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Posted: 3/11/2013 5:00:51 PM EDT
1.  Women dream about sex as often as men do.

Regardless of whether men spend more of their waking hours thinking about sex, a 2007 study found that they are no more likely to dream about sex than women. However, the type of sex dreams that participants had varied by gender. Women are more likely to dream about sex with celebrities, exes, and current partners. Men are more likely to dream about having multiple partners, and 90% of men’s sex dreams involve women initiating sex.

A later study came to a much different conclusion. A dream study in 2009 found that men’s dreams feature more reference to sexual activity and more sexual intercourse, while women’s dreams feature more kissing and sexual fantasies about other dream characters. In addition to having fewer sexually explicit dreams, the women in this study were also stuck with having more nightmares!

2.  When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

In the first 90 minutes of sleep, you go through deepening stages ranging from light sleep to deep sleep.

Then you enter a phase called REM sleep (REM is short for Rapid Eye Movement) During REM sleep, the rest of your body essentially becomes paralyzed. The release of certain neurotransmitters are shut down and your large muscles do not move.

Some people have abnormal REM sleep in which those neurotransmitters do not shut down, and they act out their dreams. Most of the dreams we vividly remember happen during REM, as our brain has higher activity during this phase.

3.  You might soon be able to upload your dreams to YouTube!

Scientists at UC Berkeley have achieved a major milestone in their quest to create a technology that would let us tap into our brain's imaging systems. They used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and computational models and they succeeded in decoding and reconstructing visual experiences of their test subjects.

The tests they ran had people watching a movie trailer. Then, they reconstructed the images using their new technology. While that's as far as they can do right now, it puts them one step closer to being able to tap into your dreams.

The more noble implications for this technology will allow some sort of understanding, and even communication with people who cannot communicate verbally. For example, stroke victims, and people in comas. Check out the source if you wanna learn more about how they achieved this great feat.

4.  Falling backwards in a nightmare can change it to a more pleasant dream.

It sounds like something out of Inception, but it’s true. Falling backwards while in a dream is a popular technique for awakening from an unpleasant dream, or changing the scenery of your unpleasant dream.

There’s a whole guide to doing it correctly. It takes some time to learn to use well, and requires a few things to know beforehand. Falling backwards in a dream can sometimes cause a "false awakening,” where you think you’re awake but still dreaming.

If you’re really committed to making the "falling backwards” technique work, you have to remember to do a reality check after falling backwards. It’s likely you’ll still be asleep, though.

It’s important to make sure you’re thinking of a new "dreamscape” to fall into when you’re falling backwards, or else nothing will happen. Sometimes, a nightmare can be so bad that it wakes you up.

But falling backwards from one nightmare into a better dream can ensure you won’t wake up. Closing your eyes is also recommended when falling backwards in a dream because it can help concentration.

5.  The Strangers in Your Dreams are Actually People That You’ve Seen in Real Life!

The human brain is responsible for many complex creations, but it can’t invent the image of people. So the "strangers” that you meet in your dreams actually have the faces of people who you’ve once seen in your real life but forgotten, like your childhood mailman or that guy bumped into on the side walk that one time.

Chances are that you’ve laid their eyes on more than a few individuals, and so the brain as a huge cast of characters to play with when you drift off to sleep. Except for in the case of extreme psychological disorder, every human being dreams. In fact, in a recent study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each dream but still allowed 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty concentrating, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis in a span of three days.

When they were allowed their REM sleep, their brains compensated for the lost time by increasing the percentage of the sleep spent in the REM stage. Dreams are a window into the subconscious. Even though most of the time, they’re completely random, disorganized, and we forget 90% of them within 10 minutes of waking up; many people have drawn inspiration from their dreams. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was a based on a dream that she had.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 5:04:23 PM EDT
Geez, they could have at least gotten a hot vampire nurse.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 5:43:23 PM EDT
it can’t invent the image of people


I once had a dream like a SF movie. It opened with an elongated lunar module coming toward the camera POV, disolved to inside the cabin, and focused in on a figure in a pressure suit, zooming in on the upper arm.

