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Posted: 10/7/2009 3:19:34 PM EDT
I live in a subdivision where there are a few rental homes...one just happens to be next door to me.  Some new people moved in about 4 months ago, and so far have been a real pain. There is one old guy, probably in his 60's, and then 2-3 kids between 12-15 yrs old I would guess.  I have only seen the guy out 2 times in the 4 months they have lived there, but the kids that live there pretty much roam the neighbor hood and run wild.  I remember when I was a kid (I'm 31), so I let lots of stuff slide....but riding their mini-dirt bikes through my lawn, ringing my door bell and running off, throwing trash in my back yard, and leaving all of their bikes and crap in my front yard...gets old.

OK, well back on track.....they have this dog, and it's mean as hell. It's some sort of GSD/Pit mix, probably around 80-90 lbs if I had to guess...it's pretty big, and would have no problem tearing into you pretty good.  They have a chain link fence for the dog, but the dog is big enough that it can (and has) jumped over and gotten out.  One time it got out when I was washing my truck in my drive way....I saw it running at me and I had to jump up in the back of my truck to keep from getting bit...the thing is aggressive as hell.  I had my knife out ready to stick it if it tried getting into the bed of my truck.  As soon as I hopped up in the truck, one of the kids came running out of the house. I asked "hey, does your dog bite...it's not very friendly"....the kid just laughed, said "no, he's nice", called the dog in, and went back inside.  I'm waiting for the next time I see the old man so I can say something to him.  I don't know if he works weird hours or what...but I NEVER see the guy, I never even see any cars leave from the house.  He doesn't seem to give a rats ass about his house, his lawn, or his wild kids...so I wouldn't expect him to really care about the dog either.

My main concern is that I'll be under my truck changing the oil, or doing something else in my garage and that thing will get out and attack me when I'm not expecting it.  If it bites me, can I draw down and shoot it if it just keeps coming at me?  What are my options?  Can animal control or the local police do anything to make the guy put up a better fence, or force him to secure the dog better?

I just don't want to get bit by this damn dog.  Every time I mow the lawn it acts like it wants to come over the fence and rip an hole in my ass. I don't want to do anything to the dog in fear that the crazy neighbor guy will call me in for animal abuse or something.  It has gotten more aggressive as time has gone on. It used to run away when I would get close to the fence, now it will actually charge me and just about come over the fence.

What would you guys do?


It looks small in the pic, but the dog is pretty darn big.

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:19:55 PM EDT

ETA: if the neighbor isn't willing to work with you, just throw some meat over to it daily until it gets use to you....NOT TAINTED MEAT!
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:21:08 PM EDT
Hit it with pepper spray. Only takes once.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:22:00 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:22:15 PM EDT
Hit it with pepper spray. Only takes once.

....or this
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:24:33 PM EDT
Tell one of the kids next time you see one to go and get your father/granpa or whoever it might be.... Tell him your thoughts on the dog.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:28:45 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:29:53 PM EDT
I would say try and make "nice" the the POS old man.  Unfortunately your screwed!  Renters have more rights than the land lord!  

Another thing to try...if he gets out catch him (using perviously mentioned meat) and take him to the pound!  

As for the kids leaving there bikes on your yard...wait till dark take it into your garage and take it apart and put in dumpster!
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:33:43 PM EDT

ETA: if the neighbor isn't willing to work with you, just throw some meat over to it daily until it gets use to you....NOT TAINTED MEAT!

I actually tried this when they first moved in...before I knew the dog was mean as hell. I tossed some dog bones to it every day for about a week straight. It didn't seem to phase it...it would eat the dog bone, then look up...growl...bark...then act like it wanted to rip my arm off. The thing is just mean...not sure if it was beat or what...but it's mean as hell.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:34:35 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  

I disagree.

Jumping in the truck was a smart move. It was the lack of shooting the dog while in the truck I have a problem with.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:34:59 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  

I wasn't carrying at the time..all I had was my pocket knife. I've seen what dogs can do to people if they get a hold of you....I wasn't about to try to wrestle with the thing. Now if I would have been carrying, it might have been a difference story.  

