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Link Posted: 3/17/2013 4:02:34 PM EDT

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 12:25:30 PM EDT
I was doing some work near Appleton WI, and got stuck late one night.  Missed my flight to Chicago. Shit.

Irritated, I rescheduled my flight for early the next morning (6am?)  The only seats left are at the back of regional jets that operate there.  I recognized that my seat assignment was an aisle seat, just one row ahead, and across from the lavatory.  I thought nothing of it, and went out to dinner.

I woke up at 3:45am, and arrived at the airport at about 5:15am.  

Several things were working against me on this fateful trip:

1. When you work out-of-town in a strange city, you tend to eat out at restaurants. Big ones, small ones, chains and mom-and-pop's. Since your employer is footing the bill, you eat a little more, drink a little more, and (maybe) even treat yourself to dessert. I did all of these things.  Mexican food, replete with cervezas a plenty. Ice cream to cool off the burn a bit. Delicious to the last spoonful.

2. When you wake up very, very early in the morning in that strange city, without the standard comforts of home, your "morning routine" is thrown off a bit. That is, my body was simply not ready (at 4am) to unload the goodly pile of toxic waste that was brewing from the night before from my bowels into the hotel's Standard commode. Perhaps the toilets in ORD's F terminals would be the beneficiaries...

3. In an effort to wake up quickly, I fired down two cups of the hotel's rot-gut coffee. One in my room while getting ready to leave, and one while driving towards the airport.

4. Nearing the airport, I mindlessly pull into the gas station to fill up the rental car and grab a breakfast snack. Bacon/egg/cheese sandwich, and a hash-brown or two, along with a third cup of coffee.

I dropped off the rental car, jogged to security, and got to my gate a few minutes later -- about 5 minutes before boarding time.  I noticed that there was a large group of blue-hairs (tour/church group?) also scheduled to take the flight with me.

By this time, I realized that I had to empty my bladder due to the coffee had consumed during the past hour, but that my intestinal tract was still not "ready" to loose the the likely bowl-splattering release that I would have otherwise enjoyed in the comforts of my home.

The boarding begins, and I walk down the jetway.  A frequent flyer, I place my bags in their proper spots, and settle into my seat. Somewhat wired due to the coffee, I was unable to doze, as I prefer to do on early AM flights.

The plane fills up quickly and somewhat loudly, as the chattering church-going blue-haired contingent is babbling with the excitement that they're Chicago-bound (or wherever they were headed, ultimately.)

The plane leaves the gate on time, but stops abruptly as we get out to the edge of the runway.

Our captain, warm and comfy in the cockpit (and used to waking up early for this flight) announces that we'll "be taking off shortly", but that "we need to remain seated, as we're on an active runway." About 20 minutes pass.

All the while, my bacon/egg/cheese sandwich, hashbrowns, and three cups of coffee have created a downward force on the top of the Mexican food/beer/ice cream bonanza that's been approaching the point of release, some time within the next hour.

Can I keep holding it?  Sure, no problem.

I'm a professional.
I've been to this rodeo before.

I hear the jet engines power up, and feel my body push back into the seat. The regional jet lifts off the tarmac, and we rocket towards Chicago's O'Hare International, a quick ~35 minute flight.

I feel a slight bubble in my stomach.  No big deal. I find myself looking out the window, and after a while, the "ding" sounds, announcing that it's safe to turn on your electronic devices.  A few minutes more, and another ding sounds --- the fateful "you may now move about the cabin" ding.

Then, I heard the unbuckling of a few dozen airline seatbelts.

Until this point, you probably thought that this post would lead to the tale of me overloading the airfilters in a tiny, 50-person plane with the malodorous emissions that had brewed within my intestines.  It's not.

This is a story about cropdusting.  Cropdusting of the worst kind.  Cropdusting after morning routines are upset by an early flight.   Cropdusting ---- by a group of 30 blue-haired church-going 60-70 year olds.

In my life, I've never smelled a nastier combination of old ass, fart, mothballs, coffee, terrible perfume and airplane blue toilet water and urine (remember, I was sitting next to the lavatory).  Apparently, these septegenarians also were thrown off by the early AM flight, too.  They had the same idea as I did; ORD would be a good spot to complete the normal morning constitutions.

