Check the last received email date for the group
   $LastEmailDate = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $Group.PrimarySmtpAddress -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate (Get-Date) -PageSize 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Received
   if (!$LastEmailDate) {
       # If no emails were received within the specified date range, add the group to the array
       $GroupsNoEmail += $Group

# Output groups with no recent emails
if ($GroupsNoEmail.Count -gt 0) {
   Write-Host "Distribution groups that have not received an email in the last 60 days:"
   $GroupsNoEmail | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress
} else {
   Write-Host "No distribution groups found that have not received an email in the last 60 days."

Any Ideas?  Any help is appriciated.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 8:44:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 9:19:42 AM EDT
It's how you're declaring the StartDate parameter, I think. It's expecting a DateTime param but yours is a string.

Try like this:

Friday, January 16, 2015 7:29:00 PM It is also possible to convert a string into a DateTime object by using the [dateTime] type accelerator. I first create a specific date and time, and then I call the AddHours method:

PS C:> $dte = Get-Date

PS C:> $dte.AddHours(3)

From this MS blog: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/adding-and-subtracting-dates-with-powershell/
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