When I woke up I wanted to know why a stretched LM? Why the space suit was different than anything NASA or the Russians had, or anything in any movie I had ever seen. Why bother to imagine all that stuff instead of just using things I had seen?

Wrong questions, but the point is my mind dreamed up (literally!) nothing that really existed for no good reason.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 5:49:30 PM EDT
Reminds me of my ex-wife

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 5:56:26 PM EDT
The brain can't invent faces?

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:06:18 PM EDT
I know from looking at the clock, that I can start dreaming in 3-4 minutes.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:07:52 PM EDT
So how do they explain the dreams I have that then, months or years later, playout as a deja-vu?

I dreamed of a girl at a graduation, thats how I knew my first child was not a boy as the doctor claimed.  Shes now 17.

Theres a lot of weird and wonderful stuff in the world around us.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:10:39 PM EDT
then what does it mean when i have the reocurring dream where i catch an odd strand of rabies  after being bit by a blonde woman?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:13:08 PM EDT

So long sleep. See you in a few years.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:13:25 PM EDT
I will say lucid dreaming is a thrill. I've only done it a few times.

I have my thoughts on dreams. They follow Jungian theory, really.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:13:35 PM EDT
So how do they explain the dreams I have that then, months or years later, playout as a deja-vu?

I dreamed of a girl at a graduation, thats how I knew my first child was not a boy as the doctor claimed.  Shes now 17.

Theres a lot of weird and wonderful stuff in the world around us.


I have deja vu dreams from time to time.  I will be doing something, or a certain scenario will play out in my life and i remember it in explicit detail from a past dream.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:15:44 PM EDT
So how do they explain the dreams I have that then, months or years later, playout as a deja-vu?

I dreamed of a girl at a graduation, thats how I knew my first child was not a boy as the doctor claimed.  Shes now 17.

Theres a lot of weird and wonderful stuff in the world around us.

Shit you not, the night my wifes grandfather died I dreamed we were at our weekly family dinner like always, all of a sudden her grandpa got up and put on a hat and said goodbye to everyone and walked out of the house.

Woke up in the morning and we got a phone call shortly after, grandpa was dead.

Explain that one.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:19:08 PM EDT
I had a dream I was in a meeting with Cuomo and we were arguing about the SafeAct then <CoC violation>. What does that mean?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:19:10 PM EDT
#2 is bullshit(or maybe I'm one of the few odd ones) cause last night I had been asleep for 4 hours and not woke up, had a dream about smacking a basketball and woke up to my wife in pain cause i punched her in the tit.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:24:42 PM EDT
#2 is bullshit(or maybe I'm one of the few odd ones) cause last night I had been asleep for 4 hours and not woke up, had a dream about smacking a basketball and woke up to my wife in pain cause i punched her in the tit.

Sometimes things like that sneak through.

When I was playing soccer in college I used to dream about playing and would often kick the wall next to my bed, hurt like a bastard.

Girls love it too when they get to wake up to you taking a swing at them like you just sent in a perfect corner kick.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:25:57 PM EDT
I would love to be able to control my dreams
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:29:15 PM EDT
2. When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

Not true for me. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

I fight alot in my dreams and move almost all night. It sux.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:29:40 PM EDT
I would love to be able to control my dreams

I'm glad that I can't

I would be a god, a vengeful one, and there would be hookers and blackjack......

Then I would wake up and I would be plain old me.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:32:01 PM EDT
I rarely dream about sex. Almost never. Most of my dreams are about fighting or being chased and trying to escape.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:32:17 PM EDT
I had a dream I was in a meeting with Cuomo and we were arguing about the SafeAct then <CoC violation>. What does that mean?

Your anus is in danger.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:40:15 PM EDT
I can't even remember one dream I've had in my whole life. Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty, it's just not something that would benefit me in any way remembering other than to bring up in casual conversation. I don't want to be that guy.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:41:54 PM EDT
2. When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

Not true for me. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

I fight alot in my dreams and move almost all night. It sux.