But since all of them had to sit in their seats for an extra 20 minutes, awaiting for takeoff,  each and every one of them had dropped methane bombs in their high-waisted Gramma and Grampa jeans, which marinated in the stink of gas, dust, and Ben-gay.

As they lined up to walk back to the toilet, I was the recipient of the noxious fumes held in their Depends covered asses...as each one entered the lavatory, they turned to face the lav door. Each ass pointed directly at my head. As another, and another, and another geezer got up out of their seat to head to the bathroom, I realized that I'd have to endure the stank until the flight de-planed.

That's exactly what I had to do.

I'll never fly out of Appleton in the early AM again.

Holy fuck dude
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 12:40:41 PM EDT
Math test in HS many years ago.
Strict teacher puts up with no BS.
The chick sitting in front of me sneezes which makes her fart. Loudly.
I bust out laughing in tears at the funniest thing I had ever heard.
Suspended and failed me..........
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 12:52:06 PM EDT
And one more...
Was in a band.
Bassist is driving and I am shotgun.
Singer is in the back seat with his new stripper girlfriend.
Singer is well known to have bad gas (which ended up being a parasite living up his ass but that is a different story)
Singer lets one go silently.
Nuclear death and fermentation of rotting corpses hits everyone simultaneously.
Bassist hits the brakes and dives out the car as do I.
I turn around to see the stripper yanking on the door handle screaming.
Unable to open the door and dive for her life she sucks in a huge gulp of parasitic aerosolized shit and projectile vomits into the window which back-splashed all over her and the bassist car.

I walked home.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 12:59:38 PM EDT
I was on de-mob at Ft. McCoy near LaCrosse, Wi in 2008. Any military here know that when deployed we are not allowed to drink but command allowed 4 beers a night during de-mob.

None of us had anything other than DFAC food and MRE's for the better part of 10 months so of course the first thing we do is load up on nachos and beer at the base watering hole.

Well, a couple hours later after shooting some pool and throwing darts, we were waiting for the shuttle back to our barracks and my stomach was churning a bit. We were outside next to the bus stop and I had what I thought was going to be a wet fart so I naturally pushed to allow my squad to smell the righteous goodness from my bowels. What came forth was was the most ungodly hideous smell that anyone would have thought could come from a (live) human body. It lasted a full 15 seconds with some small aftershocks.

I ended up clearing the OUTDOOR bus stop to about 50 yds upwind of me. I'm talking people with eyes watering, doubled over with a few gags, everything.

Others were coming out to catch the shuttle and did the same, but they wondered who drug the decomposing carcass of whatever the hell made that smell to the area. It lingered for a good 5 minutes in an open air bus stop.

I can say that was my best ever.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 1:06:32 PM EDT
I had not been dating my Wife very long and we were in her Parents living room, just the 4 of us, I began to feel one coming on, one of those feelings where you know there is no stopping it, I shit and hoped it wouldn't be bad, but it was and before long her Dad had this strange look on his face and my Wife asked Dad what is wrong?? he said he smelled something foul I didn't say anything(to embarrassed) but it was rank, I don't think they ever did figure it out, and 20+ years later I still haven't fessed up.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 1:11:36 PM EDT
Back when I was in the AF, my team member and I were starting up a LCC (Launch Control Center). We both were but fully armed with beer & the night before midnight pizza farts.

Bout the time we got everything started up I let out a a silent yet deadly ass-rip. Being the nice guy I was I maintained a serious face and asked "Whats burning?" My team member & the two launch officers down in the capsule take in real big breaths. One of the officers goes over to the bathroom area to see if the shitter somehow had overflowed while the other one starts looking through safety checklists for noxious fumes during startup.

Not sure how but my team member and myself maintained straight faces throughout the whole thing. Guess the two officers figured it out after we had left because when we got back to base our resident OIC had a letter of counseling filled out and waiting on me. It was more politically correct but the general jist of it was to not fart in LCC's during startup.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 2:04:45 PM EDT
it was maybe upper 20's outside. hard frost late Nov. I leave out the back door thinking the wife is going out the front door. So I let-er-go and lock the door and walk off. about a minute later I hear a scream, crash and cussing. My wife walked into the cloud taking a deep breath through her nose. fell off the porch and twisted her ankle.

