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Posted: 11/21/2007 1:47:25 PM EDT
I would like your thoughts on this.

And no, this is not a Ron Paul thread.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:51:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:53:04 PM EDT
Just too many people ( and rightly so ) HATE the hilda-beast.  she is evil.  
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:54:50 PM EDT
because the republicans have done so well at the polls lately?
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:55:46 PM EDT

Just too many people ( and rightly so ) HATE the hilda-beast.  she is evil.

It's more than that.  They not only HATE the hilda-beast but FDT is very likable, especially to Southern Democrats.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:56:47 PM EDT
What makes you think it's gonna be Fred against Hillary?

Unless he's holding something back, Fred's gonna fizzle. He had everyone fired up before he announced, but I haven't seen anything to light a fire about since then.

Don't get me wrong, I kinda like Fred, but in my opinion, he's not out there fighting hard enough and just seems to be a sleeper.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:58:35 PM EDT


Just too many people ( and rightly so ) HATE the hilda-beast.  she is evil.

It's more than that.  They not only HATE the hilda-beast but FDT is very likable, especially to Southern Democrats.


Remember the blog on the Democrat's website about FDT's immigration stance that had to be taken down because too many Democrats were agreeing with him?
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 1:58:52 PM EDT
IF he gets the nomination, he MIGHT beat Hillary.  I think it's 50/50 at best that he would beat Hillary, not because he is not better, but because he is a tired old man who doesn't want to even be in the race.  I think he stands a very low chance of earning the nomination so it is all mute.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:00:54 PM EDT

I would like your thoughts on this.

And no, this is not a Ron Paul thread.

I think he wont even make it. If he does go against her. He will lose.

America is ready for full on socialism. The moonbat third party voters will make sure of it.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:02:43 PM EDT


Just too many people ( and rightly so ) HATE the hilda-beast.  she is evil.  

While a great many people hate Hitlery, you are kidding yourself if you think she is not electable.

She is VERY well liked in the Democratic states with the most electoral votes. She WILL win in NY (which is Rudy's home state and not hers), she will win in liberal California.

She WILL get all of the Wm.J.Clinton lovers to vote for her and there and are tons of them as he is the most loved Demorat in 50 years for whatever reason. They see it as him being back in the White House.

I sure as hell hope she doesn't get in, but I am in no way convinced that it won't happen.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:03:43 PM EDT

What makes you think it's gonna be Fred against Hillary?

Unless he's holding something back, Fred's gonna fizzle. He had everyone fired up before he announced, but I haven't seen anything to light a fire about since then.

Don't get me wrong, I kinda like Fred, but in my opinion, he's not out there fighting hard enough and just seems to be a sleeper.

Unfortunately, my thoughts exactly.  He has no pizzaz and no clue how to run a campaign for president.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:34:13 PM EDT
Fred was my man,

until he started campaigning...

I was hoping he was going to shake things up, get angry, call out the others...

come out swinging!!!

in stead he came out snoring
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:34:14 PM EDT
Fred was my man,

until he started campaigning...

I was hoping he was going to shake things up, get angry, call out the others...

come out swinging!!!

in stead he came out snoring
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:41:56 PM EDT

IF he gets the nomination, he MIGHT beat Hillary.  I think it's 50/50 at best that he would beat Hillary, not because he is not better, but because he is a tired old man who doesn't want to even be in the race.  I think he stands a very low chance of earning the nomination so it is all mute.


It's because of people like you that the South lost the Civil War.  There's no fight in you.  Just don't come crying here when Hillary, Romney or Giuliani sends down Federal troops to take your guns and eat all your pork.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 2:47:34 PM EDT
Well, in my area, most of the Republicans I have come in contact with are Ron Paul supporters. They don't know anything about FDT, some haven't even heard of him.

My brother is a Republican, but wants to vote for John McCain.

My brother's girlfriend is a Hillary supporter. I tried to explain to her about Socialism and all that jazz, but she doesn't care. It like talking to a brick wall. She likes the way Hillary talks and stands up for what she believes in.

NY state is beyond hope.

