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Posted: 3/20/2012 2:42:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:44:38 PM EDT
I have not tired it.

are you planning on doing something really witty

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:45:38 PM EDT

Rabid Attack Squirrels?

Massive waves of Feral Cats/Dogs?
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:46:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:47:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:49:01 PM EDT
Not sure if legit but i found this by googling

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:49:04 PM EDT
Been there.. Done that... Kicked back... Zombies...
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:54:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:56:10 PM EDT
misunderstood, sorry.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:08:16 PM EDT
I remember a "Chicks Dig-um" got approved
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:29:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:35:01 PM EDT
so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:40:38 PM EDT
Some people just gotta poke a sleeping dog.

You know some of the shit I pull from time to time..
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:44:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:50:54 PM EDT



so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

You must like waiting. . .

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:54:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 3:55:13 PM EDT
I'm thinking of putting: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 4:00:21 PM EDT
so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

very interesting about the CDC website I did not know this

I also read as part of that article "Terrorist attacks" I wonder if that would be accptable

If the Government can use this scenario I would think you should be able to as well

good luck with that

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 4:04:06 PM EDT
Just change it to "chicks like short barrels" You still get a funny answer and maybe they approve it.

Man that picture of the "zombie" form hurts. Submitted in March and approved in May.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 4:25:02 PM EDT
I guess I may be the only one who doesnt see the point in testing the boundries of what you can get away with on the forms.

With current NFA wait times on applications (that don't have creative stuff written in the reasons section) approaching and starting to  surpass 6 months in pending status... why anybody would send in applications that would cause one of the handful of examiners they have left at the moment to stop what they are normally doing (i.e. approving forms) most likely end up talking to a supervisor, write you a letter & fill out another F1  with "all lawful reasons".  You then continue to argue with them which probably caused more time out of the examiners day talking to their supervisor, ripping off the stamps/whiting out their signature, voiding the transfer, and mailing you another form letter with your forms back....and your current plan is to continue to argue with the "one" examiner who takes care of all the applications that come from your State.  Not to mention whats left the examiners mood and resulting productivity that day after having to deal with her boss about the guy who wants a SBR to defend agaist aliens and zombies.

While the NFA registration process sucks and I would love nothing more for it to go away, the reality is that it's not going to change anytime soon, and until a Federal budget is passed and the NFA branch can hire more people, we are stuck with the few we have got.  Just messing with them and burning their cycles because you already have an SBR and don't care how much time it takes to get your space alien gun approved isn't real helpful or productive for everyone else who needs to get through the process in as timely a manner as possible.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 4:55:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 4:58:57 PM EDT

Someone over on Silencertalk got theirs kicked back with an error letter for saying "Zombie Hunting."

Don't waste your time and the ATF's by putting anything other than "any legal purposes."


The whole "zombie" thing is pretty goddamn played out by this point, in any case.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 5:07:54 PM EDT



Someone over on Silencertalk got theirs kicked back with an error letter for saying "Zombie Hunting."

Don't waste your time and the ATF's by putting anything other than "any legal purposes."


The whole "zombie" thing is pretty goddamn played out by this point, in any case.
Terrorist Hunting it is

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 5:38:08 PM EDT

Someone over on Silencertalk got theirs kicked back with an error letter for saying "Zombie Hunting."

Don't waste your time and the ATF's by putting anything other than "any legal purposes."


The whole "zombie" thing is pretty goddamn played out by this point, in any case.

Perhaps so, but I never get tired of posting it along with the matching engraved celebratory shotgun:

Link Posted: 3/20/2012 5:51:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 6:11:43 PM EDT
so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

I find this irritating beyond comprehension.

You do understand that this epically pointless issue is wasting all of our time?  I'm not talking about this thread, I'm talking about your having at least two NFA Branch employees tied up with this nonsense.  These people could -and should- be processing the 6 month backlog of forms instead of dealing with this.

Yes, forms have previously been approved like this and that damage has been done, but it's clear someone over there with a healthy degree of world view put an end to the trend.

Bad, but to a lesser extent, you are making a mockery of the job they do by submitting forms like this, so of course they're going to call you on it. But much bigger picture, such language appearing on your Form 1 or 4 calls into question ATF's own credibility. With all the bad PR ATF has had over the years, the last thing they need or want is another congressman or anti-gun group trying to make points by waiving around an ATF-approved  Form 1 that says "For Zombie Attacks". Does any part of you think this is a smart thing to do?  It lacked a great deal of professionalism and common sense to approve anything that read like that in the first place, so why would you expect them to repeat their previous mistakes?