I had just gotten home from an eleven month deployment. Wife had gotten a dag while I was gone, so me and the pup were getting to know each other. I am sitting on the floor in the office and I let a loud rumbler go. Wife felt it in the floor 30 feet away. Dog gets up, sniffs her own ass and runs to thte door. the look on the dogs face that she thought it was her.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 2:16:15 PM EDT
I had not been dating my Wife very long and we were in her Parents living room, just the 4 of us, I began to feel one coming on, one of those feelings where you know there is no stopping it, I shit and hoped it wouldn't be bad, but it was and before long her Dad had this strange look on his face and my Wife asked Dad what is wrong?? he said he smelled something foul I didn't say anything(to embarrassed) but it was rank, I don't think they ever did figure it out, and 20+ years later I still haven't fessed up.

Oh dad knew...no doubt about it.  
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 2:47:26 PM EDT
When I was younger I was in the airport with my family awaiting our flight to California. I had just got a cool little contraption called a "fart machine."

The machine was remote controlled. My dad put the speaker in his jacket pocket and I walked behind him with the controller.
My dad happened to be pulling a small carry on bag behind him. We got some great reactions from people. At one point I had the speaker and I was sitting at these computer like things where you pay to browse the internet and was triggering the machine and people would get up and walk off with time still left because of it.
Then my dad accidentally dropped the suitcase and as he bent over to pick it back up I pressed the remote and there was a group of 4 people sitting right next to where he was and only on of them busted out laughing hysterically. Then she carried on to explain in sign language to the other three exactly what had happened and then they busted out laughing as well. It was great. My mom and sister were sitting not that far off and they got to witness the comedy of events as well. I will never forget that.

*On a side note, deaf people farting seems like a set up for a funny story or two...*
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 3:00:24 PM EDT
OK, I haven't made it past page 3 yet, but I cannot help it.  I have spent more time laughing and wiping tears from my eyes than I have spent reading.  I'll go ahead and add my own before I continue reading...

I was in 6th grade, still in the first month of junior-high.  This is it.  The big leagues.  It was Friday; sloppy joe day for lunch.  I had 2 classes after lunch...math and english.  Math went fine, but 7th period english came and my stomach was rumbling bad.

Our classroom was split down the middle.  Desks on either side of the room faced to the center (each side was facing each other). I was in the second row on one side,  5 minutes before 3pm, and the afternoon announcements started.  I bent over to the side to put my binder into my bookbag, and my ass took full advantage of the situation.  Out came the absolute loudest fart that has ever echoed off the thin plastic seat I was sitting in.  It only stopped with a high-pitched squeal because I immediately sat upright pinching off the assplosion.  Every pair of eyeballs in that room was focused on me as I slowly scanned the room from left to right.  Even the teacher, who was standing at the podium was staring at me with her jaw dropped.  

Those last 5 minutes were an eternity.  

2 girls I had a crush on were in that class too

8th grade I had a reading class two periods after lunch.   An ENTIRE FORTY MINUTES FOR NOTHING BUT SILENT READING.

I don't remember what I ate but at one point it was painful enough I had to try to ease it out about five minutes before the end of class.    Of course it was loud, wet, and nasty sounding, and the whole room was dead silent when it happened.    The teacher started laughing and asked if anyone needed to use the bathroom...   I didn't speak up but my flushed, sweaty face and instant eye contact gave him the confirmation that he needed.

Link Posted: 3/19/2013 3:19:21 PM EDT
I was in the Orlando Public Library one day.  3rd Floor, way in the back.   It's a huge floor with very long aisles of books.

I was way in the back of the libray and the floor was dead, not a soul in sight and as expected...quiet as a church.

I was standing inside the aisle when I cut an SBD.  The Zyklon B of SBD's.  The really putrid sulphuric kind that don't smell like a regular fart but more like pickled eggs and skunk beer.  They never dissipate.  Just hang in the air like green fog.

Anyway I feel another one coming on and i look around and see that there is no one around anywhere.  Just as I let it go, to my astonishment, the hottest brunette gal from out of no freaking where, turns the corner and stops within 3 feet of me looking for a book.  She was drop dead stunning beautiful and now standing in the middle of ground zero.