I support Fred Thompson FTW!!
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:06:16 PM EDT
I support Thompson, but I really don't think he'll be in the race much longer, let alone get the nomination.  And, while some of my core beliefs mirror Paul's, well....he's just a bit loony for me.  I fear we have a hillary vs Rudy election coming up, and hillary will win that one in a landslide.  Even if Thompson or Paul got the nom, it would still be a close race, just because all the dems will vote for thier lessor evil, just like we all did in 2k and 2k4...
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:08:44 PM EDT
He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:09:49 PM EDT
Because not even my admitted socialist neighbors would vote for her.
That is pretty bad.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:13:25 PM EDT

He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.


He is the only GOP that wont split the party.

ETA: but the Republican party leaders are probably to FUCKING STUPID to realize that, and then they will all wonder WTF happened when Rudy looses.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:16:56 PM EDT


He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.


He is the only GOP that wont split the party.

ETA: but the Republican party leaders are probably to FUCKING STUPID to realize that, and then they will all wonder WTF happened when Rudy looses.

That is one part of the GOP, I have not understood. Rudy is not an R. Far from it.

Former card carrying GOP member here.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:17:29 PM EDT
Fred no.

Rudy (yuck) yes.. Ron maybe, Huckabee maybe.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:18:45 PM EDT
I wish that they could force Rudy to run as the democrat that he really is.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:21:46 PM EDT
Repeat after me: Fred Thompson will not be the Republican nominee.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:25:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:25:41 PM EDT
It's way to early to assume that either will be the nominees.

I suspect that Romney has a good chance, as does Obama. Those are my guesses for nominations. That based on Romney not screwing up and Hillery screwing up more.

And I think that people are seriously overestimating the publics distaste for Hilary. As much as conservatives despise her, liberals love her, and Democrats love Bill even more. I've heard several people make comments to the effect of "I don't like Hillary, but it'll get Bill back in the White House and that can't be bad". People tired of Bush see the Clintons as the antithesis of GW, and will vote accordingly.  

Make no mistake- She's very electable and has a lot of talented campaigners working for her (and lot of really bad ones).

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:27:21 PM EDT

This makes me laugh.

"Because he's likeable".

Reminds me of women voting for Bill Clinton because they thought he had nice hair.

This country is doomed.

No, Fred is a true conservative that all American conservatives will want to vote for. Not just that he is likeable. (But he is)
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:28:08 PM EDT


IF he gets the nomination, he MIGHT beat Hillary.  I think it's 50/50 at best that he would beat Hillary, not because he is not better, but because he is a tired old man who doesn't want to even be in the race.  I think he stands a very low chance of earning the nomination so it is all mute.


It's because of people like you that the South lost the Civil War.  There's no fight in you.  Just don't come crying here when Hillary, Romney or Giuliani sends down Federal troops to take your guns and eat all your pork.i76.photobucket.com/albums/j33/C-4C/poke.gif

Uh, wrong...FDT is the one without fight.  Your reasoning fu is weak, and as a resident of NH, I bet your government school taught you the Civil War was fought over slavery.  Rather than insult me because I am not as impressed with FDT as you are, let me know why you support him...maybe I can be persuaded.  I'll tell you that I like Mike Huckabee.  I have met him on two occasions and think he is a man of high integrity with strong leadership qualities.  He is a conservative.  As far as taxes and spending go in relation to Mike Huckabee as governor, have you ever been to Arkansas?  Were you there in the 90's?  That state was in DIRE need of infrastructure improvement like you've probably never seen and the population and tax base simply could not pony up enough $ for those improvements to take place unless taxes were raised.

I will vote for FDT IF he somehow wins the Republican nomination, but until then, I view him as yet another limp dick (part-time) politician.

Oh, and just so you are clear, the South lost the Civil War because of a lack of money and industrial infrastructure, NOT because we lacked fight.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:47:51 PM EDT



IF he gets the nomination, he MIGHT beat Hillary.  I think it's 50/50 at best that he would beat Hillary, not because he is not better, but because he is a tired old man who doesn't want to even be in the race.  I think he stands a very low chance of earning the nomination so it is all mute.


