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Link Posted: 6/28/2017 9:57:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By gwitness:

My wife and I visited that very same parking lot area about 3 weeks ago...even in the daylight with other people around it has a dark heavy feel to it.
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And you didn't stay around till dark to see what would happen so we could have more stories?
Link Posted: 6/29/2017 5:52:00 PM EDT
Awesome thread
Link Posted: 6/29/2017 5:57:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
Trust me. When she sprang up and grabbed my arm with the force of a lumber jack I literally thought I was going to barf my heart up. The worst part is my proctor laughed his ass off about it. Said I turned three shades of pale. I tell ya a few months in a busy system will age a person ten years.
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Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
Originally Posted By wyager:
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.
Trust me. When she sprang up and grabbed my arm with the force of a lumber jack I literally thought I was going to barf my heart up. The worst part is my proctor laughed his ass off about it. Said I turned three shades of pale. I tell ya a few months in a busy system will age a person ten years.
If  you have a common name it is possible.

If it an uncommon name, best get some JEsus.
Link Posted: 7/10/2017 9:29:34 PM EDT
Keep Creepy Thread alive!
Link Posted: 7/10/2017 9:43:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Just as I was finally dozing off I heard a sound that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up and I was wide awake. I loked across the dark tent and could see my brother's eyes wide open too. I asked if he heard that and he said yeah. He asked where my pistol was and I said out in the truck with yours and I wasn't going out there.

The sound we heard was a male african lion roaring and grunting- that kind of woofing sound they make. It sounded close, and every single scene from The Ghost and the Darkness went through my mind in less than a second.

We found out the next morning from one of the instructors that there was an exotic animal rescue place about a mile away. He was smiling when he asked if we had heard anything last night- damned smartass.
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I am sorry but that must have been a surreal moment, to hear a lion roaring!
Link Posted: 7/13/2017 2:09:22 PM EDT
BUMP! I want moar!
Link Posted: 7/13/2017 2:16:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By spartacus2002:
I am sorry but that must have been a surreal moment, to hear a lion roaring!
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Originally Posted By spartacus2002:
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Just as I was finally dozing off I heard a sound that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up and I was wide awake. I loked across the dark tent and could see my brother's eyes wide open too. I asked if he heard that and he said yeah. He asked where my pistol was and I said out in the truck with yours and I wasn't going out there.

The sound we heard was a male african lion roaring and grunting- that kind of woofing sound they make. It sounded close, and every single scene from The Ghost and the Darkness went through my mind in less than a second.

We found out the next morning from one of the instructors that there was an exotic animal rescue place about a mile away. He was smiling when he asked if we had heard anything last night- damned smartass.
I am sorry but that must have been a surreal moment, to hear a lion roaring!
It made the night interesting.
Link Posted: 7/13/2017 3:08:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bronze:

A few years ago I was up on the Mountain loop highway doing some bear hunting/prospecting.  I decided to trek off through the bush and see what I could find and maybe scare up some bears.  Hiking in a ways through the bush, further than what you would expect the average joe to do, I came across a clearing in the middle of the trees.  Almost a perfect circle with nothing other than moss on the ground in the middle.  There looked to be a pile of clothes and other items that looked like they had been left recently.  When I walked up to it, it was 2 bras, 2 pair of panties and 2 purses.  I used my rifle barrel to pick up the bras and they appeared to be cut down the middle of the chest area and the panties had the crotches torn out of them.  They also appeared to be from someone "younger" or very petite and 2 different sizes.  The purses were empty other than wallets that contained nothing with personal info.  Just given the location and how far away from civilization I was, it was just to much of an oddity.  There was no trail leading back to it and I had to go through bushes and dead falls.  the surrounding area looked the same, no trails going back into it.  It just had bad juju written all over it and made my skin crawl.  I retraced my steps back out to the high way (which in this location is a dirt road) and had to drive a ways back to where I called 911.  I explained what I was doing, and what I had found.  They told me to stay put and were sending a deputy right away.  About an hour later a deputy arrived and told me to take him back to the spot.  He made mention of a possible missing persons case.  Once we got there, he asked if I had touched anything and I explained what I did and left it as best I could. He took my info and told me that I could go ahead and leave but they might be contacting me later.  On my way out, 2 more deputies were coming in.  One was plain clothes and looked to be carrying a pelican case (maybe a forensics kit, I dont know).  I pointed them in the right direction and then I got the hell out of there.  

The other time was out on a elk hunting trip in the Gifford-Pinchot National Forrest near Trout Lake with a buddy.  We had set up camp a ways out in the bush and and had just called it a night and were crawling in our sleeping bags.   The general shit talking commenced for a little bit and then we started getting sleepy.  A few minutes later we could hear something moving around the camp.  Wasnt a deer or a bear and elk didnt sound like this.  It sounded like it had weight to it but it was moving quietly.  Then out of no where it sounded like someone had thrown a rock against a tree in our camp site.  That spooked the shit out of us.  We were a long ways from any other hunters and anyone driving into our area we would have heard coming in.  What ever it was, was definitely circling the camp.  My buddy and I were pretty much evacuating our bowels at that point, whispering to each other we were getting ready to grab the rifles and jump out of the tent.  Right when we were about to get out there was a giant "THUD" that sounded just out of the tent.  We jumped out, rifles in one hand and lights in the other.  About 3 feet in front of the tent was a rock that wasnt there when we went to bed.  And not one that could easily be "thrown".  We heard something move just out of the glow of what was left of the camp fire. It wasnt 4 legged.  My buddy fired a shot into the general direction of the sound and then it sounded like a freight train was hauling ass away from us but it was "Thud, thud, thud, thud" and it wasnt stopping, it just tore through anything in its way.  Right then we both looked at each other and began breaking down camp with a lot of "fuck this place", "never coming here again".  Most of the drive home, there was a lot of talking going on.  We still dont talk to each other about it.  And we will never hunt that area or even visit it.
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Thanks. That's crazy. I remember a few years back just before entering an area in north GPNF to do some hiking with a couple buddies (one a fellow arfcommer) and we stopped at a tiny rural diner to get directions. My buddy goes in and comes out a few minutes later with a nervous smile. He said the local guy in the diner gave him directions then the guy said "I hope your armed, I won't go out there with anything less than an AK". (We were armed) but nothing odd happened
Link Posted: 7/13/2017 3:50:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mountainsurvivor:
Unfortunately this story doesn't deal with the supernatural but I will sometimes have premonitions about future events. When I was a child and my mother had sent in for my social security number I dreamed the number and wrote it down a few days before I got it in the mail. It was a match. I just wish I could do that with the lottery.

Just a few weeks ago I had a dream of climbing a mountain with my wife and running into 3 men that I didn't know. In the dream one of the men ambushed me from behind and hit me in the head with something and nearly knocked me out. We then started fighting to the death and I woke up. Well, last weekend my wife and I went hiking on a local mountain and we ran into a guy who wanted to hike with us after we had went maybe a half of a mile up the mountain. He stated that he was alone and wanted people to talk to. We were kind of weirded out but I had a large hunting knife with me because at one time it was illegal to have a firearm there and I didn't know the law had changed. The whole time we were heading up the mountain, I made sure the guy that started tagging along was in front of us and when we stopped to rest  I noticed 2 other guys trailing behind and it looked like they were trying to sneak up on us. The wife caught on to it too and I could tell that she was becoming freaked out.