Embarassing doesn't even describe it.  I just turned walked off fast..........giggling so hard I nearly puked.    I heard her say...."Fucking asshole"
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 3:35:00 PM EDT
I remember it like it was yesterday....

I was a boy scout.  We would meet at the local Methodist church in the assembly area.  Think large room with tall ceilings...linoleum floors.  We had just finished an activity and everyone else went outside to do something.  I had to stay inside with one of the other scouts moms (believe me...you don't want pics) to demonstrate some knots for my merit badge.  

As she bends over to pick up the rope off the floor...she let's loose the loudest damn fart I've ever heard.  The thing reverberated in the room.  Even worse, it smells horrendous...like something died in her ass.  Her and I were the only two people in the room...there was no doubt who did it, but she still tried to pretend that nothing happened.  I felt like houdini trying to tie those knots before I ran out of air....
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 3:42:08 PM EDT
I dont have an epic fart story yet, but I feel a good one brewing since I am supposed to have a colonoscopy next week.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 4:29:30 PM EDT
So, why does cutting one at your desk mean everyone is going to come see you?
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 4:30:16 PM EDT
I remember it like it was yesterday....

I was a boy scout.  We would meet at the local Methodist church in the assembly area.  Think large room with tall ceilings...linoleum floors.  We had just finished an activity and everyone else went outside to do something.  I had to stay inside with one of the other scouts moms (believe me...you don't want pics) to demonstrate some knots for my merit badge.  

As she bends over to pick up the rope off the floor...she let's loose the loudest damn fart I've ever heard.  The thing reverberated in the room.  Even worse, it smells horrendous...like something died in her ass.  Her and I were the only two people in the room...there was no doubt who did it, but she still tried to pretend that nothing happened.  I felt like houdini trying to tie those knots before I ran out of air....

She mighta queefed on ya . . . .
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 4:40:24 PM EDT
So, why does cutting one at your desk mean everyone is going to come see you?

It goes back to our caveman days.  You have to eat to fart, so if you fart; it means that you have something to eat.  Those folks are just looking for a free meal.  
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 7:05:49 PM EDT
So, why does cutting one at your desk mean everyone is going to come see you?

LOL  Never fails.  I was going to post a similar quesiton.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 7:22:01 PM EDT
I recently discovered a new secret recipe for real room clearing gas; made an omlet for brkfast one saturday with some
onions that had been in the fridge (cut up) for several weeks; a little soft, but didn't smell bad, and they stir-fried up
real nice before I added the eggs; tasted good too;

anyway, went to lunch & had some brisket, and more fresh onions; yum,,,at this point I hadn't noticed
anything special about the breakfast omlet.

Hold on,,, after lunch, once I got home, I started a series of loud, smelly farts that even I couldn't stand,,,,
nearly got put out for the evening,,,,I mean, I've never been able to create such a smell in 56 years of trying,,,,,,
this went on for 5 or 6 hours,,,,,next day my special powers were gone.

I figured the fresh onions at lunch gave a boost to the rotten ones I had for breakfast. all this & I don't even drink beer,,,,,
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 8:07:20 PM EDT
So, why does cutting one at your desk mean everyone is going to come see you?

LOL  Never fails.  I was going to post a similar quesiton.

Yep. Happens to me all the time
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 8:33:53 PM EDT
When my brother and I were wee little ones, (4&7) my father would grab our heads in a leg lock and fart on us while we screamed histerically.  He found this hillarious and did it once or twice a week.  It helped that we would avoid him the rest of the night so he could watch TV or eat dinner in peace...Whatever, anyway 36 years later I still remember the one time he did it and the fart was actually a shart.  I  still remember my mother screaming at him like a crazy woman while she washed shit out of our hair and ears in the bath tub. As an adult i think That was pretty funny, but damn it did mess me up in the head
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 8:45:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 9:23:52 PM EDT
When my brother and I were wee little ones, (4&7) my father would grab our heads in a leg lock and fart on us while we screamed histerically.  He found this hillarious and did it once or twice a week.  It helped that we would avoid him the rest of the night so he could watch TV or eat dinner in peace...Whatever, anyway 36 years later I still remember the one time he did it and the fart was actually a shart.  I  still remember my mother screaming at him like a crazy woman while she washed shit out of our hair and ears in the bath tub. As an adult i think That was pretty funny, but damn it did mess me up in the head

Link Posted: 3/19/2013 9:30:12 PM EDT
Shower farts are bad.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 10:11:46 PM EDT
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time........