It's because of people like you that the South lost the Civil War.  There's no fight in you.  Just don't come crying here when Hillary, Romney or Giuliani sends down Federal troops to take your guns and eat all your pork.i76.photobucket.com/albums/j33/C-4C/poke.gif

Uh, wrong...FDT is the one without fight.  Your reasoning fu is weak, and as a resident of NH, I bet your government school taught you the Civil War was fought over slavery.  Rather than insult me because I am not as impressed with FDT as you are, let me know why you support him...maybe I can be persuaded.  I'll tell you that I like Mike Huckabee.  I have met him on two occasions and think he is a man of high integrity with strong leadership qualities.  He is a conservative.  As far as taxes and spending go in relation to Mike Huckabee as governor, have you ever been to Arkansas?  Were you there in the 90's?  That state was in DIRE need of infrastructure improvement like you've probably never seen and the population and tax base simply could not pony up enough $ for those improvements to take place unless taxes were raised.

I will vote for FDT IF he somehow wins the Republican nomination, but until then, I view him as yet another limp dick (part-time) politician.

Oh, and just so you are clear, the South lost the Civil War because of a lack of money and industrial infrastructure, NOT because we lacked fight.


 Social conservative, liberal spender = Mike Huckabee  If you think raising taxes is good then you're part of the problem.  Thanks but no thanks.

BTW, I didn't move to NH until I came here to work.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:56:51 PM EDT
If it's Rudy or Hillary, the country gets a liberal socialist either way. Held my nose for 2 terms of Slick Willy and am fully capable of holding it in the future based on the way things are shaking out.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 3:59:02 PM EDT
IMHO, I think Fred has a chance if Hillary is defeated in the primary,and a more liberal candidate (Obama) wins the Democrat nomination. Otherwise,I doubt he can win simply because I doubt the American people are that conservative as a whole.
Our cities are swarming with socialists,many of whom are wealthy,powerful,productive citizens who simply love the idea of income redistribution,socialized medicine,larger government,passivity in foreign relations and various distasteful social causes.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:03:52 PM EDT
Fred is finally a candidate to vote FOR.

I'm tired of voting just to vote against someone.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:08:28 PM EDT

Fred is finally a candidate to vote FOR.

I'm tired of voting just to vote against someone.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:16:25 PM EDT
FDT can beat Hillary......only after he eats the peanuts out of my shit.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:17:57 PM EDT
In the unlikely event he will get the nomination, he still wont. I will vote for him regardless.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:45:23 PM EDT

Uh, wrong...FDT is the one without fight.  Your reasoning fu is weak, and as a resident of NH, I bet your government school taught you the Civil War was fought over slavery.  Rather than insult me because I am not as impressed with FDT as you are, let me know why you support him...maybe I can be persuaded.  I'll tell you that I like Mike Huckabee.  I have met him on two occasions and think he is a man of high integrity with strong leadership qualities.  He is a conservative.  As far as taxes and spending go in relation to Mike Huckabee as governor, have you ever been to Arkansas?  Were you there in the 90's?  That state was in DIRE need of infrastructure improvement like you've probably never seen and the population and tax base simply could not pony up enough $ for those improvements to take place unless taxes were raised.

I will vote for FDT IF he somehow wins the Republican nomination, but until then, I view him as yet another limp dick (part-time) politician.

Oh, and just so you are clear, the South lost the Civil War because of a lack of money and industrial infrastructure, NOT because we lacked fight.


Here's what Dusty_C had to say about your precious Huckabee (Link):

Taxes. Do you like em? He loves em. Raised em a lot.

How bout schools? Do ya like em? He doesn't. He consolodated a lot of the ones in counties he didn't carry. Lotsa teachers outta the job. Teacher to student ratio above those allowed by law in several cases. Did I mentioned those schools went downhill?

Think a restaurant owner should be able to make choices about his place? He doesn't. State wide public building smoking ban. If you own a restaurant you don't have the option to let people smoke in it. No property rights for you!