I wasn't about to get my 1911 wet while washing my truck...now I know better.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:37:11 PM EDT
Now would be a good time to test out your handgun hollow points or buckshot.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:38:39 PM EDT
Hit it with pepper spray. Only takes once.

this is also my vote if feeding it does not work or if you just want to laugh at the dog first.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:38:58 PM EDT
you know im sort of like your neighbor, with a mean dog. but my dog isnt mean in fact he will love you to death and protect the house or car he is in with his life. yeah he will jump at strangers and bark if he is on a leash with me walking him, almost have a heart attack if someone is walking across the street barking at them. but if he knows you he will run and jump on you so happy to see you. running free at a dog park he is everyones best friend, but at home or in a car he is on guard duty.

maybe make friends with the neighbor and the dog.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:39:56 PM EDT
Doggy treat with 25 mg diphenhydramine in it.  Makes them sleepy.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:40:41 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  

I wasn't carrying at the time..all I had was my pocket knife. I've seen what dogs can do to people if they get a hold of you....I wasn't about to try to wrestle with the thing. Now if I would have been carrying, it might have been a difference story.  

I wasn't about to get my 1911 wet while washing my truck...now I know better.

1911's have been in battle since WWI and you were worried about it getting wet!?!?!?!?!    
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:41:10 PM EDT
I hear that dogs like chocolate.  Maybe if you give him that instead of meat he would like you.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:41:19 PM EDT
Rat Poison
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:42:24 PM EDT
Take pictures.
Make phone calls to the police.
Talk to the other neighbors.

They're goin' down...
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:45:21 PM EDT
We dont carry concealed weapons just for bad humans ya know.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:46:08 PM EDT
Get bit, shoot dog, sue renter and LLD, profit, buy new 1911 to replace old one melted by water.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:46:55 PM EDT
you know im sort of like your neighbor, with a mean dog. but my dog isnt mean in fact he will love you to death and protect the house or car he is in with his life. yeah he will jump at strangers and bark if he is on a leash with me walking him, almost have a heart attack if someone is walking across the street barking at them. but if he knows you he will run and jump on you so happy to see you. running free at a dog park he is everyones best friend, but at home or in a car he is on guard duty.

maybe make friends with the neighbor and the dog.

So your dog will get out, and go attack your next door neighbors??  Sounds like you have a well trained dog that you take care of....you are NOTHING like my neighbor with the mean dog.  
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:46:58 PM EDT
22 rifle and an empty 2liter bottle
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:48:40 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  

I wasn't carrying at the time..all I had was my pocket knife. I've seen what dogs can do to people if they get a hold of you....I wasn't about to try to wrestle with the thing. Now if I would have been carrying, it might have been a difference story.  

I wasn't about to get my 1911 wet while washing my truck...now I know better.

1911's have been in battle since WWI and you were worried about it getting wet!?!?!?!?!    

Yes, I didn't feel like getting my expensive 1911 soaking wet while washing my truck in the drive way.  Sorry, sue me!    Now if I had been carrying my XD, I wouldn't' have minded
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:50:23 PM EDT

IN our libtard society, you just about have to let a dog chew a hole in you before you hurt it.  
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:50:46 PM EDT
feed the dog, it will love you.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:52:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:53:12 PM EDT
Buy a few bags of treats and when you are outside , call the dog over and give it some .

I am looking at the height of that fence ..

That dog could clear that fence easy.....every time if it wanted to attack you.

Talk to the owner and ask him if it has a bite history.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:53:34 PM EDT
feed the dog, it will love you.

Tried that...several times. Even with food in my hand it will try to come over the fence at me..I've tossed several dog bones and hotdogs over the fence trying to get the dog to like me....no luck. It's as mean (or worse) after feeding it for several weeks  

I've even had some of my other neighbors come over and try to "make friends" with the dog....treats them the same. I would talk to the guy if I ever saw him.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:54:08 PM EDT
I got mauled by 2 rottweilers. They went after my daughter 1st but I was able to get her to safety before they got me. Luckily they only tore my legs up. They easily could have killed me. After the initial attack they strutted away. I got up off the ground covered in blood and started backing away. They stopped and turned at me again. I knew if they caught me again I would die. I ran for my neighbors fence and dove over it blowing out my shoulder on the landing in the process. (Full open rotator cuff surgery sucks REALLY bad). I sued the shit out of the owners but wouldnt wish that experience on anyone.

Has this dog acted aggressively?  Immediately contact the animal control agency in your town/county and have the animals declared dangerous. This has legal and binding consequences for the owner and basically puts an "open season" on the animals if they set foot on your property.