Like it said, some people don't. But for the most part during REM is when the body repairs itself, that's why in some dreams you feel like you can't move. Then you have active sleep wear your brain decreases activity for its rests. We have adrenaline/epinephrine for during caveman times, you have no muscle tone during REM, then a sabertooth comes along, your body releases Adrenaline and your immediately awake ready to fight. You know those dreams were you are startled and you can't go back to sleep.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:45:54 PM EDT
I dont believe that a person cant invent a new face in a dream.

It might be similar to someone you saw, but it's still different.

I dream of variants of places I've been to, or places I've lived.  Those places don't exist in real life.  Not exactly in the way I dream them anyhow.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:49:28 PM EDT
Interesting stuff, but I never have dreams when I sleep.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:59:06 PM EDT
Neat info about teaching yourself to fall backward.  I bet it works.

I read up on lucid dreaming while in college, and a good way to trigger a lucid dream is to have a regular way to determine that you are dreaming while it is happening.  I recall reading that if you see something with words, you should try to look at it again.  It will almost always either be different when you look back, or you will realize that the words were not what you thought.  Often times for me, the letters change as I'm attempting to read them..  This realization allows you to confirm that you are dreaming.  At this point, you are aware hat your mind is creating your surroundings- try something.  Sometimes I've been able to literally do whatever I could think of.  Other times, not so much.   At any rate,  try to remember the reading trick, as you can't manipulate the dream until you are aware that you are dreaming.   I suddenly feel like listening to Queensryche...
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:59:27 PM EDT
Interesting stuff, but I never have dreams when I sleep.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:06:15 PM EDT
Interesting stuff, but I never have dreams when I sleep.

You do have dreams, you just don't remember them.  Some people have incredible dream recall, some have none.
I read some time ago that most people have about 5 dreams a night.  

That was a neat thread.  I don't agree with some of the concepts (the paralysis one namely or the imaging of dreams) but
that was a very interesting read.  With some very scary photos too, I might add.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:08:18 PM EDT
I didn't know we couldn't make up faces, insane if its true we only recall faces we've seen
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:11:51 PM EDT

They contradicted themselves in almost every example given.

They have no clue, but they spout off some impressive bullshit.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:16:02 PM EDT
Interesting stuff, but I never have dreams when I sleep.

You do have dreams, you just don't remember them.  Some people have incredible dream recall, some have none.
I read some time ago that most people have about 5 dreams a night.

I never have dreams when I sleep, Mr. Dream Police.  Thanks for telling me "everyone does" when I do NOT.

I do have daydreams about successfully embedding a Youtube video on AR1FCOM, though.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:18:07 PM EDT
The picture of the nurse is about the creepiest thing I have seen in a long time. And falling backwards can change your dreamscape but you have to think of a new one when you fall? And you have to remember to do a reality check? Uhh, Im not sure about other people but I am largely out of any sort of control when I dream. Im in the backseat. Can some people make decisions while dreaming?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:20:39 PM EDT
I thought they were all signs of a repressed homosexual.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:23:28 PM EDT
Strange coincidence. I waded through 24 pages of the truck photo thread in the car and bike forum last night. I dreamt that I had a new f-350, and woke up dissapointed
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:25:57 PM EDT
The picture of the nurse is about the creepiest thing I have seen in a long time. And falling backwards can change your dreamscape but you have to think of a new one when you fall? And you have to remember to do a reality check? Uhh, Im not sure about other people but I am largely out of any sort of control when I dream. Im in the backseat. Can some people make decisions while dreaming?

That is the whole concept behind lucid dreaming. It is a learned phoenomenon, usually achieved by learning how to realize that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Easier said than done, however.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:26:43 PM EDT
And they know all of this how exactly?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:29:31 PM EDT
If they start uploading my dreams to YouTube, I'm sure my account will be permanently banned.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:30:43 PM EDT
I know from looking at the clock, that I can start dreaming in 3-4 minutes.