They had to pass us on the steep trail and when they went by, the second guy walked past and said "hows it going mark" which was the guy's name that was hiking with us who had said that he was hiking alone. My hair stood up on my whole body as I remembered the dream a couple of weeks before. You know, that prickly feeling where you start to get chills and feel a slight tingle. Ding Ding Ding we have a winner here and it was time to split. I looked at her and she at me and I could see the fear in her eyes and she was exuding it from her body. I told the guy I wasn't going to be able to make it to the top and to take it easy. My wife and I were both watching behind us as we went back down the mountain. There is a narrow road that goes to the top of the mountain that a bus travels on that's close to the trail at one point. We made a quick 50 foot climb up a bank and got on the road headed back down the mountain. That way we had a wider field of view and could see further in front and behind us. The only trouble we ran into was a huge black bear which never saw us and was quartering away and a mama black bear with 2 cubs further down the mountain.

As the book ' The gift of Fear' states,  you should always trust your instincts because there's a reason that your mind is telling you to leave now. Your perception can and will save your life but you have to listen to it. I had dreamed of that encounter a couple of weeks before we went and had I not remembered it we may have been hurt or killed.
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Your story reminds me of this guy. I lived in the area at that time. It was quite an ordeal until they finally caught up with him.
David Carpenter
Link Posted: 7/14/2017 1:14:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mmsurber:
Fuck that shit.
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Originally Posted By mmsurber:
Originally Posted By MountainMan:
Originally Posted By Brohawk:
Copied from the dogman thread:


In Washington's north cascades, don't turn off of highway 2 and go above the town of Index at night. Just don't. Stay on highway 2, and keep going...

Above Index is only place in the world that I have felt that "fear of imminent death" from an unknown predator(s). I have been all over the place, in lots of hostile situations, and never have felt something like this before or since. But it gets better. First, some background:

To get to Index, you have to turn off the highway and cross a river which separates the town from the surrounding hills. In crossing the bridge, you get this creepy feeling that the bridge is the only way in or out (not true), and that the river is protecting the town from something...else...

The town itself is a nice little place under the shadow of Mount Index, which veritably looms over the town. There's an old wood frame hotel from the 1890's, a church, and some other architectural relics of the long-gone North Cascades gold rush. Index isn't a tourist spot, and is far enough off the highway that it doesn't get any drive-by business. People do live there, and they tend to look warily through their blinds at any vehicle they don't recognize. That's Index.

If you don't take the turn over the bridge into town, the road continues along the river. This is the Index-Galena road. There are cabins and old mobile homes and hunting shacks along the river side of the road. Go a little further, and there's a forest service road to the right. This is Forest Road 6310, or something like that. It climbs up towards Gunn Peak over a series of switchbacks. At the end of the road, there's an old clearcut, with a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.

My wife and I (I already posted the wife pics, go find them.) went up there in the early fall once to picnic with a friend, who wanted to get his new XJ Cherokee Laredo up into the mountains to try out his new tires. He was flush with cash at the time, and volunteered with several Search and Rescue groups. Because of this, he had a Whelan full-width light bar with amber strobes mounted on the XJ. (this is important later in the story). We got up to the clearing in the early afternoon, broke out the food, and enjoyed the setting. Did a little plinking, that kind of thing (We had one Glock 17 and an SP-101 in .38 Special between the three of us.) It was a bit cool (we gained a pretty fair amount of elevation getting there), and we knew the temperature was going to drop as soon the shadows deepened. It darkened even more quickly than we expected, and we began to pack everything up. About then, we heard the first howl. It was a distant wolf- but there weren't supposed to be any wolves up here yet (This was the early '90's- they had not yet been reintroduced to the area). "That was cool" we thought. Then I suddenly got a chill down my back. I wheeled around to look at the nearby tree line- although the clearcut was still in dusky light, it was now pitch black in the trees. It hit me right about then- that primal fear. "We have to go. Now." I said. Our friend looked at me and said something like, "You afraid of a stupid wolf?" Then- another howl- in the treeline- not more than twenty yards away. We all looked at each other, collectively blinked once, and didn't waste any time getting into the jeep. Somehow, it was now dark already- and full dark once the road down entered the treeline. We could hear them all over now- even over the noise of the jeep's inline six- but the sound they made wasn't...quite...right... He started picking up the speed on the single lane gravel forest road. I reached forward and hit the switch for the left side scene lights on the light bar. This caused a single halogen lamp to shine on the trunks of trees as they sped past- and showing the reflection of many sets of eyes in the darkness behind the trees, They were moving- tracking our vehicle- which was now doing about 40 on the narrow road. "We'll lose them on this straight" he said, now pushing fifty. I hit the scene light switch again- only trees. Phew! That was silly, I thought. We're in a car, and we get freaked out by some stupid wolves. Great.

Now out of danger, we approach the first switchback- slow down, make the turn- and there ahead of us- about a half dozen HUGE wolves in the road- waiting for us. They had gone straight down the hill to cut us off at the switchback.-then they were gone. What the hell? Now, we're ALL freaked out. Now tearing down the road, sending gravel flying, approaching the next switchback. I had left both side scene lights on at this point, but all they illuminated were the trunks of trees on the sides of the road. I turned them off. We make the turn- nothing -no wolves. Suddenly, I had an idea- I switched on the strobes. Frozen in disco stop motion of the strobes on both sides of the jeep - wolves - EXCEPT THEY WERE ALL STANDING ON TWO FEET, LIKE MEN! They bound off in frozen staccato stop motion- back down the grade- presumably to meet us on the next switchback- and then-

- I don't remember anything else. We were back on highway 2, heading towards Gold Bar. I turned off the strobes.

Stay away from Index after dark.
Have a buddy from that part of the world I relayed your experience with and he just nodded the whole time and replied with " he's not shitting you either "
Fuck that shit.
Link Posted: 7/15/2017 9:53:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By the1_roadrunner:

Your story reminds me of this guy. I lived in the area at that time. It was quite an ordeal until they finally caught up with him.
David Carpenter
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If I'm reading it right, that guy is still(thankfully) incarcerated and 87(!) years old. If "the good die young" I guess the evil stick around lots longer. Hell, look at Pelosi.
Link Posted: 7/16/2017 11:47:51 PM EDT
Get your creep on
Link Posted: 7/23/2017 12:00:19 PM EDT
Bump for more creep.
Please don't make me go back to youtube for a fix.
Link Posted: 7/23/2017 12:56:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2017 5:04:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SecretSquirell:
And you didn't stay around till dark to see what would happen so we could have more stories?
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We were headed up to Crater Lake
Link Posted: 7/26/2017 2:10:36 AM EDT
I'm headed back home for Missouri in three weeks. The creepy stuff always happens there, so I may have more to share. I may have some other incidents that I haven't posted about. There are some that I will NOT post about because I would like to respect the privacy of the victim; needless to say there are some very evil things among us.
Link Posted: 7/26/2017 2:28:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SouthernPhantom:
I'm headed back home for Missouri in three weeks. The creepy stuff always happens there, so I may have more to share. I may have some other incidents that I haven't posted about. There are some that I will NOT post about because I would like to respect the privacy of the victim; needless to say there are some very evil things among us.
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Mo. Has some creepy stuff for sure!