When my brother and I were wee little ones, (4&7) my father would grab our heads in a leg lock and fart on us while we screamed histerically.  He found this hillarious and did it once or twice a week.  It helped that we would avoid him the rest of the night so he could watch TV or eat dinner in peace...Whatever, anyway 36 years later I still remember the one time he did it and the fart was actually a shart.  I  still remember my mother screaming at him like a crazy woman while she washed shit out of our hair and ears in the bath tub. As an adult i think That was pretty funny, but damn it did mess me up in the head

Link Posted: 3/28/2013 1:27:02 AM EDT
I digested some greasy ass cod, old onions and Old Style.....after an hour, I was in nuclear fission mode.
I was splitting ass  atoms like a mother.  I slip ripped and called for my three year old to come near me...she screamed,
"Mommy, my nose!!!"
Link Posted: 3/30/2013 12:05:35 AM EDT
I was in a friend's truck riding shotgun, end of the workday, and our helper kid in the back seat.  Friend has a '95 Dodge Ram extended cab, so you have to open the front door to open rear door.  We were pulling into a shopping center so I could run into the bank, and as we were driving around the parking lot, I can feel one brewing, probably from the 7Eleven nachos with chili I had for lunch.  I let it rip as he stopped the truck for a car in front of us, then said "I'll get out here", hopped out, and slammed the door.    About 5 minutes later, my buddy comes into the bank, shaking his head, says "That's fucked up, dude."  Campeezy, our helper, was stuck, I guess my buddy pulled over real quick and bailed out, left him locked inside.  
Link Posted: 3/30/2013 2:41:52 AM EDT
When my brother and I were wee little ones, (4&7) my father would grab our heads in a leg lock and fart on us while we screamed histerically.  He found this hillarious and did it once or twice a week.  It helped that we would avoid him the rest of the night so he could watch TV or eat dinner in peace...Whatever, anyway 36 years later I still remember the one time he did it and the fart was actually a shart.  I  still remember my mother screaming at him like a crazy woman while she washed shit out of our hair and ears in the bath tub. As an adult i think That was pretty funny, but damn it did mess me up in the head

im dying over here.
Link Posted: 4/3/2013 5:17:16 PM EDT
Bump. I farted in my truck the other day, and two seconds later caught a nosefull of the most vilest and wretched smell. Smoked myself out of my truck
Link Posted: 4/3/2013 5:29:03 PM EDT
Zombie thread lives again
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:07:22 PM EDT
I've been working a lot of long days lately and this is the series of events that leads to "the incident". Yesterday I was up at 4 AM and started my day with two big bowls of raisin bran, four cups of black coffee, and a day old cheese danish. Hurried to work and was greeted by a fresh pot of coffee and maple bacon donuts. Noon time rolls around and it's time for lunch. Chili, little smokies, and red bull. Keep working through the day and my stomach begins to ache. No matter how hard I tried to release the evil within I was sealed up tighter than Fort Knox. It was almost like my body had a vendetta against someone and was preparing for just the right time. Dinner time rolls around and I had three eggs, sausage, and toast. 2 AM rolls around and I had to be up early in time for a morning conference call. I forgot to set my alarm and 10 minutes before my conference call was supposed to begin my wife comes in and very gently says it's almost time for your meeting.

I jump out of bed, throw on some clothes and get my computer ready for my conference call. Skype starts ringing into the meeting and then my body began to not so silently scream "let it begin...let IT BEGINNNNN!!!!!!!" braaapppppp brappppppp brapppppp :insert tuba noises here: with each ring of the phone I begged my sphincter to show some mercy. Silence fell for one split second and I thought I was safe. Then, as if imitating the Ark of the Covenant's leading role in Indiana Jones the most inhuman sound of my life emanated from my body. It was as if the kraken had been released and I had absolutely no control. I made every attempt to mute my microphone and my computer showed its true allegiance by not allowing me to close the window. As the beads of sweat rolled down my face all I could hear was the tiny voice of a woman say in an almost inaudible way "oh...my...god" and then this little tiny snicker. I excused myself only to hear you are caller 17 on this call. Turns out I had broadcast the magnificence of the incident across three different European countries as well as to a large construction trailer in Africa.