I later found out that these dogs had chased and cornered other people but no one wanted to "get involved" or take the time to address the dangerous dog situation. If they did I probably wouldnt have been attacked and hurt in plain sight of my 6 year old daughter.  I would probably be retired now too.  Killing someones beloved "pet" had some serious neighborhood issues too. Instead of a friendly wave hello we flipped the bird to each other for months. He knows I have a pretty sizable weapon collection and CCW so it never went further than that. Thankfully they moved away a while back.....
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 3:57:55 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:01:18 PM EDT
Spray the dog face eyes with 50/50 Ammonia/Water mix solution. As a biker in rural areas something dog will chase you and bite at your legs. A little spray make the dog go away.  Screw PITA.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:01:29 PM EDT
If the shoot is justifiable, your problem is solved (with the dog).

Don't know what you can do about the people though.

I am a dog owner and lover.

I would not hesitate to shoot an aggressive dog that was actively trying to attack me or someone in my family.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:12:49 PM EDT
I would kill that dog the next time he got out. And if that dog hurt one of my kids, the old man would get some as well.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:17:28 PM EDT
Raisins will get rid of it as well.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:19:41 PM EDT
talk to neighbor- wont do anything

Talk/report to animal control- will ask for proof, which you will have by the 3rd time. wont do anything

My advise, just spray to dog when he is agressive with DOG pepper spray and he will back off you whenever your around.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:24:56 PM EDT
Treats generally work. When i worked in the field I kept a bag of snausages in the car. Mean barky bitey dog turns into your pal after 3 or 4.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:27:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:33:34 PM EDT

I wouldn't escalate. They outnumber you. You have much more to lose. You are a stationary target.

I'd make friends with the killer mut. Let him guard your house too. I'd learn the kids names. Maybe
pay them to mow your lawn or trim your bushes. Show them you're not an easy target but you aren't
a dick either. Use them. Turn your problem into other peoples problem.

Sure that won't work? Poison the dog.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:35:03 PM EDT
If the dog gets loose and attacks you, kill it.

For the record, the dog in the picture doesn't look anything like a GSD or a Pitbull.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:37:39 PM EDT
I got mauled by 2 rottweilers. They went after my daughter 1st but I was able to get her to safety before they got me. Luckily they only tore my legs up. They easily could have killed me. After the initial attack they strutted away. I got up off the ground covered in blood and started backing away. They stopped and turned at me again. I knew if they caught me again I would die. I ran for my neighbors fence and dove over it blowing out my shoulder on the landing in the process. (Full open rotator cuff surgery sucks REALLY bad). I sued the shit out of the owners but wouldnt wish that experience on anyone.

Has this dog acted aggressively?  Immediately contact the animal control agency in your town/county and have the animals declared dangerous. This has legal and binding consequences for the owner and basically puts an "open season" on the animals if they set foot on your property.

I later found out that these dogs had chased and cornered other people but no one wanted to "get involved" or take the time to address the dangerous dog situation. If they did I probably wouldnt have been attacked and hurt in plain sight of my 6 year old daughter.  I would probably be retired now too.  Killing someones beloved "pet" had some serious neighborhood issues too. Instead of a friendly wave hello we flipped the bird to each other for months. He knows I have a pretty sizable weapon collection and CCW so it never went further than that. Thankfully they moved away a while back.....


Contact animal control NOW.  Report the incident you mentioned.  Get it documented.  Then go talk to the neighbor.  Don't wait until you see him, or hope you run into him some time.  Go over there as soon as you've filled the report and explain to him what you've done and why.  Then make a point of carrying when you're outside.  Gun and knife.  Pepper spray is an option if you want to be able to claim you tried less-lethal mean, but don't mid getting chewed on, because the hot stuff is probably just going to piss him off more.  Let the neighbor know the consequences of a similar attack.  And then, if the dog charges you again –– pull the trigger until the mutt stops advancing.  A dog that size can do a lot of damage very quickly.

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:38:54 PM EDT

snap the dogs neck, cut out its heart, then ring the door bell of your neighbors while your eating it

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:41:46 PM EDT

I wouldn't escalate. They outnumber you. You have much more to lose. You are a stationary target.

I'd make friends with the killer mut. Let him guard your house too. I'd learn the kids names. Maybe
pay them to mow your lawn or trim your bushes.
Show them you're not an easy target but you aren't
a dick either. Use them. Turn your problem into other peoples problem.

I'm not too worried about a 60yr old man, and his 3 little kids....I'm worried about their stupid dog.  Paying them to mow my lawn and trim my bushes does nothing for the problem with the dog.  

And like I have said 100 times.....I have tried feeding the dog several times, but it hasn't made a difference at all. I'm a dog guy, I love my dog....and I always try to make friends with other peoples dogs. This thing is just mean...plain and simple.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:44:22 PM EDT


I hear that dogs like chocolate. Maybe if you give him that instead of meat he would like you.