And don't tease us. Change names/places etc on the shit you WONT post about! Meany you!
Link Posted: 7/27/2017 11:23:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DeathHates:

Mo. Has some creepy stuff for sure!

And don't tease us. Change names/places etc on the shit you WONT post about! Meany you!
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Link Posted: 7/28/2017 9:21:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AR-Builder-Upper:
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Originally Posted By AR-Builder-Upper:
Originally Posted By DeathHates:

Mo. Has some creepy stuff for sure!

And don't tease us. Change names/places etc on the shit you WONT post about! Meany you!


Link Posted: 7/28/2017 2:06:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DeathHates:


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Originally Posted By DeathHates:
Originally Posted By AR-Builder-Upper:
Originally Posted By DeathHates:

Mo. Has some creepy stuff for sure!

And don't tease us. Change names/places etc on the shit you WONT post about! Meany you!



Link Posted: 7/28/2017 2:10:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SouthernPhantom:
I'm headed back home for Missouri in three weeks. The creepy stuff always happens there, so I may have more to share. I may have some other incidents that I haven't posted about. There are some that I will NOT post about because I would like to respect the privacy of the victim; needless to say there are some very evil things among us.
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Ah, I see you know my Mother-In-Law.
Link Posted: 7/28/2017 4:12:34 PM EDT
Oh do tell about Giford Pinchot NF ... my ex wife, our little girl, and I drove through there one evening.  It was a great drive ... but we were the only car on the road.  We had driven up from Portland to see St. Helens.  Didn't see anything spooky ...

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Originally Posted By Bronze:

I gold mine all around Index.  I've seen some shit out there and there are areas I wont go back to.  Between the animals and the strange people that live out there.....I'm always packing.  But I've never gone up NF-6310.  Looks like I need to check it out now.

Because I am getting into areas that 99.9999999% of people will never see, I run into shit that makes no sense as to why its there sometimes.  On one occasion I found some stuff that I had to drive back to where I could get cell service to get a Deputy to follow me back in.  

And the Giford Pinchot National Forest between St. Helens and Mt. Adams......never going back there again......ever.
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Link Posted: 7/28/2017 9:25:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mech2007:

Ah, I see you know my Mother-In-Law.
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Link Posted: 7/30/2017 1:25:15 PM EDT
[Last Edit: VoxLibertatis] [#24]
After following this thread for a long time, I've decided to throw my experience out there. It's nothing too crazy, so be warned.

In the course of performing my job, I go into a lot of vacant houses. Some date back to the early 1800's, even. Most of the time, there aren't any issues, but on occasion I'll get really creeped out. Most of the time, I just chalk it up to creeping myself out, which is very easy to do. There was one, though, where I know for a fact that it was neither just me, nor my imagination.

The house that I was inspecting was built somewhere around 1870. It hadn't been lived in since the early 80's, and the last living family member who owned it was trying to get rid of it, hence why I was there. The house sat about three hundred yards off a dirt road, and there wasn't a neighbor for at least half a mile. It's hard to describe, but the place just felt really, really, creepy. So, admittedly, I was already a little weirded out before I even set foot in the place.  

I did my exterior inspection, before moving inside. Once inside, the feeling of "something ain't right" kicked into overdrive. Still, I chalked it up to me just being a pussy, and headed into the basement. Immediately upon entering the basement, I began to feel even MORE uneasy. Still chalking it up to me just being a bitch, I kept at it. I made my way to this back room, which I suspect was an old root cellar or some such. The closer I got to it, the more intense the feeling of dread became. I was honestly afraid, and I didn't know why. This is where it gets strange.

As soon as I ducked into the room, every hair on my body felt like it instantly stood on end. I felt dizzy, and nauseous. What really got me, though, was the cold. When I say it got cold, I mean cold. I could see my breath. That is what really did it for me. I understand that your mind can play tricks on you, which is why I had believed that I was just creeping myself out. Seeing your breath, though, is a very real, very tangible thing. I was standing there in a basement, in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day, and I could see my breath. I did not imagine that. I am not  ashamed to admit that I ran. I cleared the basement steps three at a time, locked the door as fast as humanly possible, got in my car, and lit out of there.

I called the owner of the home to let him know that the inspection was complete, and was unpleasantly surprised when he asked in a roundabout way whether or not the place had creeped me out. Not wanting to sound like a weenie, I told him that it was a pretty creepy old house. He just snorted, and told me that it was more than that, which is why he hasn't set foot in the house since the mid seventies. That didn't make me feel any better.

Now, I have no idea what that was all about. I neither believe nor disbelieve in ghosts or other paranormal stuff. All I know is how I felt, and how I could see my breath. I know that much isn't normal. It wasn't that exciting, but there it is. There are a few other times where I've been creeped out, but that one takes the cake for me.
Link Posted: 7/30/2017 1:48:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ZeBool:
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Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Link Posted: 7/30/2017 6:37:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By rosejackets67:
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
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Originally Posted By rosejackets67:
Originally Posted By ZeBool:
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
yep, cold spots are famous for signifying places with a really bad spiritual side.
Link Posted: 7/31/2017 9:59:44 AM EDT
Bumper creep of crops. Wait..
Link Posted: 8/1/2017 11:41:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ZeBool:
After following this thread for a long time, I've decided to throw my experience out there. It's nothing too crazy, so be warned.

In the course of performing my job, I go into a lot of vacant houses. Some date back to the early 1800's, even. Most of the time, there aren't any issues, but on occasion I'll get really creeped out. Most of the time, I just chalk it up to creeping myself out, which is very easy to do. There was one, though, where I know for a fact that it was neither just me, nor my imagination.

The house that I was inspecting was built somewhere around 1870. It hadn't been lived in since the early 80's, and the last living family member who owned it was trying to get rid of it, hence why I was there. The house sat about three hundred yards off a dirt road, and there wasn't a neighbor for at least half a mile. It's hard to describe, but the place just felt really, really, creepy. So, admittedly, I was already a little weirded out before I even set foot in the place.  

I did my exterior inspection, before moving inside. Once inside, the feeling of "something ain't right" kicked into overdrive. Still, I chalked it up to me just being a pussy, and headed into the basement. Immediately upon entering the basement, I began to feel even MORE uneasy. Still chalking it up to me just being a bitch, I kept at it. I made my way to this back room, which I suspect was an old root cellar or some such. The closer I got to it, the more intense the feeling of dread became. I was honestly afraid, and I didn't know why. This is where it gets strange.

As soon as I ducked into the room, every hair on my body felt like it instantly stood on end. I felt dizzy, and nauseous. What really got me, though, was the cold. When I say it got cold, I mean cold. I could see my breath. That is what really did it for me. I understand that your mind can play tricks on you, which is why I had believed that I was just creeping myself out. Seeing your breath, though, is a very real, very tangible thing. I was standing there in a basement, in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day, and I could see my breath. I did not imagine that. I am not  ashamed to admit that I ran. I cleared the basement steps three at a time, locked the door as fast as humanly possible, got in my car, and lit out of there.

I called the owner of the home to let him know that the inspection was complete, and was unpleasantly surprised when he asked in a roundabout way whether or not the place had creeped me out. Not wanting to sound like a weenie, I told him that it was a pretty creepy old house. He just snorted, and told me that it was more than that, which is why he hasn't set foot in the house since the mid seventies. That didn't make me feel any better.