I don't think I will never live that down.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 7:46:44 PM EDT
I've been working a lot of long days lately and this is the series of events that leads to "the incident". Yesterday I was up at 4 AM and started my day with two big bowls of raisin bran, four cups of black coffee, and a day old cheese danish. Hurried to work and was greeted by a fresh pot of coffee and maple bacon donuts. Noon time rolls around and it's time for lunch. Chili, little smokies, and red bull. Keep working through the day and my stomach begins to ache. No matter how hard I tried to release the evil within I was sealed up tighter than Fort Knox. It was almost like my body had a vendetta against someone and was preparing for just the right time. Dinner time rolls around and I had three eggs, sausage, and toast. 2 AM rolls around and I had to be up early in time for a morning conference call. I forgot to set my alarm and 10 minutes before my conference call was supposed to begin my wife comes in and very gently says it's almost time for your meeting.

I jump out of bed, throw on some clothes and get my computer ready for my conference call. Skype starts ringing into the meeting and then my body began to not so silently scream "let it begin...let IT BEGINNNNN!!!!!!!" braaapppppp brappppppp brapppppp :insert tuba noises here: with each ring of the phone I begged my sphincter to show some mercy. Silence fell for one split second and I thought I was safe. Then, as if imitating the Ark of the Covenant's leading role in Indiana Jones the most inhuman sound of my life emanated from my body. It was as if the kraken had been released and I had absolutely no control. I made every attempt to mute my microphone and my computer showed its true allegiance by not allowing me to close the window. As the beads of sweat rolled down my face all I could hear was the tiny voice of a woman say in an almost inaudible way "oh...my...god" and then this little tiny snicker. I excused myself only to hear you are caller 17 on this call. Turns out I had broadcast the magnificence of the incident across three different European countries as well as to a large construction trailer in Africa.

I don't think I will never live that down.

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 8:31:33 PM EDT
My wife ran myself and three dogs out of bed last night... It was bad... I got nothing more...
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 9:21:57 PM EDT
When my brother and I were wee little ones, (4&7) my father would grab our heads in a leg lock and fart on us while we screamed histerically.  He found this hillarious and did it once or twice a week.  It helped that we would avoid him the rest of the night so he could watch TV or eat dinner in peace...Whatever, anyway 36 years later I still remember the one time he did it and the fart was actually a shart.  I  still remember my mother screaming at him like a crazy woman while she washed shit out of our hair and ears in the bath tub. As an adult i think That was pretty funny, but damn it did mess me up in the head

Damn.  I pictured him having pants on when he did this, but I guess not
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:05:39 PM EDT
Someone please post a good link to the Ryans poop story.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:07:50 PM EDT
Someone please post a good link to the Ryans poop story.

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:12:29 PM EDT
Years ago I was getting a BJ from a girlfriend I had at the time. Right at the time I blow my wad I let out this huge fart. Needless to say there was an akward moment of silence afterwards.

well not quite that but have had girls fart when I have been banging them. Almost as an embarassing a situation as someone calling out the previous lovers name while having sex.

omg, i had that happen too, i was banging this really pretty girl for the first time, and i was on top going at it pretty good and hard, then i slowed down and put it in really deep and she let out the loudest fart that lasted about 3 sec. it was one of those dry farts that come out so fast and hard they hurt, almost scaring you.... i stopped and looked at her super fast cause it scared me, and she turned beat red and said, "OMG! im soo sorry! i have no idea where that came from!" i told her it was awesome, and dont worry about it, she started to cry... sex was over after that. it was super weird, so i got dressed and left...

Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:12:50 PM EDT
Someone please post a good link to the Ryans poop story.


Here's one-

Today I farted on an old Industrial Scientific M40 Gas meter in front of a few employees and the lights and siren went off on it making us all laugh so hard we were crying.  Then I tried to re-calibrate it and it won't work now- must have blew it apart

**made me think of this.....

Gene Gene made a machine,
Joe Joe made it go,
Art Art blew a fart
...and blew the whole damn thing apart.