Think criminals oughta be in jail? He doesn't! There was this upstanding member of society that raped a cousin of Bill Clintons. Ole' Huck thought Wayne Dumond (rapist) got a harsh sentence cause of the victim's relation. So Huck told the parole board to let him go. They'd JUST SAID NO. But Huck came along. They paroled him. Huck then denied ever telling them to set him free. Why did he deny it? Because ole' Wayne went up to Mo and raped and killed a woman shortly after getting set free.

Your re-education is complete. Please report to outprocessing for your sticker.

Here's more from Lockman:

Don't forget about his stance on health. He thinks it is his job to tell people what they should or should not eat. It's his job to make sure everyone gets exercise. It's his job to make sure kids in school can't have candy or sodas. Instead of building another bridge over the river to cut down traffic, he wastes money for a bridge over the river to walk across. It's not downtown somewhere where it will allow people to walk from home to work and actually serve a good purpose. The bridge they built would have been a great place to build a bridge to curb traffic coming from downtown going toward Maumelle, but instead it's a bridge that serves no purpose other than to try to get people to exercise more.

And don't forget about his support for giving scholarships / tuition to illegals.

Huckabee =

Fred Thompson:

1) True fiscal conservative

2)  True social conservative

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:47:06 PM EDT
I really don't believe he can win.

I keep hearing this "Only he can win in the south" mantra, coming from southerners...

If he's the ONLY candidate who can carry the south how in the hell do you expect to win? The south IS the Republican base, we're going to carry the red states no matter who we run, except maybe for Rudy, but anyone but Rudy is going to carry the base.

The question is how do we bring in anybody else? The base is smaller now than it's been in 30 years thanks to W.

Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Nevada...Fred might not carry IDAHO for crying out loud, and he's certainly not going to carry my home state of WA or OR...

The Dems would run a simple campaign against four more years of the Bush doctrine.

Fred talks the talk, at least since he decided to run, but as others have said he doesn't have the drive necessary to win these primaries and I don't believe he'd be the nominee even if he did, because the people who set the conservative media agenda can do the electoral math and they know it's a dead end.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:50:00 PM EDT

He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.

Rasmussen today had Giuliani stomping Hillary by 6 points in Alabama......


Romney was the only R that didn't beat her in the poll.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:51:40 PM EDT

I would like your thoughts on this.

And no, this is not a Ron Paul thread.

I think the 'no way in hell he'll be nominated' issue looms large.  He's not the man many desperately hoped he would be.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:53:31 PM EDT


He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.


He is the only GOP that wont split the party.

ETA: but the Republican party leaders are probably to FUCKING STUPID to realize that, and then they will all wonder WTF happened when Rudy looses.

The leaders of the Republican Party do not choose the candidate.  We do by voting in the primaries.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:53:50 PM EDT
In a pissing contest, Hillary might have a bigger dick, she would have reach on Fred.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:55:04 PM EDT


This makes me laugh.

"Because he's likeable".

Reminds me of women voting for Bill Clinton because they thought he had nice hair.

This country is doomed.

No, Fred is a true conservative that all American conservatives will want to vote for. Not just that he is likeable. (But he is)

You rolled out the big guns for that one!  The only thing that handily refutes his readiness, clarity, ambition, and energy deficiencies is the  magical 'true conservative' moniker.

I'm amazed you refrained from using Ronald Reagans name.  Talk about self restraint!
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 4:56:19 PM EDT


Uh, wrong...FDT is the one without fight.  Your reasoning fu is weak, and as a resident of NH, I bet your government school taught you the Civil War was fought over slavery.  Rather than insult me because I am not as impressed with FDT as you are, let me know why you support him...maybe I can be persuaded.  I'll tell you that I like Mike Huckabee.  I have met him on two occasions and think he is a man of high integrity with strong leadership qualities.  He is a conservative.  As far as taxes and spending go in relation to Mike Huckabee as governor, have you ever been to Arkansas?  Were you there in the 90's?  That state was in DIRE need of infrastructure improvement like you've probably never seen and the population and tax base simply could not pony up enough $ for those improvements to take place unless taxes were raised.