Now, I have no idea what that was all about. I neither believe nor disbelieve in ghosts or other paranormal stuff. All I know is how I felt, and how I could see my breath. I know that much isn't normal. It wasn't that exciting, but there it is. There are a few other times where I've been creeped out, but that one takes the cake for me.
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That's a great story. Man, I wish you had gotten more info from the guy!
Link Posted: 8/2/2017 8:16:21 AM EDT
[Last Edit: RDS_FSU] [#29]
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Originally Posted By ZeBool:
After following this thread for a long time, I've decided to throw my experience out there. It's nothing too crazy, so be warned.

In the course of performing my job, I go into a lot of vacant houses. Some date back to the early 1800's, even. Most of the time, there aren't any issues, but on occasion I'll get really creeped out. Most of the time, I just chalk it up to creeping myself out, which is very easy to do. There was one, though, where I know for a fact that it was neither just me, nor my imagination.

The house that I was inspecting was built somewhere around 1870. It hadn't been lived in since the early 80's, and the last living family member who owned it was trying to get rid of it, hence why I was there. The house sat about three hundred yards off a dirt road, and there wasn't a neighbor for at least half a mile. It's hard to describe, but the place just felt really, really, creepy. So, admittedly, I was already a little weirded out before I even set foot in the place.  

I did my exterior inspection, before moving inside. Once inside, the feeling of "something ain't right" kicked into overdrive. Still, I chalked it up to me just being a pussy, and headed into the basement. Immediately upon entering the basement, I began to feel even MORE uneasy. Still chalking it up to me just being a bitch, I kept at it. I made my way to this back room, which I suspect was an old root cellar or some such. The closer I got to it, the more intense the feeling of dread became. I was honestly afraid, and I didn't know why. This is where it gets strange.

As soon as I ducked into the room, every hair on my body felt like it instantly stood on end. I felt dizzy, and nauseous. What really got me, though, was the cold. When I say it got cold, I mean cold. I could see my breath. That is what really did it for me. I understand that your mind can play tricks on you, which is why I had believed that I was just creeping myself out. Seeing your breath, though, is a very real, very tangible thing. I was standing there in a basement, in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day, and I could see my breath. I did not imagine that. I am not  ashamed to admit that I ran. I cleared the basement steps three at a time, locked the door as fast as humanly possible, got in my car, and lit out of there.

I called the owner of the home to let him know that the inspection was complete, and was unpleasantly surprised when he asked in a roundabout way whether or not the place had creeped me out. Not wanting to sound like a weenie, I told him that it was a pretty creepy old house. He just snorted, and told me that it was more than that, which is why he hasn't set foot in the house since the mid seventies. That didn't make me feel any better.

Now, I have no idea what that was all about. I neither believe nor disbelieve in ghosts or other paranormal stuff. All I know is how I felt, and how I could see my breath. I know that much isn't normal. It wasn't that exciting, but there it is. There are a few other times where I've been creeped out, but that one takes the cake for me.
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Originally Posted By ZeBool:
After following this thread for a long time, I've decided to throw my experience out there. It's nothing too crazy, so be warned.

In the course of performing my job, I go into a lot of vacant houses. Some date back to the early 1800's, even. Most of the time, there aren't any issues, but on occasion I'll get really creeped out. Most of the time, I just chalk it up to creeping myself out, which is very easy to do. There was one, though, where I know for a fact that it was neither just me, nor my imagination.

The house that I was inspecting was built somewhere around 1870. It hadn't been lived in since the early 80's, and the last living family member who owned it was trying to get rid of it, hence why I was there. The house sat about three hundred yards off a dirt road, and there wasn't a neighbor for at least half a mile. It's hard to describe, but the place just felt really, really, creepy. So, admittedly, I was already a little weirded out before I even set foot in the place.  

I did my exterior inspection, before moving inside. Once inside, the feeling of "something ain't right" kicked into overdrive. Still, I chalked it up to me just being a pussy, and headed into the basement. Immediately upon entering the basement, I began to feel even MORE uneasy. Still chalking it up to me just being a bitch, I kept at it. I made my way to this back room, which I suspect was an old root cellar or some such. The closer I got to it, the more intense the feeling of dread became. I was honestly afraid, and I didn't know why. This is where it gets strange.

As soon as I ducked into the room, every hair on my body felt like it instantly stood on end. I felt dizzy, and nauseous. What really got me, though, was the cold. When I say it got cold, I mean cold. I could see my breath. That is what really did it for me. I understand that your mind can play tricks on you, which is why I had believed that I was just creeping myself out. Seeing your breath, though, is a very real, very tangible thing. I was standing there in a basement, in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day, and I could see my breath. I did not imagine that. I am not  ashamed to admit that I ran. I cleared the basement steps three at a time, locked the door as fast as humanly possible, got in my car, and lit out of there.

I called the owner of the home to let him know that the inspection was complete, and was unpleasantly surprised when he asked in a roundabout way whether or not the place had creeped me out. Not wanting to sound like a weenie, I told him that it was a pretty creepy old house. He just snorted, and told me that it was more than that, which is why he hasn't set foot in the house since the mid seventies. That didn't make me feel any better.

Now, I have no idea what that was all about. I neither believe nor disbelieve in ghosts or other paranormal stuff. All I know is how I felt, and how I could see my breath. I know that much isn't normal. It wasn't that exciting, but there it is. There are a few other times where I've been creeped out, but that one takes the cake for me.

Originally Posted By possumlivingdotcom:

That's a great story. Man, I wish you had gotten more info from the guy!

Yeah, That house sounds like there was some serious bad shit going on down in that cellar. The back story on it would be awesome. Do you know if it sold or what ever happened to it. It would be interesting to try and pull records on it. It has my curiosity peaked!
Link Posted: 8/3/2017 3:36:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: SouthernPhantom] [#30]
Man, that is creepy and yet all too familiar. I know the feeling, haven't encountered cold spots. Yet.

Here goes another one. Nothing supernatural, but it creeped me out badly.

In the southern part of Phelps County, Missouri, there's an old filled-sink iron deposit known as the Moselle No. 10 mine. It was mined for hematite back in the 1880s as a surface mine, then went dormant until 1934 or 1935, when some folks (presumably out of work due to the Depression; lots of small mines restarted in the 30s) tried to work it as an underground shaft mine.

Well, the problem with iron sinks is that they contain lots of marcasite and pyrite, both sulfides, at depth. Some sinks were mined specifically for their sulfide content, by companies looking to use the ore to produce chemical acid.

Being Missouri, the workings were a bit damp, which isn't normally a problem in the limestone and lead mines we have. Well, dampness is a problem in sulfide ore- it produces sulfuric acid. The miners at Moselle No. 10 found that equipment was damaged by the acid-  there are even reports of mine boots melting!

Moselle No. 10 was quickly abandoned as an underground operation, and work resumed from the surface. Things proceeded well until 1940, when a highwall collapse killed several men. Mining ended after this. There is a particular rectangular mound of stacked stone that we believe may be a mass gravesite, but we don't know for certain. I refuse to set foot in that particular holler, though. There are some places you are not meant to enter, and that is one.