Zed from Police Academy
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:16:21 PM EDT
Family attends the invite only Christmas sale at Rogers Gardens in Newport Beach. Big crowds of hoyty toyty's. come check out time the lines are very long. A 16yo me let's go with a ripper. People almost puked and left our line. We checked out in record time...

(Never was invited back!)
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:26:52 PM EDT
In a tourist attraction in New Zealand. The attraction led you through a maze of stuff where it dumped you in the gift shop. I'd been drinking Speights beer for about 3 weeks straight with bar food on top. As I exited the tour through the doors I dropped the most noxious cloud of gas I've ever had at the doors and quickly moved behind one of the gift aisles nearly out of sight. The next people through the door were a middle aged couple with the wife leading the way....she looked as if she'd dunked her head in a sewer..her eyes got a little buggy and she exclaimed loudly "OH MY GOD THAT IS DISGUSTING!!!" and then...her husband kind of curled his nose. I couldn't help but laugh out loud a little and they made me. It was awesome.
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:27:25 PM EDT
I work in a steel mill and we have an intercom system that's very loud especially when we're not running well anyway on one of our down days a guy I work with who has a real talent for 30 second farts lets one rip on the intercom system while me and another guy were were standing on the second deck looking to the ground floor at a bunch of Mexicans working on a piece of equipment and when the fart went off half of them stopped and started looking up and around and couldn't figure out where it was coming from while the other half were laughing, this fart had to have been 45 seconds long
Later when I asked him about it he said it would have been longer but he started laughing too hard and couldn't keep the long slow pace, it sounded like a snoring wookie
Link Posted: 4/10/2013 10:35:34 PM EDT
In a grocery store one of my good friends "crop dusted" an old lady so badly once, she smelled the meat she had in her basket and put it back on the shelf.

she looked like she was about to throw up.


Link Posted: 4/11/2013 1:09:13 AM EDT
Three friends and I, including one who we will call "Bob", decided to go up to Greer in eastern AZ where friend "Bob" was celebrating his 21st with family.

It was summer time in Tucson where it was hot as hell, and given that we are all in college and had nothing to do that week we just loaded up the car and got going to Sonoran_TJs cabin in Greer without much thought and we would meet "Bob" there. (Its only a few hours drive)
We were only going to be there a day and a half at most so we didn't bother to buy real food, just fast food, which was a mistake.

In Tucson, there used to be a Mexican restaurant called Big Juans. It is/was really good but you're smart to have a toilet near by when you eat there. Thats where we had lunch the day before, and Taco Bell for dinner. The next day we left for Greer and stopped in Globe for lunch, where we had Taco Bell. Once we got to Greer and met up with "Bob", his dad treated us to some BBQ at a local restaurant which turned out to be the only non-fast food of the entire trip.

It was "Bob's" 21st that night so we got him some drinks and some snack food and set about getting him drunk at the cabin. (Not too hard at 8,500 feet and when he's a light weight).

To this point, I had managed to not yet go to the bathroom except to urinate since before Big Juans 24 hours earlier and did not do so until after returning home to Tucson the next evening.

The next morning we got up and got in the car to go fishing and it hit me. I could feel the mass building and before I got in the car I did what I thought was the courteous thing to do and open the gas valve outside the car before setting off. But I made a crucial error, I got back in too soon.

Everyone in the car was aware I had let the fart go outside and had waited a second to get back in so they decided it was safest to leave the windows closed and leave the gas trapped outside, they were wrong

As the doors closed and Sonoran_TJ put the 4Runner in gear everyone in unison reacted like they just got hit a chemical weapon the Syrian Army would use. I'm pretty sure Toyota never anticipated the doors on that vehicle would ever need to be opened that fast. All 4 of us bolted from the car, and at least 2 of them were gagging like they were going to vomit. I was laughing my ass off
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 8:41:01 AM EDT
Three friends and I, including one who we will call "Bob", decided to go up to Greer in eastern AZ where friend "Bob" was celebrating his 21st with family.

It was summer time in Tucson where it was hot as hell, and given that we are all in college and had nothing to do that week we just loaded up the car and got going to Sonoran_TJs cabin in Greer without much thought and we would meet "Bob" there. (Its only a few hours drive)
We were only going to be there a day and a half at most so we didn't bother to buy real food, just fast food, which was a mistake.