Deal with your disappointment, write "For all lawful purposes" like everyone else so your paperwork can be moved along...
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 6:28:54 PM EDT
so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

I find this irritating beyond comprehension.

You do understand that this epically pointless issue is wasting all of our time?  I'm not talking about this thread, I'm talking about your having at least two NFA Branch employees tied up with this nonsense.  These people could -and should- be processing the 6 month backlog of forms instead of dealing with this.

Yes, forms have previously been approved like this and that damage has been done, but it's clear someone over there with a healthy degree of world view put an end to the trend.

Bad, but to a lesser extent, you are making a mockery of the job they do by submitting forms like this, so of course they're going to call you on it. But much bigger picture, such language appearing on your Form 1 or 4 calls into question ATF's own credibility. With all the bad PR ATF has had over the years, the last thing they need or want is another congressman or anti-gun group trying to make points by waiving around an ATF-approved  Form 1 that says "For Zombie Attacks". Does any part of you think this is a smart thing to do?  It lacked a great deal of professionalism and common sense to approve anything that read like that in the first place, so why would you expect them to repeat their previous mistakes?

Deal with your disappointment, write "For all lawful purposes" like everyone else so your paperwork can be moved along...

But but, he's fighting the power.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 6:55:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:05:28 PM EDT
...silly shit like "zombie hunting"...

I assure you, sir, that the hunting of zombies is serious business and not to be taken lightly.  
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:09:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:12:22 PM EDT
I do not have any NFA weapons, yet. I know nothing about filling out the forms, yet. But would "it's a hobby" not be approved?
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:23:05 PM EDT
I do not have any NFA weapons, yet. I know nothing about filling out the forms, yet. But would "it's a hobby" not be approved?  

You are getting into some of the points DK-Prof may be trying to make.  Exactly what is a "valid reason" for those of us not living in states that define the boundaries of such?  (NC and their scientific research law comes to mind)  How does one examine Federal law for guidance on the matter?  Is that even possible?  Why can't I rely on previous forms that have been approved as a reference?  Where are the CFR regulations or NFA guidelines on the process?

On the last forms I sent in for MGs, I tamed it down and wrote "for investment".  The sincere and honest reason from my heart was "because I want one and I can".
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:29:11 PM EDT
They've asked an incredibly stupid question and now have people competing to provide the stupidest answer. It's their fault. There is no statutory reason to ask the question an ATF can go through the process and take it off of the form.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 7:30:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 9:57:55 PM EDT
"I guess I may be the only one who doesnt see the point in testing the boundries of what you can get away with on the forms.

With current NFA wait times on applications (that don't have creative stuff written in the reasons section) approaching and starting to surpass 6 months in pending status... why anybody would send in applications that would cause one of the handful of examiners they have left at the moment to stop what they are normally doing (i.e. approving forms) most likely end up talking to a supervisor, write you a letter & fill out another F1 with "all lawful reasons". You then continue to argue with them which probably caused more time out of the examiners day talking to their supervisor, ripping off the stamps/whiting out their signature, voiding the transfer, and mailing you another form letter with your forms back....and your current plan is to continue to argue with the "one" examiner who takes care of all the applications that come from your State. Not to mention whats left the examiners mood and resulting productivity that day after having to deal with her boss about the guy who wants a SBR to defend agaist aliens and zombies.

While the NFA registration process sucks and I would love nothing more for it to go away, the reality is that it's not going to change anytime soon, and until a Federal budget is passed and the NFA branch can hire more people, we are stuck with the few we have got. Just messing with them and burning their cycles because you already have an SBR and don't care how much time it takes to get your space alien gun approved isn't real helpful or productive for everyone else who needs to get through the process in as timely a manner as possible."

so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

I find this irritating beyond comprehension.

You do understand that this epically pointless issue is wasting all of our time?  I'm not talking about this thread, I'm talking about your having at least two NFA Branch employees tied up with this nonsense.  These people could -and should- be processing the 6 month backlog of forms instead of dealing with this.

Yes, forms have previously been approved like this and that damage has been done, but it's clear someone over there with a healthy degree of world view put an end to the trend.