Nowadays, the mine pit, about a hundred yards wide, is full of acidic water. Some of the concentrated ponds of runoff will dissolve steel nails overnight, I tested this.

The mine dumps surround the pit on the south and west sides, while on the north side, a thirty-foot-tall highwall stands over the pit. It's a great place to shoot- the dumps act as natural berms, and a lot of tough and physically-intense drills can be run there. The mine is technically on private property, but the owner hasn't bothered to post or gate it, and we pack out all our trash so nobody seems to mind. I'm far from the only person who shoots there.

Here's where things start getting weird.

The holler to the north of the mine has always given me a bad feeling. Another place to not set foot in. Lately, we've started finding mutilated deer carcasses in the woods nearby, with skins cleanly removed and placed six feet away from the carcass, bones cleanly cut as if with a saw, bones that are jointed in ways unlike any known animal...just wrong.

My fiancee and I were out there shooting early this spring. We hiked around to the south side, the lowest part of the site, to set up targets. I was carrying a Marlin .30-30, and my fiancee had her 870. The woods there are a bit spooky; we don't like to be unarmed.

"Help me!"

Aw, shit. What in the hell was that?

"What the hell? Did you hear that too?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I heard it too."

I topped off the tube of my Marlin, and made sure the butt pouch was full of rounds.

We climbed the eastern slope up the main spoil dump, trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible. Some folks go ATVing or ride horses around the mine; our first thought was that someone had gotten hurt. Still, this being the Ozarks, it never hurts to be prepared for things to go sideways some other manner.

I get up there first, and make contact with the person who we heard scream. It's a kid, maybe twelve years old, with a motorcycle. He looks a bit concerned. I truthfully explain to him that, if he heard shots, I was sighting in my deer rifle.

"Now, did I hear someone yelling 'help me', or was that just a figment of my imagination?" (my fiancee stayed back to assess the situation before making herself visible)

The kid quickly explained that no, he was calling for his sister; dinner would be ready soon. Apparently she wound up with the nickname "Elkie", which sounds an awful lot like "help me!" when echoing off mine highwalls.

"What was she doing over here? This place gets a bit spooky sometimes."

Well, apparently Elkie comes to the mine to look for bones.

Well, fuck me sideways, is this about to get weird?

My fiancee comes out of the treeline, all three of us climb to the uppermost dump to get a good view of the area. We all call her name a few times, no response. By this point, I already know where she is. We descend the spoil dump, walk onto the farm road that accesses the mine, and keep looking.

Ayup, she was wandering through that north holler, the one full of mangled, saw-cut, unnatural-looking bones, without a care in the world. Not a scratch on her.

We still find stuff there. My fiancee and a friend were shooting there this summer and spotted a mountain lion; they believe it may have been the culprit of some of the deer killings, but those things usually have a territory of many square miles! They don't confine themselves to a single mine. We're still not sure what's going on at Moselle No. 10, and if it's anything more than a mountain lion, I'm not sure that I want to.
Link Posted: 8/3/2017 9:20:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SouthernPhantom:
Man, that is creepy and yet all too familiar. I know the feeling, haven't encountered cold spots. Yet.

Here goes another one. Nothing supernatural, but it creeped me out badly.

In the southern part of Phelps County, Missouri, there's an old filled-sink iron deposit known as the Moselle No. 10 mine. It was mined for hematite back in the 1880s as a surface mine, then went dormant until 1934 or 1935, when some folks (presumably out of work due to the Depression; lots of small mines restarted in the 30s) tried to work it as an underground shaft mine.

Well, the problem with iron sinks is that they contain lots of marcasite and pyrite, both sulfides, at depth. Some sinks were mined specifically for their sulfide content, by companies looking to use the ore to produce chemical acid.

Being Missouri, the workings were a bit damp, which isn't normally a problem in the limestone and lead mines we have. Well, dampness is a problem in sulfide ore- it produces sulfuric acid. The miners at Moselle No. 10 found that equipment was damaged by the acid-  there are even reports of mine boots melting!

Moselle No. 10 was quickly abandoned as an underground operation, and work resumed from the surface. Things proceeded well until 1940, when a highwall collapse killed several men. Mining ended after this. There is a particular rectangular mound of stacked stone that we believe may be a mass gravesite, but we don't know for certain. I refuse to set foot in that particular holler, though. There are some places you are not meant to enter, and that is one.

Nowadays, the mine pit, about a hundred yards wide, is full of acidic water. Some of the concentrated ponds of runoff will dissolve steel nails overnight, I tested this.

The mine dumps surround the pit on the south and west sides, while on the north side, a thirty-foot-tall highwall stands over the pit. It's a great place to shoot- the dumps act as natural berms, and a lot of tough and physically-intense drills can be run there. The mine is technically on private property, but the owner hasn't bothered to post or gate it, and we pack out all our trash so nobody seems to mind. I'm far from the only person who shoots there.

Here's where things start getting weird.

The holler to the north of the mine has always given me a bad feeling. Another place to not set foot in. Lately, we've started finding mutilated deer carcasses in the woods nearby, with skins cleanly removed and placed six feet away from the carcass, bones cleanly cut as if with a saw, bones that are jointed in ways unlike any known animal...just wrong.

My fiancee and I were out there shooting early this spring. We hiked around to the south side, the lowest part of the site, to set up targets. I was carrying a Marlin .30-30, and my fiancee had her 870. The woods there are a bit spooky; we don't like to be unarmed.

"Help me!"

Aw, shit. What in the hell was that?

"What the hell? Did you hear that too?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I heard it too."

I topped off the tube of my Marlin, and made sure the butt pouch was full of rounds.

We climbed the eastern slope up the main spoil dump, trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible. Some folks go ATVing or ride horses around the mine; our first thought was that someone had gotten hurt. Still, this being the Ozarks, it never hurts to be prepared for things to go sideways some other manner.

I get up there first, and make contact with the person who we heard scream. It's a kid, maybe twelve years old, with a motorcycle. He looks a bit concerned. I truthfully explain to him that, if he heard shots, I was sighting in my deer rifle.

"Now, did I hear someone yelling 'help me', or was that just a figment of my imagination?" (my fiancee stayed back to assess the situation before making herself visible)

The kid quickly explained that no, he was calling for his sister; dinner would be ready soon. Apparently she wound up with the nickname "Elkie", which sounds an awful lot like "help me!" when echoing off mine highwalls.

"What was she doing over here? This place gets a bit spooky sometimes."

Well, apparently Elkie comes to the mine to look for bones.

Well, fuck me sideways, is this about to get weird?

My fiancee comes out of the treeline, all three of us climb to the uppermost dump to get a good view of the area. We all call her name a few times, no response. By this point, I already know where she is. We descend the spoil dump, walk onto the farm road that accesses the mine, and keep looking.

Ayup, she was wandering through that north holler, the one full of mangled, saw-cut, unnatural-looking bones, without a care in the world. Not a scratch on her.

We still find stuff there. My fiancee and a friend were shooting there this summer and spotted a mountain lion; they believe it may have been the culprit of some of the deer killings, but those things usually have a territory of many square miles! They don't confine themselves to a single mine. We're still not sure what's going on at Moselle No. 10, and if it's anything more than a mountain lion, I'm not sure that I want to.
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Mountain lions don't use saws. Pictures man!
Good story too.
Link Posted: 8/3/2017 10:27:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SouthernPhantom:
Man, that is creepy and yet all too familiar. I know the feeling, haven't encountered cold spots. Yet.