"Sleep onset REM"

The two most restful/rejuvenating stages of sleep are REM (dream) and stages 3 and 4.  If you've been sleep deprived, rather than taking 90+ minutes to get to REM sleep you can do so in a few minutes.  This is referred to 'sleep onset REM', REM being 'rapid eye movement' or dreaming.  I'm sure everyone here has experienced it and it is completely normal.  I spent a few months in a sleep lab and it was very educational.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:31:44 PM EDT
If they start uploading my dreams to YouTube, I'm sure my account will be permanently banned.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:33:18 PM EDT

Shit you not, the night my wifes grandfather died I dreamed we were at our weekly family dinner like always, all of a sudden her grandpa got up and put on a hat and said goodbye to everyone and walked out of the house.

Woke up in the morning and we got a phone call shortly after, grandpa was dead.

Explain that one.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:33:32 PM EDT
2. When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

Not true for me. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

I fight alot in my dreams and move almost all night. It sux.

That's why they call it a 'disorder'.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:36:06 PM EDT
2. When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

Not true for me. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

I fight alot in my dreams and move almost all night. It sux.

That's why they call it a 'disorder'.

No guns 4 u.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:36:48 PM EDT
Interesting stuff, but I never have dreams when I sleep.

You do have dreams, you just don't remember them.  Some people have incredible dream recall, some have none.
I read some time ago that most people have about 5 dreams a night.  

That was a neat thread.  I don't agree with some of the concepts (the paralysis one namely or the imaging of dreams) but
that was a very interesting read.  With some very scary photos too, I might add.

That's a fact.  When you do sleep studies, they attach electrodes to the legs to measure any leg movements.  During REM, people stop moving their legs.  In fact, the only normal movement of the body is the eyes which is why they call it "Rapid Eye Movement" (they're not actually 'rapid' but slow roving side to side movements).
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:37:59 PM EDT
2. When you dream, your body is paralyzed.

Not true for me. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

I fight alot in my dreams and move almost all night. It sux.

That's why they call it a 'disorder'.

No guns 4 u.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:41:13 PM EDT
The more tired i get, meaning severe jet lag or overtime causing 18 hour workday, the more likely i am to talk in my sleep or sleep walk.

So paralysis goes right out the window.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:45:29 PM EDT
IF you become aware you are dreaming, your sub Conscious may change the dream drastically to fool you into forgetting its a dream.

To take control of dreams, verbal commands are best once dreaming, SAY in your dream what you want to happen. But the best way to take control is to prep prior to sleeping by thinking about what you want to happen, set the stage so to speak.

This works for me, as a child I had some terrible dream patterns and my parents found a book about dreams and coached me.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:47:11 PM EDT
My mother in law died 4 days after we got married. My wife had a dream a few months later where her mom came and talked to her. It was apparently pretty realistic. During the dream her mom said that we would have a hard time having kids but we would eventually have a little girl.

7 years and at least 3 miscarriages later, our daughter was born.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:52:15 PM EDT
I wish Number 2 was true for me.  My dream/sleep cycle is completely screwed up.  It got that way due to sleep apnea.  I was so sleep that I could go into a REM state just by closing my eyes for a second.  I had many instances in bed where I got up and acted out the dreams because my body was not paralyzed, just like the article mentioned.  
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 7:56:39 PM EDT
I have had one reoccurring dream since I was younger. I'm on a large island and I'm running from something, that's it...

I hate it when you're dreaming and you're running from something, but you can't run fast enough. Or some sort of monster/beast is about to attack you and you have a gun, but the trigger is just too heavy to pull.

Interesting video:
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 8:02:54 PM EDT

90s alternative rock all up in this thread now.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 8:07:01 PM EDT
You know those dreams where you need to fight but you can't move your arms?  I had one of those once but my arms worked!  And they worked very well.  I was kicking this dude's ass.  It felt so good.  So satisfying.  Turns out that bad dude was really my wife's hip.  Her crying woke me up.  
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 8:08:31 PM EDT
My wife has sexual dreams.

From time to time she tells me that she has dreams about me with other women. I think it's about her insecurity more than anything; I'm not a cheater in thought or action, but she throws completely on me as if it's truly a glimpse of the future or something.

I guess that's her nightmare.
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