Bad, but to a lesser extent, you are making a mockery of the job they do by submitting forms like this, so of course they're going to call you on it. But much bigger picture, such language appearing on your Form 1 or 4 calls into question ATF's own credibility. With all the bad PR ATF has had over the years, the last thing they need or want is another congressman or anti-gun group trying to make points by waiving around an ATF-approved  Form 1 that says "For Zombie Attacks". Does any part of you think this is a smart thing to do?  It lacked a great deal of professionalism and common sense to approve anything that read like that in the first place, so why would you expect them to repeat their previous mistakes?

Deal with your disappointment, write "For all lawful purposes" like everyone else so your paperwork can be moved along...

What these guys said. This junior high level toolbaggery is getting old as fuck, and slows down an already slow, painful process even further. I don't care what your argument for carrying on this stupid pissing match with the ATF is, but it is just that, stupid. Just put "For all lawful purposes" and be done with it so the rest of us can get our shit approved. I see no point in getting some smart-ass approval reason past the ATF, I just want my damned .22 suppressor approved. Remember, the ATF has all the time in the world to waste while they dick around arguing with you over semantics. It does nothing but hurt other NFA owners.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 10:16:05 PM EDT
You sir, get back in line and do as you're told.

I put 'To enhance collection' because I do not even want them contacting me unless it is my stamp.
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 10:39:21 PM EDT
I wonder what they'd do if you said..

"because its my damn constitutional right"
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 11:15:02 PM EDT
I guess I may be the only one who doesnt see the point in testing the boundries of what you can get away with on the forms.

With current NFA wait times on applications (that don't have creative stuff written in the reasons section) approaching and starting to  surpass 6 months in pending status... why anybody would send in applications that would cause one of the handful of examiners they have left at the moment to stop what they are normally doing (i.e. approving forms) most likely end up talking to a supervisor, write you a letter & fill out another F1  with "all lawful reasons".  You then continue to argue with them which probably caused more time out of the examiners day talking to their supervisor, ripping off the stamps/whiting out their signature, voiding the transfer, and mailing you another form letter with your forms back....and your current plan is to continue to argue with the "one" examiner who takes care of all the applications that come from your State.  Not to mention whats left the examiners mood and resulting productivity that day after having to deal with her boss about the guy who wants a SBR to defend agaist aliens and zombies.

While the NFA registration process sucks and I would love nothing more for it to go away, the reality is that it's not going to change anytime soon, and until a Federal budget is passed and the NFA branch can hire more people, we are stuck with the few we have got.  Just messing with them and burning their cycles because you already have an SBR and don't care how much time it takes to get your space alien gun approved isn't real helpful or productive for everyone else who needs to get through the process in as timely a manner as possible.

^Wouldn't want to ride in a car with this guy
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 4:11:37 AM EDT

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

Link Posted: 3/21/2012 4:31:11 AM EDT
...and then suddenly the second examiner decided to change the rule again.


Are you new at dealing with the government at any level?  This is how it works everywhere, local or national.  I'm in civil engineering and land surveying.  I deal with city planners.  Our clients deal with various inspectors.

You can get three different answers from three different city planners or inspectors.  One guy can tell you to rip up your concrete, then you can get someone else to come out (a month later) and he'll say the last guy was insane and approve it.

Countdown until this gets locked for being a troll thread.
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 6:47:38 AM EDT
I guess I may be the only one who doesnt see the point in testing the boundries of what you can get away with on the forms.

With current NFA wait times on applications (that don't have creative stuff written in the reasons section) approaching and starting to  surpass 6 months in pending status... why anybody would send in applications that would cause one of the handful of examiners they have left at the moment to stop what they are normally doing (i.e. approving forms) most likely end up talking to a supervisor, write you a letter & fill out another F1  with "all lawful reasons".  You then continue to argue with them which probably caused more time out of the examiners day talking to their supervisor, ripping off the stamps/whiting out their signature, voiding the transfer, and mailing you another form letter with your forms back....and your current plan is to continue to argue with the "one" examiner who takes care of all the applications that come from your State.  Not to mention whats left the examiners mood and resulting productivity that day after having to deal with her boss about the guy who wants a SBR to defend agaist aliens and zombies.

While the NFA registration process sucks and I would love nothing more for it to go away, the reality is that it's not going to change anytime soon, and until a Federal budget is passed and the NFA branch can hire more people, we are stuck with the few we have got.  Just messing with them and burning their cycles because you already have an SBR and don't care how much time it takes to get your space alien gun approved isn't real helpful or productive for everyone else who needs to get through the process in as timely a manner as possible.