Here goes another one. Nothing supernatural, but it creeped me out badly.
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Did you happen to get photos?
Link Posted: 8/3/2017 11:06:33 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Sixtigers:

Did you happen to get photos?
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Of what, particularly? I have lots of photos of the site, none of the weird bones, but I'm sure something odd will turn up eventually after I spend some time there this fall.

No, mountain lions do not use saws.
Link Posted: 8/3/2017 11:29:23 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DaveyDug:
Go on...
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Originally Posted By DaveyDug:
Originally Posted By Bronze:

I gold mine all around Index.  I've seen some shit out there and there are areas I wont go back to.  Between the animals and the strange people that live out there.....I'm always packing.  But I've never gone up NF-6310.  Looks like I need to check it out now.

Because I am getting into areas that 99.9999999% of people will never see, I run into shit that makes no sense as to why its there sometimes.  On one occasion I found some stuff that I had to drive back to where I could get cell service to get a Deputy to follow me back in.  

And the Giford Pinchot National Forest between St. Helens and Mt. Adams......never going back there again......ever.
Go on...
I went visiting the Mt. St. Helens a couple weeks ago.  Was with my family so did not do any off road.   However, even watching the volcano, the level of destruction and how stuff is still twisted around it almost 40 years after the eruption causes an eerie feeling.   That thing still puffs some smoke clouds regularly.
Link Posted: 8/4/2017 4:29:15 AM EDT
Thanks ZeBool. Good creepiness.  I've never had a room go cold on me, but I've been in some odd places.
Your story reminded me of an old resort my family used to frequent along with some other friends of theirs and their families.  My buddy and I (and occasionally another kid or two) loved to explore the old buildings.  The old construction (the thick concrete walls gave some great echoes) and architecture, winding corridors, dimly lit service tunnels, unlocked areas that should have been locked, and minimal staff made it a great place for adventures.  There were the reliably spooky areas like certain dark parts of a couple of the roads where the woods came right up to the edge, the service tunnels, some abandoned groundskeeper buildings, etc.  One year, while wandering one of the halls, I stopped my buddy.  I don't know if it was an actual sensation, or if I was just making a correlation and my imagination took it from there, but I didn't like it.  I asked him, "Did you see The Shining?"  He said yes.  I said, "I feel like we're about to run into those little girls."  He paused, then said, "Yeah."  We both ran back down the hallway and took the stairs, two at a time, down to the lobby and hung out there for a while.  Good times.
Link Posted: 8/4/2017 4:32:03 AM EDT
Keep 'em coming, SouthernPhantom.  I know I'm not the only one wanting to hear about the evil things.
Link Posted: 8/9/2017 2:43:01 PM EDT
I'm enjoying this thread and will contribute, nothing too creepy.

When I was 6 or so, we lived on the first floor of a house that had been converted to apartments. My room was originally a dining room, and had a door that opened to the back porch. I remember steel steps leading from the porch to the back yard.

I don't remember what it was, but something had scared me earlier that evening before I went to bed. Probably a movie (Ernest scared stupid comes to mind). In any case, I was woken up in the middle of the night to steps on coming up to the back porch. They were very distinctive with the steel steps. At first I freak out thinking it was some sort of monster. Then I calm down and tell myself it's just my imagination and eventually get back to sleep.

Turns out it was the local lowlifes stealing our patio furniture. It was gone the next morning.
Link Posted: 8/9/2017 2:58:02 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Lennyo3034] [#38]
Another more recent one:

Every year, a local plantation holds a "Ghost Walk". Local volunteers dress up in clothing period to the theme of the year, and wear makeup to appear skeletal and ghostly. Guests are then taken around the house and large property, stopping along the way for multiple skits like a scene from a play. My wife volunteers every year and even I did it one year.

This plantation has a long history and is considered haunted. I believe at least one of the ghost hunters shows has visited it.

Details of the event are Here

My first time through this event, I am part of a tour group and there are a few scenes along the outside of the plantation house. As our group is walking from one scene to the next, I trail a bit behind and peek into the plantation house. At the far end of the house from the window I'm looking in from, there is a dimly lit room and I see a man and woman dancing. Both in period clothing(theme was civil war) and seemed quite fancifully dressed at that. It was only a quick peek and I thought nothing of it, assuming they were actors and I hadn't gotten to that scene yet.

However we finish the tour and we never saw a dancing couple so I assumed they were there intended for us to see if we looked it. That didn't seem like a good use of cast to me so I asked my wife about it, specifically if those two were expected to just dance the whole night. Her response (and keep in mind she was a guide and knew all the skits) was that there was no such scene or actors. Since the theme was the civil war that year, no one was in fancy period dress since the rest of the theme was the effect of the war on the area.

Link Posted: 8/10/2017 1:13:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AR-Builder-Upper:
Keep 'em coming, SouthernPhantom.  I know I'm not the only one wanting to hear about the evil things.
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I'll see what I can do; I'll need to consult with one or two other people who witnessed these events to piece together a solid chronology and redact a bunch of identifying details and other parts we want kept quiet. There were two series of events, about a year apart, the last one happening last fall.

I'll preface it this way: demonic possessions are quite real, and to be taken very seriously.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 1:45:55 AM EDT
Tag, I have an extremely creepy woods story that me and a fellow member here experienced. Full kit on at midnight in the woods doing night training, will do a write up when I'm home at a computer. Well worth the wait 
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 2:38:10 AM EDT
[Last Edit: azerious58] [#41]
ETA: MS Paint bitches!

Ok, so here goes, i'm not a great story teller but I will do my best.

About 6 years ago me and my buddy (fellow arcommer) were out in the national forest near Hayden, Idaho at a shooting "pit". Its a gravel pit about 90 yards deep to a ridge that goes off into the woods and the diameter is about 80 yards. We had just recently added lights to our ARs and were using CMMG .22lr conversions for "night training". Anyways we show up at about 11pm pitch black, and we were the only ones there. We setup our target stands and get to work. I had my 870 with slugs on the hood of his jeep XJ just in case any large animals showed. WE had our pistols and full kit otherwise. About an hour in (now past midnight) we were in between a drill and standing around the front of his car with the headlights illuminating the target and subsequent "pit walls". All of a sudden we both heard the most unnerving sound we have EVER heard in our lives. It sounded like extremely thick metal being torn apart for about 2 seconds, extremely hard to describe. Even harder is where it originated from. It sounded like it was everywhere, above us, behind us, in front of us, everywhere. And it was LOUD, this was with our ear pro on. Almost as if it was in our head. WE both paused and just stared at each other for about 10 seconds and waiting to see what would happen. Now this part is a bit tricky to convey in writing, but for people who aren't in the woods much, even at night, with no discernible noises the woods still make a "sound". There is an ambiance so to say, and its always present. Right after this sound there was fucking NOTHING. No insects anymore, no winds through the tree leaves, no nothing. Almost as some vacuum, vortex opened up and swallowed all noise. Very hard to describe. Just complete silence. I'm actually getting chills thinking about this now lol. The entire mood switched to almost that of dread and panic. It was as if a primal fear deep in our DNA was SCREAMING at us to GTFO. We both jumped into the Jeep and started to back out of the pit, I had my shotgun between my legs in the passenger seat. However our target stand was still there....so a stupid dilemma came up. We put alot of time and effort into making it and did not want to leave it, so after about 15 seconds of discussing, he drove up to it, got out and we both threw the target on the roof and shagged ass. The entire ride out of the woods was complete silence as we tried to contemplate what the fuck just happened. Two full grown males, with all the firepower and guns we could legally have were shitting ourselves barreling down this gravel road at high speed to get away from a "noise and feeling". The entire way out we both felt terror we have never felt in the woods before. I have had a previous life event of "wood knocking" in Arizona woods before this that was spooky but this was far scarier. My buddy is also Ex-SAR and has spent many nights in these very woods with no issues. Once we finally hit paved roads we were trying to figure out what it was and most importantly where it came from.