In Tucson, there used to be a Mexican restaurant called Big Juans. It is/was really good but you're smart to have a toilet near by when you eat there. Thats where we had lunch the day before, and Taco Bell for dinner. The next day we left for Greer and stopped in Globe for lunch, where we had Taco Bell. Once we got to Greer and met up with "Bob", his dad treated us to some BBQ at a local restaurant which turned out to be the only non-fast food of the entire trip.

It was "Bob's" 21st that night so we got him some drinks and some snack food and set about getting him drunk at the cabin. (Not too hard at 8,500 feet and when he's a light weight).

To this point, I had managed to not yet go to the bathroom except to urinate since before Big Juans 24 hours earlier and did not do so until after returning home to Tucson the next evening.

The next morning we got up and got in the car to go fishing and it hit me. I could feel the mass building and before I got in the car I did what I thought was the courteous thing to do and open the gas valve outside the car before setting off. But I made a crucial error, I got back in too soon.

Everyone in the car was aware I had let the fart go outside and had waited a second to get back in so they decided it was safest to leave the windows closed and leave the gas trapped outside, they were wrong

As the doors closed and Sonoran_TJ put the 4Runner in gear everyone in unison reacted like they just got hit a chemical weapon the Syrian Army would use. I'm pretty sure Toyota never anticipated the doors on that vehicle would ever need to be opened that fast. All 4 of us bolted from the car, and at least 2 of them were gagging like they were going to vomit. I was laughing my ass off

I always wondered how the 4runner got its name; now I know!  
Link Posted: 4/11/2013 12:36:07 PM EDT
There's some goddamn gold on this page.
Link Posted: 4/13/2013 9:08:40 AM EDT
I spend a lot of time on airplanes. When I feel the gas pressure increasing and I know there is no way to stop the outburst, I preemptively pick a random person to stare at and make a slight frown or disgusted face. That way when the butt trumpet starts playing and people start looking around, I am already staring at the person who will get blamed.

The only risk associated with this tactic is if you make eye contact with your intended patsy right before or during the blast. That tends to creep them out.

Link Posted: 4/17/2013 7:46:53 AM EDT
In mid 90's my dad (who was 70 or so) and I were traveling across Kansas -- we stopped at a rest stop just West of Topeka.  Both of us walked into the mens room and picked a urinal to empty our bladders.  Right next to my dad, was the first toilet stall where we just saw an older gentlemen of 80 enter right after we unzipped.  We heard the gent frantically undo his pants and then immediately start the longest most audacious fart my father and I had ever heard -- it had to extend for at least 20-30 second with occasional octave shifts and flutters but no interruptions or turds hitting the water -- just several cubic feet of semi-pure methane and hydrogen sulfide!!  As my dad and I had already completed our tasks and were just admiring the symphony,  my dad turned to me and said "bet he has been holding that since Denver". Then he added "last year".
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 8:00:32 AM EDT
My father, my brother and myself were on a hunting trip when we were younger.  It was our ritual to go to this specific restaraunt to get buffalo wings the night before the hunt.  Well the three of us were all sharing a small room afterwards and needless to say we were all trying to top each other in the stink department.  What we didnt know is that my little brother was an evil genius.  Dad wears a CPAP mask for sleep apnea which basically forces air down your throat while your sleeping.  My brother wakes me up out of a dead sleep and he is literally on the verge of tears trying not to laugh.  He backed up to dad's CPAP machine and let one rip directly into the air intake vent.  My dad sprung awake and projectile vomited all in one motion and my brother was laughing so hard he pissed his pants.  To this day it has to be the funniest thing I have ever witnessed.  Needless to say,Dad called truce on the fart games from that day forward.
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 8:09:32 AM EDT
I was in 5th grade band class, and we were preparing for a concert that was coming soon. The teacher was going over concert etiquette, proper clothing, no talking, no running, etc. Finally he came to no burping. At that moment, I just couldn't stop it, it was coming. I ripped a chair rattling fart that the whole room heard. The class broke out laughing, and the teacher looked at me and ginned and said: "and no farting!".

On the way out of class, I had people coming up to me and giving me high fives, and someone asked me if I faked it, and I was like "ohh...yeah."
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