I will vote for FDT IF he somehow wins the Republican nomination, but until then, I view him as yet another limp dick (part-time) politician.

Oh, and just so you are clear, the South lost the Civil War because of a lack of money and industrial infrastructure, NOT because we lacked fight.


I've tried to make these points about Huckabee and Arkansas.

It's a broken state. The tax base is miniscule and as a result the roads suck, the education sucks, etc. The only thing keeping it from last place is Mississippi.

Huck made some hard and unpopular choices, but the people of Arkansas have to decide if they want the lowest taxes in the nation or decent schools.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 5:46:45 PM EDT


He's the only R, that can carry the south and without the south the R's go down.

Rasmussen today had Giuliani stomping Hillary by 6 points in Alabama......


Romney was the only R that didn't beat her in the poll.

Fred is the only one running who can get the base off the couch and vote. The south will not support rudy in the general in the numbers needed to win over hillary.

FDT's only draw back is a strong church background. Romney is not pulling because nobody knows him. Rudy get's name recognition from 9/11 and McCain because he runs everytime and the south supports veterans.

FDT just started running ad's here. Again FDT is the only one who will get the base off the couch in the general election.

Please send $12.95 to the Bama-Shooter Political Beer Fund.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 5:56:03 PM EDT


Fred Thompson:

1) True fiscal conservative

2)  True social conservative

True McCain - Feingold supporter.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 5:56:05 PM EDT
If it comes down to Fred vs the Beast, I'm afraid...very, very afraid...

I don't think he can beat her...

(go ron , go! )
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 6:17:45 PM EDT
Here is why Fred Thompson is the best man to send up against the Hillary machine.

1.  Fred Thompson is more charasmatic and able to communicate a message of bi-partisanship.  Most registered voters this election are listed as independents.  This is going to be a tight race and we need someone who can swing states like Ohio over to our side.

2.  Fred Thompson will be able to firmly secure the South and great sections of the Midwest.  A candidate like Rudy will turn the south into a free-for-all up-for-grabs trophy.

3.  Fred Thompson has a very clear understanding of the limited role of Federal Government under our Constitution.  Our values are those of the American people and Fred understands this despite what the media may say about American values these days.  

4.  Fred Thompson can get more done with a dime than Hillary can with a dollar.  Hillary will out fund raise any Republican probably two to one or better.  We need someone like Fred with the ability to use the internet and his skills as an attorney/actor to overcome our inability to get the big corporate dollars.

I've got a Fred Thompson sign in front of my home. My gf and I both have Fred Thompson t-shirts and bumper stickers. I've donated outside of what I have spent on those items $100.00 so yeah I'm voting for Fred.
Link Posted: 11/21/2007 6:20:32 PM EDT

If it comes down to Fred vs the Beast, I'm afraid...very, very afraid...

I don't think he can beat her...

(go ron , go! )

Face it Ron folks you folks will probably end up just like us going "oh Shit Rudy got the nomination."

The big money is coming from people who don't like to gamble they like sure bets.  They aren't so much supporting a candidate as they are trying to buy influence.  The liberal media has from the start declared this a Rudy v. Hillary match-up and the brain dead folks are buying into this crap.  

We're all pretty much screwed.  

It is going to come down to the choice between a turd sandwich and a douchebag.

Link Posted: 11/21/2007 7:59:52 PM EDT


If it comes down to Fred vs the Beast, I'm afraid...very, very afraid...

I don't think he can beat her...

(go ron , go! )

Face it Ron folks you folks will probably end up just like us going "oh Shit Rudy got the nomination."

The big money is coming from people who don't like to gamble they like sure bets.  They aren't so much supporting a candidate as they are trying to buy influence.  The liberal media has from the start declared this a Rudy v. Hillary match-up and the brain dead folks are buying into this crap.  

We're all pretty much screwed.  

It is going to come down to the choice between a turd sandwich and a douchebag.

I hear ya bro. In my perfect world, RP would be the man. We'll see.
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