I have never heard a sound like that before and haven't since. We've also never been shooting at night since that event. I'm sure my buddy will chime in on this from his perspective as well.

That's it anyway, not too scary reading it but holy fuck, it brings back nightmares.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 2:48:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Sixtigers] [#42]
Creepy!  I get what you're saying, though.  I had a bit of a scare out in the woods myself once (story is in the front of this thread somewhere, years ago) and even though I was holding a fully loaded AR15, it didn't make me feel any better.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 4:08:53 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Bland85] [#43]

I've had a few occurrences where I mostly creeped myself out, or at least I'm convinced thats what happened.

The latest (ongoing) incidents occured where I live, I have a ARLO setup looking at my front door, driveway/ac unit, and inside my backdoor/laundry area.

From time to time, I receive "phantom" notifications of "motion detected" followed by a fat load of nothing on camera, or on video.

The dog growls at the front door if hes awake when this occurs, and this occurs generally only after darkness falls.

The dog refuses to investigate, and genuinely seems scared, he doesn't like to pee after dark unless I or the wife (or preferably both) sit on the front porch and watch him. He doesn't go very far either, certainly not outside of my view.

I've walked outside several times when motion was detected and the dog seemed upset before, and didn't notice anything, but a general feeling of unease/tension, with a pistol with a WML (holstered) and a handheld light for general "searching".

Never seen anything but darkness, and the occasional passing vehicle.

I would think it was some sort of wildlife, but the dog is a 7 y/o Lab that weighs about 75 lbs, so hes no ankle-biter.

Well I take that back, one time when I was coming home from work as I got out of the truck I heard a bobcat screech, that was a quite creepy incident.

The house itself is set out on a poorly paved country road, built in 1958, I bought it cheap and have totally remodeled in the inside. It sits on 3 acres of pretty dense wooded area (meaning briars, trees, weeds, shrubs) and the next house is like mine, old in a small clearing, just like the one before mine. Nothing is across the street but the woods.

I found a couple "weird" things during the remodel. Stick down 12x12 tile floor over hardwood, under carpet in the living room.

Panelling stuck to the wall with glue with "In Dog we Trust" written in the glue.

A Possum or Cat's skeleton in a bathroom wall. Rats skeletons in other walls.

Generally slipshod "improvement" / construction (like one wall was upper half sheetrock lower half paneling, under another layer of paneling).

Its home.


Have several stories much the same, general unease, nothing ever happened, just me noping away. I don't consider myself easily frightened, but maybe I am.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 4:25:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By azerious58:
ETA: MS Paint bitches!


Ok, so here goes, i'm not a great story teller but I will do my best.

About 6 years ago me and my buddy (fellow arcommer) were out in the national forest near Hayden, Idaho at a shooting "pit". Its a gravel pit about 90 yards deep to a ridge that goes off into the woods and the diameter is about 80 yards. We had just recently added lights to our ARs and were using CMMG .22lr conversions for "night training". Anyways we show up at about 11pm pitch black, and we were the only ones there. We setup our target stands and get to work. I had my 870 with slugs on the hood of his jeep XJ just in case any large animals showed. WE had our pistols and full kit otherwise. About an hour in (now past midnight) we were in between a drill and standing around the front of his car with the headlights illuminating the target and subsequent "pit walls". All of a sudden we both heard the most unnerving sound we have EVER heard in our lives. It sounded like extremely thick metal being torn apart for about 2 seconds, extremely hard to describe. Even harder is where it originated from. It sounded like it was everywhere, above us, behind us, in front of us, everywhere. And it was LOUD, this was with our ear pro on. Almost as if it was in our head. WE both paused and just stared at each other for about 10 seconds and waiting to see what would happen. Now this part is a bit tricky to convey in writing, but for people who aren't in the woods much, even at night, with no discernible noises the woods still make a "sound". There is an ambiance so to say, and its always present. Right after this sound there was fucking NOTHING. No insects anymore, no winds through the tree leaves, no nothing. Almost as some vacuum, vortex opened up and swallowed all noise. Very hard to describe. Just complete silence. I'm actually getting chills thinking about this now lol. The entire mood switched to almost that of dread and panic. It was as if a primal fear deep in our DNA was SCREAMING at us to GTFO. We both jumped into the Jeep and started to back out of the pit, I had my shotgun between my legs in the passenger seat. However our target stand was still there....so a stupid dilemma came up. We put alot of time and effort into making it and did not want to leave it, so after about 15 seconds of discussing, he drove up to it, got out and we both threw the target on the roof and shagged ass. The entire ride out of the woods was complete silence as we tried to contemplate what the fuck just happened. Two full grown males, with all the firepower and guns we could legally have were shitting ourselves barreling down this gravel road at high speed to get away from a "noise and feeling". The entire way out we both felt terror we have never felt in the woods before. I have had a previous life event of "wood knocking" in Arizona woods before this that was spooky but this was far scarier. My buddy is also Ex-SAR and has spent many nights in these very woods with no issues. Once we finally hit paved roads we were trying to figure out what it was and most importantly where it came from.

I have never heard a sound like that before and haven't since. We've also never been shooting at night since that event. I'm sure my buddy will chime in on this from his perspective as well.

That's it anyway, not too scary reading it but holy fuck, it brings back nightmares.
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I've also heard an almost exact story to this from a Park Ranger. I forget which national park this happened at but I can find you the story tomorrow if interested. Damn near the same exact experience.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 10:00:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SouthernPhantom:

I'll see what I can do; I'll need to consult with one or two other people who witnessed these events to piece together a solid chronology and redact a bunch of identifying details and other parts we want kept quiet. There were two series of events, about a year apart, the last one happening last fall.

I'll preface it this way: demonic possessions are quite real, and to be taken very seriously.
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That's all we have asked, is that you try.

Link Posted: 8/10/2017 10:01:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By azerious58:
ETA: MS Paint bitches!


Ok, so here goes, i'm not a great story teller but I will do my best.