^Wouldn't want to ride in a car with this guy

Well, that was abuzzkill.  But, he's correct...
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 7:09:48 AM EDT
Do you play games when you submit your income tax forms?
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 7:12:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 7:13:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 7:42:31 AM EDT
I got an acquaintance that sent in a form 1 on a suppressor and he listed "suppressor and 100 parts".  It was approved with out question.  a few years later he sent in another one with the same thing.  it was turned back and he was told to change it.

the Fact is the ATF is completely inconsistent on the application process.
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:00:35 AM EDT



now some people seem to think that I am the bad guy because I tried to play the game,


I say fight the man.

I want a Zombie Hunter SBR too

Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:01:43 AM EDT


I got an acquaintance that sent in a form 1 on a suppressor and he listed "suppressor and 100 parts".  It was approved with out question.  a few years later he sent in another one with the same thing.  it was turned back and he was told to change it.

the Fact is the ATF is completely inconsistent on the application process.

I do not get  the "100 parts" part

Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:06:45 AM EDT
I'm thinking of putting: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."

I'll cover the stamp fee of anyone who puts: "To protect against ATF armed drug cartels"
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:09:03 AM EDT

I got an acquaintance that sent in a form 1 on a suppressor and he listed "suppressor and 100 parts".  It was approved with out question.  a few years later he sent in another one with the same thing.  it was turned back and he was told to change it.

the Fact is the ATF is completely inconsistent on the application process.

I do not get  the "100 parts" part

My understanding is that one can not have extra internal parts for a suppressor.  apparently by ATF standards each internal part if not installed in can is a suppressor by itself
Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:11:01 AM EDT
so I have to ask what did you use

to protect the goose in my dresser

Of course now - that would be silly

I put down "Preparation for possible space alien invasion, zombie uprising or other post-apocalyptic scenario"

Given that stuff like "Zombies" and "Protection from Zombies" has already been approved, I don't see the problem.

But, the examiner sent me a letter demanding that I EITHER submit a new form (which he had nicely filled out for me with "all legal reasons") OR that I explain my answer.  So I sent back a detailed letter explaining my answer (since the examiner gave me that option) - including pointing out that the Centers for Disease Control (another government agency) has a webpage about preparing for the zombie uprising, and explaining that even though a space alien invasion is highly unlikely, it is not technically impossible.

A month later (today), I got a letter from a different person (presumably the examiner's superior) saying that my reason was "inappropriate" and that I need to resubmit with a "more specific to the current reality of application" reason.

What's really bizarre is that he returned my Form 1 copies, and you can clearly see where a tax stamp has been TORN OFF and where the original examiner's approval signature and date has been covered with white-out.  How bizarre is that??  

So now I intend to argue with them some more, and point out that other silly reasons HAVE been approved, and demand to know exactly what the legal definition of "inappropriate" is for this question - which to my mind can only either be unlawful or lawful.  I have no idea what the grey area of "appropriate" means, so I'd like the ATF to clarify that for me.  

I find this irritating beyond comprehension.

You do understand that this epically pointless issue is wasting all of our time?  I'm not talking about this thread, I'm talking about your having at least two NFA Branch employees tied up with this nonsense.  These people could -and should- be processing the 6 month backlog of forms instead of dealing with this.

Yes, forms have previously been approved like this and that damage has been done, but it's clear someone over there with a healthy degree of world view put an end to the trend.

Bad, but to a lesser extent, you are making a mockery of the job they do by submitting forms like this, so of course they're going to call you on it. But much bigger picture, such language appearing on your Form 1 or 4 calls into question ATF's own credibility. With all the bad PR ATF has had over the years, the last thing they need or want is another congressman or anti-gun group trying to make points by waiving around an ATF-approved  Form 1 that says "For Zombie Attacks". Does any part of you think this is a smart thing to do?  It lacked a great deal of professionalism and common sense to approve anything that read like that in the first place, so why would you expect them to repeat their previous mistakes?

Deal with your disappointment, write "For all lawful purposes" like everyone else so your paperwork can be moved along...

It sounds to me like you think this examiner is sitting with dk's form laying on their desk anxiously awaiting his next response.

Link Posted: 3/21/2012 8:17:33 AM EDT
I'm thinking of putting: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."

I'll cover the stamp fee of anyone who puts: "To protect against ATF armed drug cartels"

Let me buy another stripped lower and I will get back to you.(it would be better if I lived in Texas)
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