For those of you who don't know choclate is fatal to dogs

Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:46:44 PM EDT

Those three kids can make your life hell and you can't shoot them.

Poison the dog in a subtle way. Do it and move on. Do it tonight.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:50:44 PM EDT

I wasn't carrying at the time..all I had was my pocket knife. I've seen what dogs can do to people if they get a hold of you....I wasn't about to try to wrestle with the thing. Now if I would have been carrying, it might have been a difference story.  

I wasn't about to get my 1911 wet while washing my truck...now I know better.

>>Yoda on<<
This is why you fail!
>>Yoda off<<

Get a Glock!
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:54:21 PM EDT
Have you tried to win the dog over.  Treats, talk in nice voice, ect...

If this fails then talk to owner, if that fails can animal control, if that fails shoot the dog if he comes after you.

Edit:  My dog is very aggressive and mean towards my Korean neighbor.  He hates them with a passion.  They were mean and threw things at him (rock., cans of coke, ect...) when he was a puppy (he went to fence whining for attention and very friendly as a puppy) and he has never forgotten it.  He is nice towards the neighbor on the other side.  The Korean lady is scared of him and has complained, but I have told her tuff shit that what she gets for them throwing stuff at him when he was a puppy and that I'd act the same towards them if they threw shit at me.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:54:59 PM EDT
I would have never jumped in my truck to evade the dog in the first place, and there would be no need for a "what to do" thread beyond that.  

Been there, done that, got the spent casing.  

I disagree.

Jumping in the truck was a smart move. It was the lack of shooting the dog while in the truck I have a problem with.

When are you guys going to learn,it's not the dogs fault, put a round in the owner.....did I say that outloud.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 4:58:19 PM EDT
Make meatballs with pellets of rat poison. Cook the meatballs (so the will not fall apart) and toss one or two over the fence. Problem solved.
Link Posted: 10/7/2009 5:02:55 PM EDT
I got mauled by 2 rottweilers. They went after my daughter 1st but I was able to get her to safety before they got me. Luckily they only tore my legs up. They easily could have killed me. After the initial attack they strutted away. I got up off the ground covered in blood and started backing away. They stopped and turned at me again. I knew if they caught me again I would die. I ran for my neighbors fence and dove over it blowing out my shoulder on the landing in the process. (Full open rotator cuff surgery sucks REALLY bad). I sued the shit out of the owners but wouldnt wish that experience on anyone.

Has this dog acted aggressively?  Immediately contact the animal control agency in your town/county and have the animals declared dangerous. This has legal and binding consequences for the owner and basically puts an "open season" on the animals if they set foot on your property.

I later found out that these dogs had chased and cornered other people but no one wanted to "get involved" or take the time to address the dangerous dog situation. If they did I probably wouldnt have been attacked and hurt in plain sight of my 6 year old daughter.  I would probably be retired now too.  Killing someones beloved "pet" had some serious neighborhood issues too. Instead of a friendly wave hello we flipped the bird to each other for months. He knows I have a pretty sizable weapon collection and CCW so it never went further than that. Thankfully they moved away a while back.....


Contact animal control NOW.  Report the incident you mentioned.  Get it documented.  Then go talk to the neighbor.  Don't wait until you see him, or hope you run into him some time.  Go over there as soon as you've filled the report and explain to him what you've done and why.  Then make a point of carrying when you're outside.  Gun and knife.  Pepper spray is an option if you want to be able to claim you tried less-lethal mean, but don't mid getting chewed on, because the hot stuff is probably just going to piss him off more.  Let the neighbor know the consequences of a similar attack.  And then, if the dog charges you again –– pull the trigger until the mutt stops advancing.  A dog that size can do a lot of damage very quickly.



Link Posted: 10/7/2009 5:11:12 PM EDT

I hear that dogs like chocolate. Maybe if you give him that instead of meat he would like you.

For those of you who don't know choclate is fatal to dogs

Expensive dark chocolate is dangerous for dogs.  Cheap milk chocolate is merely dangerous to your rugs if fed to dogs.

But as always, quantity and concentration matter.  A 30 lb dog can eat a hershey bar and just get the runs.  The same dog may be poisoned by eating 3 or 4, or by eating a single dark chocolate bar with a high coco ratio.

Either way, poisoning the dog will not be the end of your problems with these people, aside from just plain being wrong.
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