About 6 years ago me and my buddy (fellow arcommer) were out in the national forest near Hayden, Idaho at a shooting "pit". Its a gravel pit about 90 yards deep to a ridge that goes off into the woods and the diameter is about 80 yards. We had just recently added lights to our ARs and were using CMMG .22lr conversions for "night training". Anyways we show up at about 11pm pitch black, and we were the only ones there. We setup our target stands and get to work. I had my 870 with slugs on the hood of his jeep XJ just in case any large animals showed. WE had our pistols and full kit otherwise. About an hour in (now past midnight) we were in between a drill and standing around the front of his car with the headlights illuminating the target and subsequent "pit walls". All of a sudden we both heard the most unnerving sound we have EVER heard in our lives. It sounded like extremely thick metal being torn apart for about 2 seconds, extremely hard to describe. Even harder is where it originated from. It sounded like it was everywhere, above us, behind us, in front of us, everywhere. And it was LOUD, this was with our ear pro on. Almost as if it was in our head. WE both paused and just stared at each other for about 10 seconds and waiting to see what would happen. Now this part is a bit tricky to convey in writing, but for people who aren't in the woods much, even at night, with no discernible noises the woods still make a "sound". There is an ambiance so to say, and its always present. Right after this sound there was fucking NOTHING. No insects anymore, no winds through the tree leaves, no nothing. Almost as some vacuum, vortex opened up and swallowed all noise. Very hard to describe. Just complete silence. I'm actually getting chills thinking about this now lol. The entire mood switched to almost that of dread and panic. It was as if a primal fear deep in our DNA was SCREAMING at us to GTFO. We both jumped into the Jeep and started to back out of the pit, I had my shotgun between my legs in the passenger seat. However our target stand was still there....so a stupid dilemma came up. We put alot of time and effort into making it and did not want to leave it, so after about 15 seconds of discussing, he drove up to it, got out and we both threw the target on the roof and shagged ass. The entire ride out of the woods was complete silence as we tried to contemplate what the fuck just happened. Two full grown males, with all the firepower and guns we could legally have were shitting ourselves barreling down this gravel road at high speed to get away from a "noise and feeling". The entire way out we both felt terror we have never felt in the woods before. I have had a previous life event of "wood knocking" in Arizona woods before this that was spooky but this was far scarier. My buddy is also Ex-SAR and has spent many nights in these very woods with no issues. Once we finally hit paved roads we were trying to figure out what it was and most importantly where it came from.

I have never heard a sound like that before and haven't since. We've also never been shooting at night since that event. I'm sure my buddy will chime in on this from his perspective as well.

That's it anyway, not too scary reading it but holy fuck, it brings back nightmares.
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CSB. For real!
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 10:39:09 AM EDT
[Last Edit: spartacus2002] [#47]
here is my "creepy" story that had a mundane but scary ending.

In the 1980s, my folks were having a house built in a new development.  The area was kind of swampy, there was a deep creek behind our house, lots of shade and trees, no other house on our side of the street. Felt isolated.  We visited it regularly during construction because it was less than 10 mins from our house and Dad wanted to make sure the contractor wasn't cutting corners.

We pull up around 6pm, beginning twilight, go around back to unlock and roll up the double garage doors (which faced away from the road toward back of the property) so we can enter the house through the door from garage to kitchen.  Strangely, one garage door was already open, rolled up into the ceiling.  We enter the 2-car garage, there is glass on the floor.

I notice the door from garage into house is open, and hear strange murmuring, very creepy.  Dad (who is not very observant) is stepping on broken glass, cursing loudly "WHY IS THERE BROKEN GLASS HERE?" I look up at the garage door.  One window is busted out, and the thin metal bars that move from center to left/right to lock into the sides of the roller frames are bent all to hell.

Then it hits my 11yo self:  The house is in the process of being burglarized.  Thieves had been breaking into other houses in this development to steal the oven/stoves and re-sell them to cheap-ass realtors, and we're about to walk in on them.  The murmuring is them whispering and talking low about "keep quiet unless they find us..."

I convince my dad of this, who is about to enter the house, he gets the "OH SHIT" look, and we run out of there to the car.  As we make it to the car, we see four HUGE good ol' boys leave the back of the house and run for the woods.

A few weeks later, the cops caught this crew (they were subcontractors who were installing the oven/stoves by day, then returning to steal them at night to resell them) and said they were very dangerous guys.  No telling how close we came to getting our asses beaten or killed.  

That's not very creepy, but when you suddenly realize you're in 7th grade and you gotta convince Dad (who thinks you're just a stupid kid) to believe you or else he's gonna die, it's a significant emotional event.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 10:47:36 AM EDT
I've contributed to this thread before but I don't think I included this, because it isn't really creepy.

I had a premonition one day that came true seconds after I vocalized it. So not creepy, but supernatural I guess.

So, my girlfriend and I (wife now, we were together in college) are coming back from spring break. We went to college at Alabama, and we were coming up from being home down in south AL. We had just come through birmingham, and were now on 20 west about 15 minutes from being back in Tuscaloosa.

The drive was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. We were clipping along at around 80 like we always were, and this other college age kid comes up beside us. We were in the left lane, he pulled up to us on the right. I looked at him, not sure why. I just tend to look at people when they come up beside me. For whatever reason, I just got the feeling that he was going to wreck, and if I didn't do something we'd be involved in that wreck.

After about 2-3 seconds of him being beside us, I said out loud "this dude's about to have an accident." I literally have no clue why I said it. It almost just came out uncommanded. At that point I hit the brakes a fair bit and let him go on past. A second or two later and we're at about 60, probably 3-4 car lengths behind this guy's car. All of the sudden his car swerves, crosses into the lane we were just in at the EXACT point where we would have been - spins around a few times and SLAMS into the middle rail that divides the east/west traffic. I mean he hits hard.

At this point I was stunned, wife was stunned, and we just sort of drove past in silence. I saw cars pulling over to help so we continued on. I didn't see/hear any reports of a fatality in the papers so I'm assuming the guy lived.

I can't describe to you how eery it was for that to happen. Who knows what would have happened to us if he'd have his us. The whole accident could have been different and some of us could have perished, who knows? We were both going around 80. I'm glad that we didn't have to find out.

This is all 100% truth, and I can recall it as vividly as yesterday. Hell I'll get my wife to make an account and tell you from her perspective if you'd like. I never really believed in premonitions up until that point. Not really sure I do even now, but I can tell you with certainty that SOMETHING put an image and a warning in my brain to back off. I mean it hit me like a ton of bricks, it wasn't just a casual thought. It was normal driving one second, then every alarm in my brain going off the next.

I am SO thankful that I vocalized what I was thinking at that moment, because if my wife wouldn't have heard me no one would believe me I bet.
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 12:30:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MILSPEC556:

I've also heard an almost exact story to this from a Park Ranger. I forget which national park this happened at but I can find you the story tomorrow if interested. Damn near the same exact experience.
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Would be interested
Link Posted: 8/10/2017 12:34:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:
I've contributed to this thread before but I don't think I included this, because it isn't really creepy.

I had a premonition one day that came true seconds after I vocalized it. So not creepy, but supernatural I guess.

So, my girlfriend and I (wife now, we were together in college) are coming back from spring break. We went to college at Alabama, and we were coming up from being home down in south AL. We had just come through birmingham, and were now on 20 west about 15 minutes from being back in Tuscaloosa.

The drive was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. We were clipping along at around 80 like we always were, and this other college age kid comes up beside us. We were in the left lane, he pulled up to us on the right. I looked at him, not sure why. I just tend to look at people when they come up beside me. For whatever reason, I just got the feeling that he was going to wreck, and if I didn't do something we'd be involved in that wreck.

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Somebody was trying to tell you something ....
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